
Rather than having too much fun while having dinner, it’s more like having dinner while having fun.

Swain opened the door, with a white towel on his head. Occasionally, a few drops of water dripped from his dark hair. He sat cross-legged on the bed, wiped away the water stains, and put the towel aside. Sven was lying on the bed with the lights off on the shelf and looked at the twin moons outside the window. At this time, both the bright moon and the blood moon were in the shape of a half-circle. Although I don’t know why there are only two moons here, fortunately the Milky Way is still the same. Pretty.

Thinking about what I was doing in the afternoon....Dream?

Originally, Swain thought he would have another chance, but in the end, he just traveled one night, suffered another night of cold weather, and then came back.....

"What are you doing?....."Sven lost interest and closed his eyes to rest.....





Swain felt that he hadn't rested long before he felt like something was rubbing his face with wet sandpaper.


Sven opened his eyes drowsily, and then he saw a bloody mouth with four sharp fangs reflected in his eyes. From Sven's angle, he could see the deep throat, and even more The scary thing was that it was panting and leaning towards his face with its tongue hanging out, and Sven felt as if he had experienced a similar scene somewhere. There were traces of phantom pain everywhere in his body, but he just couldn't remember the details. go through....

But now is obviously not the time to consider this!!

"What the hell! ?"Sven immediately woke up and yelled, then immediately stood up and rolled to one side, pulling out at the same time....The knife is gone too! ?

Swain looked at himself and saw that his windbreaker and outer cotton jacket had been taken off and were being placed by the wall of the cave along with his weapons.

Only then did Swain realize that the place he was now in was a cave with ice walls. The ground was covered with thick hay, and there were many gems emitting fluorescent blue light on the surrounding walls. They seemed to be randomly embedded on the surrounding ice walls. At the same time, relying on their light, Sven could clearly see the surrounding environment and the magical beasts on the opposite side.

It was a huge white bear with black pupils and a black nose. There were wonderful patterns between the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes and on the back. There were a string of red and indigo beads on the neck, and the outside of the four thick legs. Each has three strands of curly hair forming the shape of a whirlwind.

But no matter what the other side looks like now, the current situation is that Sven is facing an unimaginable and strong white bear unarmed, and now he has his back against the dead end behind him, and the only way out is blocked by the white bear in front of him. It's so tight that if you want to break through, you can only jump out from the gap above the white bear.

Swain wanted to take out the weapon from the wrench to fight, but it still didn't work!! Drop the chain at the critical moment!

Sven had no choice but to clasp his hands with his palms facing down, and purple lightning began to shine on them.

At this time, the white bear was no longer lying on all fours as he had just seen, but stood up. This time, there was really no path left for Sven.

"This is terrible....I can't beat this big guy....."Swain looked at the figure opposite him. He had a strong physique and thick fur. According to his judgment, this guy's defense must be quite high.....

Swain was there analyzing how to get out of this predicament. After all, the current situation was that the assassin couldn't be beaten and the tank that seemed to have super high attack power was blocked in a small alley......

The white bear on the opposite side was looking at Sven in front of him with half-squinted black eyes like obsidian. It seemed that he had thought of something, so he stood up and blocked Sven's eyes. Way to go.

When Swain saw that the big white bear opposite him just stood up and didn't do anything, so while alerting it, Swain also looked around to see if he could find another way out, but after looking outside The inner layer of ice is blue and the inner layer is dark blue. You can tell that the thickness of this ice wall is also amazing.

"well....What happened? I was brought here, disarmed, and almost eaten without even noticing! ?"Sven felt a little regretful.

"but....Is this a continuation of the dream in the afternoon?"

"It's not over yet! ?"

"No, let’s find a way to break through first. This body type shouldn’t have high sensitivity......good."

After making the decision, Sven lowered his body and sprinted towards the big white bear on the opposite side along his right side. The big white bear on the opposite side saw Sven rushing towards him, with a humanized look of trouble on its huge bear face. expression, and then took a gentle breath.

Sven thought it was its breath attack, so he was always on guard, but then he saw the white mist slowly pouring out of its mouth, which was not as violent as he imagined. impact, but the opposite is the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature

"whispering sound!"This venue is not friendly to Sven at all now. His favorite speed has been blocked, and without his weapon, he can't use any sword skills at the moment......

"Did you reduce the opponent's speed to make up for your own shortcomings?...."

Swain stopped, and the cold environment around him made him exhale a white breath.

"Hey ah! Sven shouted softly, threw out a thunder snake from his right hand and rushed towards the big white bear on the opposite side.

However, what surprised him again was that the lightning in his body started to become a little uncontrollable before it could reach the opposite side. And it became very chaotic.

The big white bear always looked uninterested and seemed to yawn. Then it waved its huge claws and easily hit Sven's Razer. It was gone, and the paralysis effect attached to it had no effect at all.

Swain was a little shocked that his ability had been reduced, but at the same time he was ready for the next attack, because he had already prepared to attack the first one. After landing, he rushed towards the place that was vacant due to the waving of his claws. Even in the current situation of unknown ability status, he still did not stop, because there might not be a second chance to attack.

Seeing the other party Its claws returned, and just when Sven was about to attack again, the other side launched the attack first. It opened its mouth slightly, but this time it took a deep breath contrary to the last time.

"Roar oh oh!!"

Then a strong wind carrying broken snow spurted out from its huge mouth, and the area covered was about the same as this cave. Sven, who had nowhere to hide, had to raise his hands and bend down to resist.

But this strong wind was stronger than he thought. It was so violent that Sven's whole body was blown away.

"Cough!"He flew back for a short distance and then stopped breathing. Sven fell back onto the haystack behind him. His back was not hurt because it hit the hay on the ground.

Sven just put down his hands. When he wanted to get up, he found that the white bear had already arrived in front of him, so he immediately reflexively wanted to fly out a jumping arc again. Only then did he realize that whenever he wanted to use his ability, the surrounding walls were filled with lightning. The inlaid ice blue crystals will begin to emit a faint light, and then his abilities will begin to show signs of losing control.

"Hey, a trap?"

Sven gritted his teeth and stopped waving his hands to release the idea of ​​​​thunder arc. Instead, he rolled sideways twice on the haystack, used the force to get up and jumped towards the wall on one side, kicking his feet hard on the wall. Then he turned around and accelerated his whip leg to kick the big white bear in the back of the head.



Sven successfully hit the target. Because it was a vital point, his body swayed from side to side. The big white bear turned to look at Sven and stretched out his right paw towards him. The bear's paw It rushed towards Sven at a speed completely inconsistent with its size.

Sven dodged with a step, and turned around and wrapped himself around its arm. Upon seeing this, the big white bear immediately began to wave his arms randomly, and Sven looked at Relying on the inertia of his swing at the right time, he successfully passed over the big white bear and landed behind it.

After landing, Swain did not look back but ran directly towards the entrance of the cave. He didn't know how long this passage was, but the most important thing now was What he wanted to do was get the weapon back and leave here.

But just when Swain was about to get close to the weapon.


He seemed to have hit something.

"It hurts!"Sven immediately sat on the ground due to the force of the recoil, and covered his red forehead. Fortunately, this place is not very wide, and the speed has not been increased yet, otherwise it would not just be as simple as a red forehead.

Swain He immediately stood up and touched the open space in front of him where he couldn't see anything, but there was indeed something there.


Sven turned around and looked at the big white bear, and his hands began to wrap around the lightning arc. If it can't be separated from the body, then inject it into the fist, and then punch it in when it comes into contact with the opponent!

While Sven was on guard, he began to observe whether there was anything around him. There were mechanisms or formation eyes that could lift the restriction, but unfortunately nothing special was discovered.

At this time, the big white bear opposite looked at Sven standing there and seemed to stop moving around, so he just sat down. On the ground, he stretched out his paws to touch the back of his head, and shook his head at the same time. It was obvious that he was still a little unconscious after the beating just now.

After shaking his head a little, the big white bear went to the haystack. I lay down and then yawned....

Even though the lightning on Sven's body has not stopped, there is still no big reaction on the face of the big white bear so close to him, and there is no preparation for attack or defense. This is the first time Sven is looking directly at such a close distance. it.

The big white bear on the opposite side didn't seem to be as violent as expected, and it didn't seem to do anything to harm him except to restrict Sven's movements and keep him here.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!...."The big white bear yawned loudly and chirped twice. He looked like he was getting ready to catch up on his sleep deprivation.

"this.....What is this?"Sven looked at the big white bear with doubts on his face.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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