".....Um?"Sven thought this and picked up a gauntlet at the same time.

"this weight.....It seems to be lighter than other people's armor......"

Weighing it up and down, Swain, who had worn the Dark Knight's armor some time ago, had a general understanding of the weight of these things.

"That's right, in order to fit your body shape, I specially adjusted it to increase the range of motion of the joints, while reducing the weight as much as possible and suppressing the sound it causes."Addomini Stredda said with a smile.

Sven glanced back at Adomini Stredda, stretched out his hand on the armor and opened the Stacia window, seemingly checking its priority value, but his sight There is another entry in

"Customized armor of the Integrated Knights, made by the highest priest of the Axiom Church, Dominus Strada, using a variety of high-priority materials. The weight has been compressed to the limit, the joint mobility is enhanced, the physical resistance is high, and the elemental resistance is medium. , specialization in resistance to lightning, light wind, dark curtain"

"Breeze: It can change the collision sound of armor when walking to a slight wind sound, and it can also increase the user's body speed."

"Dark Curtain: Activate the dark element core object to fill the surrounding area with thick dark mist, which not only hides the body but also reduces elemental damage to a certain extent.

"......"Swain looked at the somewhat long entry and was a little lost in thought.

Although I guess it is a customized style, it is good to have resistance, and it is also specialized in lightning resistance, and there are two skills, but....

This was actually made by Administrator?!

"How about it? satisfied?"Administred stretched out and asked.

After hearing this, Sven raised his head and looked at Administrated opposite.

"The priority is quite high......Level 47....."Sven said lightly.

In this place where the priority level is capped at level 50, the defensive capability of this armor has almost reached its limit.

"Haha, after all, a lot of high-end materials are used, of course."

"It seems that I really want to thank the person who made this armor."

"After all, he took the trouble. Sven smiled gently.

"It doesn't matter, it didn't take much effort when I did it.~"

"So, this is what you did?"Sven asked in surprise.

"Are all the highest priests so idle?"

"That's not true, I just did it because I was worried about you."Adomini Strida said matter-of-factly. This sentence seems to be true.

"After all, judging from your appearance, you must be a restless person. If you encounter danger when you go out, I will be sad."However, the next sentence started to go astray again.

"......"Siwen was silent for a moment after hearing this.

This person....So tricky....

Can't ask anything.....

The words are mixed with truth and falsehood.

"Is it......"Swain nodded.

"Okay, it’s almost time."At this time, Administrator suddenly stood up and walked delicately towards the floor.

"Um?"Sven looked at Administrator's back in confusion, pondered for a moment, and followed.

Almost reaching the edge of the floor, Administrator and Sven were on the left and right. Standing.

Outside the floor, two huge moons of different colors seemed to appear in front of me. At this height, plus this day and time, I think this place is the whole world, and now it is the closest place to the moon.

Swain was approached His moon is reflected in dark red, while Dominus Strada is pale blue

".....What to do?"Sven looked into the distance

"If you just want to admire the moon, then I won’t accompany you......"

"Haha, don't be so cold."Adomini Strida shook his shoulders and said with a smile.

"No girl will like you like this~"

"This is my business! It’s none of your business!"Sven rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes~" Adomis Strada answered perfunctorily

"Hmm......"Every time her attitude made Sven inexplicably angry, he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to pull his hair......

"Swain....."Administrator called out softly、


"what happened again?"Sven replied in the same perfunctory way.

"your weapons....The ultimate one-handed sword or the highly adaptable double sword, which one do you prefer?"Suddenly she asked

"Aha? Siwen was stunned for a moment, looked at her sideways, and then slowly asked doubtfully:"Why did you stay up so late at night to ask me this?""

The tone was full of disbelief.

"Can't you just ask this question during the day?"

"Even if I answer you now, can you still get me a weapon now?"Sven asked with a frown.

"Haha, you are right, say it now and I can make it for you"

"What to use?"

Hearing this, Adromestrada stretched out his two hands, opened his palms, and raised them up to the void in front of him.

"Just use this"

".....moon?"Sven looked at the place where she raised her hands. There was nothing there. There were only two big moons in her eyes.

"No.....It's moonlight"


"This stuff can be made into a weapon! ?"Sven really hasn't thought about this.

Let's not talk about the priority of this thing. In his understanding, weapons....At least you should use physical materials!! , use up the light! ?

It’s a shame you figured it out!!!

Also, I don’t study well, so don’t lie to me......

If this is true, I will go back to Lulit Village now to settle the score with Sarek!

When I was a kid, I didn't know how much effort I put into finding a guy who could help me, and how much ore I collected for him to use......

Seeing Sven's astonished look, Adromestrada smiled softly and was in a good mood.

"Of course. As the representative of the God of Stacia, I still have this little power."

"Really......"Sven's face dropped, but luckily after hearing this, she seemed to be the only one who knew how to do it......

"That's right too.....One-handed sword and double sword?....."

The ultimate one-handed sword must be very easy to use, but the power of a pair of extremely well-adapted swords, made of the same material, will definitely increase a lot when used together.

Sven was beginning to feel distressed now. For him now, his skills were almost equal to each other, so it felt a bit disadvantageous to choose one side at will.

"......Sure enough, it should be a double sword. There is no need to force the issue of fit. At most, it can be used as two ordinary one-handed swords."Sven shrugged and said with relief.

"......"Administrator looked at Sven again, and said with a smile of understanding:"Okay, I understand~"

Administrator stepped forward, raised his hands slightly, and held up the moonlight. , one hand is dark red and the other is blue.

Without any words, the two hands slowly came together. The next moment, the light seemed to materialize, and began to gather towards his hands like two light strips.....

Sven stood next to Administreda, watching the moonlight of the twin moons in the sky pouring downwards, but it gathered into streamers halfway, intertwined and converged on Adoministreda's hand..

The surrounding scene began to become darker, but on the contrary, the palm of Administrator's hand was emitting an unparalleled light. In the middle of the night, this light that existed at the top of the central church made it seem like it had become a In this long dark night, the only bright lighthouse is so dazzling in this time when everything is dark and sleeping, giving people a very peaceful and quiet feeling.

The red and blue light bands intertwined with each other, showing a spiral shape, and the color slowly solidified from the light color at the beginning, and finally formed a phantom wrapped in a bright one-handed sword.

"Um? One-handed sword?"

Sven looked at the light and shadow of the sword and twisted his eyebrows.

"I seemed to be talking about double swords just now....."

The next moment, the light gradually dissipated, floating towards the outside of the tower like a shell falling off, revealing the true body inside.

The sword is about three feet three long and four fingers wide. There seems to be a faint floating halo of light on the blade, and there are exquisite and gorgeous knife patterns, and the entire blade suddenly appears with a cold light.

Adomis Strada picked up the sword, stroked the blade, smiled, turned around and presented it to Sven, who had a look of surprise on his side.

"Here, this sword should meet your two requirements."

".....Well."Sven looked a little dull and took the hand.....It looks a little strange, or a weird one-handed sword.

The first is its color, which is roughly divided into four parts. The position of the sword body is symmetrically separated from the middle. The color on one side is dark red and the other side is light blue, while the hilt is completely black.

The second is its shape.

It is not like an ordinary one-handed sword, with a thick blade and a circle of blades around it. This not only ensures penetration, but also causes a slight blunt blow when the attack hits. harm.

However, the blade of this sword is a bit thin, and it seems to be just a little thicker than the tachi I usually use. Moreover, the blade seems to have been polished, and it can also be classified as a sword blade. The hilt is slightly thicker. But I can still hold it with one hand.

In other words, this sword has almost no bludgeoning effect, only a piercing effect.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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