"Yes, please feel free to leave it to me!"Ma Xiu nodded with a smile.

Sven put away the continuous moon, moved his stiff and sore shoulder with his right hand, twisted his neck and walked towards the Holy Grail.

"I'm also a little tired. I really want to go back and take a shower, eat a big meal and have a good sleep........."

Swain looked very tired, but that was true. He had been working non-stop for several days, making various preparations for the strategy for this singularity. After finally waiting until the mission started, he was able to step down as the person in charge of logistics and medical care, and the remaining tasks were handed over to him. Romani, when you can go back to your room and sleep in the dark, well, you really don’t need to be responsible for logistics and medical care, you can directly change it to charging into battle!

After fighting for two consecutive days, there was not enough rest. Today's battle was fought several times in a row. Although there was an energy supply in the middle, it was still a bit tiring.

Everyone can see that Sven is tired. Everyone is the same and wants to go back and rest as soon as possible.

"Haha, thank you for your hard work, we will prepare everything here and wait for you to come back and rest. Romani said with a smile on his face and expressed relief.

Now, it can be said that it is over.....Bar?

But it always feels like it’s a little too simple.

"So Romani, how do you recycle this thing?"Sven's hand seemingly casually rested on the hilt of the sword, staring at the golden object in front of him and asked.

"this........It should just be held up with magic power, and try not to come into direct contact with the ground. Romani thought for a moment and said

"The detailed situation still needs to be brought back and analyzed carefully."

"Okay, then I........!!"

Before Swain finished speaking, he seemed to suddenly notice something. His eyes widened instantly and he turned his head to look diagonally behind him.


"Gu!!"Sven gritted his teeth, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and a hand suddenly appeared from in front of him.

"senior!!"Ma Xiu on the side also noticed something strange here, his eyes widened, and he roared while preparing to rush forward with a shield.

Poof - but in the blink of an eye, the hand was pulled out, and a large area of ​​bright red splashed out.


Sven lowered his head, coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and fell to the ground in a daze, becoming motionless.

The figure behind Sven also appeared as he fell. The dark green coat, the unruly hair, and the jagged teeth all revealed the identity of the person in front of him, Leif!

"Rafe.......you.......Why! ?"Olga Marie looked at Sven who was lying motionless on the ground and said with a trembling voice. She still doesn't understand what is happening now, or she doesn't want to understand.

Leif is not paying attention to anything else at this time. Instead, he shook his hand, picked up a handkerchief, wiped it, and then threw the handkerchief away. He ignored Swain and stepped forward, looked at the golden object on the ground, reached out and recalled it to his hand, and waited until it After it fell into the palm of my hand, I turned around and looked at everyone jokingly.

"Really, I really have nothing to say about you guys."

"I didn't expect you guys to actually be able to achieve this. It seems that if the Holy Grail is not fully formed, it can only achieve this level."Leif shook his head regretfully and said

"holy grail.......Before taking shape......."Mashu murmured in a low voice, while his breathing began to slowly become heavier.

Could that level of singularity be created even before it was formed?

Then if it is complete.......

Matthew and others did not dare to continue thinking about it, because the impact of the complete Holy Grail was definitely not comparable to the changes in this city.

"But what surprised me the most was this guy Sven. Although I already knew what he was hiding, this guy was really careful and cautious in doing things. Even after spending a year, I still couldn't find any key flaws."Leif looked at Sven who was still lying on the ground behind him and said with a click of his tongue.

"Sure enough, I should have prepared more bombs at that time. I obviously put them in those piles of books, but I put so many of them!! But why didn’t any of them explode at the most critical moment?!"Leif turned his head and looked at everyone, his hands turned into claws, and his face was a bit ferocious and puzzled as he said

"These are all unexpected things, which are really exciting!! Infuriating!!"Although Leif's tone didn't change much, his fists were clenched unconsciously.

"The same goes for Romani. He clearly told you to come to the control room on time, but you are never punctual!"

"What also surprised me was Olga, and so did you."Leif glanced at Olga Marie, who was still in a panic.

"Eh.......I?"Olga Marie asked with some confusion.

"I obviously laid myself at your feet at that time, but I didn't expect you to still be alive."Leif's face was solemn, but the next moment he showed a joking smile.

"fry.......bomb......"Olga Marie's voice was trembling as she recalled the last fiery red scene she saw before the spirit son was transferred, which seemed to be able to swallow all things.

"No, I can’t say you are still alive. After all, you are already dead, physically."Leif held up his green gentleman's hat.

"What's the meaning?"Romani asked on behalf of Olga Marie who was in a daze.

"She had no qualifications for soul transfer during her lifetime, but she didn't expect that she would gain it after her death. Leif smiled sarcastically, shook his head and continued:"You can't get it while alive, but you got this qualification because you died. Haha, it's really ironic.""

"Don't you think so? Olga Marie?"

"cheat........is that a lie...."Olga Marie opened her eyes wide, her pupils trembling constantly, as if she had not yet accepted the impact of this fact.

"I.......I......I already......Dead, dead?"

"It’s not a lie!"Leif said with a funny expression, showing his jagged teeth, as if he wanted to break her last illusion.

"Once you return from this singularity, your soul will dissipate due to lack of containers."

"Forehead........"Olga Marie didn't know what to say at all now, she just listened quietly, completely lost in thought.

"However, that would be too pitiful, so for you who have devoted your whole life to Chaldea, I will let you see what Chaldea has become now."

Leif smiled and snapped his fingers. At the same time, a large hole suddenly opened in the void after standing up. The scene reflected inside was Chaldeas, but the color had completely changed from ice blue to Red, as if burning

"How about it?"

"I specially connected time and space for you"

"How could something like that be so simple?......."Matthew couldn't help but said in surprise

"sure!! As long as you have the Holy Grail, of course you can do this!!"

Just when Leif said this, he controlled two light belts to appear from different directions, grabbing Olga Marie and Fujimaru Ritsuka respectively.

"Master!"Mash, who was next to Fujimaru Ritsuka, reacted instantly. He waved his big shield and knocked back the light belt. At the same time, he protected everyone around him, including Sakura, Xiaobai, and Fufu.

But Olga Marie, who was alone on the other side, was not so lucky.

Because of the shocking fact just now, she was caught by the light belt before she could use magic to counterattack, before she could recover.


Olga Marie kept struggling, but was powerless. She could only watch as her feet left the ground, and then she was slowly dragged forward.

Suddenly, a pale light emitted from the pocket of Olga Marie's windbreaker, and two bone claws suddenly spread out from behind her, grabbing the light strip.

Losing the restraint of the light belt, Olga Marie fell directly back to the ground.

"Roar oh oh——"Soon the upper body of Xiao Ling appeared, raising four bone claws and preparing to grab Leif.

"Oh, Garula spirit, hum, but this is just an empty shell without intelligence!"Leif looked at the little spirit that was slowly taking shape and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Nothing to fear at all!"

He snorted contemptuously, and with a sharp look in his eyes, more light bands appeared next to Olga Marie.

At first, the little spirit could still rely on its four huge bone claws to compete with it, but gradually the light bands became more and more intense. The more you have, the more you can protect it completely with just four claws!

In addition, the magic power that drives the little spirit is still the one Olga Marie stored last night.

To be honest, although the quality of Olga Marie's magic circuit is She was very excellent, but to drive the top spirit body, the magic power required was definitely not something she could provide alone!

So soon, Xiao Ling gradually changed from a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being counterbalanced to a state of being suppressed..Bala


There was just a slight mistake in the attack and defense. Suddenly, countless light strips broke through Xiaoling's defense and pierced it.

Bang -!!

Xiaoling exploded instantly and turned into light particles all over the sky. But the color was much darker than before, and then it began to gather in the direction of Olga Marie, trying to regroup into the shape of gems.

Although Olga Marie was able to fight back at this time, even if the magic bullets hit On those light belts, to be honest, it was of no use.

Countless light belts caught Olga Marie. Of course, the particles transformed by the little spirits that had not yet reunited into gems were also firmly captured. Wrapped inside.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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