".....Swinging the sword like this will take less effort than what you did just now."

Sven corrected Eugeo's posture. It is better to use the sword in the direction of the sword body. It is better to follow the wind. Just now, Eugeo swung the sword sideways back and forth. This is not only laborious, but also reduces the power.

"Oh, is that so?"Eugeo compared his movements with Sven's and made some adjustments.

"Um....."Swain re-examined Eugeo and felt that he had learned decently,"I didn't realize it, your understanding is not that good!"

In just one morning, there was surprising progress.

"Yeah, it's not as powerful as you said....."Eugeo rubbed his head shyly.

He did have a longing for Sven, and he also had thoughts about his vocation as a guard, but unfortunately, his vocation was inherited from the family, and as the only male in the family, he was destined to become the leader of the family. The next lumberjack.

So later this idea gradually disappeared from his mind, but it was just his unilateral view and wishful thinking. Later, his friends not only noticed that he didn't even consciously look at him, but also learned about him in his heart. Then he gave him a one-handed sword.

Although I didn't use it outside much after that, when I was at home, I would often hide in my room and practice swinging the sword on my own, and I would also ask the village guards and Uncle Sarek about how to care for the weapon.

But now he finally had the opportunity to fulfill his wish. Of course, Eugeo cherished it very much, so he made an unprecedented effort.

Turning around, Sven was standing to the side, yawning and stretching, looking up at the top of Gigas Cedar, which was invisible at the bottom of the tree.


"ah...."Swain suddenly put down his raised hands and covered his stomach with one hand,"I'm hungry."...."

"Ha ha....It sounds like it’s already past noon..."Eugeo on the other side also felt a little hungry. He turned to look at the sun and found that it was already past noon.

"It's so strange, why didn't you see your sister?"Eugeo was a little confused, because normally, his sister would have come to deliver food long ago.

"...."Swain scratched the back of his neck, thought for a moment and asked:"Eugeo's sister, I remember she is a tailor, right?"

"Well, that’s right, what’s wrong?"

".....No, it might be an illusion."Sven suddenly felt a bad premonition. After a cold war, he waved his hand.

"Rather than this, let's go back for lunch first. The quota of 1,000 times in the morning has long been exceeded, and the quota for the afternoon is only about 500 or 600. It shouldn't matter if we go back for a meal."Sven really couldn't remember how long he had been wielding the axe.

"Well, I know, I'll check it out in the afternoon."

Eugeo placed the dragon bone ax in the mountain hut aside. After closing the door, he returned to the village with Sven. The two of them also exchanged many other things on the way.......

After returning to the village, the two parted ways. Sven first walked towards the village square, where he then turned to the east road to go home.

".....There is....Eh...."Swain was originally in a good mood. As soon as he entered the village square, he saw Wuming, Alice, and Seluka sitting on a bench on one side. Moreover, the expressions of the three people were different, and Swain suddenly felt a little confused. Flustered.

Hope it's nothing too serious....

He prayed in his mind, but he shouldn't be too worried....Bar?

After getting closer, I saw that Wuming, who was wearing a nun's uniform, was a little disappointed, with the hair on his head hanging listlessly. Alice was embarrassed, smiling apologetically, but could not hide the bitterness on her face, while Seluka was Sitting aside, I had a headache.

Swain sighed softly, walked up to Wuming and squatted down.

It’s better to ask what happened first and then talk about it. Prescribing the right medicine is the basis!

He touched Wuming's head and said gently:"What happened?"

"...moon...."Wuming raised his head aggrievedly.

No, I can't show this expression, I can't let Yue worry!

Show a slightly more energetic expression!

"It's nothing, just some small things."Wu Ming said with a forced smile.

Sven smiled and scratched Wu Ming's hair. She is changing every day. This is a good thing. At least now she will take into account the mood of others.

"so....In the end what happened?"Sven, who didn't get the answer he wanted, naturally turned his attention to Alice.

"that...."Alice's vision began to wander, her little hands seemed so helpless, and her whole person was a little restless.

Swain stood up, glanced at the two of them, stretched out his hand to signal Wuming, and then stepped between them.

She turned her body towards Alice and whispered in her ear:"What's going on?"

Feeling the gentle breeze in her ears, Alice's ears turned red.

"babble!"After making a cute nasal sound, he came back to his senses and said in the same low voice:"...Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen...."

Although Alice has not said what the situation is, Swain feels that the cold wars this morning were not without reason.....

"so?"Sven raised his eyebrows, as if to say, just go ahead and I'm mentally prepared.

"this morning....."

After that, Alice began to talk about their experiences this morning.

Because of the hot weather today, I originally planned to teach Bingsu today, but because the temperature was too high, the students' strength did not allow it, and the work melted before it was formed, so I temporarily changed it to Fengsu.

As Seluka's specialty sacred art, Fengsu was of course not difficult at all, especially for Alice. Seeing everyone around them using Fengsu to blow the cool breeze, Wuming was a little envious.

Although Alice brought Wuming here originally just to let Wuming experience their life, after arriving, she really thought about Wuming's future, so Alice was very considerate and became a temporary The instructor first slowly taught Wuming to perceive the sacred power, and then began to guide her to release the sacred magic.

"....Do you understand? Sacred magic is one of the ways to express your inner thoughts."

"Come and try it, it’s the simplest thing, as long as it can blow a gust of wind."

Alice slowly induced, and finally Wuming was able to slowly perceive the existence of the divine power, but it was a bit difficult, and it took a long time. There was no way, after all, it was something that had never been touched before.

But even if In this way, Wuming also studied very seriously, using Kabanere's unique talent for imitation, and soon learned almost the same thing. Of course, it was only limited to the appearance. After that, he simply followed and learned what was needed to trigger it. Fixed sentence structure.

Everything seems very simple at first, but when it is activated, it will be different.....

A light green and almost transparent wind blade dissipated not long after it formed. It was obvious that the affinity of the wind element was not very strong.

Alice and Seluka continued to cheer for it on the side. They tried almost all the sacred arts. The only ones with higher adaptability were dark element and steel element.

Both are sacred arts that tend to be auxiliary, and are not very lethal.

Sven nodded when he heard this. This kind of thing also happens. Only a few specific elements have some affinity, and others cannot be used at all. It is not like Alice and Seluka who are highly adaptable. Tall ones are rare

"That's true, but even so it shouldn't be....."Turning around and looking at Wuming who was still disappointed, Swain felt that things were not that simple.

"yes....after that...."Alice looked embarrassed and continued.

It is indeed just a poor perception of the sacred power, which will not affect Wuming. After all, it has not happened before, and compared to slowly using the sacred power, it is more cost-effective to rely on excellent physical fitness to directly go up and shoot a knife or shoot behind the back..

After that, he took Wuming to Ms. Fabia's jewelry store. Since he had a good affinity for steel, it would be good to try to see if he could be a craftsman.

But after watching Miss Fabia carve an exquisite work with a small craft knife, when it was Wuming's turn, she took out a dagger......Although the results are similar and the work is quite good,.....There was no other way, so they went to the next place.

Just around the corner are Miss Tatia's pharmacy and Miss Marrone's food store.

"Eh? I won't get sick?"Wu Ming said innocently......I almost forgot about Wuming’s inhuman physique. Is he sick?

Wuming, who was squeezed into a ventilated carriage all day long and whose belly was always exposed when sleeping, was said to be sick, even if his physical condition was slightly worse.....

As for the food store....

Wuming is still learning to wash vegetables, and he can’t even recognize the types of vegetables, let alone sell them.....At least it's not possible now.

After wandering around in circles, they finally came out of Eugeo's sister's tailor shop. Although Wuming's hands were very steady and his fingers were slender (after all, he was using a gun, so he had to be steady.) It was very suitable for a tailor. , but when it comes to using a knife with these hands, it is very clever, but when it comes to needlework, it is a lot worse, and it is a bit difficult for her to sew. Although Eugeo-sister taught her very seriously for a long time, it still didn't make much difference. harvest.

In the end, Eugeo-san almost lost confidence in her craftsmanship.....In the end, Alice and Seluka regained their confidence after talking it over. call...Fortunately, fortunately, it wasn't any big revelation, it just took a little longer, it was simply delayed, and nothing major happened.

Swain was really worried about Eugeo and his family, but now it seems that there should be no problem.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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