"you...This, I...."Swain's expression now is very exciting, as if he wants to say something but doesn't know where to start.

And there was a look on his face that was about to cry without tears.

Ignoring Sven's performance, Olga Marie continued to look at the group of Master candidates and said:"Okay, you are all selected from various countries, or people who have been discovered to have rare talents......"

But now the people who were close to Swain occasionally glanced at him. Their eyes were completely different from yesterday's indifferent and even dainty look. They looked like they were looking at a liar!

You talk nonsense when you meet, what the hell is a medical assistant!

We have been fooled by you!!

He is obviously the deputy director of this magic workshop!!

The boss pretends to be new!

How shameless are you?!

But this also explains how yesterday we deceived the eyes of elites to perform magic.

"He must be someone who uses magic to hide his age....."

"After all, he is an adult magician, so some quirks are normal, right?"

"makes sense....."

Sven's eyes twitched crazily at this time, because she saw Olga Marie's hidden smile,

I died unjustly!!! this person! She was just talking nonsense, talking nonsense!!

She's just here to cause trouble for me!!

That's a liar!!

Don't believe her!!!

Swain really wanted to shout this out. I just helped you, and now you want to retaliate?

Is there anyone as ungrateful as you?

I turned around and looked at the Chaldean staff in the distance. Many of them had their arms folded, their eyes closed and their heads slightly nodded, as if we had expected this.

That's how it should be.

After all, announcing this is just a matter of time, normal!

What a normal ghost!!!

Looking at everyone's performance, Swain had already guessed what they were thinking, and suddenly he was roaring in his heart.

He knew that once he accepted the position of deputy director, it would probably be a false position.

But that will also bring countless troubles to yourself!

The first thing to bear the brunt is that his time will be completely squeezed by Olga Marie, and he can no longer continue to work in the infirmary.

At the same time, Chaldea's work will be divided into Swain's in accordance with normal and formal procedures. At hand, those tasks are no longer done to help someone, but to be done for yourself.

Although Swain likes to see people helping when they are suffering at work, he does not want to have a job himself!

Simply put, I don’t like being tied down by these trivial matters!

You can let me help you do your job!

But I don’t want to have my own job!

I find it troublesome!

What double standards and arrogance is this?.....

Swain now felt that he should have just turned around and left when he was at the door, went to find Romani, and why not go fishing together?

Although I often can't find him sometimes, I don't know where he goes to fish.

At this time, Olga Marie was talking about the manuscript she had prepared in advance and memorized, while looking around. When she saw Sven's deflated expression, stomachache and brain pain, she suddenly felt much better..

She has completely understood through this year that Swain is the kind of person who hates trouble. This trouble refers to trouble for himself. If others are in trouble, Swain will help others. Just like her, she is often troubled by Swain. All kinds of care, but isn't this just causing trouble for yourself?

It's really amazing or strange that such a contradiction can appear in a person.

But judging from the results, she thought Swain was a kind of weird good person, or a bad good person who loved worrying.

So now announcing this kind of thing in public like this is causing trouble for him!

And it’s the one he hates the most!!

This can be seen from his somewhat twisted, crazy and awkward face.

Olga Marie was secretly happy, but she kept saying:".....You will become the latest magician who has never been seen before, integrating magic and science. Having said that, this is just a special talent and does not represent what special people you are."

"Now you are just immature newcomers standing on the same starting line. It doesn’t matter whether you are a student or not, nor your family background or achievements!"

"First remember, my command is absolute!"

"My position and perspective are different from yours. I will not accept your opinions and refutations. Please remember that you are just props to protect human history!"

Olga Marie explained everything with very radical words, and gave a simple explanation of what happened next.

At that moment, it aroused the dissatisfaction of most people present. After all, family background and bloodline are the most valued in the magic world. Judgment criteria.

The bloodline of a long family must be the result of the efforts of countless generations and the fusion of other equally excellent bloodlines that are finally passed down.

And secondly, it is the magic seal, which is accumulated and passed down from generation to generation. Then It is something formed by the mysterious imprints that a magician spends his life training and fixing. It contains the results of his life's research and magic, and is a magical legacy that is finally formed through such accumulation. In other words, the more times it is accumulated, the more powerful it becomes.

But Olga Marie wanted to deny this and let her stand on the same starting line regardless of family inheritance.

Although Swain was not paying attention at all now, because he was still staring at Olga fiercely because of what just happened. Mary, but in the eyes of the master candidates around, this is a warning to them not to say anything inappropriate out loud.

But if Swain is sober, what Olga Mary said I still agree with it. After all, what's the use of having this huge inheritance?

It's like giving it to a one-year-old child, whether it's a steel coin or a gold mountain. He doesn't have the concept of money yet. Neither of them know how to use them.

Maybe they will learn how to use these things when they grow up, but at this stage, it seems that for these people who are called fledglings, whether they have them or not is not so important at this time.

And because of Sven's resentful eyes, the commotion at the scene quickly stopped.

"Great, I thought there would be people who couldn't accept this and asked to leave."Olga Marie smiled and looked around

"But if you can really go back alone over a 6,000-meter snow-capped mountain, maybe I will really be impressed by you."Olga Marie said with a smile.

"....."Everyone stared at Olga Marie. For them, it was obvious that what they had just done was impossible.

At an altitude of six thousand meters, there are many problems to face, such as low temperature, air pressure, snow blindness, etc. This is obviously not something that magicians of their level can accomplish.

"Then, we will continue....."Just when Olga Marie was in high spirits, a weak giggle suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.

"Hey hey......"

Everyone, including Sven, turned to look, and then saw the orange-haired figure sitting on the chair, with his head slightly lowered, his eyes slightly closed, and a sweet giggle hanging on the corner of his mouth, apparently sleeping soundly.

"this person....!!"

Olga Marie, who had just felt like she was calming down the situation, suddenly looked very dissatisfied at this person who was not only late, but now also did not give herself any face and openly dozed off during her speech.

What's even more outrageous is that it seems that I have never heard Swain say that he knows such a person. It has been more than a year, and I only know that he has many sisters in his family, but it is obvious that he has nothing to do with this person!

Gritting her teeth, Olga Marie walked to the back row, stretched out her bracelet to Fujimaru Ritsuka, and began to check her information.

"No. 48....What's going on? The configuration is simply wrong!"

"Not only is he an ordinary facilitator, but he is also someone with no actual combat experience and no imaginary training!"

"Don't fool my Chaldea like this!"

"There's no room for a newcomer like you here!!"Olga Marie was very angry when she saw Fujimaru Ritsuka's clean personal information, but now that she said this, her anger suddenly started to rise. The ice volcano is about to erupt, no matter how perfect it seems, The cold attire still can't resist Olga Marie's anger......

"Rafe! Rafe!"Olga Marie immediately shouted to Leif who was standing aside.

"Yes, director....."Leif came up from the side

"Take this man down! How can such a person complete the task!"Olga Marie shouted inexplicably

"But the director is also a regular candidate for Master. Isn’t such a harsh way of dealing with it a little bit?....."Leif began to explain that he wanted to keep all the Master candidates here, so he started to fight for Olga Marie.

"It's a problem if you want to rely on people who don't know anything!"

"Anyway, take this person away first!"

"Then hand it over to Romani, who must at least pass the minimum training!"Olga Marie didn't accept Leif's words at all and refused sharply.

"Forehead....This is really not something the director likes....."Leif looked a little ugly,

"There's nothing we can do, so let's just do it first......"

He's just an ordinary person anyway, it doesn't matter.....

"Ah, leave Leif to me."At this time, Sven suddenly stepped forward and said to Leif, and involuntarily raised Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand.

"Eh?"Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was suddenly pulled up by someone, looked at the person holding him next to him in confusion, obviously acting out of condition.


"Why did you change your clothes so quickly?"Fujimaru Ritsuka had dreamed of Swain just now, but now she suddenly found that the white suit on him had turned into a white coat.

"Are you confused by your sleep?"Sven rolled her eyes.

"Ah, no need, just leave this kind of thing to me......"Leif was a little surprised, because this was another situation beyond his expectation.

"No, Leif, just stay here. Just leave such trivial matters to me in the medical department!"Sven glared at Olga Marie and emphasized the words"medical department" as if for emphasis.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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