"Ah ha ha...."

Romani looked at Swain's natural look, smiled dryly and scratched his head.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you too."Then he took out a bracelet and handed it to Swain.

"This is something that every employee stationed in Chaldea has, so remember to bring it with you."

"oh."Sven nodded, took it over directly, and put it on his wrist.

He roughly controlled it, and it felt similar to the control method of Stacia Window.

Romani watched as Swain manipulated the bracelet skillfully. He was a little surprised.

But he quickly turned to look at Mashu aside and said,"Okay, Mashu-kun, it's your turn.""

"yes."Ma Xiu nodded lightly and went to the room on the side to change clothes.

"What is Matthew checking?"Sven looked at the door on one side, then looked at Romani and asked

"Well, it's just a routine test. Every employee will do it regularly......"Romani said while sorting out the checklist on the computer.

"Hmm....."Swain leaned his head over and looked at

"There are still two people left. One of them is Matthew......;The other is that it turned out to be the director of Bai Mao!"Sven raised his eyebrows, thinking of the petite figure from yesterday.

"Yes, the director has always been very....Hello! What did you just call her! ?"Romani smiled unconsciously at first, but then quickly reacted and asked nervously.

"please! Don't say such things casually! If the director heard about it, I would be implicated too!"

Romani waved his clenched hand, signaling Olga Marie's Iron Fist of Justice, and at the same time touched his head. It seemed that he had experienced another wave yesterday.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't tell her, she won't know~" Swain said, and took out the information about Olga Marie from the other side.

"The magic circuit number is....E-level, but the relative circuit quality is ex. It really deserves to be a famous family....."Swain looked through her information with a very interesting expression, without any concern for Romani's feelings.

"etc! It’s not a good idea to browse casually like this, right?"Romani put one hand on the table and covered his face.

Sure enough, the mechanical test just now was not wrong. This person....

"Does it matter? I am a doctor now, so of course I have the right to read this."Sven looked at page after page and quickly fell into the role of his own doctor.

"Hmm....Chaldea, who took over more than a year ago, is really young enough....."Sven sat on the table with his legs crossed and said

"No....No matter how you look at it, you are relatively young, right?....."Romani listened and complained silently in his heart. but.....

"Indeed, the director is not too old. She has been appointed as the director of Chaldea at this age. She must have been under a lot of pressure. And now that the so-called singularity has appeared, she is... The pressure is even greater....."Romani also said with some emotion

"Although I also mentioned that she should receive psychological counseling,....."

"Huh, he definitely won't come. With the turbulent look yesterday, how could he have time?"Sven chuckled.

Indeed, if it weren't for the unidentified intruder who appeared in Chaldea without leaving any trace, Olga Marie would have stayed in the director's room the same as before all day yesterday. Take care of a full day's work.....He is a very hardworking person.

This is Swain's second comment besides Olga Marie's bad temper.

"I don't hate this kind of person, but it would be better if he could change his temper and become a little more dignified."Sven began to simulate Olga Marie after changing her appearance in her mind, and felt that it was pretty good.

"No, he is from a famous family, so he should have learned this aspect.....Sure enough, it's all just pretending."

"Doctor, I'm ready."

Just as Swain continued to think, the door on the other side opened, and Matthew appeared in front of the two of them wearing a pure white hospital gown.

"Well, go in."Romani signaled that the machine has been re-adjusted and can be entered.

Matthew understood, walked into the door on one side, and soon lay down where Swain was lying just now, and began to check, but Different from Swain's project, it was just to check the physical condition.

Swain took this opportunity to learn all the public information about Olga Marie. He closed the folder with a snap and held his chin. , looking at Matthew inside through the glass window

"Celestial magic.....It sounds like fun."Sven smiled,

"That's magic passed down from the director's family."Romani said seemingly casually

"That's it....But don’t you urge me?"As he said that, Sven shook the form in his hand that showed his physical and mental conditions were still blank.

"Among the more than 200 people, she was the only one who had not been checked. Do you really not want to consider enforcing it?"Sven smiled playfully.

"This is your only chance to use your authority!"

"Do not joke! When Romani heard this, he immediately shrank his neck and said with a look of fear.

"It would be fine if I urged you to do it, but it is mandatory.....forget it...."

"Oh well! Then let me go!"As he spoke, Swain jumped down from the table and left through the door on the side.

"ah! etc!"

When Romani saw it, he immediately stood up and wanted to catch up, but after looking back and forth at Mashu, who was still lying inside, he couldn't leave here.

"Well....Forget it, just pretend you don’t know anything, I hope it won’t hurt me....."Romani smiled, pretending to be relaxed and unaware, sat back in his seat, opened Magic Melly's diary, and continued to work 'seriously'......

Ten o'clock in the morning.

In the silent room, the only sound was the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper. The coffee on the side was still cold. She poured it when she got up this morning. Several hours had passed..

Olga Marie looked at the document in front of her with a pair of glasses. It was obviously not that complicated, but she frowned habitually.

Most of the reasons at this time are eye discomfort caused by not getting enough rest.

It was obviously still morning, to be precise, it was just after ten o'clock in the morning. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was just the beginning of the day, but Olga Marie's spirit looked very bad.

Put the document in your hand into the pile of completed documents aside,


Olga Marie let out a long sigh, raised her glasses, and pinched her eyebrows.

"My eyes are so sore....."

Olga Marie closed her eyes for a moment and took a rest. She put her fist on her forehead and swallowed. Feeling a little thirsty, she reached out to pick up the cold coffee and take a sip.

Not only can it relieve your thirst a little, but it can also be a little refreshing. From the looks of it, this is almost a severe caffeine dependence.

But before the hand he just stretched out touched the cup, someone grabbed the lip of the cup and took away the cold coffee, and replaced it with a cup of warm herbal tea.

"Um?"Olga Marie heard the sound, opened her eyes, and looked at the steaming cup on one side and Sven who was standing beside her at some point.

"you.....Why here?"Olga Marie frowned. She didn't remember letting him in. Although there were other people who came, they all left after giving instructions.

Of course, she should be the only one in this room now.

"Gee, it’s not a good habit to start drinking coffee so early in the morning, and it’s still so cold....."Swain took a sip of the already cold coffee and said with a complicated expression.

"Why are you here?"Olga Marie looked like she was getting angry.

After all, her room was invaded quietly, and no one would have a good look.

"Calm down a little, I'm here for work of course."Sven said casually

"And I knocked on the door, but you just didn’t pay attention, right?"

Sven shrugged innocently.

"Work?"Hearing this, Olga Marie's face became better and she leaned back on her chair.

"What is it? Have the equipment application forms been compiled?"Olga Marie mentioned something she mentioned yesterday when she went to see Romani.

It seemed that she was accustomed to work matters, but it seemed more like a dull acceptance, and there was not much reaction anymore, or in other words I'm already a little numb.

I just do the work at hand like a machine.

This seems to be more serious than I thought......

If I don't take a break, I probably won't be able to hold on anymore......

"No, that's the thing~"

Swain thought in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and shook his head, and at the same time handed her the folder in his hand.


Olga Marie took it expressionlessly, just glanced at it, sighed, closed her eyes and held her forehead, and returned the form to Swain.


"As for this matter, forget it now, I don’t have the time now....."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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