The penguins in front were swimming forward quickly, and the surrounding scenery was receding at a high speed. The groups of them were enough to cover a small area of ​​​​the sea in darkness, and just when they were about to reach the end.

Suddenly, a black figure from behind chased them at a speed faster than them, and quickly overtook them.


They looked at Sven in bewilderment as he quickly moved forward from them and quickly surpassed them. Then they looked at their flippers that kept flapping...... its not right?

Are you an aquatic animal, or am I?

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Whose family is this?"

"Swim so fast?"

If you just look at the back, Sven does look similar to them. After all, they are all black......

This is the only way animals can be distinguished.......

So when I saw my 'companions' working so hard, I thought that the huge group of monsters were chasing me, so the others began to swim forward with more effort........ puff——!!


After Sven arrived at the shore, he held up his hands and immediately ran towards the shore. Following him were the group of birds swimming in the sea.

But instead of standing up, they first went down shallowly, then sprinted directly to the shore, and then began to slide on their round bellies.


"This is really interesting."Sven looked at these unknown species with great interest and smiled.

Not long after they came up,


The sea surface seemed to explode suddenly, and those huge creatures rushed out suddenly. At the same time, a large mouth of more than ten meters was opened on the water surface, as if something had been swallowed.

"call.....What, it turned out to be shrimps.....I thought those guys liked meat......"Swain gave a false alarm and wiped some water from his face.

At that time, he thought that the big guys were chasing these guys and were about to start dinner, so he ran with them......

Looking at the group of guys floating on the water in the distance with water spraying from their backs, Swain was speechless as he looked at the group of fat birds that were also lying on the side watching the show......

"Well.....It’s better not to underestimate the ocean in the future....."Swain said fearfully.

I just finished saying that there are no scary things in the sea, and then suddenly this happened to me.....

Swain felt full of malice, even a slap in the face wouldn't be like this!

Turning around to look inside the iceberg, I realized that this was not a floating iceberg, but a continent covered in ice.......

"hiss......If it weren't for the insufficient magic power, I would have thought this was Northern Europe......"Sven complained, and at the same time touched the little heads of these fat birds, he thought it was quite funny.

He casually took out Xiaobai’s snacks and gave some to them. They felt good after eating a few bites, so seemingly as a token of gratitude, they took out a few fish and gave them back to Sven, looking at the fish spit out from their stomachs. , Swain's expression was a little complicated, he knelt down and touched their heads, and said:".....I accepted this feeling, this gift....Too expensive!"

"You'd better take it back....."

Sven smiled bitterly and said goodbye to the group of strange creatures. Xiaobai also fell down, but he didn't look surprised at all, as if those giant creatures had nothing to worry about.

Well, it’s a bird after all, and it doesn’t care about what’s going on in the sea.

One person and one bird began to explore this place, and Xiaobai did not fly, because it started to snow in this place, the howling cold wind rolled up the broken snow like blades, and countless ice and snow pressed over the sky. It felt like it could It instantly buries a person, and then instantly creates an ice sculpture.

Xiaobai, on the other hand, stayed on the inside of Swain's windbreaker, being dragged by Swain with his elbows. The snowstorm automatically softened around Swain, and he couldn't get close at all.

And those strange birds also inspired Sven. At this time, two ice blades condensed on the soles of his boots, and now he was gliding forward on this vast white land.

This kind of exploration was very fast, but there was no gain. There was a snowstorm, but the surrounding scenery remained unchanged. It was all white, and Sven's black body seemed to be like the one on this continent. only color........

"Well......What are you doing?"

Sven was speechless and sat behind a row of icebergs. There was a fire in front of him. The ingredients were all in the ring. Fish soup was being made on it and meat was being grilled. Xiaobai was waiting patiently and happily.

"It's been several days, but there's nothing around here, and it feels like the sun has never set......"Sven raised his head and glanced at the gray sky, but even so, it meant it was clearing up, and it should be noon now, right?

"There were some animals a few days ago, but now there are really nothing there....."

Sven shook his head helplessly, filled a bowl of fish soup and placed it next to Xiao Bai. He also took out food such as fruit bread and snacks and placed them on the ground.

"Phew~" Siwen blew the fish soup in his hand gently and just took a sip.

"Hmm.....This seems to be okay......"

Suddenly a woman's playful voice came to his ears, and he could even feel the hot breath of her breath from a close distance. Sven's pupils shrank, and he immediately drew his sword and stabbed backwards, but there was no feeling, so he immediately rolled towards On one side, half-kneeling to look at the person coming

"....Oh~ this thing is delicious~" the woman said in a voice as sweet as honey.

Sven looked attentively at the man in front of him who was wearing luxurious clothes and sitting on his knees on the snow, with silver-rimmed square glasses on his eyes and a hand in his hand. The silhouette of the man holding the fish soup he just threw out while eating barbecue happily and contentedly.

The man has pink slightly curly hair, golden pupils, and an innocent smile on his face, and the most important thing is That person has a pair of pink animal ears on the top of his head, and at the same time, a furry tail of some kind of animal is exposed from under his clothes. The tail is also swaying slightly now, and he looks like he is in a good mood.

""Sven guessed as he looked at the woman in front of him and the fox pattern on her clothes.

"So hot~!!"

The woman who was eating the food happily didn't seem to care. She was still eating the food with a satisfied face, but the fish soup seemed a bit hot, so she stuck out a little pink tongue.

"you....who is it?"Sven asked.

At this time, Xiaobai also flew to Swain's side, a pair of eagle eyes staring closely at the woman who appeared out of nowhere in front of him.


"I'm so happy to be able to drink fish soup on such a cold day~" The pink-haired woman took a sip of the soup, showed a happy look, and turned to look at Sven

"Oh, your face is too serious~" The woman squinted her eyes and said happily."You call me.....Just Sister Skaya is fine~~Little Fox~~?"

"Small....!?"Sven was choked immediately, his eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't do anything, but he was very speechless in his heart.

What the hell is this name?....

Skaya.....Such similar names....

But what the hell is that little fox!!

"what do you want to do?"Sven didn't seem to care about that title, but asked coldly.

"Uh-huh~! Don't say such cold words on such a cold day~" After hearing this, the pink-haired woman showed a disgusted expression, shrank her shoulders and shivered.

"It feels colder!"

"Come on, let’s have a bowl of hot soup to warm yourself up." She said, filled another bowl and handed it to Sven.

"You answer my question first....."

Swain did not let down his guard, and being able to get so close to him without being discovered at least proved that this person's strength was far superior to his, otherwise it would be impossible for him to not feel anything at all.

"A person who could get killed if he was careless!"Sven initially judged

"Oh~ don't be so nervous~" The pink-haired woman put the bowl on the ground, turned her head and squinted her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a hint of fangs, and then said with a cheerful face:"In order to save you, the little one with two afterimage tails. Fox, the lovely angel has arrived~?"

"......."Sven looked at the offline figure in front of him speechlessly....

This person... is not... this fox...Doesn't seem right either.....

In short, just one sentence now, my brain hurts!

"I.....Not a fox."Sven narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly

"Is it? But your tail is already exposed~" The pink-haired woman was stunned and said happily, her eyes staring at Swain teasingly, and at the same time, a sense of oppression slowly spread out.

But Swain did not believe her. If so, he was prepared to resist the pressure, but soon, the pressure he imagined did not appear. Instead, he discovered the lightning surrounding himself.


Sven looked at his hands, and unknowingly he seemed to have activated the six heretical methods, and there were really two afterimage tails behind him, and illusory fox ears also appeared on his head, which really looked like the ears of the person in front of him. Very similar, or exactly the same!

"Believe me now~" Following the words of the pink-haired woman, the aura around her disappeared, and Sven's ears and tails also disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

"We are the same kind, so don’t be so nervous~" Skaya shook her tail behind her and the ears on top of her head also twitched twice.

"Sasa, come and sit down~" Skaya patted her side and said happily:"For the sake of being a fox, I can still share some of this with you~"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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