After that, Swain explained a little bit what he meant by going on a trip.

"This is still really interesting!"Hirud grabbed Sven's right hand and kept stroking the ring finger on it.

"It feels like a reverse summoning magic, where the summoned party takes the initiative."Altlinde also looked very interested.

"Summon magic....."

"Speaking of which, when I first met Shidunai, I just wanted to summon her out of this place." Swain recalled

"After all, it would be boring to stay here alone, but now it doesn’t seem necessary."

"Summoning magic, I also want to be summoned by the little brother once, and then I want to visit him!"

"You just want to eat it?...."Sven said angrily.

"Ah ha ha....Sure enough, it was exposed~" Hilud scratched his head in embarrassment and stuck out his tongue, which felt very playful.

"but....That's true. I'll see if I can take you back to have a look."

"Very good!"Xilud cheered, and several others were equally excited.

"So, please, which one of you can teach me first?......"Swain is a person who does what he says, so he immediately wanted to ask for advice.

"No, you can't do it now."But before he finished speaking, Sven was interrupted by Skadi.

"Eh? Why?"Sven turned his head to look at the empty place. The next moment, Skadi's body shape was constructed by countless snowflakes.

"Not to mention that it is a very precise magic, you need to learn the complete summoning array for a while, and this is Northern Europe in the Age of Gods. If you want to break through the mystery here and summon the people here, you also need considerable strength."Skati casually sat on the chair vacated by the three of them and explained

"That's it....."Swain was very disappointed.

After all, strength is a flaw now

"I originally thought about taking all of you, Skadi, to my place to have some fun."But he still looked at Skadi with a slight smile.

"I?"Sikadi was stunned.

"Eh? Any questions?"

".....No."Skati looked Sven up and down again.

This man.....Do you really think so?....

Hum ~ interesting.....

"Well, if that doesn't work for the time being, let's learn runes today, Skadi!"Sven said to Skadi

"I remember you said you would teach me!"

"Huh?"Sikadi was a little surprised. Originally she came here just for this matter.

"Do you remember?"

"certainly! I remember everything you said."Sven smiled.

"snort..."Skadi squinted her eyes, smiled slightly, and answered with great satisfaction.

"Well, don’t forget God’s teachings."

After that, Sven began to learn rune writing.

Looking at the symbols on the ice plate in front of him, Sven took a general look around and felt that the symbols were not difficult to remember, and the shapes were fairly simple.

"Feel....Apart from the strange shape, it doesn't seem to be difficult at all, right?"Sven scratched his head, put down the slate, and looked at Skadi sitting next to him.

"Isn’t this very easy to learn?"

Before they started learning, Sven heard from Valkyrie how difficult this thing is. Now the three of them are still using part of it that was given by the gift. Only Skadi can use all of it. When he heard that Sven was so smart as a great god, his eyes suddenly sharpened, his eyebrows furrowed, he opened his white teeth and gently blew a breath of purple cool air, and suddenly a piece of purple snow crystal sparkled and was elegant. The floral mist hit his face, but it was also accompanied by a biting coldness, so that Sven's face was covered with a circle of frosty mist and thin ice. At this time, Shidunai had already hid in the room on the side, and the two of them Behind him, three Valkyries were waiting at the door with their heads lowered, not looking at this side at all. Sven was the only one who suddenly felt the chill.

"Uh-huh......"Sven felt the biting cold, shivered suddenly, shook his shoulders, wiped the ice particles on his face slightly, and looked at Skadi angrily.

Seeing this scene, Skadi's mood immediately improved. She covered her lips and tried not to laugh out loud. Then she was noticed by the three people behind her. With a happy smile on her face, she narrowed her phoenix eyes and said jokingly. Looked at Swain.

Sven looked at Skadi, whose shoulders were trembling slightly and holding back her laughter, speechlessly. He felt that she was becoming less and less concealed recently. It was clear that when he saw her before, the proportion between the queen's posture and her current posture was about It's eight to two.....

But why is that eight gone now? As long as no one around her is paying attention, Skadi will stop covering up at all......

Although there is not much need......

Looking at Skadi again, Swain noticed that she was pointing at him with her index finger.

Seeing this, Swain reached out and touched his face, and at the same time unconsciously asked in a low voice:"What's wrong?"

He wiped it several times but didn't find anything on his face.

Seeing that Sven couldn't find it for a long time, Skadi leaned over and reached out to grab Sven's front bangs. There was a small piece of ice hanging on it and shaking.


But before she finished speaking, she heard the sound of someone blowing air, and at the same time she felt her right ear getting hot, so her body suddenly stiffened, and the red clouds climbed up to her snow-white skin in an instant, and Skadi immediately She withdrew her hand, sat back in her seat, and leaned back.

The blush on her face was so deep that it even seemed to be greater than the glow in Skadi's eyes. She was extremely embarrassed and angry. He covered his ears with one hand, and slowly raised the cane in his hand with his trembling right hand. Its tip began to shine with magical light, and he seemed to be ready to perform magic.

"Ah? Was my answer just now wrong?"Sven said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his index finger to cover his lips.

Skadi looked at Sven's movements, looked back at the three Valkyries, turned her head, and showed a sweet smile, but her face The blush on her face and the veins on her forehead showed her complicated mood.

"No.....Very, very correct!"Sikadi gritted her teeth, but her voice still said sweetly.

"But there are other solutions!!"

"Now let me show you how to use it correctly!!"

Skati suddenly waved the cane in her hand, and a circle of runes suddenly appeared in the void around her.

And a circle of purple light curtain spread instantly with Skadi as the center, returning herself to There was Sven, and the surrounding area surrounding it, but the three Valkyries were not included.

"ah.....I know this. Shidunai used it at that time. It seems to be a kind of barrier......"Swain looked at the purple light curtain, recalling the endless barriers in Shidu Nei's cave, and suddenly felt that something was not right.

Skadi waved her hand again to change the structure of the runes, and looked at Sven again.

"I see, it seems like it can be formed in the air even without a medium......"

Sven looked at Skadi, ducked down, and dodged an ice spike that suddenly flew from the side. Looking at the ice spike that was harder than his own head, Sven swallowed hard.

"this....If it was really hit, it would probably be really hopeless....."

Sven raised his head slightly and looked at Skadi, who had her chin raised and a proud look on her face. She smiled bitterly, and there were a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead.

"This looks very powerful......"Swain stood up, touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said

"Of course, and after writing different runes, it can still be like this!"Skati also calmed down a little at this time, but this does not mean that she will let Sven go so easily.

Actually.....How dare.....Woo~!!!

The blush on her face did not diminish at all, and the runes around Skadi changed again. Some of the runes even changed into other styles. Suddenly, the ice spike in the air split into a rhombus-shaped spike.

"Eh......It can still be like this!!"The corner of Sven's mouth twitched, and he looked at the ice spikes in the sky with great dismay.

Then as expected, the next moment, the ice spikes shot towards Sven below like a rain of arrows.

"Wait a moment! Even if he won't die immediately now, this amount!!!"

Sven's eyes widened, he tapped his feet hard, jumped lightly onto the chair, and landed on the opposite side of the table with a forward somersault.

However, the ice spike continued to move downwards without slowing down, and Skadi was not surprised by this. Looking at Sven, he waved the cane in his hand again. In an instant, all the ice spikes that were still diving stopped.

After a collective turn, the ice spikes aimed at Sven again and chased after him. Go up.

After Sven turned sideways to avoid it, the ice spike stopped again, and changed its head to its tail. The tail changed to its head and flew back directly according to the original trajectory.

"No!! Seeing this, Sven could only start to run away again.

Skadi held her delicate face with one hand, waving the cane in her hand with a playful expression, watching Sven jump up and down as she was chasing him. , but unable to make any effective counterattack

"hehe.....Then I will continue to explain~" Skadi became playful and said with a gentle smile.

"Eh? In this case?"Sven looked at Skadi in a panic, while dodging the pile of ice spikes again.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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