"No....."Sven was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head and looked at the highest priest

"you tell me this....yes....?"

"Can't you guess?"

The highest priest asked in return. Sven did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned to look at the two people at the table next to him.

"Like them?"

"Yes, become the backbone to protect the human world, become the strong shield to protect the people of the four countries, become the existence to protect and maintain the prestige of the Axiom Church, and protect the order of the human world."

"Integrity Knight......This is your original and proper vocation."

The top priest's calm voice sounded on this platform, and then he stopped making any sound. He seemed to be waiting for Swain's reaction.

"......"Regarding what the highest priest just said, Swain did not directly answer. Instead, he turned to look at the two giant moons in the distance, as if he was in a daze.

Time passed a little, until the highest priest opposite yawned and said slowly:

"Okay, I suddenly said these words to you, and it’s understandable that you can’t accept it all at once."


"Although I have rested for almost a whole day, I am also a little tired now. It is okay to have a good rest at home tonight and think about it slowly."The highest priest yawned again, then stood up and walked up the stairs on one side, ignoring everyone present. After seeing the highest priest leaving here, he had been kneeling on the ground motionless. Judilukin suddenly jumped up from the ground. When he wanted to dust himself off, he realized that his original red and blue clown suit was now covered with black blood.


Remembering how humiliated he had been, Judilukin immediately wanted to step forward.

"Even if I can't do anything, I still want to get my breath back!"Judy Lukin thought in his heart.

But Sven, who had had enough of his voice, didn't even turn his head, and fumbled his body a few times with his left hand through the windbreaker.

"Hey, where did the little bag with the deadly poison go? Did it fall off during the battle just now?"Sven's indifferent-sounding voice is tantamount to the death knell in Judilukin's ears.

Your bell has rung!

"Hey!!"Immediately he let out a strange scream, shrank his neck at the same time, and then lowered his head and looked at the ground carefully. The cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop pouring out. After all, he still has the memory of the unforgettable pain just now. It ’s very profound.

Do you want to eat another kind of poison, or is it an instant death poison?

Although I don’t know what it is, but the kid opposite said it, then it must be there!

If I get hit again this time, I guess I will die. If he couldn't hold on until his Highness came to rescue him, that person would have died immediately!

In the end, he didn't even pick up his hat. He clicked his tongue and ran frantically towards the stairs to the upper floor as if he was running away.

"This bastard boy! Just wait for me! Since you will also become an integrity knight, then.....hey-hey!"Chudilukin thought in his heart, he still has a long time to come, and revenge doesn't care about this moment!!

"In the future, I will also let you experience the feeling of life being worse than death!!"

It wasn't until Judelkin disappeared on this floor that Fanatio and the Four-Spin Sword withdrew their gaze. As for the man in plain clothes, he ignored the clown from beginning to end.

"Boy, where did you drop your stuff? Fanatio stepped forward and asked

"Um? Ha ha~!"But this question attracted a sideways glance from the man in uniform and a chuckle later.

"Your Excellency?"

"Is there anything funny about this? You should have just experienced the power of young man's poison. If by any chance someone...."

"hehe...."Even Sven chuckled now.

Looking at the two people in front of him, who had a huge age gap but whose smiles looked so similar, Fanatio also reacted.

"Really! Your Mightiness!"Immediately, Fanatio stepped forward suddenly and approached the man in uniform as if questioning.

"No, I didn't mean it....It’s just Fanatio you...some...Uh, too serious..."The man in Japanese clothes immediately opened his hands in front of him, turned his head slightly and looked to the other side, and quickly explained

"You actually want to say that I am too pedantic and too rigid, right? ?"

"No, it's not like that.....Well...."The man in uniform was halfway through his explanation, and then showed a very helpless and complicated look on his face.

I always feel that I used to use this expression when I went home late to explain......

Swain thought as he looked at the two people and chuckled.

Then the other two people saw this and restrained themselves a little. The man in plain clothes saw that he was liberated, so he came to Swain's side.

"Hey, kid, let's go, I'll take you to the room"

"Are you taking it with you? Someone who was called"Your Excellency" by one of the integrity knights, and who was able to sit aside and listen just now?"Sven looked at him with speechless eyes.

"But then again......who are you?"Although the two people seemed to be having a good conversation just now, Swain still doesn't know the name of the person in front of him.....

"Are you also someone who came out of the Senate?"Sven looked at the person opposite. He didn't have any armor on his body, and he didn't have any weapons, so he guessed.

"Haha, I'm not one of those guys who can't see anyone all day long!

"I'm just an ordinary middle-aged uncle....."The man in Japanese clothes smiled heartily as he spoke.

"Your Mightiness!"

"....I have always wanted to introduce myself like this."When the man in uniform heard the voice in his ear, he immediately changed his tone and showed a very troubled expression.

"Really....."Fanatio looked speechless.

"Ahem, let me formally introduce myself."The man in uniform coughed twice, then his face became much more serious and he said:

"Axiom Church, Integrity Knight Knight Commander, Bercouli Synthesis Wan"

"Well, that's it, just think of me as an uncle who can be seen everywhere...."The serious expression didn't last long before it collapsed and returned to the warm but somewhat relaxed expression.

"bell...Cooley?"Sven tilted his head slightly and thought for a moment.

"oh! how? Have you heard of it?"

"It seems to have some impression.....Have you ever been to the End Mountains in the north and killed monsters?"

"North.....Hmm, ha, forget it, I have been to a lot of places, I can’t remember them all."Bercouli waved his hand and said very casually.

"That's right....."Swain did not continue to ask. After all, it was not a big deal.

"Okay let's go."

Sven nodded and followed. After all, it seems that he really has to disturb you here for one night, or maybe for a long time.

"words now.....A room for integrity knights....There should be two rooms on the 80th floor, but they are both empty. How about going there?"Bercouli said casually as he led Sven towards the lower level.

"I'll leave it all to you. After all, I'm not familiar with this place either."

"Haha, you will get familiar with it soon."

Everyone quickly walked down from the Xiaoxing Observation Tower on the 95th floor. On the way

"Now, boy."Bercouli, who was walking in front of Sven, turned his head slightly, as if he remembered something, and then said

"I've told you my name....‘Can't the title"boy" be slightly changed?"

"It sounds like I'm like a child....."

"Um? Because the kid is just a kid?"

"....Uh-huh."Sven was choked up and speechless by Bercouli's words.

After all, the person opposite him looked to be about thirty or forty years old, which is the most golden age for a warrior. In contrast, Sven's appearance looked... Not half as good as him.....

"Fine....."Sven shook his head helplessly twice, and then spoke again:"So, Uncle Bercouli, what did you want to ask just now?"

"Haha, isn't your title quite strange?"Bercouli looked at Sven and laughed twice. He seemed to be very satisfied with this title.

After all, when people here meet him, they are either knight commanders or your Excellency.

It feels good to change the title occasionally.

"Well, it's not a big deal, I just want to ask, your weapon should have melted when you fought Deusalbad, then...."While asking, Bercouli slowly turned his head and focused his attention on the weapon on Sven's waist.

"That....What is this one now?"

"Or do you have many weapons that can form that giant knife shadow?"

Bercouli has actually cared about this question a long time ago. After all, it doesn't seem to be exactly the same as the weapon complete control technique they use. It can even be said to be another technique.

"this?"Sven casually took out the saber from his waist, immediately attracting the attention of the two people walking in front of him and beside him.

"Hmm....Attached to the completely black blade is.....What is this red mesh?"Bercouli leaned his head over and began to evaluate the weapon.

"this.....I accidentally discovered the heart coating of a kind of monster. It looked quite strong, so I used it to fix the sword body. Otherwise, an ordinary sword would soon break after using that move......"Swain held out the knife in his hand to Bercouli.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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