Of course the swordsman on the opposite side also knew that this was the best choice in the current situation, but as long as she avoided it properly, the second sword might not seriously hurt her, but if she avoided it completely, there was no need to think about it.

After making up her mind, she lowered her body and was ready to block the upward attack and then flip and jump to avoid the second sword.


The swordsman did as she thought, blocking Sven's upward move. At the same time, he turned to look at the clone's slash, jumped up to avoid it, and blocked his left hand in front of him.


With a flash of the sword, Lian Yue left a bone-deep wound on the swordsman's arm that extended from the upper arm to the forearm.


At this time, Sven was also ready to strike the second sword, but the swordsman gritted his teeth, raised his right hand again to block it, and retreated to the rear.

Sven withdrew his clone, stepped forward, and swung his sword towards the opponent's neck.

The swordsman once again relied on intuition to dodge the opponent, but the mask on his face was cut off to the left corner, revealing half of his eye.

"Pale gold eyes?"

Sven looked at the seemingly emotionless eyes in a daze, but there was no hesitation in the movements around her body.

Seeing the opponent swinging his sword to defend, Sven turned around, kicked back, and kicked her sword violently. body, but the huge impact also caused her to fly backwards.

Seeing this, Swain flew up and followed, blocking the opponent's slash, and punched her in the abdomen, but unexpectedly, the opponent on the opposite side But the man just raised his head and hit him with a headbutt.

"What! ?"


With a dull sound, the two sides flew out of each other. The swordsman took a few steps back and stopped. Behind him was the standing Great Holy Grail, while Sven retreated to the edge of the rock wall.

Shaken Shaking his head in confusion, Sven raised his head and looked at the swordsman who was repairing the injury, only to find that she didn't wait until the injury was completely repaired before rushing over again!

So she could only raise her sword to block in a hurry.

Both sides restarted They were fighting together, but the opponent's magic power was constantly declining. Swain was a little confused. Is this because of lack of stamina or because of a lack of stamina?....She wants to gather her magic power, and then.....Laifada?


At this moment, a red light shined brightly above the two people's heads, taking away the attention of both parties for an instant.

However, the reason was not the light itself, but because of the continuous pouring of light from the sky, aiming straight at it. A large meteor shower of magic bullets hit Sven!!

Looking up, I don't know when the black hole that was originally glowing with blue light in the sky was wrapped in a mass of unknown things, and those magic bullets were shot out of those things!

"whispering sound!"

Sven immediately gritted his teeth, gave up the offensive and dodged to one side, and those magic bullets seemed to be alive, changed their attack routes halfway, and all attacked Sven. Seeing this, Sven stopped dodging. , set up the weapon in his hand, and understood that dodge was useless, so he had to shoot down all of them!


Swain waved the blade in his hand continuously, and the magic bullets were blocked and broken one after another, but the red light above did not Stopped, there was not even a sign of stopping. Instead, the light became brighter, and magic bullets began to pour out in a wider area.

The range was not only aimed at Sven himself, but even the surroundings were not immune. Even the sword There were several stray bullets across the swordsman.

This was an indiscriminate attack covering the entire map!


The ground collapsed, and Swin and the swordsman fell toward the cliff below along with countless rubbles.

The swordsman found a larger falling rock and stood firmly on it. He turned to look at Sven who was dodging attacks among the many falling rocks. There were more obstructions around him, and the number of magic bullets also increased. It keeps increasing, and it is true that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Now he is facing dozens or even more tracking magic bullets. There is a limit to this!

So Swain stood on a few rocks. He jumped quickly and lightly, leaving a lot of daggers on it.

After arranging a wave around him, he inserted Lian Yue on a rock wall, hung his whole body on it, and let out a big blast of lightning with his other hand. , at the same time, the daggers arranged on the rocks suddenly attracted each other, boom——!!

Countless rocks began to gather towards the middle, and at this time, countless magic bullets happened to pass through the naturally formed hollow passages between them. After passing through, in just an instant, these tracking magic bullets were destroyed on a large scale.

Sven looked at the red explosion fire in front of him, and the violent storm blew his hair, but he did not dare to be careless at all. , while carefully guarding the swordsman, he also stared closely at the explosion on the other side.

Sure enough, the explosion just now did not detonate all the magic bullets, and about one-third of the magic bullets were left to attack Si. Wen flew over.

Seeing this, Sven felt that he might need to use the magic and skills used to deal with swordsmen here.

"Gee, do you want to use it here?"

Lianyue just raised his hand and prepared to use the skill, but Sven felt the violent magic power that suddenly struck down from his side.


The dark red magic light beam involuntarily flashed in front of Sven, forming a A solid barrier blocked the magic bullets to one side, and continued to sweep to one side, destroying all the magic bullets that were trying to dodge behind. Looking at the light column in front of it that gradually subsided, and the light pillars that were still filled behind it. In the light of the explosion, Sven stared at the rocks that were melted by the high temperature. He was a little puzzled.

He turned to look at the swordsman who put down the magic sword in his hand, and saw that she turned to look to one side, hiding the side of her damaged mask. Where Sven can't see,

"you.....Why do you want to help me?"Sven shouted loudly to the other side.

"......"But the swordsman opposite had no intention of answering.

At this moment, the fire suddenly shrank, and a black spot suddenly appeared from the center.

"What! ?"

When Sven turned his head to see the black spot clearly, he realized that it was an arm made entirely of meat with no visible skin!

And it was still moving around at an alarming speed like a long snake. Falling rocks were grabbed at Sven.

Seeing this, Sven gritted his teeth. The runes on his arms lit up, and a huge ice wall was formed in front of him for defense.

Bang! Bang!


The ice wall withstood it. After an attack, a series of cracks appeared, but they were not broken. However, before Sven could take a breath and relax, more arms appeared from the giant rubble below him, and they could even drill through it. Hole!?

The swordsman on the other side also noticed this situation and seemed to want to do something, but his movements were a little slower.

About three or four arms grabbed Sven and wrapped him directly in it. He rushed inside, and then rushed toward the sky. He didn't give way to the gravel rock plates he encountered on the road, and ran straight into them! He rushed from the inside of the mountain to the outside in one fell swoop, and swish-!!

The light of the sword flashed, and he was surrounded. Swain's cage was cut apart again. At this time, Swain was just above the sky. Looking at the arm below that was like a tree, Swain used his magic to release the arm below that was about to give birth to a new hand again. They were all chopped into pieces.

The whistling sound of the wind sounded in Sven's ears. Looking at the ground a hundred feet high, Sven looked serious, quickly and calmly rewritten the runes written on his arms, and urged again. After the movement, invisible storms wrapped around it, slowing down its descent slightly. However, there was no solution after all. It was not an ocean below, but a mountain that had already collapsed more than half! If it fell, it would definitely be a puddle of flesh. It’s muddy!

But fortunately, there are still people below to help!

"Haha, it’s coming, it’s coming!"Cu Chulainn looked at Sven who fell from the sky, gritted his teeth and smiled, waving the staff in his hand and hitting the ground, bang -!!

Boom boom boom - with his movements, just now After the collapse ended, a large area of ​​green plants suddenly appeared on the ground that was full of rubble.

A large tree grew up at an alarming speed, and was wrapped around an equally astonishingly huge vine..

Swain looked at the twisted vine below like a large slide, adjusted his body shape and landed on it.

He inserted Lianyue into the vine, stepped on the sword, let it contact the vine instead of his body, and then moved forward As he slid down, he left a long sword mark on the vine, which felt like a different kind of jumping machine.

When he almost reached the bottom, Sven jumped off the vine, and in the air, a purple figure appeared. Rushed over from the side and took Swain's hand.

"Got it!"Ma Xiu shouted softly, and at the same time he held his shield to the ground. Sven also reacted, putting his arms around Ma Xiu's waist, and at the same time condensed a ball of wind in front of his shield.

Boom - bang - two people It fell and dragged out a slightly long ravine on the rubble.

"Are you two okay?"Fujimaru Ritsuka and others followed from behind.

"hold head high....It's okay, thanks to Matthew, I was saved."Sven shook his head, smiled and patted the head of the junior next to him.

"No....I feel very satisfied if I can help my seniors."Ma Xiu said with a blush, as if he was a little shy and shy after being praised.

"So, what the hell is that thing?"Sven stood up and looked at the hole in the sky that was wrapped by a mass of flesh, and the red fluorescence that kept falling from a ring in the sky into the hole. He asked the people around him, hoping that someone could give him an answer. For a moment.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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