Halfway through the sight, the muscles on half of Sven's face began to twitch crazily.

By the time he reached the end, the expression on his face had become a little stiff, and the face that was originally smiling had become distorted.

Let's look at it bit by bit.

The first half of your list is fine. It's normal to clean your own home, chop wood, carry water, etc. It's also normal to clean up the weeds at the church you go to all day long.

But what are those conditions in the middle and the conditions you attached in the second half!

Sometimes I go to the pasture to the west of the village to cut grass, sometimes to the orchard to the east of the village to remove insects, and sometimes I have to go to the south to collect herbs. So far, so good, although it is very complicated, but at least it can be completed.....

Let’s not talk about whether there will be any problems in the future. If it’s a big deal, we can help later. They are all people living here anyway, so it’s not a big deal, but in the end! most! most! The most important thing is the last one!

Help Eugeo cut down Gigas Cedar! ? are you serious! ?

Hasn’t that thing been cut down for hundreds of years?

There is such a big gap just now. Do you really want me to help?

Why do I feel that you are unhappy with me and want me to go away forever to cool down?

Damn it, I even asked Eugeo how long it would take to cut down this Gigas cedar tree.....

After that, he hesitated for a while, and roughly calculated that he would cut two thousand times a day for a month, and then restore half of his life at night. On average, he would lose about thirty life every month. Judging from this speed and the remaining life. , it will take about eighteen generations, or about nine hundred years......

"Forehead....Well, Alice, did I do anything to displease you?"Sven looked at Alice with a bitter look on his face.

"Um? No."Alice was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook her head and retorted.

"Then you....."Swain turned the list to Alice and pointed at the strange tasks in the second half, and finally stopped at the last one.

"Why not?"

"No, you...Do you really know how long it will take to reach Gigas Cedar?"

"this...."Alice and Seluka looked at each other and both shook their heads.

"I said....I once talked about this with Eugeo, and he told me that if we cut it down at this pace, it would take about nine hundred years....."Swain's expression changed, and the other three people also looked dull.

They really never thought it would take such a long time. For those of them who are only fourteen years old now, it is difficult to predict what the world will be like in a hundred years, let alone nine hundred years.....If there are a few more weak ones among them, it will be delayed for a thousand years.....

"More than nine hundred years! By then it is estimated that our great-great-grandchildren will have been born long ago....."

"No, maybe it's more than that...."

Swain put his left hand on the table, supported his cheek with the back of his hand, and said with a curled lip.

But after hearing this, the other three people all blushed and lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking, while Swain began to look at the list again.

If there were no additional conditions for the eternal state that follow, this list would not be impossible to complete.....Except for the last one!!

"Well...Since it’s your request....Eh, okay, I get it."In the end, Sven sighed helplessly and compromised."I'll go help....."

"Eh?....Have you really accepted it?"Seluka was shocked

"Well, that's up to you...."Alice nodded obediently.

Swain ate the remaining food and was ready to start working after eating. After all, he looked at this long list......If he doesn't work hard, he won't be able to rest tonight.....

No, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to sleep in the end. Instead, you’ll go chat with Skadi or the Valkyries......

Now I stay there for longer and longer periods of time, and mentally I am always in a state of sleep deprivation.....

"It would be great if there were things and methods that could relax the mind or replace sleep....."

Sven's brain started to hurt again when he thought of this.

Although looking at the list is a headache, but thinking about it on the other hand, the tasks above require running around, and it just so happens that I can take this opportunity to collect some seeds and soil, not just flowers, but also seeds of other things. Aren’t grains, grass seeds, fruit trees, and shrubs all acceptable?

"Oh, by the way, these tableware are also from you."

The three of them had just thought about a lot of things, and they couldn't sit still at this time. They all wanted to leave here, so Alice said something hurriedly and left here. The other two people also immediately got up and followed them.

"Okay, okay, just leave it to me."Sven just finished eating, and he put away the tableware of the other three people and walked into the kitchen.

Soon, the sound of water flowing through the dishes and chopsticks was heard in the kitchen.

Hearing the movement in the kitchen, he came up from the stairs. The three little heads that stretched out their heads to look down all retracted their heads.

"After this, I will probably be lectured severely by my brother....."

Seluka was a little worried. Sven had always loved and protected the two of them and had never been angry with them. They had also been curious about whether Sven would be angry, but the result was that no matter what the two of them did to Sven, he would not be angry.

For example, in the past, when his hands were inconvenient, he would comb his hair, or change him into a girl's beautiful clothes. Later, every time he had a water fight, the two of them would get angry, or add some surprises to his dinner. All the side dishes that come out of his head will be taken care of by him with a smile.

Over time, the two of them gave up. After all, they were not particularly irritating characters, so they could just have a little fun.

But now it seems that this is a bit scary. After all, the unknown is the most terrifying thing.....

After such a long time, Alice and Seluka could tell from the few words of the village guards that once Sven became serious, his momentum alone could overwhelm many people.....

Coupled with the swordsmanship that no one can match, many people now have psychological shadows. That's why it happened last time at the training ground. When they heard that the opponent was Sven, they didn't even dare to fight. Just want to run away.

Seluka began to imagine the scene of Sven getting angry, with a ferocious face, a big mouth, two horns on his head, and a Prajna-like face.

In the end, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, because she really couldn't imagine what the angry Sven was. What does it look like, so she directly regarded the image of the monster she thought was the most terrifying as Sven's angry appearance?....

Seluka shivered, while Alice on the side stroked her back and said comfortingly with a smile."Don't worry, Sven is reluctant to get angry with us~"

Compared to Seluka, Alice is bolder, which is not a little bit

"Angry moon....."Among the three of them, only Wuming had seen what Sven was like, who was a little bit aggressive."....Well, it's scary indeed."

The two of them turned to look at Wuming.

"Sister Wuming, have you ever seen an angry brother?"

"Hmm....Although I have never seen his face"

"So how do you know how terrible he is when he's angry?"Alice tilted her head. She was still very interested in this unsolved mystery of the Zibeluku family.

"Hmm...."Wuming thought for a moment about what explanations he could give the two of them, then he pondered for a moment and said,"Because that time, after Sven vented his anger, a knife mark dozens of meters long was left on the ground......"

Is it okay to describe the traces left by the purple thunder flames sprayed from the mouth of the purple demon fox as knife marks?

Wuming felt that such rhetoric was enough. If he said more, he would be blamed by Yue.....

"A few, dozens of meters! ? Seluka looked panicked and scared."Sister, sister....this...."

"Don't worry, it's no problem! Yue is, is reluctant to get angry with us....Large, probably...."Alice, who was also a little shaken, obviously said the same thing as before, but this sentence obviously lacked confidence, and the name of Sven became the same as Wuming without realizing it.....

"Don't worry, for now, even if Yue gets angry at us, the best he can do is give us a lesson."This time it's Wuming's turn to comfort the other two.

"Moreover, as long as we can come back soon, the secret will not be exposed! By then, won’t everything you think about be realized?"

"Say it, say it too...."Alice shook her little head, trying to expel the horrific endings she had just thought of. She turned around, took their hands and whispered,"Okay, it's getting late, we'd better hurry up." Go back early to prepare, and try to go back early."

Wuming and Seluka nodded and hummed quietly, then followed Alice back to the room, but soon Alice seemed to have thought of something again, and again He ran out of the room and returned downstairs.

In the kitchen on the other side

"....What are these three people doing?"Sven put a clean dinner bowl aside and picked up another bowl.

"Are you really just asking me to help?...."Swain wiped the water stains from the last tableware in his hand and put it in the kitchen cabinet.

"Huh, if I really think that, I might as well find a piece of tofu and kill me...."Swain chuckled twice. Some time ago, he was a little concerned about what a few people were doing, but they were really just reading in the library, and for some reason, all three of them were reading legends.....

But this time it can be seen that they are going to do something different.....

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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