That night, the old woman walked out of the back room with a gloomy face, followed by several other people. The old woman who was waiting outside came out and stepped forward. The old woman was sitting on the main seat, holding her head in her hands and looking a little tired.

"If this sacrifice doesn't work, bring another person as a substitute."

"yes."One person responded and turned around and left. Soon he came back and brought someone back with him.

"Oh, you actually came here"

"Isn't this all your plan? ?"The person who came was a middle-aged man. He gritted his teeth with a gloomy face.

"Humph, regardless of whether it's a plan or not, you came here so quickly, I guess you met me halfway. Let me tell you what's wrong with you first."The old woman narrowed her eyes and said calmly.

"Okay, you don’t have to pretend anymore, just make an offer, how much does it cost to let my daughter go?"The man was obviously not in the mood to beat around the bush with the old woman and went straight to the point.

"You should know in your heart"

".....I gave up 40% of my family fortune in exchange for it"

"......"The old woman took a sip of tea and said nothing.

"That's 50%... not 60%."

The old woman raised her head, looked at it but still ignored it.

"Don't go too far! Sixty percent is a lot!"

"Haha, when your family chose to go against us, was it better than today? I don't like trouble. I finally have a chance to completely destroy my opponent. How could I let it go? Am I right? Hahaha."The old woman whispered.

"you! you! That's too much!"

For a long time, it seemed that the man had gone through a serious ideological struggle and sighed.

"I will give away 90% of my family property and will no longer fight against you."

"Hahaha! You finally gave in! very good! Since you are so sincere, I will not let you down. You can go back with confidence. Now there is no problem with this sacrifice!"The old woman laughed and swept away the gloom just now.

The figure of the man coming out of the mansion and walking under the moonlight looked a little stooped and weak........

Early this morning, Sakura and I got up and put on our clothes. They were not the usual God Lord and Miko clothes. These clothes were almost all black, with basically no other decorations. After Sakura and I settled down with Rin, we went out. The sky at the shrine was still relatively clear, but as we walked toward the village the weather became increasingly gloomy.

When we arrived at the square, I don't know whether it was because there was a sacrifice to be held, but it was almost dark. A gust of wind blew through and I felt a hint of coolness, and there were faint dark clouds. This is unusual for a place that has been experiencing drought for nearly two months. Sakura next to me grabbed my hand and looked a little uneasy. I grabbed her hand and walked towards the altar.

"This must be the Lord Fox God appearing!"

"Please ask Lord Fox God to give us sweet rain!"


Come to the altar

"Lord Yue!"


The patrols guarding the altar surrounded the altar tightly. When they saw us arriving, they said respectfully and made way for us. Sakura and I came to the second platform and stood on one side, with us on the other side. The old woman stood there looking at me and smiling sinisterly. After seeing this, Sakura hid behind me.

I looked down the stage and saw more and more villagers. Everyone was wearing black clothes and their expressions were very solemn. It didn't take long for them to Some people started to distribute masks

"Tsuki-sama, Sakura-sama, please take it."

The visitor handed me two masks respectively. I took a lot of them in my hand. They were the same as the fox masks I saw in the ice rink, except that the color changed to black and the original pink pattern turned to gold. I put it on With my face on my face, my field of vision was extremely limited, and I took a deep breath.

Two people came up carrying the girl as a sacrifice, followed by two people in black clothes and fox masks. I heard a burst of The girl was crying. It seemed that those were the girl's parents.

The girl was placed on the top floor. I glanced at the girl with her hands clasped tightly and her head lowered, unable to see her face. The girl's parents were also on the second floor, kneeling next to me and Sakura. In front of her, she was mumbling some random thoughts.

Looking at the girl, I couldn’t help but think about sacrificing one person in exchange for the hope of life for the whole village....Is it really good? Isn't there a way to protect everyone?

As time went by, there were more and more dark clouds in the sky. It was approaching noon, and suddenly thunder began to sound in the sky. When I looked up, I could indeed see a lot of flashes of light. The villagers below also changed from kneeling to kowtow continuously. Especially the parents who are the most serious.

This is when I saw a figure walking up from behind. Although the color of the clothes was different, I recognized that it was my father. He also wore a black fox mask on his face. The only difference was that my father's mask had a few more golden patterns than ours. , I saw a knife on his waist. As my father approached, I saw the girl's body trembling. Sakura, who had been holding my hand behind me, was also trembling. I held on tighter. hand.

Father has reached the highest level

"The Yae Village has been experiencing drought for nearly two months. As the Yae God Lord of this generation, I am here to offer sacrifices to the great Fox God! Please ask Lord Fox God to give us rain and hope!"

With the father's words, the thunder in the sky became louder and louder. The father turned towards the girl and drew out the knife from his waist.

"Well.."I heard Sakura yell softly behind me, and felt her hands were cold. I turned around and hugged her into my arms, burying her face in my chest to prevent her from seeing it, and at the same time gently caressing Sakura's back with my hands.

After that, the father raised his knife and dropped it. He saw the blood donation dyeing the platform red, and then thunder began to fall from the sky. Everyone began to cheer that it finally rained and the village was saved! But everyone cheered for a long time but not a drop of rain was seen.

"What's going on! Why is there no rain?"

"Hasn’t it already been sacrificed? ? Why!"

"Is there something wrong with the sacrifice?"

"How is that possible? Hasn’t your mother-in-law been tested?"

"Yes, mother-in-law, right?"

Listening to the shouts from the audience, I looked at the old woman and saw her taking a few steps back.

"She must know something."

But soon

"Of course I have tested it and I can guarantee there is absolutely no problem! Who dares to doubt me."The old woman shouted while leaning on a crutch.

The commotion in the audience, photographed by the majesty of the old woman, gradually subsided. The father took off his mask and looked at the knife still dripping blood in his hand. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Everyone go back today. I will discuss countermeasures with the others and the God Lord. Qing Qing will definitely solve this matter!"

Then the villagers were driven out of the square by the guards.

"Let's go back."My father walked up to me and said.

I looked at Sakura who was still holding me in my arms and didn't dare to open her eyes, so I hugged Sakura and walked down the altar.

"ah! Ah!"I heard the mother's voice, and looked at her whole body lying on the ground, roaring.......

When I returned to the shrine, I didn't go back to Sakura's room first, but came to my room. After all, I didn't want Rin to see Sakura like this. I put Sakura on the bed. Sakura had her eyes closed and her face was pale. She seemed to be asleep. I sat and meditated

"Brother-sama..Brother-sama.."I heard Sakura's voice and opened my eyes to see Sakura struggling. It looked like she was having a nightmare. I grabbed Sakura's hand and whispered:

"I'm here, Sakura, don't worry."

When Sakura woke up and saw me on the side, my face looked a little better.

"Okay, you don’t have to think about those things anymore, there’s still me."


I comforted Sakura. On the other side, the village meeting hall

"Mother-in-law, what should I do now?"

"What are you panicking about? Just find another sacrifice. There are plenty of those in the village."

"What about the villagers?"

"Just say that the drought is severe this time and one sacrifice is not enough. Anyway, isn't it cloudy and thundering this time? It’s easy to believe that"

"So hurry up and find a suitable substitute these days."

"yes".....Following the old woman's explanation, she was looking for new sacrifices, which made the people in the village mentally unacceptable, but there was nothing they could do about it.

But the next day.

After lunch, I stayed with Sakura and Rin, and then there was another shouting outside. Every time this happens, nothing good happens. Rin was resting with his eyes closed, while I looked at my lap and finally fell asleep after a night. Sakura kept her posture and didn't move.

"What's wrong? What happened again?"It can be seen that my father is also very tired. He kept pinching his eyebrows when he came out. Too many things have happened in the past few days.

"'s a zombie!! The zombie appears! Right in the village!!"The man shouted

"Corpse demon, what happened?"

"What a quantity!"My father yelled, and the frown on his face became even tighter.

"We don't know this either. At first, there were roars coming from where Chun was being held, and then they seemed to appear suddenly. We really don't know how many came from there!"

My father couldn't believe it. He was a little dazed and held the lower half of the pillar.

"Lord God! ?"

"I'm fine. How is the situation now? Fortunately, it only appeared in one alley. Before I came, a group of people worked together to block the entrance of the alley."My father's face felt better after hearing this.

"So my mother-in-law asked me to find Master Yue. We really can’t defeat these guys. If we are caught and bitten, even if it’s just stained with blood, we may turn into zombies."

"I know, the moon is in that house over there"


"bang bang bang"

""Dong dong dong"

I heard the sound of someone running in the corridor and then a knock on the door.

"Lord Yue! Lord Yue, are you there?"

I watched Sakura and Rin wake up, and I was a little unhappy.


"elder brother?"

"It's okay, just that my father asked me to go down, and you guys can continue to rest."

I opened the door before the man said anything.

"Shut up and follow me!".....

"What's up?"


"Corpse demon?"I remembered that there was indeed such a thing, but I had never seen it in my memory. After that, I went to get the silver sword and Sakura Fukiyuki, put on a windbreaker and came to the village with my father.

(To be continued)

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