As soon as she thought of this, Olga Marie wanted to get up directly, but she didn't quite remember.

What Sven said before was still echoing in her ears. This was the first person who said this to her after coming here. This made her very happy, but then she thought of official business, the supply fleet tomorrow afternoon. will leave. There are still a lot of things to deal with before that. If some things are not submitted today, then we will have to wait for the fleet to come again in half a month......

This will obviously delay a lot of things!

Between the responsibility of being a director and the reserve of a woman, which side should I choose at this time?

Olga Marie, who had been struggling in her heart for a long time, couldn't help but take a deep breath, but the movement may have been too loud this time, causing Sven to make a heavy nasal sound.

"babble——!!"But Olga Marie's heart suddenly tightened and she quickly relaxed her posture.

After a while, Sven still didn't seem to wake up, and his breathing quickly returned to normal.


And just when Olga Marie saw this and felt relieved again, she faintly heard voices coming from the corridor outside the room, and it wasn't just one or two! Apparently there were crowds of people!

"Oops!"Olga Marie suddenly felt nervous and looked at the green indicator light at the door, indicating that it was not locked at all!!

"Why didn't you lock the door when you came in?!"Olga Marie kept complaining to Swain in her heart.

But how did Swain know that it would turn into this?

Strictly speaking, this is the second time the two met. If they locked the door as soon as they entered, then I guess you just start sending magic bullets to say hello......

"If they came in and saw this, wouldn't he be completely finished?!"Olga Marie was very nervous when she heard the footsteps gradually approaching the door.

The posture of the two and her clothes were a problem, but more importantly, her eyes were still red and swollen!! She must not let others see it. It's so embarrassing!

".....No, generally speaking, as long as I don't answer, they probably won't come in......"But Olga Marie soon calmed down and thought,

I believe it will be fine as long as she doesn't say anything!!

They won't come in!!

That's right!

I'm sure!!

Sure enough, the doorbell rang several times after that, but Sven did not wake up. After all, he was still practicing magic in the ring, and he would not wake up unless there was much movement or potential danger.

But at this moment Olga Marie heard everyone's intention to leave and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, as long as everything is safe now....."

But just when she was so convinced, the group of people at the door stopped, and Olga Marie also heard a person's name from their conversation.....


The man who never opened the door until he was called in when he entered his office!!!

At this moment, the sound of fast footsteps in the distance reached her ears, and the next second, the doorbell rang again, accompanied by Romani's fiery voice.

"Director! Feel sorry! I brought the equipment list over!!"

The door of the room was opened directly.

Olga Marie suddenly opened her eyes at this time, looking in the direction of the door with a puzzled face, with an extremely panic look on her face.

She watched the door being opened little by little. , the dim room was gradually illuminated bit by bit by the lights from the corridor.

Olga Marie gritted her teeth and didn't care about anything. She suddenly took out her hands, stood up, grabbed the two corners of the thin blanket covering her body, and pushed hard La, wrapped himself and his head in the blanket, then lay heavily on Swain's body, pressing his two elbows directly on Swain's chest. In a flash of lightning, the movements were completed in one go, without any trace of Don’t be sloppy!

The elbow strike is precise and fierce, hitting the target with one blow!!


Sven, who was sleeping, suddenly suffered a violent elbow blow to his chest and abdomen, and immediately regained consciousness. He couldn't predict such an attack from almost zero distance. Or rather, could anyone really predict it?

"What's going on?...Ahem.....?"Sven stared blankly at the ceiling, feeling the bursts of pain in his chest, with an expression of total confusion on his face.

Zila - the sound of the electronic metal door sliding came from one side. Swain turned his head and looked around. With the light in the corridor, Swain could clearly see the person coming. It was the unreliable doctor.....

"Ah? No lights on?"

"By the way, there seemed to be some noise just now....."Romani looked at the dim room and couldn't see anything clearly, so he reached out and touched the switch on the side.

"Dr. Roman, isn't it good to go in directly like this?"The person following behind said, but he also followed in

"It doesn’t matter, the director is no longer there, just secretly mix the documents with the documents submitted by others~" Romani said

"Did you seem to have heard something just now?"Others also came in. After all, they all heard Sven's wailing voice just now.

"It seemed like someone shouted...."


"Did he collapse from exhaustion?"

With such an attitude of eager concern, everyone hurried in, fearing that something would happen to the director.

However, the next moment Romani turned on the lights in the director's room,

"Um?"Sven half-squinted his eyes, scratched his head, and looked at the crowd as if he had just woken up and was still a little sleepy.

Then he saw a group of Chaldean employees who were stunned, and everyone's mouths were open like I can stuff a goose egg into it, my eyes are wide open, and everyone looks like they are in shock.

"...."I looked around them and found that apart from Romani, there were only two people who looked familiar. They should have met them yesterday while exploring the road.


Sven said lazily, but it doesn't seem like it's morning now....By the way, what time is it now?

Sven just wanted to sit up and look at the clock on the side, but a slender hand stretched out from the blanket pressed his chest and pushed him back down.

Sven immediately lowered his head and saw the hand on his body. Olga Marie wearing a blanket covering her head and upper body


Swain looked at the quilt in front of him with a complicated expression.

You...This is...Want to hide?

But you only hide your head and upper body!!

The rest, the part below the waist and two legs are still exposed!!

And this is still your office!!

What's the use of hiding it like this? ?

Everyone knows that the person here is you!!

"that......"At this time, Romani looked embarrassed. He forced out a forced smile and scratched his head. He also didn't realize what kind of unfolding this was.

The staff on his side also had similar expressions, but they But it was very clear that he seemed to have seen something extraordinary and something he shouldn't have seen.

We should have turned around and left just now.....

Everyone has the same idea, and Romani, who is the initiator, is currently considering whether he should go back and pack his luggage first. Now that things are like this, he should be more conscious......

"So, what are you here to do?"Sven looked at both sides for a while. Olga Marie, who had not come out to meet anyone, and everyone who was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

Swain felt that it was better to speak first.

"No....It's no big deal, actually.....I, I was just passing by....Ah ha ha~~"Romani touched his head and slapped him haha

"Yeah, yeah, that's right, I'm really just passing by...."

"Yes, the weather is nice today....."

"Well, the moon is so beautiful....."

The group of people around him seemed to be infected by Romani, and they all began to behave improperly.

Swain looked at them with his face twitching from the corners of his eyes.

This is indoors! And there are no windows at all!

Besides, he has been wandering outside for a few days, and he has never seen the moon!

How long has it been since the sun high in the sky went down?

Don't tell me that those of you who live here don't know?

"Okay, stop hitting me haha....If you have anything to say, hurry up and don’t waste time...."Swain waved his hand and asked them to get down to business.

"No, actually....I was really passing by....Then I stopped by to submit my list....."Romani smiled bitterly and waved the form in his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, we were just passing by, dropping in to pick up some information or something....."

"Uh, as for the dinner plate, I'll come back tomorrow....."The man in chef's uniform looked at the untouched food and said with a wry smile.

The other staff also smiled and didn't look here, but wandered around.

"All right.....Romani, just put the form on the table. Everyone else's information should also be on the table. Go on your own......."Swain held the sofa with one hand, stood up slightly, pointed to the director's desk on one side and said.

But before he finished speaking, his raised hand was held by another person's hand stretched out from the blanket, and he also pressed it down.

"What's wrong?"Sven looked at the hand holding him in confusion, moved a little closer and asked softly.

"You also want them to leave quickly, right?"

Hearing this, the person in the blanket twisted a little, and then lifted a corner slightly, revealing a pretty and rosy face that was not known to be suppressed or due to some reason. At the same time, his eyes were a little red, and there was no Complete reduction of swelling, the kind that can be seen at a glance

(to be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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