"Brother Swain! Let's go over there and take a rest first. You need a rest too."At this moment, Sakura came over, took Sven's hand and said with concern.

Looking at Sakura's smiling face, the anger Sven had accumulated just now was blown away by the spring breeze, and he smiled. Kneel down and pick him up

"That's right, let's fix it up a little bit."

Sven looked at the disgraced people. Almost every combatant was disgraced.

"After all, there should be a few more enemies, and although they may not come soon, it's better to be prepared."

After saying that, he took the lead with Sakura and supported Aike on one side to walk towards the ruins of the mansion in the distance, ignoring the blue-haired man behind him. The blue-haired man seemed to have some understanding of Sven's temperament. Unsurprisingly, he followed from behind.

Fujimaru Ritsuka watched everyone leave, so he also followed, and so did Mashu, who was the bodyguard.

"It seems like there is a very complicated secret behind it."Olga Marie looked at the backs of everyone and murmured

"Romani, where did you find him?"

Although Olga Marie didn't name her, everyone could tell that she was asking about Swain.

"Eh? I....that....Ahaha, I forgot, it seems...Nordic...Where did it come from?....Hiss, eh? Why can't I remember something clearly?~!"

Romani was also scratching his head in confusion, with an embarrassed smile on his face. After all, he really didn't know, but now he could only find an excuse to fool him first.

"Eh....I knew you were unreliable."Olga Marie let out a long sigh as if she had expected it, and followed up from behind slightly feebly........


"This wine is good!"

The blue-haired man and everyone are currently in a relatively complete room on the first floor of the mansion's annex. It seems to be a reception room. Apart from a few chairs, there is only one relatively intact sofa. However, there are still many intact rooms in it. of wine.

Xiaobai and Fufu stayed with Matthew.

And Olga Marie was helping Matthew deal with the injury. Although she was a forward, the injury was not very serious because of the huge shield, and the most fatal one was Ai Ke, Sven is helping her treat the wound, but the situation is very bad. Even though the spearman has withdrawn, the injury caused by it is still there, and the bleeding of the wound cannot be stopped at all.

"hateful...How to deal with this!"Sven scratched his head and looked at Aike who looked a little pale and was very distressed.

"It's okay, it just won't affect the battle. It's just that the magic power is a little insufficient now. Just rest here for a night."Ai Ke said that this is not a big deal. As long as his spiritual core is intact and his magic power is replenished, there will be no problem.

"That's it. Do you want to make a temporary contract with Ritsuka?"Sven also knew this characteristic of servants.

He pointed at Fujimaru Ritsuka and Sakura who were looking at the blue-haired man drinking in surprise.

"Eh? I?"When Fujimaru Ritsuka heard someone calling her name, she immediately turned around and looked at Swain in confusion.

"If we were to conclude a contract, wouldn't it be better to choose Sven-senpai as our master?"

"So reliable and powerful, he's also a magician, and I feel like he's a good, upright guy, and he's pretty handsome too."Fujimaru Ritsuka walked to Sven and said with a smile.

"Yes, seniors have always been so reliable."Ma Xiu nodded in agreement.

"I'm not as powerful as you say....And the last thing Ritsuka said seems to have nothing to do with whether he can become a Master, right?"Sven scratched his cheek and muttered the last half of the sentence in a voice that no one could hear clearly.

"I'm glad you think so, but unfortunately I'm not a candidate for Master, and I don't have a Command Seal."Sven took off his gauntlet, showed the smooth back of his hand to everyone, and said with some regret.

"impossible! I obviously registered you as the 49th Master!"

"Why didn't the system determine that you were a Master candidate and give you a Command Seal?"

The virtual screen opened again, Romani's figure appeared again, and he shouted directly

"Forty-ninth place?"Sven's eyes were sharp, and his piercing gaze seemed to reach Romani through time and space.

"How come I don't know about this?"

"Um, I just discovered that you seem to have good potential when I checked occasionally, so...."

"So you took it upon yourself to log in to the summoning system for me?"

"Well, yes, but now it seems to have failed, no! I obviously made a formal system application to Leif? And I even covered it up so that you wouldn’t notice it, and it took me a year to prepare!"

"....Isn’t it because you’ve been fishing that you’ve forgotten about it all year?"Sven showed no expression on his face and exposed Romani's lies directly and mercilessly.


Romani suddenly felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart.

"Don't say it so directly!"Romani looked at Olga Marie, who was already furious, and clasped her hands together as if praying.

"Ha, then you'd better get rid of this problem as soon as possible. Swain looked at him and sneered, and asked again:"Then what went wrong?""

"....ah! I remembered!"

"The final login to the system seems to be done before today’s experiment begins!"

"No wonder I said you are so leisurely today~" Romani thought for a moment, suddenly realized, rubbed his head and smiled.

Okay, now I know why Romani had time to run to prepare the room assigned to Fujimaru Ritsuka The reason for fishing

"I shouldn't have left this task entirely to Romani."Olga Marie on the side also had a headache when she looked at the other half of the figure.

"That's already the case, so it doesn't matter."Sven patted Olga Marie on the back and comforted her.

"At least there is still a Master, so it will be no problem to complete the mission."

"What do you think, Aike?"Sven asked, looking at Aike on the side.

"This person."Aike looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and said,

"Forget it, I have to rely on my own strength to defeat that Saber!"

"But if you do this, magic will come back..."

"It doesn't matter, I still have the permanent skill, Cosmic Reactor!"

"In just one night, the magic power should be almost restored......"Ai Ke patted her chest proudly, looking extremely reliable, but the next moment her stomach protested violently.


".....But you still need to eat....Are there cup noodles?"Ai Ke's expression changed, and he shyly touched his head and asked Swain.

"Ah, I'll go prepare supplies right away....Forehead."

Romani came to his senses upon seeing this and immediately prepared for the delivery of supplies, but as soon as he stood up, his face turned dark. The cargo passage and the transport device for supplies on one side had not been cleared yet, and they were all covered in rubble.

"Sorry, there is currently no way to provide any support here."Romani sat back a little feebly.

"It’s okay, there must be a lot of good stuff at Swain’s place, so you won’t go hungry!"The blue-haired man came over, waved his hand and said

"Where's Swain?"Olga Marie was startled, staring straight at the blue-haired man in front of her with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I won’t talk about my questions for now, but let’s talk about you first."Sven stood up and looked at the person he had automatically ignored since just now.

"who are you?"

"If you want to stay here, tell me your purpose"

"Otherwise, I'll ask you to leave here."

"Senior, we finally have a servant who can help us. Is it really okay to just let him leave like this?"Ma Xiu interjected from the side. She feels that now, one more person is more strength, and it will be safer if everyone is together.

"Haha, little girl, what this guy said is not to ask me to leave here."The blue-haired man smiled easily and said:"Believe it or not, if I showed up without saving you before, and if I turned around and left without answering now, this guy would draw his sword and slash me from behind in the next second."

"This, seniors wouldn't do this, right?...."Matthew looked at Swain uncertainly

"After all, he is a stranger who knows about me, so I have to be on guard against him suddenly making dirty tricks from behind. It is also to protect you, and since I am here, I will not let you make any mistakes, so it is better to be careful at this time, after all. For me now, the most important thing is you."

Sven said without denying it. At the same time, he looked back slightly and glanced at Matthew, who suddenly returned to a weak look after hearing what he said.

"yes....I see...."Matthew looked at SvenSmiling, he immediately blushed and lowered his head.

"Indeed, what Swain said makes sense. Our current situation is very bad. In order to prevent intelligence from leaking, it is indeed necessary to confirm the other party's intentions."Olga Marie also agreed, but her face seemed to be even redder than Matthew's.

"So you should know what I'm going to ask next, right?"

"What's your real name?"Sven squinted his eyes and looked at the person in front of him and continued to ask.

"Haha, I knew you would ask this question straight to the point."The blue-haired man stood up with a smile, covered his chest and said formally:

"Well, it’s not a big deal. My name is Cu Chulainn, a member of the Irish Red Branch Knights. Although I am famous for my spear skills, unfortunately my current job is caster. I still have some experience in magic. Anyway, Please give me more advice~!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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