"Yes, I think so. Romani agreed.

"Now, it cannot be said that we have escaped completely, but it is still no problem to evacuate!"

"Senior Swain, we...."Matthew looked at Sven and asked for advice.

"I see."But Swain laughed when he looked at the person opposite.

"Hum hum, after the companion falls?...."

"It seems that all of you are not regular Servants. You have a lot of magic power, but your abilities and power are not high. You should be Shadow Servants or something like that, and none of you can use Noble Phantasms."

"Otherwise, in this situation, as long as we use the trump card called the Noble Phantasm, we will almost be wiped out. But if we still don't use it now, it only means that you can't use it!"Sven said loudly, while looking back and forth over their bodies.


After Swain finished speaking, the three people on the opposite side fell silent, neither admitting nor denying, but this situation is no longer important now.

"...Even so, you have no chance of winning. Neither of your two servants can use the Noble Phantasm. The master is still an amateur. What can you two magicians do?"The cavalry said calmly, as if he was sure of victory, and didn't care about the opinions of the other party.

Even if you are seen through, so what?

You still have no power to change the status quo!

"Of course there is a lot that can be done, as long as you are within reach of my blade."Sven bared his teeth, smiled enthusiastically, and opened his mask at the same time.

"Now that you know you can't use your trump card, let's end it immediately"

"Hum~! Then I want to see how you break through my absolute defense!"As he spoke, the three people on the opposite side planned to take action again.

Sven smiled slightly, closed his eyes and waved Lianyue. The handle of the knife held in his right hand was turned over and changed to holding it with both hands, facing the side of his head.

"absolute? There are no absolutes in this world"

"Since you have such high confidence in your defense, then let you try my magic eye!!"

Sven opened his eyes again, and an emerald-colored iridescence appeared in his right eye. The iridescence became deeper than what he first saw, and the sense of pressure also increased exponentially.

Bursts of light and magic overflowed. It was out of the eye socket and hovering around it, like a circle of flames, looking very cold and chilling.

"Magic Eye! ?"Everyone present was shocked, but only the spearman seemed calm, and the other calm person was Fujimaru Ritsuka, because she didn't know what the magic eye was.

"What is the magic eye?"Fujimaru Ritsuka asked the doctor with a puzzled look on his face.

"that....."Romani looked at Swain's eyes at this time and was a little dazed.

"That is equivalent to turning the eyeball into a magic circuit, and people with magic eyes are all excellent magicians without exception, but that kind of magic eye....What effect will it have?"Olga Marie said in a deep voice, biting her nails.

How many things did this guy hide?

At the same time, a series of emerald lights appeared on Lian Yue's blade. The aura revealed from it made the opponent just now The cavalryman, who was still absolutely confident in his own defense, felt something was wrong.

But that was not the only thing that shocked the people around him. After Sven used the magic eye, Kong waved his blade.

"Shadow clone—instant!"

In an instant, Sven's figure became slightly swaying. At the same time, three figures suddenly emerged from Sven's body. To others, it looked like they had split apart.


Swain learned the new skill group Shadow Dance Impact in this year. This skill group was opened when practicing the clone generated by Thunder Fox. The main feature of the skill is that it can attack the enemy's back. Increase your attack power by up to 60%! It can also increase your critical hit rate and critical hit power.

And the most! most! most! The important feature is that there are many people!!

After Swain used this sword skill, the field immediately became lively. Three clones and one body stood together. They looked like exactly the same quadruplets!

"Eh? Si, senior Siwen has one, two, three....Uh-huh!!"Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Sven who was surrounding him and others, and was immediately dazzled.

"Four on three, we will defeat you safely and effectively with strong force."The four people at the same time returned exactly what the cavalry had just told them.

"Come on!"

The four people drank at the same time, and each found their opponents. Sven found the cavalry again, and the archers were entangled by two clones. As for the spearmen in the rear, they were entangled by one clone, but in the The people around seemed like they couldn't tell who was who.

When Aike saw this, she found the spearman behind again. She wanted to avenge her own arm!

The swordsmanship used by Swain at this time was also similar to It was completely different from before. When I first held the handle of the knife behind my back, I felt that he was cunning and insidious. He was good at sneak attacks and could see his body shape. However, no matter how he attacked, he would be dodged. And although the attack was light, it was very vicious. , always looking for vital points or gaps in armor and other vital points.

But now it is no longer the case. The attack is wide open and close, not fast, but powerful and heavy. Sven twisted his body, driving the Lianyue in his hand, moving one by one. Suddenly, he slashed towards the waist, chest and other places on the opposite side. He didn't care about the powerful defensive armor of the cavalry. The cavalry saw the attack sweeping towards them and had never seen this kind of attack that they knew was ineffective but still continued. The man who came to die without hesitation.

He raised his left hand in preparation for Sven's subsequent attack. At the same time, his right hand became a claw, and orange light began to gather in his palm.

"The opponent's blade will definitely be blocked by Equis, and at the same time, it will be temporarily stiff due to the counter-shock force. At that time, he will directly use all his strength and aim at the opponent's face. It happens that the face is now opened due to the use of the magic eye.....cover...."

The cavalry on the opposite side looked at Sven's face that was constantly enlarging and the long stream of light trailing out of his right eye. He slightly lowered his gaze to look at the blade that also exuded emerald fluorescence. The offensive he was thinking about in his mind just now was temporary. stopped.



Sven's blade struck directly on the opponent's armor, drawing out a stream of fire, but it was not bounced away as the cavalry expected. This was mainly because at the last moment, the cavalry took a big leap to the rear. Basically, the knife did not hit the vital point.

In the air, the cavalry felt some pain coming from his abdomen. After landing, he knelt on one knee and touched his abdomen in disbelief.

It was not a smooth gap, but it was obviously a complete knife mark. Appeared on his tight-fitting armor

"How can it be! My defense turns out!!!"

The cavalryman raised his hand and looked at the blood stains on his hand. Although the wound was not deep, it still showed that the absolute defense he had always believed in was broken!

"impossible!! This is absolutely impossible!!"The cavalry lost its previous calmness, and then roared loudly, eyes blazing and glaring at Sven in front of him, but at this time there was no trace of him.

He hurriedly looked around and found that Sven was dragging The long black afterimage rushed towards him quickly from the side. The blade was placed on his waist, and it seemed that he wanted to perform another Iai Slash.


When the cavalry saw this, they immediately raised their hands, and an orange light appeared in the middle of their palms. But this time it was not a beam of light, but countless scattered rays of light.


Countless rays of light exploded from the palms of their hands. , fired at Sven in front of him, with a wide range. It seemed that the cavalry no longer wanted Sven to get close again.

"that light...Is it the effect of the magic eye?"The cavalry gritted his teeth and thought about it. At the same time, the light also came in front of Sven.

Seeing this, Sven's body flying low in the air landed slightly, and his toes tapped lightly on the ground. Even his legs didn't seem to bend much. , it seemed that he didn’t use much effort, but his figure quickly dragged out an afterimage and floated to the side. He tapped his toes again and continued to rush towards him.

In everyone’s eyes, he looked like Sven. Not running, but wandering freely!


Seeing this, the cavalry did not stop their offensive, and began to move to one side, wanting to join the archers. Such a solo fight was really dangerous!

But no matter how the cavalry attacked, Swain dodged it in this strange way.

The straight and straight movement does not look very stiff, but looks very elegant and natural. It obviously does not use much strength, but it can move very quickly. The whole person is as light as a feather, and can stop suddenly at any time and ignore it. The change of direction of inertia.


Just as the cavalry was thinking about how to break the situation, Swain slashed his back with a sword again.


This sudden cut was so deep that the cavalryman staggered forward a few steps, but he quickly adjusted his body shape and used a whip kick directly to the rear, but Swain still carried out the blow. The strategy of disengagement never gives the opponent any chance to counterattack.

"hateful!"The cavalryman kept turning his body and adjusting his direction, because he found that Sven would only aim at his rear now, and every blow was more powerful than his frontal blow!

At this time, the armor behind him had already been damaged It took seven or eight cuts, and several parts of the armor had fallen off, leaking out the black clothes and red blood. You must know that the armor on the upper body is thicker than other parts!

And the back is always vulnerable to sneak attacks. place, so the armor there is thicker, but now the place with the strongest defense is about to be completely breached!!

"Slippery guy!"The cavalry was a little depressed when they saw this.

If this is the case, why did I bring them here?

In this case, wouldn't it be the same as before?....No! Is it worse than that time?

Seeing this, the cavalry gathered the light beams in their hands again, and used their maximum strength. They put their palms together and shot a huge beam of light towards the crowd on one side, while simultaneously spreading a virtual shield around them.、


As long as it lasts until the enemy's main force is destroyed, that's it!! bang——!!!

"Uh-huh!"The beam of light with huge heat was resisted by Masu with a huge shield, but the powerful impact also made the girl scream a little, and she felt vaguely unsteady.

"Matthew!"Olga Marie frowned, feeling that something was wrong with Matthew's appearance, so she immediately turned around and shouted:"Romani!"

"...It's because Fujimaru-kun's supply of magic power can't keep up. After all, it hasn't fully recovered in the first place......"Romani's hands danced quickly on the keyboard in front of him, and he quickly came up with the result.

"magic?"When Olga Marie heard this, she immediately turned her head and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka who was also gritting her teeth and persisting. After all, she was a new Master. She did not learn how to distribute her magic power in a systematic way. She could only let it flow naturally, thus causing a lot of problems. Waste of magic

"Drink!!"The cavalry shouted again, and the beam of light emitted from his hand became much stronger again, and the color became darker.


"Gu!!....Cough, cough, cough...!"

But soon his voice stopped abruptly, because Sven was holding the chain moon and thrust the tip of the sword into the gap in his back,

"Shadow Dance Sword Skill - Shadow Speed ​​Slash, which is a combination of a series of permanent skills such as Backstab, Mind Barrier, Crazy Flower Burst, Dazzling Blade, and Piercing."Sven looked at his permanent skills, and they were all related to breaking shields. Coupled with the penetrating power of his magic eye, how could he defend the opponent?

"If you expose your back to me, you'll die...."Swain raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a joking voice sounded in his ears.

"you...cough.."Although the beam in the cavalry's hand was not intended, it was still forced to stop, and the sound coming from his mask suggested that he should be seriously injured and vomiting blood at this time.

On the other side, Matthew, who had completed the defense work, suddenly lost his strength and slowly knelt down on the ground holding the shield.

"Matthew...Are you OK?"Fujimaru Ritsuka leaned over from the side. She was also a little exhausted, but she still managed to squeeze out a smile.

"yes...Just a little bit exhausted...."Matthew also showed a similar smile

"These two are really stupid people....."Olga Marie cursed inwardly with relief after seeing that both of them were fine.

At this time, Sven pulled Lianyue out of the cavalryman's body. Just when he was about to finish it off, he suddenly found that one of his clones had been killed, and at the same time two people flew over from the battlefield on one side. Huge blade.

Seeing this, Sven didn't have time to break the armor on the cavalry's back to the extent that the blade could be completely penetrated. He suddenly clicked his tongue and kicked the cavalry on the back, directly kicking him aside, making him temporarily unable to fight.. boom!!


The cavalry flew out, hit the wreckage of the mansion behind, and was soon buried inside. There was no sound.

Seeing this, Sven didn't pay attention to the other party, but tapped the ground hard with his toes, and his whole body floated again. He stood up and flew towards the archers on the other side with a series of dark afterimages.

Looking at the figure rushing towards him, the archer's expression suddenly darkened. He just didn't want the cavalry to retreat so quickly, otherwise their situation would be very passive. However, he did not expect that although the cavalry did not retreat, they were still in an almost half-empty situation. To the extent that one's life is gone, it is obvious that he cannot become a fighting force.

Although he had faced two Swains before, it was obvious that they were all clones, because their movements were not very coherent.

Often one would attack while the other could only slightly disturb the surroundings, not at all. The ones he had seen before were so sensitive that one of them had been stabbed several times by himself and completely dissipated.

This is probably because Swain is still not very skilled in controlling multiple people.

The archer was right. Sven currently only controls two clones, which is almost the limit.

The last one basically relies on Sven's normal fighting habits and intuition to make self-disciplined judgments. Only occasionally do I control him to move once or twice to cause interference, but the effect is not great. At most, it is used to distract people.

And now their mission has been completed well, without the archers interfering with the duel between the real body and the cavalry!

Just when the archer was about to leave the battle group from where the clone he had just killed was, he saw that the movements of the clone he was fighting with suddenly changed, and his movements became very coherent, almost like the real body. s level!

In contrast, the last clone that fought against the spearmen had a sharp decline in mobility.

The archer looked at the two Svens in front of him with an ominous look. The two sides were standing together, each swinging a sword in alternating turns. The angles were tricky, so that he could only defend passively, and he was still very difficult to defend against!

Sven's movements look very elegant and elegant, as if he is not fighting but actually dancing with a sword!

Whenever he wants to attack, the two Swains will float left and right in the field like mirror images, and it is not only a plane movement, but also somersaults and slides while going up and down, plus a series of movements behind them. The phantom is so dazzling and dizzying that you will feel fainted if you stare at it for a while.

Even though he obviously looked at the two people walking at right angles, they almost collided in front of him, but it turned out that the mistake was one after the other, causing the dagger he threw to completely miss.

"Damn it, is it still so difficult?...."

The archer once again projected two daggers, and turned around and still relied on his inexplicable intuition to block a slash from behind him, but was directly pierced through the side by Sven who rushed from the other direction..

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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