"S-Sven?"Shidunai held the bow and arrow in his two small hands and placed it on his chest. He blinked and looked at Sven with his watery eyes.

"Of course it's me."Sven stepped back and found an open space to put Shidune down.

"That giant...."Shidunai turned to look at the other side. Although there were some trees blocking his view, he could still see the huge creature lying on the ground and motionless.

"Okay, there's only one left, let's deal with it quickly."

"I see!"

The two looked again at the only remaining giant on the opposite side. At this time, it had pulled out both legs from the ice.


A huge snowball covered with broken ice exploded in front of them, and the little white bear came out from inside. He walked out unscathed, shook his head a little and shook the fur on his body, shaking off a lot of snow. He turned around and saw the two of them and walked towards them.

"This one will be solved quickly."Sven patted the little white bear on the head and said

"Roar!"And the little white bear also rarely showed the slightest enthusiasm.

Under Shidunai's command, the little white bear charged towards the giant from the right, while Swain came from the opposite left.

After there were no worries about the rear and insufficient output, the little white bear rushed towards the giant from the right. The white bear also let go of its arms and legs. After it was not far away from the giant, it curled up and the whole bear rolled towards the giant like a ball of oversized snowballs.


The huge snowball suddenly hit the giant's left side. The violent impact on its legs caused its body to sway, and it knelt on one knee on the ground. However, it also stretched out its left hand, casually grabbed a huge ice cube from the ground, and prepared to throw it at the little white bear.


At this time, the rear cover arrived and directly hit the piece of ice that the giant held high above his head. The ice broke into many small pieces and all fell on the giant, causing its body to stagnate.

And Sven also took advantage of this. Opportunity jumped on his bent right knee, used the force to jump, and jumped in the direction of its neck.

But it may be because the top of its head was attacked. At this time, it lowered its head, squinted its eyes, and His hand was in front of his forehead, and the other hand was naturally backhand to protect his chest, blocking all the two known vital points.

But Sven was not in a hurry. He first stepped on the giant's shoulder, jumped up, and then jumped on it. He used the force to jump on his face, and after two consecutive jumps, he drew the knife with his right hand, and quickly stabbed into the eye with only a thin gap left.



The feeling of the hand told Sven that his attack hit, and it was very effective.

The giant wailed and then began to become violent. He slapped his right hand towards his face, but nothing was caught.

Sven jumped Not long after driving, the giant grabbed its face with both hands and screamed loudly, but this was also the cause of its death. It died in the same way as the giant just now, with one knife on the neck and one on the heart to ensure that there was no possibility of resurrection.

"Very good!"Standing in the distance, Shidu Nei saw that the second giant had also fallen, so he put away his weapons, raised his little hands high and cheered.

The little white bear also narrowed his eyes again, showing his enthusiasm and fierceness just now. The appearance has disappeared.

But according to Sven's habit after the battle, he must be observed for a while, and be careful of someone who suddenly appears from somewhere, such as the one behind Shidunai.

"Hello! Behind you!"Sven pointed behind Shidunai, and followed the little white bear who was belatedly rushing there.

"Eh?"Shidunai looked back and found a third giant with a spear appearing about ten meters away from her.


Shidunai let out a soft and surprised whine, and began to run quickly towards Sven on her short legs.

But the distance is only a dozen meters, for a giant, it may only be a matter of three or two steps.

"Can't catch up...."

Sven wanted to use his teleport to dodge forward, but there was no target in front of him that he could use.

"noob! Can you throw me out?"

The four-legged Xiaobai turned to look at Swain, and then nodded vigorously.

"good! Prepare!"

Sven stopped instantly, slid on the snow for a short distance, and then ran towards the direction of the little white bear. The little white bear also stopped in the same way, then stood on both legs, with his right front paw behind his head.

Sven fiercely He jumped up and stepped on the right paw of the little white bear.

"Roar oh oh!!"

The little white bear roared violently, and used its hind legs so hard that cracks began to appear on the ice under the snow on the ground, and then violently threw Sven in the direction of the giant.


Sven almost instantly turned into a He fired a black cannonball and rushed towards the opposite side with a strong storm.

Sven stared at the wind pressure in the air and opened his eyes slightly, stared at the target, curled up slightly, exchanged the weapons in his hands, left his right hand free, and changed to The knife was held in his left hand.

When the distance was about the same, Sven released a thunder snake again with his right hand, grabbed the spear, and pulled it sharply, increasing his speed again.


At the moment when he and the giant crossed each other , Sven stretched out his left hand, and a black light flashed, leaving a gash on the left half of the giant's neck. Unfortunately, it was not deep, because the movement was a bit fast, the angle was not good, and the blade was not suitable for the giant's bones. It was too sharp, so he just cut in a little and was squeezed out by the muscles and bones.

After flying past the giant, the lightning chain on Sven's right hand began to slowly tighten, and his body stopped in the air. ,

"Well!"Immediately afterwards, the right hand connecting the lightning chain to the body felt a pulling feeling due to too strong momentum, but it only lasted for a moment. The pulling feeling soon disappeared, and the body showed signs of falling downwards, but before it fell, , Sven suddenly tightened the thunder chain again and flew back.

The spear in the giant's hand was also violently pulled backward by the momentum just now, and he almost lost his hand, so he took a small step back with his left foot to stabilize. It only took a short one or two seconds to stop his body. The giant also realized that his neck had been attacked, so he tightly covered the wound with his right hand, and the second shot from the spear just now After pulling the force, it immediately let go of its hand. It also covered its left hand with its right hand, trying to stop the bleeding with both hands.


The dull roar that was heard at first turned into another very strange sound, like talking with a mouthful of water in the mouth and throat.

Soon the cry stopped abruptly, and the giant raised his hands It hung down weakly, then bent its knees to the ground, and finally fell to the ground in a daze. At the back of it, Sven was holding the sword with his left hand, and the palm of his right hand was against the hilt. , the blade also penetrated deeply into its heart.

After finally confirming that the giant was lifeless, Swain jumped off its back.

He looked at Shidunai, who was scratching his hair and looking embarrassed and apologetic, walking towards him with a little white bear on his side.

"Ear....I always feel like I'm sorry...."Shidunai's face changed, and he bowed his head and apologized honestly.

"Really."Sven said in a helpless tone, and at the same time he stretched out his knife and lightly knocked her on the head.

"Are you relieved just by defeating the enemy in front of you? Today is just a lesson, be careful in the future!"

"No, I didn't mean that, I meant....pain!"

"Talk back? Talk back? Talk back?"

Three consecutive qualities. Every time Swain said it, he would hit Shidunai on the head.

"Wuwuwu~" Shidunai covered his forehead and squatted on the ground, with tears stained by kelp on his face. It was obviously useless at all, but just looking at Shidunai's appearance, it seemed like his own little toe in winter. It was as if my head was banged on the edge of the cabinet.

Obviously I didn’t mean that.....

Shidunai originally wanted to apologize for the fact that because of her advocacy, they were attacked by three giants and had to rely on Sven in the end.

But before the words came to his lips, he was knocked back by Swain's quality three times.....

Of course Swain knew what she meant, but it was obvious that the final decision was almost two people's idea, so he was not prepared to accept Shidunai's apology, because it was simply unnecessary.

He turned his head and re-examined the fallen giant in front of him, and said,"What on earth is this?"

"The body structure is quite similar to that of a human, but he seems to have no brains....."

From the battle just now, we can see that these guys act without any command or any thoughts. They just follow instinct and attack with whatever they have at hand. But from another aspect, they Seems to be using weapons again.....

"so....."Swain turned his head and looked at Jidu Nei, who was still squatting on the ground, and asked:"Did you do anything to them?"

"Aha?"Shidunai's tears stopped instantly, and he looked up at Swain in confusion.

"Don't be confused, they all look at me with a look of no interest, but they look like they will fight to the death for you."

They looked really strange just now. They were just staring at Shidunai and attacking. As for the others, if they didn't hinder it, they would definitely ignore it.

"So all I can think of.....Tell me, did you burn down their house or steal their food?"

Seeing Sven talking nonsense seriously, Shidunai leaned forward, tilted his head, and squinted his eyes. He looked weak and said angrily:"Why is it the premise that I have done something bad in the first place?!"

"Well....Then tell me what other reasons there are?"Sven spread his hands, that means as long as you can give an example now, as long as it sounds a little bit reliable, I will believe it!

"Well....this....."Zhidunei paused for a moment, as if....There's really no good excuse....

Hey, could it really be you two who did something?

Shidunai wanted to ask the other two goddesses, but unfortunately they didn't want to talk to her now.....

"The reason why these guys attacked her was simple, her mere existence was enough reason to attack."A clear girl's voice came from above the head.

The two of them looked towards the sky and saw three girls with similar clothes, weapons and appearance descending from the sky, and presented a triangular posture. Wen was in the middle.....

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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