The chaos on the field lasted for about five or six minutes.

Otlinde suggested that it would be better not to make the decision without permission, while Silud always wanted to cause trouble and took Sven away. Only Silud was really thinking about the trade-off.

The three of them made their proposals, but the final decision must be agreed by all three before it can be implemented.

Shitunai's words....It's enough for her to just continue to be cute.

Consciously ignoring the sounds of people talking around him, Swain took two steps forward with a scrutinizing gaze and came to Sluder.

After getting closer, Swain realized that the girl in front of him was a bit petite. Even though she was wearing high-heeled boots, she didn't look more than 1.65 meters tall. With the boots off, she might just be about 1.6 meters tall.

Slud looked up at Swain curiously, and the two people behind him also cast curious glances.

Then Swain stretched out his hands and grabbed the two wing-shaped objects on Slud's head one by one.




Slud, Altlinde and Shilud, the three Valkyries gave three different reactions.

"Hmm....."Swain gently rubbed the feather-like texture on it,"It feels more like wings than hair...."

It feels very smooth. It's not like real feathers that only feel smooth when you rub them in one general direction. Even if you rub them back and forth, they still feel good!

After a short while, Slud finally realized what he was doing and jumped back a little while holding the wings above his head tightly with both hands.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?"

Slud, who had always been very serious from the first meeting, now turned slightly red and his tone also changed, giving people a rare feeling of panic.

"Yeah~Sorry. Swain grabbed the back of his head with his left hand and apologized to Slud with a smile,"I just suddenly discovered something new that I haven't seen before. I'm inevitably a little curious."...."

As Sven spoke, the thumb of his right hand was still rubbing the crook of his index finger, as if he was still recalling the feeling just now.

" to say"

"Haven't you ever had this feeling?"

"Suddenly a new thing appears in front of you that you have never understood before. After briefly understanding it, you find more puzzles, and they seem quite harmless, so....."Swain spread his hands and explained with a smile

"So, is this the most prominent thirst for knowledge among all races?"Altlinde's eyes widened slightly, and she nodded at the same time.

"Is this it?....Uh-huh."Hilud was also a little surprised, and then she seemed to remember something again, and said:"I remember that there seemed to be others that were also very prominent...."

"Well, yes, there are others, but according to past records, in summary, there are seven categories of human desires."

When the two people behind started biting their ears in a low voice, Sruder also reorganized his emotions.

"Ahem, I know that. Strong desire is also one of the characteristics of you humans. Leaving aside others, we can also understand it.....Okay, forget about what happened just now"

"Well, thank you~"

As soon as Siwen finished thanking him, the three of them suddenly seemed to have heard something, their expressions changed, and they looked at each other.

"Well, after all, like you, we found something that interested us and seemed harmless, and we also received orders to bring him back."Slud also changed his attitude at this time. Since there is a new mission, completing the mission is their destiny.


Sven suddenly had a bad premonition, although this premonition had been vague since he saw the three of them.

"Could it be...."Swain looked at Slude, who was approaching him step by step, and took two steps back.

"Well, it’s you!"Hilud on one side stepped forward and patted Sven on the shoulder and blocked Sven's retreat to the left.

Hillud said again:"Come on, follow God's instructions, and we will carry your soul to Valha. pull!"

Seeing two girls with a serious face and a smiling face approaching him, he said words that he didn't even understand, so he retreated to the right rear, but there was another small hand against him. on his shoulder blade.

He turned his head and looked to the right. Sure enough, the black-haired girl also stepped forward to block his retreat.

"Although it is difficult to judge whether you are a warrior based on this alone, it seems that you have the potential to become a warrior now, so let us guide your soul to Valhalla!"

Suddenly, the voices of three girls saying the same thing from three different directions in three different voices and tones kept echoing in Swain's ears.....

"etc! Wait a minute! Don't lie down and talk into other people's ears!"Sven can only pray that they can pause for a while, but it seems that his request is not being responded to at all.

Swain glanced at the faces of the three people back and forth in confusion, wanting to temporarily escape from their shackles , but after looking at it, I felt that it was not easy to do anything. After all, this was not a battle, so I turned my attention to Zhidunei in the distance.

"Shitunai! ?"

Sven wanted to see clearly what Zhidu was doing behind Slud, but because Slud was too close, and the light wings behind her also blocked part of the line of sight,

Sven swayed back and forth. After shaking her body, she saw Shidu Nei squatting on the ground with his back to her, covering his ears.....

"What use do I need from you!! ?"

Ignoring the little white bear automatically. Seeing that no one could help him at this time, Sven thought of covering his ears temporarily to avoid this disaster.

But as soon as he raised his hand, Hilud was He and Otlinde stood up one on the left and one on the right. Seeing that his movements were restricted, Sven immediately tried to break free, but with a snap, his face was held tightly by two hands, including his cheeks. It was pressed flat, and the mouth was pressed out of shape, and the lips were also pressed up.

Then the eyes were forced to move forward, looking at Slude

"Satan, follow God’s guidance and let us guide your soul."

"Wait a minute!!" Swain shouted in a garbled voice.

"Which of your leaders is like this?!"

"Are you really sure this is guidance and not kidnapping? ?" no....Now I think it would be better if it was a kidnapping. After all, the robber will not tirelessly say the same sentence in your ear so many times like now.

"Well....No way, these three can't understand human language at all....."

Sven has given up. Even when they are talking, she can still hear the words Valkyrie, Valhalla and other words echoing in her ears.

This surround is simply too powerful.....

I guess it’s impossible to forget these words...

The next moment, Swain felt that the person on the other side was about to wake up, and the person on the other side was almost about to leave.

He raised his head, which was already a little heavy, and said,"That....I'm almost leaving...."Showing a wry smile, hoping that these three people can let gohe

"makes sense...."Slude nodded and said:"Since time is tight, you should make a choice quickly."

"Well, whether you make a choice or not, we will take you with us."Herud said

"But if possible, we still want to ask for your agreement, otherwise we will have to be a little tougher....."Otlinde, who obviously seemed to be the most taciturn and quiet one, ended up saying the words that made Sven most embarrassed.

"You don't give me a choice at all!!!"

Sven kept roaring in his heart.

There were two ways before him, either he nodded and agreed, and then was taken away by three people he met for the first time, or he shook his head and refused, and then was taken away by three people he met for the first time. Take away....

Is there a choice! ? Is there a choice!!

Swain felt that he didn't have much time left, so it would be better to break away from these three people quickly, take the goddess over there who seemed useless at the moment, and ride away on the little white bear..... good! The plan was made, and just when Swain was about to start executing it, he was held up by three people and fell asleep......

"Oh yeah~"

"It seems that the time has come today as well."

"But it seems like it took a little longer than before."

Shirud and Altlind said while holding onto 'Sven' who had lost control.

Slud on the opposite side also let go of his hands holding Sven's cheeks.

But because of this, Sven's His head shook weakly downward twice.

"Okay, since he nods now, it means he agrees. Let's take him away."

Sruder said, while the other two people nodded.

"By the way, according to the records, there is one more thing to do."Shrud reminded.

After she and Otlinde looked at each other, they looked at Shrud at the same time.

"Well, that....Just me. Slude said hesitantly.

Then, she stepped forward and grabbed Sven's cheeks with her hands again, her face slightly red.

"Well....."He paused for a moment, glanced at Swain, and then kissed him.

"May the gods bless you"

"Oh~ So this is what I have to do."Hirud nodded.

".....According to the record, shouldn't it be done on the forehead?"Altlinde tilted her head and thought in her heart.

"I don’t know when I will meet the second warrior on this land."

Xilud said with some envy as he watched Slud complete the ceremony.

"Before that, let's consider whether we can find a second human being here."Altlinde pointedly pointed out the problem.

"makes sense...."Hilud suddenly tilted his head and said a little discouraged.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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