"Eh?.....Ah, yes...."The person was stunned at first. After all, the previous director would never ask this question. She would check it by herself before signing it and handing it over to her.

"There are no large-scale changes, except that this month Dr. Roman proposed the supplement of some medicines, and Professor Leif also wanted to purchase some materials......"

Although the clerk was confused about Olga Marie's question, he still stepped forward to explain it to her one by one.

"Um? What are the main ones?"Olga Marie nodded, gestured, and asked him to point to the form and show it to her.

"Yes, this part, or here....."The man stepped forward and pointed out

"Well, well, well....Okay, I get it, no problem......OK, here you go."Olga Marie looked at his fingertips for a few times, nodded, and felt there was no problem, so she signed her name on the person in charge below.

"Eh? this....Is this enough?"The man looked a little unbelievable. Ever since he took office as the director and left, he has never completed a task report so quickly.....


"Is there anything else?"Olga Marie raised her golden eyes and stared at him with an expression of arrogance and anger.

"No, nothing happened! excuse me!"The man was stunned for a moment, then bowed his head and saluted, and exited the room directly.

Until the door was closed, he was still rubbing his head, looking a little unsure, until he looked at the director's autograph on the document in his hand. Just came back to my senses

"Did the director change his character today?"

"It’s not like I have to personally see and handle things......"

"Does the sun come out from the west today?"

"Although the sun has not set here for several months....."

"never mind.....This high efficiency is also quite good."The man shrugged and smiled, with a clear look. He felt that this was quite good. The work efficiency increased, he didn't have to run back and forth, and the director could be more relaxed.

To be honest, the way she worked before It’s so hard. Except for leaving things that I’m really not good at to Leif, I have to do almost everything myself in order to gain the recognition of others. However, this will only cause trouble for everyone, and it will also

It is a typical good intention to do bad things. Everyone understands her. After all, she just wants to prove herself urgently after her father's death.

Olga Marie sat at the desk, looked at the things in front of her, and began to deal with it. Silently writing down these things that may be used later.

During this period, several people came to submit reports or requests for various things. Olga Marie handled them one by one. The efficiency was simply the fastest processing record since taking office. ah!

".....Phew, no wonder, this amount of work would take a lot of effort even for me, let alone the way she handles it......"

"No wonder you are so tired....."

Olga Marie, who was sitting in the chair, leaned forward on the table, with a bored and helpless expression on her face, and turned her head to look at the ajar door.

On the bed inside, the real Olga Marie was lying on it with a happy face, dreaming unknown dreams and falling asleep beautifully.

Looking back, Swain, who was disguised as Olga Marie outside, saw that there were still three to four fifths of the tasks left. This amount was really amazing, but it should be completed within today.

He has also received this part of the training. After all, his cultivation can't keep up, so what's the point of pretending?

When talking to different people, if you just say, um, or nod for seven seconds in a row, it means that you don't understand what the other person is saying at all, because you can't pick up the conversation. At this time, the other party will become suspicious.

Therefore, Swain can handle these people more easily than Olga Marie, who has more than a year of experience.

These matters are not the problem. The problem is the mountain of complaint letters on the other side of the table.....

Swain thought it was Olga Marie's accumulated affairs. If that was the case, it would have been at least several months.....

But luckily it turned out not to be the case.

Those are all things thrown in from those magic associations and some other random places.

Why do humans disappear? Why is the problem of singularity still not solved? Why are you just finding out now? Can you really handle this problem? Isn't it a lie? After wasting so many resources, can you really achieve results? This kind of matter should be left to us to handle. You should stop from that observatory as soon as possible!

There are those who question, those who question, those who are puzzled, those who are angry, and those who are suspicious, and there are even many who want to use this as an excuse to occupy this place.

And this thing is not only from this month, but also from last month, and the month before last......

It makes my scalp tingling just looking at it

"Really, what the hell are these people doing?"

"Are you all so free?"

"It’s useless even if you write a letter of complaint to this place every day! Since there are so many problems, why not solve that thing called a singularity by yourself if you have the ability?"

"If you don't have the ability and don't want to do it yourself, what are you talking about?"

"The worst case scenario is that none of us will solve the problem. I want to see if you can continue to write these complaint letters safely......"Sven thought disdainfully.

Picking up a complaint letter and taking a glance at it, Swain casually threw it into the trash can along with the other complaint letters. reply? nonexistent!

I'm not used to these problems!

If you have any opinions, please resolve them yourself!

This is not Chaldea's problem in the first place, and it is not caused by us. If you don't help or talk about it, and you still have so many troubles, you will see if you are really complained to the point of giving up, which side can't calm down first!

"call....Much more refreshing."Looking at the large empty table, Sven suddenly felt much more relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

But he turned around and continued to work hard.

Until noon, Sven looked at There were still a lot of things. I tilted my head feebly and touched my belly.

"Let’s talk about the rest after we’re done...Now, I'm hungry and wonder what lunch here is like?"

Sven smiled. Although the breakfast here tastes very good, it has nothing special. It is just some common combinations.

But Matthew said this morning that the staff's meals here are very good because the chefs seem to come from different regions. He tasted many kinds of dishes, so Swain is still looking forward to the next cooking time.


"Director, I brought lunch"

"finally come!"

Sven's face was filled with joy, but the next moment he immediately switched modes, straightened his hair and made a serious look, and said:"Come in."

"Yes, sorry....."

But the next second, when the figure completely appeared in front of Swain, although his expression didn't seem to have changed much, his heart was already shaking......

Because although the employee in front of him was wearing a chef's uniform and holding a tray in his hand, there was only a pot of smoky hot tea and a plate of colorful sandwiches.......

"So please use it slowly....."The clerk put the dinner plate on the corner of the table very skillfully, and left directly as if he hadn't noticed the stunned Sven.

Sven's eyes were wide open, and the corners of his mouth were trying to raise, but there was no smile at all, as if he was a wooden man.



When the door was closed, Swain looked like a deflated rubber ball and lay on the table again. He turned to look at the dinner plate on the side with a grimace. The look of disappointment on his face almost overflowed. For a person, Foodie....

I definitely don’t admit it, and I’m not a conscious foodie.

I looked forward to lunch time, but it turned out to be so shabby......A humble sandwich combo that’s also completely vegetarian!!

This was too much for Swain, who was obsessed with sex.

This is life, not survival, so don’t be so strict!

"I knew it.....That’s what I should have thought of when I saw those bottles of vitamins in the kitchen! How can someone who squeezes out their rest time sit down to eat honestly?!"Swein kept scratching his head and shouted.

The lunch time that he was looking forward to with joy was too much.....

I hope she has the habit of having afternoon tea.....

Swain held up his fried hair, picked up a sandwich, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Well, the sandwich was delicious, but the sandwich had no meat.

Well, the tea was also delicious, but the sandwich had no meat......

"Ah, it seems like eating meat...."Swain said sadly.

Holding a sandwich, Swain walked to the room on the side and looked resentfully at Olga Marie, who was still sleeping. He suddenly wanted to wake her up again......

There’s no reason, it’s just that I’m unhappy watching myself get tired while you’re having a nice rest!

"Ah Mu....."Swain casually threw the sandwich into his mouth, and finally closed the door with an unhappy and depressed look.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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