When Swain left the room, his footsteps drifted away.

Liya opened her eyes slightly and looked at the closed door, murmuring:"Can my wish really not come true?....."

"No....Now, I still have a chance!"

Thinking of this, Liya closed her eyes. She really needs to rest now, but she doesn't dare to fall asleep here!

Because after falling asleep, the most impressive place in her memory will appear here!

In that case, when she wakes up, there will definitely be a chalk city that she longs for.

When Sven returned to Sakura's room, Sakura just woke up.

"You're awake. How do you feel?"Sven stepped forward and asked with a concerned smile.

"Yes, brother Swain, I'm fine....But, here?"Sakura looked around in confusion.

"This is my home.......One of the homes."Sven thought for a while and added.

After all, only people who have people call them home, and people who don't have people can only call them houses."

"Is it...What about everyone else?"

"They should all have returned safely."Sven thought for a while, and he vaguely remembered that after he threw the windbreaker to Matthew, they moved away smoothly.

As for Olga Marie, that should be considered a success.

"So, can we meet again now?"Sakura asked with an expectant smile on her face.

Regarding this, Swain opened the Stacia window to confirm, only to find that it was now possible to transfer, and this time it was very easy to find Caleb. The coordinates of the bottom

"That's right."Sven smiled,

"So can we leave now?"Sakura crawled over, pulled Sven's sleeves, and said with a slight pleading, looking like she couldn't wait any longer.

"Forehead......."Swain looked at Sakura hesitantly. Swain now wanted Sakura to have a good rest, but looking at her face that said she might cry if she doesn't agree, Swain really couldn't say no.

"All right."Sven said helplessly.

"Okay, I knew brother Swain was the best!"Sakura smiled and rushed over, then sat obediently in Sven's arms.

Yes......It feels heavier than Shidunai, but not as chubby as hers......

Sven touched Sakura's head and compared it with Shidunai, but overall there was not much difference.

"Shall we go now?"

".......No, there is another person."Sven said this, and then with Sakura's puzzled eyes, he carried her out of the room and came to the door of the room where Liya was.

He was ready to ask Artoria for her opinion.

But as soon as he came to the door, Just when I raised my hand before knocking on the door, Liya's voice suddenly appeared in my heart.

"You go ahead, I'll just stay here, don't worry about me."

Sven was stunned for a moment. He didn't react at first, but he quickly calmed down and said in his heart:"Is this the contact dialogue through the contract?"

"It’s really convenient enough"


But the person opposite seemed to be asleep and didn't answer.

"A willful person."Sven murmured softly with a wry smile.

"Um? Brother, what are you talking about?"Sakura looked at Sven in confusion.

"No, let's go. Swain shrugged.

"Close your eyes, the light may be a little brighter for a while"


When Sakura heard this, she immediately closed her eyes tightly, her little faces were squeezed together, and her two little fists were clenched tightly. Sven looked funny for a while.

"coordinate.......It should be this."Sven found the coordinates of Chaldea according to his memory, and the next moment there was a flash of light and two people left the shrine at the same time.


"Run the anti-summoning program quickly!!"When Romani saw that the space began to collapse and shatter, he had already begun to shout anxiously to the people around him.

"The disappearance of the meaning of space has already begun!"A staff member shouted equally anxiously

"Their theory of existence has been impacted!"

"Incomplete calculation can still last twenty-five seconds!"Another staff member said、

"Hurry up and complete the transfer as soon as possible! After hearing this, Romani waved his hand and shouted directly:"Omit all unnecessary testing processes!" Start the transfer immediately after ensuring minimum security!"

"Space location confirmation, coordinate setting....Finish!"

"The target is determined, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu....There is a certain error. The correction range is centered on Master Fujimaru Ritsuka and has a radius of one meter.........Lockdown complete!"

"The program check is completed and charging begins........Estimated completion time is thirty seconds!"

"I can’t keep up!!"Romani was surprised when he heard the news, because according to this calculation, even if all the procedures are completed as quickly as possible, the people on the opposite side will be exposed to a completely collapsed space. It doesn't exist, there is only chaos, similar to the universe in a vacuum. For living things, it is definitely a restricted area of ​​life!

"Matthew! Our system is already operating at its best, but your system may collapse faster!"Romani shouted to Mashu on the other side.

"Doctor, please hurry up!"

"I won’t say it for now, but the Master’s words are....."Mashu raised his shield high to resist the falling rocks and shouted loudly at the same time

"it does not matter!"

"Even humans can sustain it for tens of seconds when exposed to vacuum!"Romani said, scratching his hair randomly. Maybe he didn't even know how forced he was to say it again.

"sorry!! But doctor, please shut up first!"

"I almost lost my cool because I was so angry!!"Ma Xiu shouted with a stern expression.

"....System criticality is also....five seconds.....Now!"

"The soul transfer begins!!"

After a long wait of thirty seconds, I finally saw the words on the instrument in front of me indicating that charging was complete and could be transferred, so Romani immediately gave the order.

Buzz - the system began to operate rapidly, and at the same time, the instrument in front of me Above the platform where the frame was originally placed, ice-blue light bloomed on Chaldeas, and a huge hole appeared at the same time.


Soon, in the expectant eyes of everyone, Fujimaru Ritsuka was the first to appear from the hole. At the same time, her hand was still being held by Mashu. There was a splash - and a pile of messy gravel and rubble was transferred at the same time. Thing.

Bang - What also fell out from there at the same time was a pile of scattered armor, but it didn't seem to be damaged, but it was quickly buried under the rubble.

"Are you okay?"At this time, several people headed by Romani hurried over to check on the two people.

"yes....Finally came back safely....."Matthew stood on the ground, shook his head with a bitter look on his face, raised his head with some difficulty and looked at Romani and said

"Compared to me, how are Master and Ritsuka-senpai doing?"

"According to Fujimaru-kun, it seems to be okay now, but he was temporarily deprived of oxygen and passed out."Romani looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka on the side and said after briefly analyzing the situation.

"The others went to find a stretcher and would be back soon. Then they would send her to the infirmary for a checkup first."

Romani then turned his head with a complicated expression and looked at the black windbreaker that was casually thrown aside. Everyone here could clearly see what Swain did, so he immediately asked

"Director? you.......Are you there?"

"......"The black windbreaker lay quietly on the ground without any reaction at all.

".....Did it fail?"Romani's eyes, which had been full of expectation just now, suddenly dimmed.

At the same time, his face was full of grief. If possible, he really hoped that Olga Marie was still alive.

After all, everyone really needs her now.!

"how so....Obviously senior has worked so hard...."Matthew looked at the unresponsive windbreaker with a face filled with disbelief.

"correct! Where's the senior!!"Ma Xiu suddenly woke up, stepped forward and grabbed Romani's shoulder, and asked anxiously

"Did the seniors also transfer well?"

"No.......Your positions are somewhat scattered, so between the two groups, I had to choose you......."

Romani said this, and then looked at Matthew, whose face became increasingly gloomy, and immediately comforted him.

"it does not matter! Sven said he would definitely be able to escape!"Romani looked very determined.

"How can that be?......That kind of protection is obviously nowhere to be found!"

"Doctor, why are you so calm?"Ma Xiu looked at Romani who was too calm about this matter in confusion. He always felt that something was wrong.

"No, I just trust Swain. Romani said with a smile.

"You are truly worthy of being a companion who fishes in the infirmary together."Suddenly, a female voice that was very familiar to everyone appeared in the room.

Hearing the sound, everyone present turned their eyes sharply.

In everyone's shocked eyes, the black coat shattered and turned into a large piece of black. The light particles were rebuilt in the void.

The next moment, Olga Marie appeared in everyone's eyes, kneeling on the ground, holding her forehead, with a bitter look on her face.

"Office, office, director! ?!!!"Romani pointed at Olga Marie with a trembling finger.

"You are really alive!!"

"Um! ?"As soon as Olga Marie heard this, she immediately looked at Romani angrily, and her golden eyes seemed to be able to spit out flames and catch people's hearts.

"Are you disappointed that I am alive?"

"And this is not the first time I heard your regretful tone from the other side!"

"Romani, are you really not planning to continue working here?"

"No no no! How is that possible!!"Romani immediately defended

"How could I possibly want to leave here!"

"In that case, where can I find a job where I can continue to fish?......."But in the end Romani muttered a few words in a low voice.

Olga Marie was immediately furious when she saw Romani's look, so she was about to stand up and walk towards Romani, but just after she stood up and walked towards Romani, she discovered something like It looked like something was wrong.

And the people around her looked at Olga Marie in shock.

She lowered her head and looked at her body, which was exactly the same as before, except that her hair was spread out like a moonlight waterfall.

At the same time, the clothes also completely changed, and the original dress completely disappeared.

It was replaced by a long dress composed entirely of black and blue patterns.

It looked noble and elegant, but at the same time it revealed a hint of coldness, making people feel shuddering.

Two delicate and slender black legs hang down naturally. Under her feet are a pair of high heels tied with ribbons, which make her long legs even longer.

But at this time, Olga Marie was in no mood to admire her new clothes.

It's because her feet are not touching the ground at all now! The whole person now looks like he is floating in the air!

"Varied.......What's going on!!!"Olga Marie grabbed her head and shouted with disbelief.

At the same time, her body slightly lost its balance and began to spin and float to the side.


"Wait, stop drifting!"Olga Marie looked at the people leaning in front of her and shouted anxiously.

"No, no, no, no matter how you look at it, it’s all the director who’s doing it!"The people around looked at Olga Marie floating towards the sea, so they all retorted.

"Uh-huh!! This, how to control this!"Olga Marie swung her hands and feet feebly, but her body still flew to one side uncontrollably and was not affected by her movements at all.

"Ah! Director, please calm down first!"

"Didn't you control it very well just now?"Romani said in a panic.

"You guys think of a solution quickly!"But it seemed that Olga Marie didn't listen, and she still looked panicked.

Matthew, who was the first to react, was about to step forward and hold Olga Marie's hand.

Buzz -

Olga Marie was floating A burst of golden light suddenly appeared in front of the route.

The light dissipated, and soon a figure appeared from it like a phantom.

"Phew, looks like I'm back safely...."Swain looked at the control room, which still had many traces of smoke and fire, and relaxed a little. Before, he was worried that he had gone to the wrong place.

"senior!"Matthew, the other half, saw Olga Marie bumping towards Sven unconsciously. She immediately shouted and reached out to grab the other person, but she was still a little slow.

"Um?"Sven turned around when he heard the sound, and then saw Olga Marie, who was turning around and flying towards him.

"Uh-huh——!!"Olga Marie also discovered the figure on her path, so she shouted excitedly, and her hands and feet began to swing wildly again.

Swain didn't panic, turned sideways and caught her easily.

However, some problems arose as soon as the two came into contact. The magic power in Sven's body unconsciously flowed to the opposite body. Suddenly Olga Marie felt that she had been able to control her body and suddenly it became uncontrollable.

Suddenly she accelerated and flew out with Sven. When she finally stopped, Sven had been knocked aside by her.

"It hurts, it hurts....."

"Hit my head...."Sven fell to the ground and closed one eye, grinning and covering his head.

"Ah, Sven, are you okay?"

"Does your head matter?"

"Where did it hit?"

"Show me, I can definitely treat this kind of injury!"Olga Marie came back to her senses and realized that she seemed to have bumped into Swain. She immediately asked worriedly. At the same time, she touched Swain's head to see where the wound was.

"Okay, okay, you are exaggerating. It was just a touch. Where did the wound come from?"Sven smiled bitterly and pulled away Olga Marie's hand that was grabbing his head and pulling his hair, and said helplessly.

"Also, we just haven’t seen each other for a while. Why did you change your clothes now?"Sven looked at Olga Marie's dress teasingly, which he had never seen before.

"Although this outfit does look good, and I quite like the design. I’m honestly amazed."Sven looked at her with interest.

He quite liked this style of clothing, and it seemed to match Olga Marie's aura.

"But there’s no need to swoop over directly, right?"

"This bold move is not like your style."Sven said jokingly

"And why haven’t I seen this outfit before?"

"Did you hide it secretly and treat it as a surprise?"

"No, it's just....."Olga Marie's face turned slightly red upon hearing this, she sat up, turned her head slightly, and played with her hair.

But I hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything.

"Okay, I’ll talk about it later. Can I get up first to talk now?"Sven said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Yes, sorry!"

"That's okay, I'm just worried about bumping into Sakura."Sven stood up with Sakura in his arms.

Only then did everyone who followed behind realize that Sven had been holding Sakura with one hand.


"Yes, I'm fine too~!"Sakura, who had been silent on the side, smiled and said

"Sakura is okay too........It's really great."Ma Xiu saw that both of them ignored him, so he said with a sigh of relief.

"Hey, at that time I was still thinking about what to do about this. Now it seems that I am really lucky that you all came back safely."Romani also sighed with emotion.

"That's right. After I saw Sakura running away, I was still worried about whether she could come back safely."

Ma Xiu's anxious look when she saw Sakura missing was not false in the slightest. Now that she sees Sakura appearing here intact, she lets go....Heart....Got it.....Um?

At this moment, everyone also reacted, as if something was not quite right.




After Olga Marie, Romani and Sven each said a word, they focused their attention on Sakura, who had a quiet smile on her face.


Sven's face changed slightly, a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he made a very ominous sound. He turned his head slightly and looked at everyone, his expression changed, and he said with a hearty smile on his face:"What?.......If the people of the past were brought out of that period of history, they should.......no impact......Bar?"

"How is that possible!!!!"Olga Marie grabbed her head and shouted loudly. At the same time, she stepped forward and grabbed Sven's shoulders and shook them.

"Why did you bring her out?!"

"no! How could I leave her there alone in that situation!!"

"Wouldn't that be even weirder?"Sven was rocked back and forth, so he retorted in a trembling voice.

"Goo!!"Olga Marie was speechless immediately. After all, in that situation, Swain did the right thing.

"That being the case! Romani!"Olga Marie bit her nails and shouted to Romani on the side.

"yes!"Romani was stunned for a moment and replied quickly.

"Hurry up and prepare for the soul transfer!"

"We need to send her back as soon as possible!!"

"Now, immediately!!!"

Hearing this, Romani showed a face full of embarrassment and said with a wry smile:"Director, this is impossible....."

"Why?!"Hearing this, Olga Marie turned her head and asked directly

"Not to mention that Chaldea's backup energy is now unable to support another spiritual transfer, and the singularity has now disappeared. How are we going to fix the coordinates now?"

"If we go back to the past now, we will enter normal historical time. In that case, history will really be modified!"

"this....."Olga Marie also started to hesitate when she heard this. After all, if normal history is modified, God knows what will happen!

The singularity is like a stain on a dress called human history. Everyone's job is to remove this stain.

But if you want to truly go to the past, then you have to forcefully squeeze into the needlework of the dress. That way It will only destroy the overall beauty and balance!

"Having said that, this problem cannot be left unsolved, right?"

"If there is suddenly one less person in the past time, then all the people associated with it will be affected, and the affected people will affect the people around them....."Olga Marie had now considered all possible developments.

Don't look at it as just one person!

But the impact is definitely not small!

"Now that this is the case, we can only hope in the world's ability to repair itself."Romani pinched his chin and said seriously.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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