I walked back along the road and soon saw two people on the side of the road

"Ah, Sven is back."Alice discovered me first

"How about it?"

"Easily!"I held out my thumb to show that it was a piece of cake.

"How are you?"Alice can still stand now, but Seluka is sitting on the wooden pier, rubbing her legs all the time.

"What's wrong?"I knelt down and asked with concern.

"Nothing, just a little tired. Seluka waved his hand and said with a blush.

"Is this tiring?"I looked at Seluka's blushing face and thought

"I just took a look and found nothing out of the ordinary."Alice also squatted down

"Um, is that right? Take off your shoes and let me take a look."

I squatted in front of Seluka, raised my head and said to her

"oh..."Seluka responded softly, but his movements seemed very slow and stiff.

What's wrong? What a big deal, it’s not like I’ve never seen it before.

I waited for Seluka for a long time before untying the laces of the boots.

I didn't want to wait any longer. I grabbed Seluka's calves and quickly took off the boots on her feet, revealing her white calves and white socks. little feet

"Doesn't look injured."I checked carefully back and forth to see if there were any injuries.

"how about this?"I stretched out my hand and pinched Seluka's calf a little harder. Well, it's very smooth.

"how do you feel?"

"Somewhat numb...."Seluka said with a blush.

Then I tried it in a few different places.

"That seems to be the case, it's just because of muscle soreness after sudden strenuous exercise."I held my neck with one hand and twisted my head twice and said.

Unlike Alice, Seluka is not that curious, so in general she exercises much less than Alice.

"I have experienced pain all over my body during exercise before, but as long as I massage it afterwards, it will be fine. The sacred technique will forget it. After it is cured, it will still hurt the next time I exercise, so it is better to let it go this time."

I put the shoes on Seluka again, stood up and moved around for a while, feeling a little hungry.

I turned my head and looked at the direction of the battle.

"I'm hungry, but what a pity~ This bird is not suitable, or I will take them all back."I said with regret, touching my belly.

"It's almost noon, and I'm really hungry. Seluka also touched his belly.

"As long as the problem is solved, let's go back now."Alice rolled her eyes at me and then stood up and patted her little skirt to clean up the grass and dust on it.

"Come, let me help you."

Alice stretched out her hand to Seluka, but after standing up, she almost fell down before walking twice.

"It seems that not only are the muscles sore, but they are also out of strength."

I took a look at Seluka's situation, and then squatted down in front of her again.

"Come up"

"well! that."

I didn't look back and continued squatting,

"Come up, you can't go back before noon like this, Alice, please help me."I pointed at Alice and asked her to help.

If Alice said that, she wouldn't care so much and came up without saying a word.

After a while, I heard the movement behind me, and then Seluka slowly crawled up. When she got on my back, she put her hands around my neck. I held up her thighs with both hands.

I bounced her up and down twice.

She was quite light compared to Alice.


Suddenly there was a stinging pain in my waist again,


The sudden feeling made me take a deep breath.

"Um? What's wrong, brother?....Surely I am too heavy? Seluka asked uncertainly, looking at me who suddenly shook.

"No, no, no, I was just thinking about something."I quickly shook my head in denial.

Then I glanced at the culprit. At this time, Alice stood beside me with a smile and put her face close to Seluka's ear.

"Don't think I don't know what you were thinking just now~"

I glanced at Alice, whose expression did not change after leaving.

Oh my God!

You know what I'm thinking.

"Of course."Alice answered me softly......

Did I say that out loud?

I shook my head and decided to end this thought quickly.

"Forehead...Then if nothing happens, let's go. I'm sorry, sister, can you please take my sword?"I looked at Alice with complicated eyes.

"okay, I get it."

We returned to the road and walked towards the village.

Am I too understanding?

Or can Alice read minds?

I kept thinking about this question while walking on the road.

"Well, am I really not that heavy?...."Seluka's subtle voice came from behind

"It's not heavy at all, rather it's too light. Did you really eat well? You see, my sister eats a lot every time."

Ah! Oops! I accidentally said what I was just thinking!!

I looked at Alice carefully, and now I can't run or block Seluka with my hands holding her!"

"Wait a minute, Swain, are you still talking about this? Do you think I eat too much? ?"Originally I just wanted to tease Seluka but it pissed off Alice.

It's over....

"No, no, you are as light as Seluka, and I don’t mind it no matter how much you eat."I shook my head and tried to defend myself so that I would no longer suffer the punishment of pinching my waist.

"Sure enough, you still think I ate too much! hateful! Humph~" Alice hit me with her fist and walked away quickly, ignoring me.

But the matter seemed to be more serious....

I feel like I will be bruised and bruised tomorrow...

I shivered violently, then I bumped Seluka on my back and chased after me.

"Wait, wait for me, don't walk so fast!"......

We finally returned to the village before noon. We first went to Mr. Zekiel's farm and told him the whole story.

"Haha, thank you so much. Oh, I am looking forward to your future more and more now."Mr. Zekiel looked at us and said happily

"By the way, what happened to Seluka? Are you injured?"Then Mr. Zekiel looked at Seluka behind me.

"No, it’s just that the journey is a bit far and I’m a little tired from playing."I explained with a smile, but Seluka just pressed against my back and didn't answer the whole time......

"I'm back."The house is still very quiet. It can be seen that my father will not be back at noon today."

"Seluka, we're home."Alice called Seluka softly.

"....call...ha..."The only response to her was the sound of her silent breathing

"It seems that she fell asleep. Let's put her back in the room."I said softly, and then the two of them went up to the second floor and opened Seluka's room.

When I stepped into the door, I smelled a different fragrance from Alice's room. If you compare it to Alice's room, it smells like flowers, and here is a kind of fragrance. With the green fragrance,

I came to the bedside, and Alice took Seluka's hand away from my neck,

"Then I'll go out first and you help her change her clothes."I whispered to Alice and then left the room and went downstairs as if running away.

After Alice helped Seluka change her clothes, she covered herself with a quilt and closed the door and left.

When the room became quiet again,

"Hee hee, cluck cluck~~"

The person on the bed started rolling back and forth holding the quilt and laughing.....

I closed my eyes and sat on the chair to rest. After a while, I heard the sound of coming downstairs. I squinted and tilted my head.

"Already settled Seluka?"

"Well, by the way, Swain, you must be hungry too, I'm going to cook now."Alice glanced at me with an unclear expression, then rolled up her sleeves, put on the apron hanging at the kitchen door, and walked in.

My lunch today won't be anything strange, right?...

"hehe."I laughed twice to relieve my uneasiness.

I relaxed and sat on the chair again, thinking about the phantoms caused by thunder and lightning.

"It feels like I've lost my shell..."I thought about how it could be used, and I discovered other things besides that.

I had a different feeling about the first lethal electric shock to a creature, especially when I touched the Nolan bird directly with my hands at the end.

I can even feel the existence of electricity in its body. Although it is very weak, it does exist, and it moves in the body with a special law.

As I develop my abilities, I discover more and more things.

Maybe it’s because I usually practice with inanimate objects, and my whole body is charged with electricity, so I never noticed it.

I closed my eyes, trying to simulate the small current I felt and spread it out. Because it was my first time, I was not sure about the power, so the power I used slowly weakened from the initial visible arc to the naked eye.

I lowered the output little by little and felt the electromagnetic waves that were invisible to the naked eye.

Then when a certain frequency was reached, I seemed to have tinnitus.

This is something I have never encountered before, and perhaps just because I have never tried it, I continue.

Finally, at a certain moment, the image of the table in front of me suddenly appeared in my mind, and I quickly stopped. The thing that flashed just now did not look like a fantasy.

What is this?

I searched repeatedly between degrees, and finally found a suitable frequency.

I looked at it? It may not be appropriate to say this. You can feel your surroundings even though you have your eyes closed.

It is a very subtle feeling, just like looking at your surroundings after being drunk. You can feel it, but it is not appropriate or real.

I concentrated on trying to see clearly what was in front of me, but it soon became blurry after detection. I quickly diffused an electromagnetic wave again, and the picture became clear again.

"Humph, it seems different from what I felt this morning, but this is quite interesting."I felt it carefully and chuckled.

I continued to close my eyes and stretched out my hand. The target was the water glass in my mind. Because I was not very used to seeing it inappropriately, I moved very slowly.

"Not even close..."

Finally I"saw" that I touched the rim of the cup, and the feeling of my hand in reality told me that this was real.

I opened my eyes, picked up the water glass, and felt the real touch. I drank the water inside and put it back on the table.

I lay back, looking up at the ceiling, my hands hanging down, my eyes closed and my mouth wide open as I chuckled. I guess I found a new way to apply my abilities, which made me very happy.

The window behind him is open, and there are several big trees outside the window. In the distance is the river. The occasional breeze brings the coolness of the river water. Although the sun is high at noon, it is not very hot.

This kind of warmth The combination of Yangyang and the occasional coolness made me feel sleepy after doing some strenuous exercise in the morning, and I fell asleep without realizing it.....

(To be continued)

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