Svenna then looked at Judelkin in the distance and the integrity knight known as Fanatio.

"Hey! Is your apprentice such a useless thing?"

"Four people can't beat one! ?"

"What a veritable waste!!"

Judilukin pointed at Sven with a ferocious face, and shouted to Fanatio at the same time.

"....."In this regard, Fanatio did not say anything, because this was the fact before him. Although his disciples were indeed not very mature yet, and it was still a little early for them to fight against others, such words were behind him. That potato sounds like it's just an excuse, it doesn't make any sense.

"snort! Sure enough, for you guys....!!!!"



Halfway through Chudilukin's words, his expression suddenly became extremely painful, and he clutched his neck tightly with both hands..... if he had....

Qiudi Lujin's face looked extremely painful, and then his face changed. His originally pale face turned into a dark color, and he covered his mouth with one hand. The next moment he couldn't help but spray. He spat out a mouthful of black, slightly viscous blood.

"finally started....Hmm, it takes a little long..."Swain was not surprised at all. It would be better to say that he had been waiting for this.

"Elder! ?"

Fanatio turned around to look at this moment, only to find that Judilukin was falling to the ground in pain, with black blood pouring out of his mouth.

Although he was very different from the person in front of him, he even said, In some aspects, it can be said to be a hostile state, but this does not mean that he can give up his duty as a guard and ignore death.

"This is....Poisoned?"

"But this....What kind of poison is this symptom?"

Seeing that his face was dark, the blood he spit out was also dark, and his face, which was still painful just now, now became very comfortable, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was hallucinating, and the twitching of his body stopped. , without looking at the face and the black blood spitting out, anyone would think that this person is having some sweet dream.

Regarding this strange symptom, Fanatio really didn’t know what to do for a while. After all, there were certain symptoms that fit the criteria. Symptoms of a toxin, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be another toxin

"No....After all, when was the poison administered?"

Fanatio first turned his head and glanced at Sven, but when the battle started, he had been staring at Sven and never looked away. There was no chance that the other side would use poison on Judelkin.

The only time of contact is when....

"you!! Put poison on the knife! And the poison was administered when the elder was stabbed for the first time!!"

"Oh, it was spotted"

"Hand over the antidote!"There was a trace of anger in Fanatio's voice.

There is not much sacred power in space here because of the darkness. In addition, almost all of it was exhausted when treating Judilukin's injury. Now even with the sacred power, Even magic can't alleviate the toxin. In the current situation, we must get the antidote!

Fanatio kept questioning Sven and at the same time forcing him to hand over the antidote.

"Oh, oh, oh, I didn’t apply poison on purpose."Sven did not deny this, but made an innocent expression.

"I just met two very interesting little guys on the way here."

"They happened to use poison too, so I gave them a little lesson."

"Then as a demonstration of how to poison a knife, I took my own knife and demonstrated."Sven smiled and then said

"so...If you want the antidote, go get it from those two little guys."

"Of course, since it was a demonstration, I used many kinds of things"

"Some of them are poisonous by themselves, and some are not poisonous by themselves but become highly toxic when mixed with certain substances."

"After all, it turned out to be a type that mixed multiple poisons together?!!"Fanatio seemed shocked by Swain's behavior.

"True, but....Don't worry too much."Sven smiled and continued.

"As long as you know the types, it's easy to figure it out. That is, you can find out from the more than forty kinds of raw materials which ones I am using, or just which dozens."

"I hope they both can still remember."

Seeing the gentle smile on Sven's face, Fanatio immediately shouted viciously:"Despicable!"

"mean? It really seems like what an upright knight said."

"However, I wounded him through a head-on battle, and what I said just now had a chance to kill him directly. In that case, he would be fine whether he was poisoned or not."

"And if you want to say something despicable, it’s fair to say that the five of you who attacked me unexpectedly are the ones"

"Slightly——!"Fanatio’s teeth gritted loudly.

"So as I said just now, I have no interest in torturing people. It would be easier to just let him go straight on."

"but....This is not bad for him. After all, he should still be in the illusion of the thing he desires most in his heart. He should be living a very wonderful life."

"And he doesn’t even know that his destiny is constantly decreasing."

"you!" Fanatio seemed to be about to explode. He had already reached for the sword at his waist, with a hilt decorated like a yellow cross star. At the same time, the momentum around him was rising, and in the blink of an eye he was It exceeded the pressure Deusalbad gave to Swain.

While Sven was laughing, he also bent down and prepared to fight again. This time, he could no longer fight with the four people just like that. It's so casual, you have to get serious

"That weird physical skill, and the sword skill I've only seen once....You have to deal with it carefully"

"That one should also be a one-handed sword, but it doesn’t seem to be standard equipment. Is it a weapon given by the highest priest?....Alas, we have to attack the inside of the armor again.....I hope these tips will be useful for this kind of specialized armor......"

Both sides are ready for battle. As long as either one of them makes the slightest move, the other will attack immediately.

However, both sides seemed to have made up their minds, and were ready to watch the opponent's moves first, and then fight back. Therefore, the current situation is that the two of them have been standing motionless, so except for Chudilukin, there is only Ruowuo. There was no sound except for the giggles. It seemed so quiet that you could hear your own breathing and heartbeat, and it was such an unusually quiet situation.

"Oh~! Boy, you are already here."

Just when the scene was in a stalemate, a very lazy voice of a middle-aged uncle sounded from one side. The only two people present who could still move turned their heads slightly to look, but basically their sight was There was still no sense of carelessness on the person opposite me.

Then I saw a man in plain clothes walking up from the stairs on the lower floor. He looked a little lazy, or rather bohemian.

"Boy?"Sven was stunned for a moment when he heard this title, and then asked cautiously and doubtfully:"Uh?....Are you calling me?"

"Hmm? Why didn't I call you? Could it be....Can you still call me Fanatio opposite you?"The man looked very easy-going and walked in the direction of Sven.

The sudden appearance of the man in uniform obviously interrupted the tense atmosphere between Sven and Fanatio, so Both of them turned their heads and looked in the direction of that person.

"Your Mightiness! This person is a major sinner who has violated the [Taboo Index], and he also poisoned the elders! Fanatio watched the man approach Sven slowly, and immediately spoke to remind him.

"Your Mightiness?"After hearing this title, Swain thought mentally.

"Do the integrity knights call him"Sir"?"

"It seems that he should have a certain identity"

"But who is this person?"

While Swain was thinking, Fanatio on the opposite side continued to shout:"We should arrest him!"

"Poison?"The man was stunned for a moment, then without stopping, he turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of Fanatio.

"Or to the elders?"

"That's right!"

"So, where is the elder?"

"Eh? Fanatio was stunned for a moment, then turned slightly sideways, gestured behind him, and shouted:"Of course it's here!""

The man also turned his head slightly and looked at Judilukin, who was lying on the ground behind Fanatio, and his exposed skin had completely turned black.

"Wow~! Boy, you are so cruel!"Looking at Qiudilu Jin who was still vomiting blood at this time, the man was stunned for a moment, and then said in the same surprise, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be raised slightly.

"That's natural. How can you show mercy to someone who wants to take your own life?"Sven said matter-of-factly, and then turned his eyes slightly to look at the four sleeping people lying on the ground around him.....

"This is true."The man in casual clothes agreed with Swain's words and nodded with a smile.

"And it looks like he will die soon.....Eh...."

"But, alas....Although I'm sorry, that....Can you help him detoxify? Although this person is very bad"

"but....After all, he is still an elder. Before the Supreme Priest speaks, it is better to keep him."The man in the uniform sighed first, then shook his head and said in trouble.

The man in the uniform's words were very pertinent, and he also damaged the potato who was still lying there and was spitting out blood......

You've vomited at least ten pounds!

(To be continued)

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