".....Aha? Seluka on the side blinked his big eyes with a questioning tone.

"So I'm going to bed in the morning."At this time, Swain also finished his breakfast and wiped his mouth with a napkin on the side.

"Eh~?"The two people across from him originally thought that Sven had something to do this morning, but it turned out that he was just sleeping in.....Immediately, the two of them cast disdainful looks at him, their voices full of dissatisfaction.

"If you want to sleep in, you can do it anytime, but do something else on your once-in-seven days off."Alice stood up and looked at Sven condescendingly. Her eyes were full of sorrow.

What is this guy doing?....It's rare that I thought he finally got it....

"That's it."Wu Ming on the side also showed deep dissatisfaction.

Having been praised just now, Wu Ming was very happy and wanted to continue to be together so that he could express himself better.

Alice and Wu Ming sang in harmony and looked at the two of them. This made Sven feel embarrassed to reject them like this.

"Alright alright."Sven shook his head, stretched out his hand to interrupt the two people's condemnation, raised his head and asked with a smile:"Then let me hear what arrangements you two have, I will accompany you."

Sven looked back and forth between the two of them, and at the same time he also saw Seluka sitting on the side with a resentful look in his eyes.

"Of course, we must bring our lovely Seluka with us."As he said this, Sven leaned towards Seluka and rubbed her hair.

"elder brother! Don't mess it up for me! Seluka suddenly blushed and began to smooth her hair.

But Sven grabbed a strand of Seluka's hair, took a deep breath, and said with a smile:"What mood have you and your sister been in these two days?" Change?"

"Why did you change your perfume? But let’s not talk about Alice’s one. It’s still too early for you to buy rose-scented perfume."

Sven said and swept her nose with Seluka's hair.

"Hmm~" Seluka was a little uncomfortable with Sven's overly intimate actions today, although she didn't object.

So she blushed and said,"Brother, how do you feel? You seem to be different from usual today....."

Her change of perfume today was still influenced by Alice's yesterday. She thought that changing to a scent that she didn't usually use would be able to attract Sven's attention, but she didn't expect that the effect would be outstanding in unexpected places.....

In the past, she and Alice wanted to stick to Sven every day, but as they grew older, they gradually maintained a distance. But now, as time goes by, this distance is gradually narrowing.

And she also began to get to know Swain again from a different perspective and with a different identity.

"Um? Have it?"Sven looked at Seluka with gentle eyes,

"Are you annoying?"Lying next to Seluka's ear, Sven said softly

"Woo woo~~"

At this time, Seluka was completely panicked. She blushed and lowered her head. She held her skirt tightly with her two little hands and remained motionless.

What's going on!! ?

There is definitely something wrong with my brother today!!

But it feels like this.....

Seluka raised her head and met Sven's deep eyes. She gradually fell into a trance and said:"...No, I don't find it annoying...."

"So you like it?"Sven smiled evilly and pressed forward step by step towards Seluka.



When Seluka was about to open her mouth to answer, Alice, who was sitting opposite, suddenly made a fist with her left hand and slammed her right hand on the table to interrupt her speech. At the same time, the plates and knives and forks on the table were shaken and made a series of noises.

The other three people immediately looked up, and then saw Alice squatting on one side, holding her right hand tightly with her left hand, and with tears in her eyes.

"Woo woo~~"

"What are you doing?....Show me your hands."Sven walked to Alice and knelt down and said softly.

"No need, this little pain will go away in a while. If it doesn't work anymore, just use phosphorus and it will be fine."Alice said slightly bravely

"Do you want to treat it yourself?"Sven smiled ambiguously, and Alice also reacted at this time, and obediently handed her hand to Sven.

"now it's right."After taking it, Swain blew into his slightly red hands twice, and then started kneading them.....

The breakfast was finally finished. The four people cleared the table and put it into the cupboard with double the efficiency than usual.

After returning to the living room, even though Alice's hand no longer hurt, Swain picked it up and played with it again.

"By the way, I was just halfway through, do you have any place you want to go?"Sven raised his head and looked around the three people with a normal expression.

The three of them were looking at Sven just now, and now they were suddenly asked, and they were all a little stunned.

"Hmm.....How about we go to the forest to the south?"Wu Ming thought about it. When she came here last time, she saw a lot of strange monsters on the road, so she was very interested in that place.

"South....Do you want to eat honey again?"Sven raised his head and thought for a moment, then said something with a bad smile that shocked everyone present. He even began to unconsciously touch his waist and abdomen, thinking that he had really eaten a lot last time.....

"Well, forget it."Wu Ming smiled dryly and touched his cheek.

"What about you Seluka?"

"I?"Seluka is the only one here who has never thought about going out.


"I didn't seem to have anywhere in particular I wanted to go. Besides, there were no new travelers in the village, and there wasn't anywhere good to go."

Seluka actually doesn't like running around very much. She is completely different from Alice's occasionally naughty character. She is a completely quiet type.

"Is that pretty much what I want? Sven smiled happily. After all, if you have nothing to do, you can sleep in."As expected of Seluka, you are so considerate!""

"Not at all!! Seluka's face turned cold,"It's so depraved to be lazy on your days off!" Even if it’s a day off, you still need to maintain a normal schedule!! listen...."

"oh oh! I see!! What's your opinion, Alice?"Sven quickly interrupted Seluka before she started preaching mode, and forcibly transferred the topic to Alice.

"elder brother! Don't treat me casually! Listen to me! Seluka yelled at Sven, baring his teeth and claws.

"My words will go anywhere....Hehe~" It's obvious that Alice's brain is in a down state now. It's obvious that she didn't listen at all when everyone was talking just now.

"Well, just go back to the house and sleep in!"



_ There has also been a slight change. Instead of just focusing on the content of the conversation, he often praises the other three, causing their little faces to turn red and their laughter to continue.

But this is just the beginning. Once the novelty wears off, the three of them They couldn't stand it anymore, and when they got to the back, the three of them finally couldn't sit still in the face of Swain's sweet words, and one by one they ran back upstairs with red faces.

Swain wanted to follow, but couldn't. He was stopped by three people drinking at the same time, so he could only smile brightly and return to the living room on the first floor, starting to simulate sword training in his mind. In

Alice's room upstairs,

Alice and Seluka were sitting by the bed. Wuming was sitting in front of the chair on the bed dresser.

"Now, what the hell happened this morning? Seluka asked as she covered her very hot ears and looked at Alice and Wuming with a red face.

"Brother, you would never praise us like that before!"

Hearing Seluka's question, the already red and hot faces of the other two people suddenly turned redder.

Seluka patrolled back and forth between the two of them, and everyone who met her eyes did so consciously. looked away

"....What happened? Seluka asked with sharp eyes. After hearing this, both of them lowered their heads. It was like they were asking for it.

"Okay, I'm not going to ask you, so let's just go to my brother's room and have a look."

Seluka said, he got up first, opened the door and went to Sven's room. The other two followed closely because they also wanted to know what happened.

Seluka opened the door first and took a look. Go to nothing,

"It seems like nothing has changed...."Alice, who walked in behind her, looked around and opened the wardrobe on one side. Most of the clothes inside were sewn by her, and only a few pieces were bought.

Wuming walked to the desk, which was filled with props for maintaining weapons. They were all items that could be seen everywhere, and they were no different.

"What's this? Seluka, who walked to the bed by the window, noticed something glowing on the floor at the head of the bed.

"Is this an ice sculpture?"

After Seluka picked it up, two people behind him, Alice and Wuming, stretched out their heads from the left and right sides.

"This seems to be....moon? Don't really want to..."Wuming tilted his head, frowning and showing a bitter look on his face, because apart from the face, this ice sculpture had no resemblance in movement or posture.....

Does Yue have an older sister or younger sister who looks very similar to him?

"Brother, can you make this kind of ice sculpture?"Seluka's red little face was full of doubts. More importantly than this, why is this ice sculpture in such a strange posture!!

"No."Alice on one side had a solemn face. She reached for the ice sculpture, held it up in the sun, and said,"Sven can make clay sculptures or wood sculptures, but they are all very cute two-headed figures. Even if they are It's impossible to make ice sculptures like this"

"And you see, we haven't been here in the morning, which means that this ice sculpture existed in the morning or before, but you can see that there is no trace of melting."

Alice, whose brain finally recovered from the downtime, began to continuously analyze the ice sculpture that appeared in Swain's room.

After hearing Alice's series of analysis, the other two people nodded with admiration.

(Unfinished to be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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