In this way, we fought all the way from the fiftieth floor to the first floor. The scene of the three people fighting could not be said to be seen by everyone, but there were still quite a large number of witnesses. boom--!!

In the central church on the first floor, the wall suddenly exploded, and three people flew out. After landing, Sven jumped out again into the distance. The second Sheta quickly stepped on the ground and chased after him again, and with the The rapier stabbed Sven in the head.


The side of Sven's helmet was stabbed directly through, and it hung on Sheeta's rapier.

"Hey, Sheeta, are your acting skills too realistic?"Sven fell to the ground and looked at Sheita, who swung his rapier and threw his helmet aside, preparing to charge forward again.

"You don't really have the idea of ​​​​killing me, right?"

"There are only two of us here, so we don’t need to be so serious."Sven said in a panic.

"......Eh?"Xie Ta only reacted at this time and looked around in confusion.

"ah....."She looked a little cutely

"....Did you just react now?"Sven looked at Sheita and felt a little funny. After getting along with him for a while, he found this person quite cute.

"....Feel sorry."Sheeta looked at the helmet that was thrown aside and immediately apologized.

"Almost didn't stop again....."

"It doesn't matter, there is no problem anyway. This way, when others catch up, it will look more normal."Sven pointed to the helmet on the ground. It was really in tatters now.

"It seems like you should devote yourself to this every time you practice, right?...."


"Oh, by the way, Sheeta, why do you come out to practice swordplay at that time every time?"Sven remembered that the two times he saw Sheita were at the training ground before dawn.

For integrity knights who are busy during the day due to lack of manpower, night is a precious rest time.


"It's the same today. You were in the training ground to practice swordsmanship at that time, right?"

"Why not go to the training ground during the day?"Sven said doubtfully.

"......."Sheita closed her eyes for a moment, looking like she didn't want to talk about this issue.

"Well.....Feel sorry....."Seeing Sheeta like this, Swain scratched his head, knowing that there might be something unspeakable hidden on the other side.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. I'm sorry for asking you a strange question."

".....No, its...."Sheeta shook her head, wanting to say something

"Ah, they chased them out, we...."But obviously the timing of talking to Swain coincided with each other.

"Sorry, what did you just say?"


"Forehead....."Swain looked at Sheeta who closed her eyes slightly and didn't want to speak anymore, and smiled bitterly.

"Sorry, I have something to say. Let’s talk about it later. For now, let’s continue."


Throughout the whole night, this was probably the busiest night since the establishment of the Central Holy Capital. Sven wanted to bring a bowl of water to everyone and let everyone enjoy equal treatment, so it was fair that all four empires went shopping. circle, and try to make as much noise as possible......

God's equal treatment!!!

You are just simply disturbing the people!!!

Thanks to this, it is rare for people in the capitals of the four great empires to get up earlier than the bells ringing......

Swain first went to the Western Empire, and then turned around clockwise. Now he arrived at the Southern Empire. He was planning to escape from the gate of the Southern Empire, because Bercouli had said before that there was some movement on the border over there, which was just right. Cover for him.

At this time, the only one following Swain was 'Sven'......

Turning his head slightly to look at 'Sven' behind him, he smiled bitterly. Although Sheeta's swordsmanship was very strong, she was still stronger in terms of foot strength, so she was left behind when she ran to the Northern Empire......

Now it seems that she is going back and preparing to ride the flying dragon.

Swain jumped over a street and landed on the roof of the other side of the street. It was already daylight, but there were no pedestrians on the street, and no one even opened the windows. There were only guards and knights patrolling back and forth.

"Looks like the news has gotten here.....Ah."

Sven looked down and smiled evilly, and then used almost 100% of his strength to shout:"Guys from the Dark Empire! If you can, don't run away. Fight me head on!!"

These words instantly rang out on the still slightly quiet street in the early morning, and immediately attracted the attention of several street patrols around them. They looked up and found Swain with an angry face chasing the Dark Knight in front of him.’

"snort! If you can, catch up with me!!"

"Putting aside you guys from the Axiom Church, it seems like these knights and guards are really not that good?"Sven jumped across another street and looked at the crowd below and mocked.

"We have all touched you here, and no one has noticed it. It seems that if there are just a little more people next time, you will all be wiped out~" A slightly soft female voice also came into everyone's attention. In the ears, although the tone was very charming, everyone who heard this shuddered, a biting chill rose from their feet, and the feeling of being topped by some monster came to everyone's heart, and listening to After hearing these words, Swain was stunned for a moment. He didn't say anything, but he just accelerated his speed again with an angry face.

But there was nothing he could do about it.....After all, the clone can’t speak yet!!!

Listening to the conversation between the two parties, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately came back to their senses.

"hateful! How dare you trivialize us!!"

"over there! Chase!!"

"We want him to know how great we are!"

"The woman in front is an invader from the Dark Empire!!"

"Don't let her get away!!!"

For a time, all the knights and guards who participated in the patrol were motivated. How can it be done if they are looked down upon like this! Everyone present was a warrior. Although there were some who cultivated their moral character, there were also many who had bad tempers, so For a moment, the group ridiculed, and the effect was outstanding!

To put it simply, it was on fire!!!........

Finally, under the intense pursuit and interception of the knights and guards, Sven was forced to abandon part of his armor and speed up in order not to be discovered. At the same time, he accidentally left a patch of armor along the way. Mark of...... ah.....What a hassle....

I really don’t want to do this thing again that I want you to catch, but I don’t want you to catch it......

Hello!! That team over there! Wrong way!

Didn’t I leave road signs?

This can all be traced wrongly.....

Finally, we arrived at the city gate. Although it was better to close the city gate and catch the turtle in the urn at this time, it seemed that some people still wanted the dark knight who wanted to escape to leave here.

After all, if you leave a hidden danger by your side, can you sleep at night?

Because what Swain just said is not necessarily true. It is said to be next time, but what if it is actually two teams coming this time? What if there are still people left in the city?

So when they were halfway through the pursuit, most of the troops were transferred to the central district and the noble district, and they began to investigate first, leaving only a small number of troops to continue tracking.

The city gate was not closed. Faced with a large number of city gate guards, but their training was obviously extremely poor, Sven and his clones broke through one after another, and even the clones were slightly hindered by these people. He moved a little further and almost got out of control and failed to follow......

After leaving the city gate, we arrived at the Southern Empire. After passing through a section of mountainous terrain, the scene in front of us changed a lot in an instant. It looked like a tropical rainforest with extremely undulating terrain. There were lush flora everywhere. Looking at it in the distance, it looks like a large flat land, but when you go over a slight slope, my dear, it turns into a canyon directly in front of you. Beyond the canyon is a large basin.....

Swain ran some distance away, but the pursuing troops behind him no longer had any traces left by Swain, and finally failed to catch up.......

"It seems that Bercouli's uncle is right. In this situation, there is really no way to save him if a fight breaks out......"

Stopping, Swain felt that it was enough to get here, so he relaxed a little and put away his clone.

"This time, there is one more controllable clone......Is it because there is an extra tail?"Sven thought for a while,

"After that arrives.....If all nine tails were present, would it be a gang fight?"Sven smiled.

"Hmm...."But he shook his head again

"It's no problem at all to control one's own body if there's another clone. With two clones, it's barely okay, but if you want to add one more....."Thinking of this,

Swain againIf you scratch your head, is it equivalent to one brain controlling four people?

Are you really not insane?

"Forget it, think about it later."

While thinking this way, Swain also walked near the cliff.

"Hey~! This terrain is really amazing."Sven sighed, and he got a little closer to the edge of the cliff, squatted down and stretched out most of his body to look at the bottom. Although it was not deep, it was still a few dozen meters away.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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