"Okay, don't worry about how long I wait."Sven turned around and looked at the group of people in front of him and waved his hands.

Then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. After a few coughs, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment,

Sven used the same expression as Antinous just now. The voice, exactly the same tone, and the same sentence pattern said:"Okay! You, a mere third-class knight, must quickly carry out my orders! Or are you planning to disobey my orders?"

"I.....You and I...Goo..."Antinous looked at Sven as if he had seen a ghost. He grabbed his neck nervously with both hands, and took a few steps back tremblingly. Combined with the look on his face, he was speechless due to shock. , it is very easy for people to feel like this, as if Sven has taken away his voice. Suddenly, the people watching the show were so shocked that they immediately took a few steps back and stayed away from the group of people driving, as if they were worried. A person whose voice is taken away is the same as himself

"Don't dawdle!"

"Third class knight there! I order you to lick up the food remnants that just fell on the ground bit by bit!"Sven still used the voice of Antinous, and at the same time, he emphasized the word"third class knight" very hard.

Therefore, to Antinous, it usually sounded like he was praising himself and making him feel full of pride. The words sounded so harsh and irritating at the moment, and he even said that he would rather others not call him that.

He raised his head with difficulty to look at Swain who was sneering, and said with difficulty:"First, first class knight....this...."

"how? Can't you do it?"Sven asked boredly.

".....yes."Antinous lowered his head, bit his lip, clenched his fists, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Haha, you really know how to joke!"Sven laughed.

"Didn’t you ask me to do it just now?"

"Doesn't that mean you think I can do it?"

"Since I can do it as a first-class person, of course you can do it as a third-class person. Come on, you're welcome, everything on this ground belongs to you!"

Sven said with a smile, and the people around him also changed their attitudes and didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, it seems now that this person is totally bringing it upon himself. If you had made a slightly more normal request just now, you wouldn't have to suffer it now. This is a sin.

This is how the world is. Those with high status and the strong have the right to speak, and these people just sway with the wind.

Seeing Antinous's face blushing, Sven's His expression gradually became boring.

"Remember, never force others to do something you can’t do yourself."


"Then you can only do things according to the rules. I like rules and regulations the most."Sven said this, snapping his fingers and looking at the guard captain aside.

"You have an overview of what happened just now. Not only that, he also wanted to attack us personally. What is the maximum punishment we can achieve in this case?"

"yes.....Because it is a two-level conflict, in this case, basically any punishment that does not violate the [Taboo Index] and the basic laws of the empire can be punished."

"Roar~~"Swain showed a playful smile

"Is it okay to punish his family?"

"No! please! Please wait!!"At this time, Antinous no longer dared to imagine what the person opposite would ask for.

Thinking about what he would do if it were him, Antinous's face was pale at this time and he did not dare to continue thinking about it.. So he bent his knees and half-knelt on the ground. Looking at the half-melted crepe in front of him, his face was very tangled, his teeth were clenched, and his lips were bitten with blood.

"Uh-huh! Brother Swing is so bad! Feisel took a bite of the crepe handed to her by Swain and said with a smile.

"But that guy deserves it!"

The two little girls behind whispered quietly. Of course Sven would not let these two little girls see what was going to happen next.

Even if the other side really wanted to do it, he was still afraid of teaching the children bad things......

So he walked up to Antinous, blocked everyone's sight, squatted down, and then patted his shoulder a little hard, making his body sink, and then helped him while he looked at him in confusion. stand up

"Okay, it’s enough to eat these, I’m not that crazy."Sven said with a playful smile, stood up and left.

"Eh?"Antinos raised his head and looked at Sven's back. He didn't quite understand what this meant, but he soon realized what he meant.

"No! not like this! I-I haven’t even taken a bite yet!"

"Believe me!! me....."

Antinous said in horror, but no one around him believed him, because the trace of blood on Antinous's mouth was very similar to the color of the melted raspberries on the ground.

And to them, no one cares about you, what matters is that they have something to eat!

This is the most important!

"Sir Antinous, you don’t need to worry about it. Just take one bite and it’s enough. Even if you feel sorry for it, you don’t need to continue eating."

"No! I really!!!!"Antinous still wanted to defend, but when he looked around, not to mention the crowds around him, even Jijek and their sons who were following him now looked suspicious.

"alright! Let's leave this matter as it is."Sven is very satisfied with the effect.

"Eh?"At this time, even the people around were surprised. After all, the punishment seems to be a little light, and the melons are a bit small.....

"Now let's make another calculation. What you just did is obviously an insult to me, so now take your sword and see you in the arena."Sven stretched out a finger and pointed at the sword on Antinous's waist.

"this....."Antinous was very surprised, because the opponent looked like a kid of fifteen or sixteen years old, but he was now in his forties. The two were competing in swordsmanship, and the result was obvious even without looking at it.

"If you win, forget this matter and I will not pursue it in the future, but if you lose....."Swain showed a slight sneer and shuddered when he looked at Antinous.

"The rule is that the first strike wins, so that should be okay, right?"He turned to the guard captain and asked

"Yes, of course....."

"that...."Suddenly, the corner of Sven's clothes was pulled by someone, and he turned around to look

"Zibelukujun...."Sortiliena stepped forward and asked softly

"Just Swain"

"That....Mr. Siwen, you....Isn't it too foolhardy?"

"You are a member of a high-ranking noble, and your sword skills are unique. And at that age, you seem to be younger than me now....."

"Don't worry, Miss Selulut, I have confidence."Sven smiled easily, and held her hand to tell her not to worry, then turned and walked away.

Sortilina looked at the hand she had just held and felt that the hands were not there. It looks like the hands of a skilled swordsman, but there are no calluses on them. Something is wrong.....

"That's right! Brother Swing is very strong!"Fisel stuffed all the remaining crepes into his mouth at once and said vaguely.

"Yes, yes, you can use paralysis poison to subdue the two of us in one go!"Linelle also echoed.

"Paralyzing poison?"Sortilina was stunned.

"Yes, Brother Swain’s pharmacology is very powerful!"

"Well....What about swordsmanship?"She hesitated for a moment, but still asked

"fencing?" Feisel touched his head

".....We haven’t seen Brother Swing use swordsmanship, so we don’t know!"

Sortilina looked at Sven's confident look just now and thought he was really capable. But now after hearing the words of Feisel and Linel, she began to doubt it again. , is this really okay?.....

Swain ignored them, walked to the back, picked up his luggage, followed by two little girls, passed by Jijek and the other two who looked panicked at this time, and walked towards the arena.

And Antinous and his party were also led by the guards towards the arena. It was not uncommon for problems to be solved through duel. Rather, if there was any dispute between nobles of the same level, such behavior would still be Relatively common.

The surrounding crowd has dispersed at this time. Everyone has their own vocation. It is okay to relax a little and eat melon, but it is not okay to leave and go to the arena.

However, there are still many cultivators in the crowd. For the students of the Sword Academy, it happens to be lunch break at this time. Generally speaking, it is normal to take a lunch break in the dormitory or go to the training ground to practice swordsmanship. However, there are also many people who go shopping. After all, they need to replenish their equipment and polish their weapons. Now There were free duels to watch, so many people chose to go to the arena together.

I want to see if I can learn anything from this duel.

When we came to the arena, it was indoors. The surrounding stands were very high, and the wall was about two meters away from the ring below.

Swen and Antinous walked to the stage from the gate on one side. Fisel and Linel were sitting in the stands above, with Sortilina, and a group of guards followed on the other side. Those other people, prevent them from running away....

"Brother Swing needs to give him a good repair, and he can be solved with one stab at the neck!"

"And the heart, too!!"

"And those glaring eyes just now!"

"Stinging through the eyes can also be fatal!"

On Sortilina's side, the two little lolita beside her said sweet words that made her a little frightened.

She looked at the two little girls in surprise, and she couldn't tell what they were talking about. To be honest, or just describing it....

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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