In Sven's sight, besides the white color that occupied most of his field of vision, there was a thin hand holding a strand of silver hair.

And the itching in my nose just now is really the whole reason!

Sven moved her hand aside with a speechless expression, sat up cross-legged, and looked back at Mei Lin with a smirk on her face.

"How about it?"

"Is Big Sister’s lap pillow comfortable?"Meilin smiled and patted her thigh, and said to Swain in a show-off manner.

"Sure enough it's you.......What are you doing up late at night?"

"I can't help it, after all, I also have part of the nightmare bloodline.~"

"And if you stay here all day, there is nothing to do during the day. It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep at night, so I just want to invite you to chat.~"

"Why is this? If you don’t sleep with others, you will still sleep with them........"

"and.......Dream demon?"Sven recalled a little bit.

"Oh~ Are you the legendary guy who often makes messes in other people's dreams, does some random things, is idle, and doesn't do good things?"Sven thought about the dream demon described in the book, but he put it lightly.

Otherwise, he could simply say that this is an evil thing that absorbs people's energy and spirit......

Although looking at how weak this guy is, it feels like he is evil and not a big threat.....

"What are you saying?"

"Very rude!"

"Let me put it another way!"Meilin shook her fists in dissatisfaction and complained.

"Another way to put it?"

"......oh! Got it!"Sven snapped his fingers, his face full of confidence.

"Just three words this time!"

"what? What?"Looking at Sven's confident look, Mei Lin became interested and asked with interest.

Sven glanced at Mei Lin, with a look full of teasing in his eyes, and then saw the word"Sven" He said three words in one breath




Sven was sitting on the top of this floating tower, while Merlin on the other side was eating an oversized box of ice cream with a happy face, while she kept talking........What happened to Swain in Dongfuyuki before?

"I said, why are you telling me this?"Sven looked at her speechlessly.

"I don't want to hear it at all....."

"Don’t say that~ When you have a good story, of course you should share it with others!"Meilin stopped scooping the ice cream with the wooden spoon in her hand and said matter-of-factly.

"But that story you told.......It’s entirely my own business!"

"Do I need you to tell me something about myself?"Sven looked at Mei Lin with very pitiful eyes.

How boring and lonely this person is!!

"Don't say that"

"Look at those heroic spirits, how happy they are to know that their legends are spread throughout the world!"

"Maybe your story will too?"

"You have already said that those are all heroic spirits and legendary heroes. How can I compare with them? Swain said disapprovingly


"Haven't you ever thought about what you want to do in the future?"Meilin asked curiously


"........I just want everyone to live a peaceful life."Sven paused for a moment before saying.

He is now working hard to become stronger. At first, it was just because he had no memory of the past, so he started practicing with the vague reason that it is the last word to become stronger no matter what, but then , he had a new goal.

He touched the ring finger, and there was a little girl still sleeping inside.

The goal was very simple and innocent. He didn't want to experience the previous pain again, as long as he protected everyone. Okay.

The so-called everyone does not refer to everyone, but only refers to the people around him.

So for this goal, he now really wants to become stronger.

Not only is he stronger than everyone! But he also wants to become stronger. Strong enough to absolutely protect everyone!

Although this idea is very arrogant and even sounds unrealistic, Swain has the confidence to fight for it!

No matter what it takes!

"Really?"But Mei Lin obviously didn't believe it, so she leaned forward and stared at Sven with a playful look in her eyes.

"Is the reason for your struggle really just that simple?"She said one after another

"Just for the people around you?"

"Really, haven't you thought about your own affairs?"There was a trace of smile on Mei Lin's face as she watched the prey walking towards the trap step by step.

"......."Swain fell silent

"You may be able to fool others, but you can never fool me!"

"your vitality........No, what you said should be something called destiny value, but I saw it was reduced a lot!"

"Especially when you fell into the black mud, you had already reached the red critical point!"Meilin said with a serious expression, but her tone was always a little frivolous.

".......That level of loss of destiny is not a problem. At my age, the upper limit of destiny is very high, and it will recover naturally after a period of time."Sven closed his eyes slightly and said nonchalantly.

"Let me tell you, you can't always rely on your youthfulness and vitality recovery speed as the capital to take risks, right?"

"What kind of adventure is this?"

"It’s not like I can’t recover"

"You're making too much of a fuss."Sven said funnyly

"But in this case, it is inconsistent with the reason you mentioned before for becoming stronger for self-protection.~"

"No, my goal has never been and will not change. I did it just for the people around me. All the consequences caused by it were just accidents and had nothing to do with me."Sven said seriously

"........Have you really never had similar thoughts?"She reached out and poked Swain's cheek.

"........No."Sven was a little annoyed by Mei Lin, so he answered directly and shook his head and shook her hand away.

"Are you too unhappy?"

"And I didn’t even say anything similar, so why did you answer so directly and accurately?"Meilin sat back, looking like her prank was successful.

"You guys, is it interesting to play this kind of word game?"Sven glanced at her


"really.....You'd better return all the food to me"

"It's better not to be too nice to an ungrateful guy like you."

Sven snatched the small half box of ice cream from Mei Lin's hand with lightning speed.

"Uh-huh! That is my favorite strawberry flavor!"

"I haven't finished eating yet!"

"Give it back to me~!"Meilin looked at her empty hand and immediately rushed towards Sven, while crying and grabbing his hand and saying coquettishly.

But it was obvious that her strength was impossible to wrest back from Swain.

The helpless Meilin sat aside, sulking, biting the wooden spoon used to scrape the ice cream, as if she wanted to recall the taste of the ice cream.

Sven took out another wooden spoon and ate all of Mei Lin's ice cream in three strokes.


"I am full...."

Swain stood up, wiped his mouth, put away the leftover box, took a look at Mei Lin, whose face was full of resentment, and licked his tongue, as if he was not yet satisfied.

"You’ve eaten nearly two-thirds of such a big box. Do you still want to eat it?"

"Aren't you afraid of having a stomachache?"

"Idols don’t get upset."Meilin suddenly said something that Sven couldn't understand at all.

"????"Swain had a question mark on his face, idol?

The book Swain bought did not contain specific information about various idol stars, so he did not recognize any of them, and some only had a concept of what they were.

The only idol I know is Magical Girl☆Merry.....




"......."Swain felt as if he suddenly discovered something, but he also felt as if he had discovered nothing at all.

"Just forget it, don’t think about it too much, if it’s true, it’ll make your brain hurt......, no, I will probably have a stomachache this time."

Sven shook his head and stretched.

"Okay, I'm almost done, I'll go too."

Sven said as he began to control his mental body to return to his physical body.


But Meilin still didn't look angry, and before leaving, Sven glanced at her again.

The light flashed, and Merlin was surprised to find that there was a box of ice cream where Sven was walking!

She just hurriedly moved closer and found another large box of her favorite flavor. She immediately held it high and cheered like a child who had received a reward:"Okay.~!"

But when she wanted to start eating, she discovered that Swain did not leave a wooden spoon behind, and she had just bitten off her own wooden spoon......

"Woo woo woo~"

"Sven~ Can you come back and give me a spoon?!"

But no one could hear Mei Lin's weak cry.

She looked around and saw that there was nothing in this place!


It didn't seem like there was nothing......

With this in mind, Mei Lin turned her attention to the giant tower suspended below her......

This giant tower is actually her staff, but she usually uses the projection of the giant tower as a staff, and one side of this staff is round, almost like a spoon......

"Hmm....."Mei Lin pondered for a moment,

"size.....It’s not a problem, forget it, no one saw it anyway!"

Thinking like this, Mei Lin waved her hand, and a staff appeared out of thin air in her hand, and began to shrink rapidly, and soon became the size of a spoon......

""Yes, yes, it sure tastes delicious~"

Mei Lin ate the ice cream with a happy face, swung her legs out of the tower, swaying in the air,

Didi - at this moment, an electronically synthesized sound suddenly sounded. There was a sound here.

Immediately, Mei Lin took out a laptop from somewhere.......

Why does the dream demon use a computer?!!

And why are there wires and networks here?!

Will you still pay electricity and internet bills regularly? ?!

".......Oh, there are new messages."

Meilin's eyes lit up, and her ten slender fingers began to dance quickly on the keyboard.

They were not kind words, nor were they happy words. Instead, there were only endless cold words and vicious words.......

But the people on the other side seemed to like this kind of 'chatting' atmosphere.

It really makes people sigh that there are so many weirdos in this world.

After one night,

Meilin stretched out, put away her notebook, and lay down.

After being in a daze for a while, I looked at my skills with some boredom.

"Eh.....The hero is made, but I don’t know if it’s useful or not......."

"Moreover, he really likes to cause trouble in strange places~"

With an unclear complaint, the time came to the next day.


The Next

Day Today, Swain was originally scheduled to set off alone, but.....

Olga Marie pouted and raised an eyebrow. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Sven who was getting dressed and Sakura who was following him.

"so....Why did you take her?"

While saying this, Olga Marie was ready to take out her bracelet again and call the police.

"After all, she is alone, helpless and helpless in this completely unfamiliar place. You are lying if you say you are not worried!!!"

"I'm really worried about leaving her here~"

Sven knelt on the ground, hugged the pitiful-looking Sakura, and touched her head.

After all, this was the rhetoric she used yesterday afternoon. Swain.....

And Sakura nodded very cooperatively and held Sven's arm, with tears in her eyes, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

"What are you worried about?"

"Could there be someone bullying her here? ?"Olga Marie glanced at Sakura, feeling a little sympathetic, but she was still very unhappy with Swain's statement.

Therefore, the look she looked at him became dangerous.

"Forehead.......That's not the case, I'm just worried that children of this age are alone here. If there are not a few suitable peers, then this childhood will be too pitiful....."

"There are still a few people of the same age at home......."

There were a few drops of cold sweat on Sven's forehead. In order not to cause trouble for himself, he had better explain it differently......

"That's pretty much it."Olga Marie puffed her face and curled her lips and said in a weird tone.

After the fight, Swain came to the control room with his luggage......Um?

"Senior, you.......Do you really bring nothing?"

Ma Xiu looked around. Sven was wearing armor. He said that he had to adapt to the weight through daily activities, but apart from this and Xiaobai on his shoulders, there really was nothing!

And Sakura directly They were just dressed in casual clothes, and they didn’t bring anything!

Not to mention their luggage and backpacks, they didn’t even wear a few pieces of clothing. They were still single-clothed. Because they were indoors and the air conditioner was in daily operation, it wasn’t cold. If I go out, I'm afraid it won't take more than a second to turn into a quick-frozen ice sculpture!

"Is this how you want to go out?"Olga Marie was still not reassured, so she asked again

"Yes, at least bring a water bottle. Otherwise, what will you do if you get thirsty or dehydrated on the road? Romani added worriedly.

"Yes, snow water cannot be eaten directly!"

After several days of painful learning, Reiko infiltrated and there was a battlefield that simulated the snow mountain environment. Therefore, Fujimaru Ritsuka also learned that snow water cannot be eaten directly. After hearing the word kettle, he was overworked and his consciousness was vague. The fuzzy Fujimaru Ritsuka responded directly and reflexively.

Although the environment of Chaldea does not need to simulate snowy mountains at all, just go out, but the simulation training at the beginning is on the top of the snowy mountains at an altitude of 6,000 meters. It feels like Fujimaru Ritsuka has just Not long after he went out, he would hit GG, and then the last human master lost his ability.......

"No, Ritsuka-senpai, and the doctors too, I don’t think that’s the problem......"Mashu looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka speechlessly,

"There is no need to worry about this, just think that I know how to transfer spirits."Sven said casually while opening the Stacia window, but this time, not only could everyone not understand what was on the screen, the screen even felt covered with a layer of mist.

"Then, I set off."Sven swiped the screen a few times, smiled and waved to everyone.

"Ah, yes, please come all the way.......Tailwind?"Ma Xiu tilted his head in a cute way.

And the head of Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was standing on the other side of her and also tilted his head, was in contact.

Looking at the two people whose heads touched each other very lovingly, the coordinates were confirmed. , Sven smiled and chose the human world.

The next moment, it was like a spiritual transfer. The two people turned into particles and disappeared as if they were converted into spiritual information.

"Wow~~~!"Although Fujimaru Ritsuka sounded very surprised, her voice was a little weak and she looked like she was not awake. Her head was shaking. Mashu looked at the orange ponytail that flickered in front of his eyes and hurriedly He held Ritsuka Fujimaru, who was about to fall,

"Ritsuka-senpai, it’s better to go back to your room and take a rest now!"Ma Xiu asked worriedly


"Uh-huh! Senior, don't just fall asleep here!!"

Mashu panicked when he saw Ritsuka Fujimaru, who had been groggy all day long due to Spartan training, falling asleep while standing up.

"Ahem, okay, let’s ignore Swain’s matters for now. Let’s go do whatever we need to do now."Olga Marie ignored the two people on one side and turned to the others behind her.

"Oh ho ho, that is really a very interesting technology."But Da Vinci seemed to be very interested in Swain's transfer method, and he held his chin and started thinking about it.

"Next time he comes back, can he borrow it for study?~?"

Romani put away his usual cynical look and looked up at Chaldeas,

"Sure enough, it won't go that smoothly......"

"I really hope this journey can end soon."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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