Swain, who walked out of the kitchen and came to the dining table, finished the pie in his hand in just a few bites. After licking his fingers for a while, the kitchen curtain was lifted.

"elder brother! How many times have I said it! Don't lick your fingers after eating!"

"Well....."Sven immediately put his hand down. boom!

Seluka placed the small wooden basket filled with honey pies in the middle of the dining table with a bang, looked at Sven sharply and said,"Don't let me see it next time, do you understand?"

".....yes."Sven returned very honestly.

Seeing Seluka's figure disappear again, Sven let out a sigh of relief.

"Yue, are you bad at dealing with Seluka? asked Wuming, who had just sat back next to Swain.

"Um...."Swain clasped his hands and raised his head slightly to think,"I can't say that, I just feel that she...A little bit...."

"...Taking it too seriously."Alice carried two plates and walked between Swin and Wuming and said the second half of the sentence.

After placing the plates in front of the two of them, she said:"After all, the gameNo matter what Ka does, he gives people a very serious feeling"

"Yes, everything is like this, and I don’t know why Seluka always gives people a very harsh feeling and is not easy to resist when he is serious."

"That's right, eh....Seluka was not like this when he was a child......"Alice looked slightly nostalgic

"Well, it was scary at that time. Even if you were facing me, it took a long time before you dared to get close to me, and if anything happened, you would shrink behind you in surprise. How cute you felt at that time~" Si Wen Xi said with a smile

"Eh....But it feels so harsh now. Although it’s cute now, it just feels like....."Alice also said sadly

"....I'm really sorry that I'm not as cute as before!"


Alice was suddenly startled by the voice behind her. She ducked to one side, and then she saw Seluka standing behind the nameless chair, also holding two dinner plates.

"Ah ha ha...."After saying bad things about her sister, Alice was caught by the person involved. Now she could only smile awkwardly, and moved towards Swain on one side, hiding to Swain's right side, pushing Swain in front.

"Huh huh~" Seluka pouted and looked at her sister who had just harshly commented on her and her brother who was sitting in front of her with an unkind expression. At this time, both of them showed a look of apology.

"Didn’t you just say you were happy? Why don't you continue? Seluka said coldly

"Forehead....us...."Alice, who spoke the most, looked at her sister in front of her who was obviously in a state of anger. She hesitated for a long time and couldn't say anything. Then she lowered her head slightly and pulled Sven's hand where no one could see it. Clothes on shoulders.

Sven felt his clothes being pulled. He raised his head slightly and saw Alice's eyes pleading for help. He immediately smiled bitterly and understood, then turned to Seluka and said:"We....Just now...I'm talking about you...Um..."

"But what we are saying is not that you are unlovable now....."Swain's mind was racing.

Think of it quickly! How do you usually resolve it when you make them angry?

Is there any past experience that can resolve this crisis?!

Swain used his experience of constantly irritating the two sisters for many years but finally resolved them, and began to look for a solution to the current situation!

"Forehead...I just think that now that you have grown up, you are not only cute, but you have also become a lot more beautiful, so I feel that using cute to describe you is no longer enough! That's why we say that...."Swain thinks it’s better to praise the other side’s beauty here.....After all, this trick has the highest success rate in the past few years.....

"Yep!"Alice on the side kept smiling and nodded in agreement.

"Huh huh~" Seluka half-closed his eyes, looked at the brothers and sisters in front of him slightly indifferently, and raised his eyebrows.

"Giggling~" At this time, Wuming who was sitting aside looked at the interaction between the three people in front of him and finally couldn't help laughing, and immediately attracted the attention of the three people.

"ah...Sorry, I'm not laughing at you....only....Giggle~" Wuming covered his stomach with one hand and stretched out his other hand to explain something, but he still couldn't help laughing.

Seluka looked at Wuming like this and turned to look at the two people opposite him, and said:"...Today, for Sister Wuming’s sake, I’ll let you go....."Although the expression looks very angry, everyone knows that it is just pretending.

"Thank you so much!"Sven clasped his hands and lowered his head and said to Seluka and Wuming.

Alice on the other side had already run back to her seat, holding the tongs to put the best-quality pie baked in the small wooden basket into Wuming. on the plate....I didn’t see that Alice, you are an activist!

Swain looked at Seluka, who had also returned to his seat, and turned to face the dining table with a smile. Only then did he realize that there were two or three honey pies on the plates of the four people on the table, but there was a wooden basket in the middle of the table. The honey pie inside has disappeared.

"Hey hey, why are there so many today?"Sven picked up one of his plates and ate it directly. The knife and fork placed beside the plate didn't matter to him.....

However, Alice and Seluka politely cut it with a knife and then ate it piece by piece with a fork. Even Wuming changed his previous habit and learned from the two sisters how to use a knife and fork.

"Did you use all the materials I brought back to make this?"Sven just said casually, after all, they were two big jars of honey.

But both Wuming and Seluka present set their eyes on Alice, and both of them had the kind of expressions that give you a look and you will understand.

"Hehe~ You tried a little too hard~" Alice stuck out a small piece of her tongue and said slightly playfully

"....All, that is to say....."Swain noticed that Alice didn't seem to contradict him just now.

"That's right. Seluka on one side covered his forehead and said,"There is also a wooden basket in the kitchen."....."

After hearing what her sister said, Alice looked even more embarrassed.

"You....What should I do if I do so much?...."Siwen looked at his sister who occasionally went offline, feeling a little speechless.

"How long can destiny last?"

"Ha ha.....If it's hung in a well, it should last until tomorrow afternoon......"Alice twisted a strand of golden hair around with her index finger and played with it back and forth, her wandering eyes showing her inner unrest.

"...In other words, no matter what, this half must be solved today, right?..."Sven looked at the hill in front of him, not expecting how much the two people opposite him could eat. The only thing he could expect was Wuming.....

"Let’s save the father’s share first."Sven felt that if he kept more of the adults' share, no matter how hard he worked, it wouldn't be wasted.

"elder brother. Seluka on the side called Sven in a complicated tone.

But Sven, who had lived with the two of them for many years, immediately realized what Seluka meant.


"Yeah, that’s a lot of weight too. Seluka said after calmly taking a bite of the honey pie.

Sven half-closed his eyes and looked at Alice expressionlessly, but Alice just lowered her head and ate silently.

"....Eh."Sven could only sigh softly and continue to help his sister handle this 'slightly' over-motivated cooking feast.....


Second floor, Swain's room


Xiaobai, who had had enough rest, woke up from the bed where four of Swain's legs were broken. He opened his mouth, shook his head back and forth, and flapped his wings twice. After waking up a little, he looked at the room that had returned to normal, and all the gems. All have disappeared.

Xiaobai felt it and found that he was already hungry, so he spread his wings and flew outside through the open window on one side. He circled twice in the sky above Ziberuku's house and then landed, entering the first floor through the window.

Then I saw four empty plates on the dining table, as well as a wooden basket with a lot of honey pies left. On the other side, Wuming and Seluka were sitting on two chairs, both looking like they were slumped, leaning back. He tilted his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

Opposite them were Sven, who was sitting on a leather bench with his back facing it, and Alice, who was lying on Sven's lap with a bitter look on her face......

Xiaobai tilted his head as he watched this scene. Even his spiritual eagle eyes couldn't understand what the operation of this group of people was.

"....I told you not to force yourself...."Swain touched Alice's cheek with one hand and rubbed her overstuffed belly with the other while saying helplessly.


"Forget it if you can't finish it. Even if it's wasted, it's better than the pain you are in now."Sven touched Alice's forehead and said distressedly.

"because....."Alice wanted to explain something else, but after thinking about it she closed her mouth.

How can you say such a thing out loud!

As an older sister, she was surpassed by her younger sister....

Of course you are anxious!

Eh...It’s really nice for boys not to have those worries....

Alice opened her eyes and looked at Sven who was close at hand. Although she felt uncomfortable due to eating too much, she smiled unconsciously.

Swain looked puzzled at Alice, who had a bitter look on her face just now but was now smiling, so he stretched out his two hands to tug her delicate cheeks and said,"You're still smiling after this!"

"After eating so much, I wonder if you can still smile when you weigh yourself tomorrow?"Sven said angrily.



They seem to have forgotten that the desserts they just ate were all sweets mixed with a lot of sugar!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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