"Hee hee, Seer is also true, just like eating...Just a glutton...Haha~" Lineel looked at Feisel's embarrassment, stood on the other side and covered her mouth and chuckled.

"ah! Isn't Neel a glutton like me?!"

"I am different from you! After all, every time you eat snacks secretly, you are the one who eats the most!"

"Not at all! It’s you, Nel, who obviously eats the most!"

"It's Sel!"

"It's Neel!"


The two little girls were still denounced to Sven with the same hatred just now, but in the blink of an eye they started to quarrel over who ate more every time. They even looked like they were gritting their teeth now, and there was a trace of embarrassment in their eyes. Zhan Zhi, I really don’t know if people would say whether their relationship is good or bad......

"So be it!"

After the two were in a stalemate for a while, just when Sven was about to mediate, Lineel spoke first.

"Next time the two of us come to the game for snacks!"

"No time limit, just keep eating as long as you can!"

"See who eats more! The first person who can't eat any more wins!"

"The remaining one is the glutton!"

"OK! I explained this challenge!"


The two of them decided on the content of the 'duel' in just a few words, but after listening to the complete conversation between the two, Swain had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

The two had a snack-eating competition to see who would win. Eat a lot! The first person who can't eat and eats less wins.......

Come on, find out if you want to win the game or win in life.....

After Sven finished laughing, the two of them punched each other with little force.

"It hurts so much~!"

"What are you doing! Brother Swing!"

The two little girls covered their little heads at the same time and turned to look at Swain dissatisfied.

"I said, what did I ask you for just now? Don't eat to break your stomach...."

"As a result, you guys have to compete in eating.....Have you forgotten why we are here?"Sven reminded with a smile


Once they heard Sven talking about this, the two of them came back to their senses and made two cute sounds.

"Indeed, when I was angry with Seer, I got a little carried away and almost forgot....."

"Neil, what do you mean by this?"

"OK OK! The two of you will stop this matter here for now. After finally arriving in the town, you can take a walk and talk about anything you want when you go back."Sven saw that the two of them were about to fight again, so he smiled bitterly and hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two of them. Anyway, children's hatred and other things, as long as it is not a big deal, they basically don't stay overnight, and they will definitely be there the next day. I just forgot about these two. Maybe I will forget them before I go back......

"ah.....Feeling so tired....."

Swain looked at the two little girls holding their hands with dissatisfaction on their faces. They each snorted coldly and turned their backs to each other. He felt an inexplicable feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

While the three of them were chatting, they walked through the large luxurious block in front of them.....Then came to another luxurious neighborhood.....

How big is this place?!!

But this place is slightly different from just now. The atmosphere there just now seemed to be that of a bunch of offices. You could see how everyone was walking in a hurry, the architectural style of the building, and the security situation around it. This point has been revealed, and here, although the building is still tall and majestic, the atmosphere of a residence used for living is stronger.

The people around him are no longer a bunch of anxious guys, but a variety of people who look a little more relaxed, and Swain and his group are finally no longer eye-catching. After all, everyone here is dressed like Swain. This body is almost the same.

After seeing that there were slightly fewer people around and no one was following the three of them, Swain said,"Did you notice anything around you just now?"

"Um? Notice something?"

"Brother Swain, what are you talking about?"

The two little girls raised their heads and looked up at Swain slightly and asked.

"the eyes of people around"

".....Uh, there seems to be some"

"It’s just a look, isn’t that normal?"

"Indeed, there is nothing wrong with just curious glances, but after the two of you said certain things, the gazes of the group of people changed."Sven asked with a smile and lowered his head.

"Something?"Fisel tilted his head and thought for a while, but still didn't know the answer, so he turned to look at Lineel, but the other party also shook his head, looking a little confused.

Swain stopped, squatted down, and touched He held the heads of the two little lolita and said with a smile:"I should have taught you this, that is, you must learn to hide yourself"

"You have exposed two things in total. The first is that you have exposed that you live on the upper floor of the central church. Otherwise, you would not be able to see the houses here through the inner city wall."

"Second, it was exposed that I lived on the 80th floor."

The two little girls looked at each other. They didn't understand what these words meant. This kind of thing can be said as soon as it is said, so what can it do?

Swain looked at the doubtful looks of the two people and continued:"You two imagine for a moment"

"If it is during the march, the two of you are tasked with assassinating the leading officer. You only know that they are in the mountains, but you do not know their specific location."

"On the road, I met two people who came out to explore the road. I overheard their conversation and learned from one person what they could see from their position, and from the other person I learned exactly where the officer was on the top of the mountain."

"You know now, although I don’t want you to be mysterious 24 hours a day, but you should at least have this kind of thinking so that you can pay attention in the future....."

"I know!"x2

"Um? You understand....what?"Sven was just halfway through speaking when he heard two little girls shouting in unison, so he looked up at the two of them in surprise. At this time, after the two of them finished shouting, they hugged each other at the same time, with their heads touching each other. The sparks in his eyes flashed again, and they were all in a state of holding the other person's shoulder with one hand, and starting to pull the other person's cheek with the other hand.

"you two.....This is....What are you doing! ?"Sven now doesn't understand what the two of them are doing......

"Brother Sven/Brother, what I just said is that it is all Seer/Niel's fault, right?"

".......Aha?"Sven is saying hello now. By the way, is this the topic we just talked about?

I seem to be teaching you to pay attention to your words and deeds when you go out...... hiss....Is what I said not clear enough? ?

"So where is my fault! It was obviously Sel who exposed Brother Swain’s position!"

"It was Neel who mentioned the size of the room first! Otherwise I wouldn’t have said that!"

"Why did I speak first? Doesn't Sayre want a big room?"

"I, of course I thought about it....."

"That’s it! Then even if I don't mention it, Seer will mention it!"

"Not always! Maybe I’ll mention something else!"


"OK OK! This matter is also a little reserved!! reserve!!!"Sven intervened between the two of them again and stopped them with a bitter look on his face.


"Woo woo.....Sorry, I was wrong. Maybe I should wait until you are older......"Swain was crying crazily in his heart. It was so difficult for me!

I finally wanted to teach the two of them something slightly useful, but it turned out..... grandfather!! Is the mind-reading skill I learned really useful?!!

Now I feel like I really don’t understand what these two little girls are thinking!!!

Swain calmed the two again. He felt that before teaching them how to become qualified assassins, it might be better to teach them a little common sense......

Swain chose some lighter topics this time, such as the snacks they like to eat and the things they like to do.

The previous ones were fine, they were all relatively ordinary high-end snacks. Although they were only available in the central church on certain days, they were at least normal.

But what I like to do is actually studying assassination methods......

In a very bad sense, Sven seems to have a good rapport with these two little girls......

After leaving the street where the nobles live, the facilities in front of them have changed a lot, and the architectural style has also changed slightly. Although the surrounding buildings are still very high, they have all become simpler designs, and they are no longer single-family buildings. It seems that he has left the aristocratic circle.

Continuing to walk forward, what suddenly caught my eye was a very huge place, surrounded by half a wall and an iron fence erected on it.

"Hey~.....here.....where is it? Neil, do you know?"Fisel flew up to the stone wall, held his hands in front of him, swung his calves and started to peek inside through the fence.

Lineel on the other side also climbed up, and after taking a look, he said:"I I don’t know either...."

At this time, Swain also came closer, looked around, and then said:"This is probably the sword training academy."

Because he took a look just now, and there were several people wearing sword training clothes a little further inside. They are dressed in warrior uniforms, and they all wear one-handed swords around their waists. Their strides are considered capable, not to mention that there seems to be a training ground in the distance.

"Sword training academy? What's that place for?"

"They say they are practicing sword training.....That is of course a place to learn sword skills."The two people tilted their heads and discussed in a low voice.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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