The result of a busy afternoon was that today was another day of doing nothing. After listening to Swain's consolation, Wuming said that he would work hard and immediately went to study with the two of them.

Sven clearly didn't mean to let her study immediately, but looking at Wuming who was in high spirits, he simply let her go. Alice, on the other hand, was happy to obey the request of her newly joined sister and follow Seluka. Teaching the unknown.

The three of them drove Sven to a single seat on one side, and then the three of them sat in a row, with Wuming in the middle. First, the two of them explained to Wuming how to squeeze their shoulders, and then the three of them started to squeeze each other's shoulders. , it will change direction after a while, and finally the two of them will pinch Wuming in the middle.

Swain looked at the three overly cute people in front of him with a smile on his face.

In the evening, everyone finally had a normal meal, and Alice was very rare and did not restrict Cusfert's drinking and also made a small dish to go with the wine.

Xiaobai also came back not long after the meal started. Although Alice also prepared its share, Sven looked at its round belly and knew that it must not be hungry now......

Because he ate too much at noon, Sven, who only ate a little food and drank some soup, had finished dinner. It was rare that he went to wash up before Cusfert. When he came back again, the others happened to be there. After finishing eating,

Siwen entered the kitchen and came out quickly. He picked up Xiaobai and said,"I'm going to rest today." After saying good night to everyone, he went upstairs.

Although usually everyone, except Cusfert, would sit in the living room or someone's bedroom and chat after washing up, but occasionally, no one else would have any objections.

After returning to the room, Swain directly hugged Xiaobai and sat on the bed. He was at the head of the bed and Xiaobai was on the bed. He planned to ask whether the ice blue crystal stone obtained from Xiaobai was a magic crystal. Whose is that?

Swain first took out the pink-purple crystal he obtained from Shidunei, held it up in front of Xiaobai, and said,"Okay, let's talk about it. Is the stone you gave me a magic crystal?"

Swain said bluntly. He stared at Xiaobai, but Xiaobai, who had already eaten and drank enough, looked a little drowsy and did not answer the nature of Swain's question. It would be better to say that he might not have even listened.....

".....Hello!!"Sven looked at Xiaobai who kept nodding with his eyes narrowed, as if he was dozing off, and yelled,"It's a very important thing! Give me some reaction!"

"....."At this time, Xiaobai closed his eyes directly and shrank his neck towards the feathers on his body, obviously ready to sleep.

"Hello!! Stop pretending! I know you can understand!"

Are you kidding? This guy is so clever. Sven has been fooled by him several times.

No one will believe you if you say he doesn't understand.....

Seeing that Xiaobai was really about to fall asleep, Swain stretched out his finger and poked its little head............

"It seems that it is not going to say anything anymore."Swen straightened his hair and took off the feathers one by one that were still stuck to the wet hair.

He turned to look at Xiaobai who had fallen asleep peacefully, and sighed helplessly.

He tidied up the messy room a little. , Swain took out the dinner plate from the kitchen, and then took out the honey pie secretly hidden during lunch and the jerky stored before from the ring. After all, the ring was not easy to use there.

Swain looked at it Taking a look at Xiaobai who was already sleeping soundly beside his bed, he packed up his equipment and turned over to lie down on the bed. He was touching the dinner plate with one hand and gently touching Xiaobai with the other hand. The pink-purple crystal given by Shidunai was was placed on Sven's chest

"I don’t know if I can take it with me......"Sven murmured something, and then fell into a deep sleep.


"....Well..."Sven slowly opened his eyes, and then saw a wall studded with gems emitting fluorescent blue light.

Swain sat up and looked around. It was a familiar ice cave, and the haystacks under him looked the same. Besides, there was a dinner plate with honey pie next to him, but Swain looked back and forth but found nothing. Saw traces of Xiaobai

".....Can't you bring anything alive?"

Sven stood up, put the dinner plate on a small table made of ice blocks, and then walked towards the exit of the cave.

Standing in front of the transparent wall that once blocked him, this time Swain stretched out his hand first , but his hands went directly through it and disappeared.

"Hey~" Swain raised the corner of his mouth and withdrew his hand with great interest, then looked at the ripples on the wall where the hand disappeared, and then groped forward. After a burst of brilliance, Swain discovered He came to an ordinary ice cave. The surrounding walls were not full of magic crystals as before. When Swain turned around, he found that the wall behind him had turned into a wall.

He chuckled and looked towards the bright Walking towards the entrance of the cave.

After a burst of dazzling light, Sven walked out of the cave. The sun was shining brightly outside now, just like when Sven came here for the first time, he saw the snowstorm that covered the sky and formed a strong Contrast.

A gust of wind blew by, blowing some of the new snow on the mountain behind Sven into the air. Under the sunlight, it slowly fell from the sky again, sparkling like a rain of diamonds from the sky, like a dream.

"it's beautiful!"



""Hey, Shidune, good morning~" Swain waved to Shidune and said hello.

"Well, good morning."Shidunai came to Sven's side with a sweet smile, and then rolled off the little white bear's back.

"It seems that I came back very smoothly."She looked at Swain up and down and said

"Well, but sorry."Sven smiled at first, but then there was a hint of apology on his face,"I originally wanted to bring my little guy over here, but it seems that I am the only one who can come over......"

"ah!"Shidunai was slightly startled when she heard what Swain said. In fact, she was not very sure whether Swain could come back again, but now that she saw Swain coming to her again, she was very happy in her heart, so even if she only She was already satisfied that Sven could come alone.

"I didn’t expect you to actually want to bring someone else here."Shidunai opened his mouth and was a little surprised, but soon a quiet smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, commitment is very important, besides...."As he spoke, Swain stretched out his right fist and showed his little finger, and said with a smile:"We have pulled the hook."....I vaguely remember that the person who pulled the hook seemed to have to swallow a thousand needles if he could not fulfill the oath."

"Giggle~" Shidunai covered his mouth and smiled sweetly, and said:"That's true.~"

"Ah, but although I couldn't bring Xiaobai here, I brought other things."Sven said with a smile on his lips.

"Um?"Shidunai tilted his little head and looked at the little white bear who looked like he was sleepy on one side, but they all looked puzzled.

Swain did not explain but took them back to the cave. As soon as they passed through the restriction Entering the ice cave, the little white bear twitched its nose twice, opened its half-closed eyes again, and raised its head. Shidunai on the other side also saw the dinner plate placed on the ice table, and then walked away in small steps He ran over.

Swain followed in small steps. When he got closer, he turned his eyes away and said,"I brought some food from home."....Well, I don’t know if the goddess needs to eat, uh, I brought it here anyway....."

In fact, he only thought of this after he brought her here. After all, who knows whether the goddess eats or not?

He casually looked in the direction of Shidunai, and saw Shidunai, the goddess who claimed to have three goddesses in her body, and the little white bear on the side, all staring at the food on the table, with sparkling lights in their eyes.

You can tell without asking that they are very interested in each other.

"I also heated it up a little before coming here, so let’s eat it while it’s still cool."

"Eh! ?"Shidunai and Little White Bear turned to look at Sven at the same time.

"Is this for me?"

"hehe."Sven chuckled lightly and said,"Of course, and it's also because of your little white guy."

"Thanks!"After thanking him with a smile, Shidunai took out a piece of dried meat, first handed it to the little white bear, and then he also took a honey pie.

"hot! hot!.....Phew~" As soon as Shidunai took it in his hand, he almost threw it out because of the heat of the food in his hand. Then he suddenly remembered that he was like a goddess, and such a small matter as heat was solved without any problem.

Si. Wen looked at Shidunai who was so cute and chuckled, but she was so distracted by the food that she didn't notice it at all.

"Phew~" Shidunai sat on the haystack, raised his mouth to the steaming honey pie and blew it gently twice, and then bit it.


"...Hmm~~"After making a crisp sound, Shidunai chewed twice, and then his face with squinted eyes showed a look of satisfaction and joy. The cheeks on both sides bulged up like a hamster, looking very elastic. , and there is a hint of blush on it.

The little white bear lying on the side was also tasting the dried meat with a happy expression.

Shidunai quickly finished several dishes. Looking at the only one left on the plate, she hesitated.

"It’s okay to continue eating if you want, I will bring it again next time."Sven sat next to Shidu Nei and said understandingly.

"real?"Shidunai's little face was full of excitement, and her little hands were already on the last pie.

"real."Sven showed a wry smile.

"ah...But honey pie is out of the question....And it was a long time after that...."

(To be continued)

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