Judilukin raised his head and looked at the smooth stone pillar in the distance. From the vague influence reflected on it, he could see that the person behind him seemed to be thinking about something, and his attention did not seem to be entirely on himself, so....

"It's now!!"


When Sven seemed to be distracted, Chudi Lukin quickly took out two small balls from his sleeves, and then crushed them instantly. In an instant, the surroundings of the two people were filled with pungent and dazzling smoke. So Chudilukin took advantage of his familiarity with the terrain while the audio and video of both parties were confused, covered his mouth and nose and tried to escape.

"very good! This little devil! I must wait until I escape...."

While running away, Judilukin was thinking about how to take revenge in the future, but when he was about to rush out of the smoke, he happened to see a dark blade heading straight at him, and he had no time to stop, and he just Hit him straight

"Cough ah ah ah——!"

The blade pierced his right chest, and severe pain instantly spread throughout Judilukin's body, so he kept shaking his body and staggered back a few steps, but Sven slightly raised the tip of the sword, letting him He couldn't move back at all, so he could only cover the wound with both hands, grab the back of the knife, and try not to let it continue to rise.


"....You, cough, you violated [Taboo List]】!"Because a lot of blood also spilled out of his mouth, Judilukin said in a somewhat vague voice at this time.


The smoke dissipated, and the scene at the scene became clear. At this time, Sven was facing away from Chudilukin, and the sword in his right hand was held behind his back.

He heard Chudilukin's voice behind him. After that, Swain turned around slightly and said with confusion on his face, slightly surprised:

"Oh, didn't you run away? Why are you still here?"

"I was about to put the sword away, but who knew you would rush up all of a sudden, bump into it and stab yourself. You were really too careless."

"you! cough!!....Well....."

Judilukin, who was pierced into the right chest by the jet-black blade, seemed to want to say something, but was stopped as soon as the words reached his mouth, and instead spit out a few mouthfuls of blood-smelling foam.

Although most of the blade had not penetrated his chest at this time,....Because his body was so round, it probably only punctured his lungs and not penetrated him. But even so, he would have died of suffocation in half an hour.

"Um? Have something to say? Let me tell you first that this was all caused by you, but I didn't move a step."Sven turned around and changed the blade from the reverse grip to the front grip. He still looked very irritated and said, and even slightly stirred the blade.

Judilukin, who just heard this, suddenly became angry again. But this actually accelerated the blood flow in his body, and the blood flow between the fingers covering his chest also accelerated a lot.

But now that the wound was touched again, his face struggled again, originally showing The sickly white face now showed a trace of blush.

"Oh, my complexion looks much better now. It was so white just now and looked like a living dead, but now it looks like....Well, it's not like that either"

"you....make this....Obviously coughing....break...."Judilukin’s intermittent voice kept ringing

"Okay, okay, I'm tired of hearing what you said. When you were in the upper position just now, why didn't you think about this before taking action?"

"Now that you have become a subordinate, you want to rely on this reason to convince me?"

"Normally, you only want the benefits brought by this directory, but do not fulfill its obligations, nor consciously abide by it, nor be bound by it."

"Now you actually want to use it to restrain me? Then use this to protect you! ?"

"Ha ha! Don't you think it's ridiculous?"Halfway through the sentence, Swain couldn't help laughing.

"And according to what you said, I am destined to be executed after all, so I won’t lose anything if I take you away with me before that."Sven had a very indifferent smile on his face and didn't take his threats at all.


At this time, Chudilukin really started to be afraid, no, it should be said that he was afraid.

Normally, relying on his position, he could show off his power to everyone except the highest priest, and even occasionally use certain authority , directly using sacred magic to punish certain people.

But now, the person in front of me is not afraid at all. No, I even say that I have never cared about who I am or what my identity is!

Judilukin raised his head and looked at Sven's black eyes. Although he looked like he was smiling, there was no smile or emotion in his eyes at this time.

Maybe after killing a monster, Sven's emotions would be richer than his current expression......

"Okay, although I know how to make you die in the most sober but painful way, there is no big hatred between us, and I don’t have the interest in torturing people, so in order to make you suffer less. It's painful, so please go die as soon as possible."

Sven suddenly pulled out the pitch-black blade, and brought out a large amount of splashing blood. At the same time, the tip of the blade slightly changed its position, aiming at the heart of Chudilukin, and prepared to stab. On the other side, Swain's words To Chudilukin's ears, it was tantamount to a death sentence for him, and at this distance, whether it was chanting sacred arts or acrobatics he learned out of interest with the intention of pleasing the highest priest, there was no use at all. There was not enough time to sing or use it.

His eyes were filled with a look of despair. He never thought that his end would be like this. The dignified

Elder of the Axiom Church Senate!

It can be said that The man who was the top leader in the entire organization in the human world was about to die at the hands of an unknown country boy.

At this time, Chudi Lukin had already closed his eyes and was ready to die. Get ready,


But the next moment, the first thing he felt was not the severe pain caused by his heart being pierced, but the sound of metal colliding in front of him.

"Steel! ?"Sven looked at the flat shield formed by the steel that suddenly appeared in front of him, and shouted in surprise.

At this time, Judilukin also looked at his miserable appearance reflected in the almost mirror-like steel shield in front of him. , fell down and sat on the ground.

While Swain was surprised, his figure also began to retreat rapidly towards the back. The next moment, four different types of elemental attacks exploded in Swain's direction.

Flames The arrows, the blades of the gale, the spikes of ice, the spears of crystal, all have different shapes, different elements, and attacks with completely different speeds, but they carry almost the same powerful pressure, attacking in waves. The feature fell near the ground where Swain was standing just now.

After landing, Swain did not get up, but squatted on the ground, with his left hand on the ground, and his right hand holding the blade horizontally by his side, bringing the extra to his side. A blue water arrow in front of him was shattered.

Then he turned to look in the direction of the attack. I didn't know when five figures appeared from the direction of the stairs.

Four of them were wearing clothes that were a little glowing. Gray silver armor, but with relatively few decorations on it, and the helmet is also a featureless cylindrical helmet. Now the four of them are running towards Swain and showing an encircling posture, and the five The other one is wearing lavender armor, which looks very gorgeous. The helmet is about halfway between the forehead and the eyebrows, and there are two wing-like decorations extending to both sides.

"....Valkyrie hair?"Sven looked at the decoration on the purple helmet, and unconsciously thought of the feathered hair on the heads of the three Valkyries, so he raised his eyebrows and showed a strange expression. Looking back, he didn't care about it for the moment. Regardless of the style and decoration of their armor, no matter how they are dressed, judging from the armor, they should be integrity knights.

"Fighting with five integrity knights.....No, there are only four people at the moment?...."Swain looked around and looked at the four people who had surrounded him.

Their postures were slightly different. One made a stabbing motion, one had the tip of the sword facing downwards, and it looked like it should be a thrust or an upward thrust. Another had the blade standing at his side, and the last one held it slightly. Place it tilted in front of you

"rapier...Great sword....tachi....one handed sword....."Swain could tell from their postures what kind of weapon they were using.

Although Swain has never seen the actual rapiers and broadswords, he still has the basic knowledge required for the weapons.

As for why his opponent clearly put on the posture required for a special weapon, Swain still had not seen the actual weapon. The main reason was because the four of them all had exactly the same weapons, one-handed swords.

"Standard weapons....Then that armor should also be standard equipment....."

"Then its hardness and priority should not be that high...."

"Then the exclusive weapons and equipment should be....."

While thinking this, Swain shifted his gaze far ahead and ran to Judelkin's side, the integrity knight wearing purple armor.

(To be continued)

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