After landing, Cu Chulainn and Mashu stood beside him, thinking about the solution at the same time, but it was obvious that the armor on the opposite side would not give everyone a chance to think, so Sven only had to push forward again and deal with the opposite side.

"that......Is it considered a success?"At this time, the swordsman was quietly recovering from his injuries while staring at the armor in the distance and murmuring.

"No......How could such an irrational thing be?......"But he soon became depressed again and shook his head.

"I see!"

Suddenly Romani's voice suddenly sounded, and the joy and excitement in his tone sounded like they were about to overflow.

"The magic source supporting the previous shadow followers and the current armor should be drawn from that hole, so as long as the hole, or the Holy Grail, is destroyed!"

".......Can we stop this crazy armor? Cu Chulainn said in a deep voice.

"That's right!"

"But how? Fujimaru Ritsuka asked,

"Didn't that hole disappear?"

"No, it didn’t disappear. According to the reaction, it should be hidden somewhere in that armor....."Romani looked at the man who was still going crazy in the distance, without any regard for the consumption of magic power, and blindly bombarded the opponent's armor, his face was a little gloomy.

"The problem is how to break through that dense magic beam?...."Olga Marie looked into the distance, then looked at Cu Chulainn

"No, even if my Noble Phantasm is forcibly released by a little girl using a command spell, it should be difficult to achieve that power. If I want to break through, it is possible....."

"Then let me make the sudden advance!"Ma Xiu mustered up the courage to stand up.

"I will use my shield to create opportunities for you!"

"....Then, it’s up to you!"Cu Chulainn looked at Mashu again. This determined look seemed to be to his liking, so he said very seriously.


"So, Fujimaru!"After Olga Marie saw that the two riding servants had no objections, she shouted to Fujimaru Ritsuka


Fujimaru Ritsuka stood behind the two of them and held the right hand with the command spell engraved on it.

Sven on the side also noticed that everyone seemed to have some plan, and slightly left the attack range of both sides and retreated to the rear.

"It's now!"

"Order again with my command spell!"

"Matthew and Caster will do their best to liberate your Noble Phantasms!"Fujimaru Ritsuka shouted with a slight roar. At the same time, the last two command spells in his hands lit up at the same time, emitting a dazzling red light.


A surging magic power instantly poured into the bodies of the two of them. , Mashu and Cú Chulainn were shocked at the same time.

Sven also fell behind everyone at this time, looking ahead.

The armor on the opposite side saw everyone gathered together, so he raised the magic sword in his hand again,

"The iron hammer of the humble king, the aurora is reversed."

At this moment, in the armor opposite, a voice whose gender and age could not be heard sounded. In addition to the initial violent magic power, countless rising air currents appeared on the magic sword.

Blue and white thunder and lightning appeared in a large area, and the magic sword There was a dark red spiral cyclone attached to the sword.

He placed the sword horizontally behind him, and the cyclone exploded, and a magical sword body several meters long appeared from it. The surrounding ground sank and shattered, and fierce winds blew from a distance. Come on, people who are squinting can't open their eyes.

"Increased magic response......!!"

"hateful! It's a treasure!!"

Olga Marie gritted her teeth, her beautiful face looking slightly distorted due to extreme anger.

"The other party will use the Noble Phantasm, this is not expected!"Romani also never expected that it was just an empty armor. How could he release the Noble Phantasm?

But now that the matter is at this point, he is already in a state of having to shoot.

Cu Chulainn on the other side has already started singing again Noble Phantasm, Matthew, who was facing him, turned his head slightly to look at Sven, his eyes full of uneasiness.

Sven met her eyes and was a little stunned, but soon showed an understanding smile and walked towards her. Next to him, he comforted:"It's okay, Matthew, I believe in you.""

"I believe that you and your shield can definitely protect all of us!"

"Follow your instincts, no need to force yourself, just follow your heart, and you will definitely be able to release all the power of this shield!"

"so....."Swain took a deep breath and shouted:"I am a proud junior! Come on!""

"yes!"Ma Xiu took a deep breath and shouted.

Sven's words gave great encouragement to this girl who had been extremely unsure of herself before.

"Drink ah ah ah——!!"

Amidst the shouts that gradually grew in momentum, Mashu raised his shield high and knocked it down. boom--!

The thick shield stood on the ground, and the bright blue-white light was so dazzling.

The light caused the patterns on the shield to expand continuously, and behind Masudi, a very dreamy, sacred and noble chalk city appeared faintly.

Although this city now looks so illusory and incorporeal, it The white shadow city wall that stood around them still firmly guarded everyone behind it!!

And the Noble Phantasm on the opposite side seems to have been fully charged!

"Be swallowed by the light!"

"Sword of victory! (Excalibur Morgan)"

The armor turned its body and swung out a dark red flash, and then blasted out the brilliance of violent magic power from the sword, with an astonishing and devastating momentum, carrying the power of completely annihilating everything along the way. It could attack, but it was in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and boom——!!

The violent magic and the silent city wall collided with each other, emitting a large dazzling flash, during which there was a constant roar, and the colliding magic With nowhere to go, he immediately scattered around, turning into streaks of violent lightning, bombarding the surroundings aimlessly.

But Mashu stood on the ground, looking at the distance with very firm eyes, without any trace of The ground shakes

"As long as I'm still here!"

"Don't even think about breaking through my protection!"

Ma Xiu shouted loudly. His petite figure was carrying a shield that was higher than the others, blocking the disproportionate amount of light cannons. This scene was watched by everyone behind him.

"Nice momentum!"

At this time, Cu Chulainn also finished singing, and the huge tree man appeared behind everyone. At the same time, he jumped high and passed over the light cannon on the opposite side, preparing to jump directly to the opponent in one breath.

Swain Looking at the giant tree man leaping high from behind, he suddenly remembered something, so he shouted loudly:"Be careful with hidden weapons!"

"What! ?"Cú Chulainn was stunned, and the armor on the opposite side naturally noticed the giant tree man in the sky, so he held the sword in one hand, put his left hand behind his back, and quickly threw out a large piece of red light in the direction of the tree man in the sky.!

Those red lights were obviously prepared by injecting magic power in advance, daggers with ominous magic power and black magic particles!


Of course the giant tree man couldn't make any sensitive movements in the air, so he could only put up his hands and block it in front of him.


Following a dark mushroom cloud, one of the tree man's arms was It exploded, but all in all it didn't have much impact.


The tree man landed not far from the armor, and directly twisted his body to grab the armor.

At this time, the armor's Noble Phantasm was about to end, So he pulled away and prepared to jump away, but his movement was a step too slow, and he was directly grabbed by the tree man with his right hand. At the same time, the iron door on his abdomen opened, and he was thrown into a cage woven by trees!


Seeing this scene, everyone's faces showed joy.

"snort~!"Cu Chulainn also looked proud and excited, controlling the huge tree man to fall to the ground. At the same time, fierce flames burned around him, trying to burn the armor inside. boom--!!

Everyone didn't make any movement, just quietly, but nervously looking at the huge tree man in the distance with the flames soaring into the sky, for fear of another accident on the other side.

But on the other side, Romani looked at the numerical table in front of him and shouted again

"The magic power increases again!"

"This is.....Continuous use of the Noble Phantasm!!"

"The magic power rises again!! careful!!! This blow is not as powerful as the previous one!!!"


"What, what should I do?"

"The command spell has also been....."Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the people around him and wanted to seek advice. At the same time, he stroked the three-stroke command spell on the back of his hand that had faded.

"So let me do it!"Ai Ke stood up forcefully and wanted to grab the two swords beside him, but as soon as he stood up, the wound that Olga Marie had just bandaged for him collapsed, and the red blood flowed out uncontrollably.

"It’s impossible, you can’t use your Noble Phantasm now!"Romani shouted

"Not just your body, but your magic too! Both of these conditions are not allowed!"

"But if you want to deal with that, you have to use the same Noble Phantasm, right?"Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the red light pillar that broke through the tree man's cage in the distance, and said with a slightly trembling voice.

"....."After hearing this, everyone fell silent

"Noble Phantasm?......."Sven stood up and glanced at the armor that was starting to sing again in the distance, the tree people whose fire was getting smaller and smaller, and finally Mashu who was standing in front of him and still maintaining the city wall.

Sven looked a little lost in thought, and his thoughts drifted away. He gently touched his eyebrows, and there were waves of agitation coming from there, as if something wanted to break free.

He gradually recalled the three Valkyries, and Sven had seen the Noble Phantasm released by the three of them - Final Fantasy Girl Advent.

Swain also asked them how to use this thing, and the result was the same as what he just said to Matthew.

Sven took a deep breath, spread his arms slightly, and the magic power in his body began to rise.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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