"By the way, aren't you thirsty?"Sven clasped his face and looked at Sheeta speechlessly.

"I haven't eaten or drank for almost the whole day and now....."

Hearing this, Sheta also stood up straight, put away her rapier, and pursed her dry lips.

Seeing the appearance of the opponent, Sven also put away his sword. The fighting modes of the two sides were different. Sven's amount of exercise was several times that of the opponent. Although he also restrained himself later, he still consumed a lot of energy.

She put away her sword and walked towards Xie Ta, saying feebly:"Okay, that's it for today......"

After hearing this, Sheeta raised her head, glanced at Swain, and nodded.


Just two sounds of stomach growling reached their ears.

After that, I saw Xie Ta slightly reaching out to cover his stomach. At this time, his face was still very rosy and expressionless, but there was no change. Seeing this, Sven also covered his stomach and smiled shyly. He smiled and said apologetically:"Sorry, I'm hungry......."

"....."Shetta remained silent and did not raise her head to look at Sven.

"It's almost time. Do you want to go have dinner together?"Sven invited.

Shetta was silent for a moment, but quickly raised her head and looked at Swain.

"....."And just when Sheeta just opened her mouth and wanted to say something,

"Brother Swing!"

"are u there?"

With a bang, the door was pushed open forcefully, and at the same time, the voices of Linel and Feisel came from the other side of the hill.

The two of them were immediately attracted by the voices of the two little girls, and at this moment , the ground at Xie Ta's feet suddenly collapsed. That was because of the scars caused by the two people fighting before, and they had not yet had time to repair themselves.

".....Um?"Looking at her body falling forward, Sheeta still didn't have much expression on her face.

"You are too calm!"Sven couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still quickly stepped forward, reached out and held Sheeta's right hand, and was then brought down by her......

I forgot that I don’t have much energy left!!


Two sounds of falling into the water were heard, one after the other, and they fell into the river surrounding the hills at the same time.

"Ah, there seems to be some noise from the other side."

"Let's go check it out, Sel"


"ah.....You are too calm now, right?...."Swain held Sheeta's hand and said feebly. Finally, he lay on the bottom of the river like a salted fish and gave up the struggle.

The water here is not deep, only ankle deep at most. There are a lot of pebbles underneath, and there are some swimming fish in it. However, since Xiaobai came, the number of swimming fish has decreased rapidly. After Wen restricted Xiaobai and brought back a lot of swimming fish, the place regained some vitality.

"What?"Xieta also lay on the side without moving. At this time, she turned to look at Swain, as if she didn't quite understand what he said.

"....I mean, wouldn't it be nice to change your expression a little bit?"

"For example, angry or happy?"

".....Is it necessary to deliberately act like that? Sheita asked rhetorically.

"No, not on purpose, like.....Have you never expressed your feelings naturally and sincerely on your face?"Sven frowned.

".....have. Sheeta was silent for a moment and replied.

"Eh?"Sven became interested upon hearing this.

"when?"Turn around and look at Sheeta

"Now....."And now Sheeta also turned her head and looked at Swain in a calm tone.

The two looked at each other,



No, you.....Is there any difference from before?

Sheeta, who looked expressionless and calm, and Swen, who had a crotch-crotched face and a speechless face, just lay at the bottom of the river and stared at each other wordlessly......

What is this? this....too subtle atmosphere.....

Just as the corner of Swain's mouth twitched, Fisel's curious voice came from above.

"Brother Swing, what are you two doing here?"

Sven raised his head and looked at the shore. Fisel leaned forward, his small eyes full of curiosity......

Human confusing behavior, holding hands, two people wearing armor taking a bath in a river.....

Realizing that someone was coming, Swin and Shetta stood up slowly, and the water in the armor flowed out.

"No, I was just practicing and now I’m taking a little break."Sven turned around and explained to the two of them.

"Ah~! Brother Swing! armor!"Fisel saw the armor on Swain, so he wanted to pounce on him out of habit, but Swain grabbed the back of Destiny's neck with one hand and put him back on the shore.

"Didn't you see that I'm wet? Just stay there for me!"

After all, this armor of mine has many seemingly ordinary but very sharp edge designs. It would be tragic if it was accidentally injured.

"Eh~! I don't mind! Feisel said dissatisfiedly,

"This is not a question of whether you mind or not! Sven said sharply.

"Listen, I've said it many times, don't pounce on others, especially if you're a girl......"

Swain began to preach to the grimacing Feisel, while Lineel standing on one side was watching this scene with a smile. Sheeta glanced at it, turned around, returned to the shore, and headed towards the other side. Go to the exit

"ah....wait...."Seeing this, Swain wanted to stretch out his hand and call her to stop her.

"I will come again....."Xie Ta left these words and disappeared out the door.

"Um....All right....."

Swain smiled and rolled out of the river, but the next moment he stopped and fumbled around inside the armor. Then, under the curious eyes of the two little girls, Swain lifted the edge of the armor around his waist. , and the next moment he took out a fish from it......



"a ha ha ha~!!!"

Sven turned his head speechlessly and looked at Lineel, who was covering her mouth to suppress laughter, and Feisel, who failed to suppress laughter and was holding her belly and smiling with tears in her eyes.

Bai Zi glanced at the two of them, threw back the fish in his hand, and walked straight towards the room alone.

"Ah, brother Sven, show us the armor!"

"Oh~! There are also new swords!!"

The two little girls laughed and followed Swain closely behind him. Xiaobai chose to fly back by himself this time. After all, he didn't want to dirty the feathers he had just groomed this morning. After

Swain came back , he Putting the armor and weapons aside, he went to the bathroom to rinse himself. During this period, the two little girls looked at the two things with starry eyes........

A few days passed like this. During the day, I fought with Sheeta with all my strength, and then at night, I went to study magic with all my strength......

This is one day used as two days!!!

The key is that Xie Ta takes action with all his strength every time! And you can have a good rest at night!

Can't afford it!!

But there are still rewards from such hard work. The experience of fighting against people has become more and more abundant, and the relationship with Sheita is also there. On the other hand, the basic learning of rune characters is almost over, at least there will be no mistakes in using them. Sven himself was surprised by the phenomenon of runes. He felt that his progress was rapid. He did not expect that he could learn it so quickly, so now he has begun the advanced stage of use......Could it be said that he is very talented in this area?

But to be honest, the difference between being able to use it and being able to use it is still quite big. Engraving a single rune is simple, but the power is a bit low at the current level, but if you want to activate a complete magic, during battle It’s a bit difficult to write a paragraph quickly.....

Although I heard from the Valkyries that after learning rune magic to a later stage, like Skadi, you can imprint the runes in your mind wherever you want without chanting or writing. You can just wave your hand.....

But that level is still too far away from me who just left the novice village......

"Um....."Sven lay weakly on the table.

It’s hard to bear.....

"Yue, it looks like you are very tired?"Wu Ming sat next to Swen, leaned over, and asked with some worry.

After a few days of 'beauty sleep,' Miss Wu Ming, who had completed the great infrastructure project, finally woke up, and then Si Wen went back to ring his fingers. A large newly appeared area was discovered, including the complete Xianjin Station, as well as the places they had traveled together. They were almost perfectly displayed. To be honest, there were six or seven small stations, plus three or four large ones. , although there are traces of human life, there are no people. It seems that there are some people left there....waste?

When Wuming woke up, he only found that he had slept for more than ten days. He was very surprised afterwards.

Although he didn't feel much, Wuming still felt a little bored and went shopping with Swain.

Sheeta has an outing mission today, so she is not here. Fisel and Lineel also have academic tests. Xiaobai went out to explore on his own. It seems that he heard about the huge lake he discovered in the Southern Empire last time, so he became interested. During the Tooth Festival, I feel like I have entered a free-range state, so now there are only two of them. As for the reason for choosing the Southern Empire, it is just because the climate here is hot and there are many fruits, so there are also many types of desserts here.

"Yue, cheer up, come and try this, it’s delicious~!"Wuming brought the pastry on the fork to Swain's mouth

"Ah Mu.....Pears are indeed delicious."Sven tilted his head and tasted it for a while, nodded, showed a slight smile, and then lay down again.

"Yue, are you really okay?"

"well enough...."Swain turned his head and looked at Wuming with a smile.

"And aren’t you going to take a break today?"

"Is that so?"Wu Ming looked up at the crowd in the shop. It was lunch time and there were a lot of people. Although the order was very good and the two of them were in the corner, it still seemed a bit noisy.

"really....Let’s go back first."Wu Ming blinked his red eyes and said with an understanding smile.

How can you have a good rest in a place like this?

After all, it's better for the two of you to be alone after you go back.~

"Um? Is it ready? Swain rolled his eyes and said,"Don't worry about me.""

"Uh-huh. Wuming shook his head and said,"It's enough for me to go shopping all morning, and they bought me such a beautiful skirt and hair accessories. I'm already very satisfied.""

The ring finger pointed at the goose-yellow skirt on her body and the jingling wind chime headdress on her head. Her face was flushed, and her hair was swaying there. She looked very satisfied.

"Yes, then go back."Sven touched her little head and said with a smile.


The two of them were walking on the road. Wuming held onto Sven's arm obediently and leaned forward. The two of them were talking and laughing. Occasionally they would stop at a roadside stall to buy some delicious or fun things.

Look. They look like just two ordinary people enjoying their vacation.

"Okay, let's go."

Standing at the entrance to the inner city of the Central Cathedral, Swain said to Wuming.

"Eh? Don't I have to go back?"Wuming raised his head and looked back and forth between the tall tower soaring into the sky and Sven.

"No, we can just go in."Sven took Wuming's hand and led her inside.

Okay, what will be the reaction?.....

On the way, he also explained to Wuming what happened during this period and why he was so tired.

"is that a lie?"Wuming looked at Swain in shock.

"Do you fight all day every day? ?"

"Although it's not, it's almost the same...."Swain said with a wry smile.

After hearing Xie Ta's deeds, Wuming never thought that someone could be so strong......

Before the sound, when she was still Kabaneri, she only had a small amount of time to fight with all her strength each time, and then she still needed some time to rest. Although there is no time limit now, physical strength is still a factor that limits her strength. my strength....

Now, is it a little too weak?

Sven is still getting stronger now, my words....Shouldn’t we also try to find ways to work hard?....

Wuming couldn't help but think that in the past, her strength was based on the erosion rate. Fighter skills could be learned, but the rest basically relied on Kabaneri's innate physical fitness.

But now that the erosion has stopped, although the body will not I have become Kabane, but I can no longer become stronger through the previous methods.....

Wuming was thinking, but then she learned about the Nordic world, and her attention was suddenly drawn away again.

"Didn't expect that....."

"It's a world of ice and snow~~"

Wuming's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she looked very interested. For her, the biggest snow she had ever seen was just a layer of snow on the branches, which looked a little thin, but The land of ice and snow, the trees with ice crystals all aroused her curiosity.

"There....I really want to go once too~" Wuming showed a longing look.

"Hmm...."After hearing this, Swain showed a troubled smile.

"I also want to take you there. The people there are very nice to me and take good care of me. I also like them very much......But how to take you there?"Sven raised his head and thought with a frown.

"So how did you get there?"

"I just went there when I was taking a nap at first...."Sven scratched his head

"Uh-huh!"But Wuming puffed up his cheeks in dissatisfaction and looked at Sven angrily, his golden and red eyes flashing. Are you just trying to deal with me?

"Hello! This is true!"

"Hmm.....Stare~" Wuming still looked unconvinced.

"I did not lie to you! What I said is true!"Sven explained with a wry smile.

But Wuming's face was still bulging.

"After all, Yue, you have a lot of deceitful records....."Wuming scratched his head and said awkwardly

"Haha, some of them are hard to refute...."Swain scratched his nose in embarrassment, turned his head and looked at Wuming, who was still staring at him sideways, and smiled slightly.

He immediately took his hands free and began to scratch the unknown ticklish spot.

"ah! moon! You are cheating!"Wu Ming shivered directly, ducked to one side, and said angrily with a slightly red face.

"no way! For you, this explanation is more effective than persuasion!"

Sven saw this and chased after him again, while Wuming chuckled and ran forward.

After passing through the inner city, the two people started chasing each other and had fun, except for the laughter of the two. , the sound of wind chimes on Wuming’s head was also echoing, exactly like the life in Juncheng at that time.

When the two came to the central church, Sven came back unimpeded. Everyone seemed to be very busy today. He looked like a child, so no one cared about who the person next to Si Wen was.

After Wuming came in, he transformed into a curious baby, let go of Si Wen's hand, his eyes shone, and looked around, touching and touching. Everything seems interesting......

The fiftieth floor,

"Yo~Xiao Kong~!"Swain smiled and said hello to the girl operating the lift in front.

"thanks for the effort~"

".....Um."The girl just glanced at Swain, then blinked at the girl standing next to her, and nodded a little.

As for the name, Swain couldn't ask her name at all. No matter how he asked, he was silent. It felt like She was worse than Sheeta, so she saw that she was in this hole all day long, so she chose the word Kong.

After the two of them walked in, Xiao Kong didn't even ask. Directly control the disk to fly upward

"Oh, this is for you."Sven put a standing paper bag containing pastries next to Xiao Kong, who couldn't do without his hands at this time.

"Um....."Xiaokong nodded without objection, because she knew that no matter how much she objected, it was useless. The person opposite would basically never change what he was sure of.

And this isn't the first time Swain has done this.

He waved goodbye to Xiao Kong who was bowing, and left the lift platform with Wuming staring at her curiously. Click

- open the door and the two of them walked in


"so big!"

Wu Ming walked out from Sven's side and went directly to the room. After running back and forth in a circle, he flew directly onto the bed and sank into it. Then he kicked his boots away. , and then began to roll back and forth.

Sven looked at Wu Ming, who was noisy like a child, and the boots that flew to the side in a very familiar posture. It felt like when Fisel and Lineel first came to this room that day. , I guess that’s what it looked like. The three of them felt that they were almost the same mentally.

So Swain shook his head and smiled, first put the things on the coffee table, took off his coat, walked to the closet and hung it up.

"Yue, do you live here now?"

Sven turned around and saw Wuming, who was lying on the bed with his face on his hands and looking out the window opposite, swinging his two little feet.

"That's right."Swen put Wuming's boots away, then took off his shoes and lay on his back beside her, wrapping his arms around Wuming's waist. He took a deep breath. It was a very familiar feeling, which made people nostalgic and made her feel sad. Relaxing, Sven smiled and closed his eyes, and his whole body immediately relaxed. The familiar touch was so good!

He had almost no good rest time during this period. He was busy every day, so it was rare for him to have nothing to do during the day. , I can finally take a little rest at night.....

"Aha......"Sven took a long breath and looked very lazy.

"Hehe~" Wuming looked at Siwen's face buried in his shoulder, smiled, turned over slightly, moved his body down a little, put his forehead on Siwen's chest, and hugged him back. Just now it was Siwen. Wen hugged her, and now she hugged Sven.

Wuming felt that he still liked the feeling of being cared for like this.

The air between the two relaxed a little, and it felt like time became more leisurely. , the two of them just closed their eyes and rested, quietly listening to the rhythm of each other's heartbeat for a long time.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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