In an instant, there was not a single living person left in the training ground on the 90th floor.

When we arrived at the eighty-ninth floor, we opened a room with double doors. There were still huge wooden shelves lined with various kinds of ores, and there were also a lot of equipment made from them. It looked like It is used as a sample

"Now, boy, are you going to just put on your armor and go out for a run?" asked Bercouli

"That's right, but you still need to prepare before that......"While talking, Swain took out a wooden box at some point.

"you.....Did you hide this thing just now? Bercouli asked with twitching eyes.

You just pulled out two knives and let it go, but now you have gone too far!

"Well, don’t worry about such small things~" Swain said with a smile.

"I always feel like I just said this not long ago....."Bercouli scratched his head

"Okay, let’s go find it quickly."Sven said as he opened the wooden box from the middle and turned it into a two-step structure with a large cosmetic box underneath.

"Well, Your Excellency, we are coming too....."Fanatio immediately wanted to offer help.

"Ah, you two, wait a minute, I still need your help."Sven stopped the two of them at this time.

"us?" Fanatio looked at Swain in confusion, not sure what he could do to help.

"It's okay, I know where it is, just stay here."Bercouli waved his hand without hesitation and walked directly towards the depths of the warehouse.

"Okay, I have something to ask you about. Is there a female knight in The Dark Knight, and one that is impressive?....."Sven said as he smeared it on his face

"Tell me about her general appearance"


As soon as they heard this, the two of them were immediately confused. What kind of problem is this?!

Does this have anything to do with what is going to happen next?

But after being confused for a while, Fanatio said:"What you are saying now should be... There are a few of them. If I want to say that they are impressive, they are....."

Fanatio described it vividly, while Sven nodded and was almost busy...... the other side.

Bercouli took out a set of dark knight armor that was almost dusty from the corner of the warehouse.

"OK, found it....Suitable size for kids....But it’s a woman’s armor..."Bercouli was a little confused

"Well....Forget it, let's take it over and take a look first....."Thinking like this, he started walking back.

But when he was still some distance away from the door, he faintly heard the sounds of three people talking.

"Is that so? asked Swain

"Uh-huh....The face should be fatter than mine...."Fanatio answered

"I have never seen your face....."

"ah....That's right too...."

Sven looked back at Fanatio speechlessly,"

You are the same person."....

Even if you wear a helmet, you can't hide your true side....


I will just watch quietly as you continue to pretend....

I feel tired....

"That's the face....What about the sound?"Sven asked again

"Eh? Do you want the voice too? Fanatio was stunned.

"ah....That's right."Sven smiled bitterly, habitually wanting to imitate the other person's voice, but after thinking about it, few people here have seen real people, so the voice doesn't matter.

"That.....Ahem...Is this feeling okay?"Sven coughed twice and changed to an unfamiliar voice, which sounded soft but serious.

When the two of them were talking, Sheeta was the only one left standing there blankly, feeling that she He couldn't keep up with the two people at all, as if he was an outsider.

And Bercouli looked at the figure at the door and was stunned.

"This is......"With his mouth slightly open, Bercouli kept looking up and down at Sven.

At this time, he seemed to be a different person. His originally fair skin was now a darker wheat color like that of a Dark Empire person, and his appearance was still that of a woman in her twenties. After all, the person behind him Her hair, which is mostly purple, is also camouflaged.

Swain hadn't seen Bercouli come and go yet, so he was still practicing the voice lines he would use later with the voice of a strange woman. With a ferocious face, he shouted in an extremely angry manner:"Judilukin!! Today is the day. Your death date!!!"

Even though he is already dead.....

"......."While Swain was preparing the voice line he was going to use next,

Bercouli walked over and looked at the familiar woman in front of him with a complicated expression.

".....Who is this?"

"what happened?"

"Is this sacred magic?"

Bercouli directly asked three questions about his quality, but the two people opposite him also looked confused, because they just watched Sven take out a lot of strange things and put them in his pocket. After smearing it on his face and hands, his skin began to change.

In the end, he dyed his hair again to gray-brown, and changed the color of his pupils to blue. Now he has completely changed the look on Swain's face. There is no trace of his original appearance.

He has a high nose, sharp eyes, and a cold smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. The three people around him can't help but feel scared.

"Is this sound okay? There shouldn't be any overlap with anyone you know, right?"Sven roughly adjusted the sound, then turned to look at Fanatio and Shetta and asked, but the sound did not change back.

"I think the image of the Dark Empire people you described is quite similar. If there are any problems, I will change it....."

I didn't pay attention when I was putting on makeup just now, but now that the whole thing is done, the three of them are really shocked......

Fanatio still looked like he was wearing armor, and Scheeta still looked expressionless.



The two of them looked at Sven who seemed to be in a daze, and the place fell into an eerie silence.

"......that....How about it? How about an answer?"

There was silence for a while, and Swain asked with raised eyebrows.

"Haha, boy, your move really surprised me!"

Bercouli suddenly walked over from the side. He was about to pat Sven on the shoulder as usual, but suddenly he saw Sven's delicate side face turned around and his tiny eyes.

"Oh, both~! So dangerous, so dangerous...."

"Not now, Miss!"Bercouli retracted his hand halfway, with a look of fear on his face, but soon he laughed and joked in a very informal way.

"....."Swain tilted his head and gave him a roll of his eyes. Then his face turned and he cooperated with him? she? With her current makeup, she smiled coldly and said,"Do you also want to try the dream you had that day?"

"Uh-oh! very scary!"Bercouli shuddered and said with a smile.

But in his heart he was really afraid of Sven's poison.

Because Sven now gave him the impression that he was the image of a ruthless woman with a snake-like heart.

Because he had never seen it before. Real people, Sven can only create characters according to his own ideas....

Anyway, I used to say this when I was a kid to scare kids, so let’s do it like this.....

"Okay, let’s not talk about this. Where is the armor?"

"it's here."

As he spoke, Bercouli put the armor on the table in front of Sven.

"....There is nothing wrong with everything else. If the helmet is broken, just break it. But why is there such a big cut on your chest?"Sven picked up the upper body of the armor and looked at it. At this time, there was a huge knife edge on the plate armor on the chest.

"You can cut this, right?"Sven rolled his eyes at him.

"Haha, yes, this is the armor worn by the Dark Knight I brought back."Bercouli said with a smile.

"But if you do this......Are there any others?"

"Others were even worse than this, like what Fanatio brought back at that time, which was a lot of iron pieces."Bercouli smiled and pointed to Fanatio on the side.

"......"I don’t know if it was Swain’s imagination, but he seemed to be looking at Fanatio glaring at Bercouli.

"Okay, it looks like the wounds have to be faked too......"

As he spoke, Swain began to fake the wounds, making a mark of a slash on his chest, and smearing a bunch of blood on his chest.

".....But the size...boy."Bercouli wanted to ask what he was talking about, but he was stared at by Sven and changed his name.

"Why do you have to turn into a woman? Depending on your skills, wouldn't it be more convenient to wear makeup as a man?" asked Bercouli

"Because according to you, if I want to cheer everyone up, I have to 'escape'. In this case, everyone will worry about whether they will suddenly be attacked by hidden enemies."

"In this case, they will work hard for themselves wholeheartedly."

"And if the Knights and Guards later discover that the intruder is a female dark knight wearing a broken helmet, then they will definitely look for women when they pursue them later."

"At that time, even if I randomly find a corner, take off my disguise, and appear in front of them swaggeringly, no one will doubt me."Sven had already disguised himself and said while putting on his armor.

"What's more important is that the armor I can wear with my current body type is female....."Sven rolled his eyes at Bercouli.

Then he said speechlessly:"It's obviously your choice, haven't you even considered this?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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