
Matthew agreed, and just when she turned around and nodded solemnly, a beam of red light flashed from the depths of the cave in front of her, and Sven, who was in the middle of the team at this time, suddenly felt the sound coming from behind. Here comes a strange smell with strong hostility

"Mashu defends the front!!"

Sven shouted, and instantly touched Lianyue behind him with his right hand. He turned around and flipped the blade at the same time, shooting down all three flaming arrows with flowing light coming from behind.

"Good weight!"Sven's eyes were slightly narrowed, feeling the power on the blade.


The blade flowed, and with a strong wave, three arrows flew in three directions, and three explosions occurred.

At this time, Ma in front of Xiu also set up his shield early, and the next moment a huge black-gray shadow slammed into the big purple shield.



The huge black shadow was bounced away, spinning and inserted into the stone wall on one side. Matthew was also hit by this blow and couldn't stop retreating. Two deep ravines were drawn on the ground, but he was able to defend himself.

"Archer again?"

"But if the attack method is the same as that of the Blazing Bow, then it's not a problem."

Sven also often fought against Deusolbert, and he has a lot of experience against opponents who use flaming arrows.

Sven from behind once again waved his sword to blow away the dust and mist in front of him, looking at the high platform in the distance behind him. The figure on the top.

It was a girl wearing black and dark red warrior armor, with long silver-white hair. The armor on the left half of her body had a lot of red lines, and she seemed to be a shadow follower.

On her head were two Just like the ghost horn of Prajna, he carries a huge naginata behind his back, holds a red long bow in his left hand, and holds an equally red arrow in his right hand. Moreover, the bowstring, arrow and arrow feathers are not entities, they are all burning. Guren.

He carries a katana and a wakizashi (a small knife between 30cm and 60cm) on his waist. It is usually used as the main weapon tachi or as a backup weapon after the katana is damaged.)

"Among the three types of weapons, which one is the main weapon?"Sven kept looking at the opposite side.

"The job agency is Archer!"Romani shouted immediately.

Although the opponent had three types of weapons, Romani, who was a supporter, immediately identified the enemy's job.

"That's the archer. Sven sighed, it would be foolish to keep his distance from the archer......But that's just generally speaking.

Yesterday I met someone who played with double swords, and today it was someone with tachi and naginata.......

Can we play with bows more seriously?

"But the person opposite seems to be very proficient in those weapons!"Chaldea's staff immediately took action, trying to find out the real name of the person in front of them through their appearance.

"Have you seen it?"Sven raised Lianyue and looked at the girl opposite him without blinking, who once again took out an arrow from behind and put it on the bow.

"No, I haven't seen him before. He was probably a lone follower and was 'friendly' roped in by these guys."Cu Chulainn said with a smile, but his face was equally solemn.

Because the two of them just looked at the black shadow that flew towards everyone. It was a giant red gold ax!

The blade of the ax was uneven black. The outer layer of the rock is wrapped with red magic power, and the main body is made of gold. The back of the ax has a sharp ring with a metal blade.

And the size of this ax is taller than an adult!! And much taller!

Two Although people wanted to discuss countermeasures, it was obvious that this was not the time.

The archer on the opposite side once again drew his bow and arrow, and the arrow tips in front of him began to gather a large amount of red flames with black colors.


Cu Chulainn and Sven dodged to the left and right, while the non-combatants on one side, Olga Marie, Sakura and Fujimaru Ritsuka, all leaned towards the stone wall on one side from the very beginning, trying not to get themselves into trouble.

"Do you know what that is?"After Sven landed, he started to run towards Archer in a roundabout way and shouted loudly at the same time.

After all, the huge ax didn't get any information from Cu Chulainn last night.

"That ax should be the one I mentioned before, the ax used by berserker. Cu Chulainn responded in a deep voice.

"Are you kidding me?"

"The sizes are completely different!"When Sven heard this, he looked at Cu Chulainn ferociously and roared.

The information he got from him at that time was that the berserker opposite had an ax that was less than one meter long, but it turned out that this one was two or three meters long!

You This guy! The information provided is so lonely!!

"I don’t know this either! The berserker at that time was not a companion of these guys either!"Cu Chulainn's face also darkened.

"I'm still in the mood for chatting, and it looks like I still have a lot of energy left!"The silver-haired Archer looked at Sven and Cu Chulainn who were still chatting, and raised his bow to shoot again.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sven looked at the wide-range rain of arrows that were shooting at him. He didn't stop but stretched out his head. With his left hand, the surrounding cold air quickly gathered to form a giant spear.

Sven quickly swung the spear with one hand, turning it into a buckler.

Clang, clank - the spear blocked all the flaming arrows intact,

"Go for it!!"

Sven stepped hard on the ground, did a lunge, stretched his left arm back to the extreme, straightened his right arm, and threw the ice spear at the silver-haired Archer.

"Haha, you are indeed qualified to be a spearman!"

Cu Chulainn looked at Sven's throwing posture and said casually, while drawing a patch of runes around him. The next moment the runes turned into fiercely burning fireballs, following Sven's ice spear towards Archer. Shooting.

Seeing this, the silver-haired archer redirected Sven, who was about to shoot again, and aimed at the fireball on the side.

Bang bang bang——!!

The fireballs were triggered one after another in the middle of the road, erupting with violent flashes, roaring sound waves, and violent The storm raged in the cave, rumbling - countless gravel and dust flew up, and the stalactite pillars above began to sway from side to side, looking like they were on the verge of crumbling at any time. At this time, Swain's ice gun also reached the other side. In front of him, the silver-haired Archer did not choose to fight. Instead, he jumped high and landed on the rock wall on one side. He jumped back and forth dexterously on the uneven wall a few times before landing on the ground.

The silver-haired Archer raised his head and looked ahead. Sven, who was almost in front of her, hung the long bow on his body again, and at the same time took out the naginata with his right hand from behind.

Sven leaned sideways, with his arms parallel to his side, his left hand spread out, his right hand underneath, and Iai took a stance, hiding the blade behind him so that he could not see the trajectory of the swing.

The two of them swung their weapons at the same time. When the weapons intersected, they poured out their own magic power in a tacit understanding. The roaring purple thunder, Violent red flames flashed from their respective weapons, then collided and exploded, splashing everywhere. The originally dark cave suddenly became as bright as day, causing everyone who had finally adapted to the darkness to close their eyes slightly. Eyes.

The light continued to extend around, until it reached the originally dark hole on one side.

"Roar oh oh oh——!!!!"

From the dark cave entrance suddenly came the roar of some kind of heavy mechanical engine, and at the same time it sounded like the roar of some prehistoric beast.

A circle of dust waves stretched out from the hole and swept outside, followed by a heavy sound like a meteorite hitting the earth.

Bang bang bang——!!

As the earth shook again and again, a crimson shadow quickly approached from the depths of the passage.

"The huge source of magic power is approaching rapidly!!"Romani looked at the exaggerated values ​​​​on the instrument in front of him and shouted in shock.

"Be careful!!"

"Swain!!"Cu Chulainn looked at the running route of the black shadow in the distance, and his expression suddenly changed. He raised his staff high and waved it several times, then slammed it on the ground. On the other side, the ground beside Sven suddenly cracked, and a The roots of rows of plants popped up in an instant, and became intertwined, quickly forming a protective wall.

After reacting, Swain also sensed the danger, turned her head and glanced at Archer opposite, and she also noticed that it looked like Like a heavy-armored chariot, the enemy that rushed towards them without hesitation would have been hit by the acceleration of that thing as it arrived in front of everyone. It would probably have caused no pain at all, and it would have returned directly to the Throne of Heroes.

So both sides withdrew their weapons at the same time, and quickly The ground exploded backwards.

Boom -

The black shadow on the other side rushed out of the hole, leaving a broken road on the ground. At the same time, it also raised a large amount of dust.

He hit the ground and scattered gravel everywhere. , its speed and impact were like bullets, embedded in the surrounding rock walls.

Looking at the wall in front of him, he hit it as if it were nothing.


Cu Chulainn woven it. The wall didn't even hold up for a second, or it didn't even hold up at all. It only made a slight contact and was shattered.


The black shadow jumped up and landed heavily on the ground, drawing a line. Along with the traces, a huge deep pit was also created. The cracks on the ground spread rapidly to the surroundings.

Sven raised his head and looked at the giant giant that was vaguely exuding red and black magic in the gray smoke ahead. Shadows, dark red magic power and violent fluctuations kept pressing towards the surroundings, making the people around them breathe stagnant, and even felt that the flow of magic power was slower.


After a deep beast-like sigh, the black shadow moved slightly, and at the same time there was the sound of chains and metal armors colliding. In the middle of the dark form, basically at the top, two golden-red lights were locked tightly. It fell on Swain.

The black shadow suddenly burst out with an unspoken pressure, blowing away the surrounding smoke and dust, and at the same time revealed its true face!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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