Arriving at the city gate, there are no pure travelers in this world. After all, everyone has their own vocation and cannot run around without anything.

Even if they go on a trip, it's just taking advantage of the Sabbath, and they won't go very far if they go out for a little stroll.

Or it may be those who travel long distances for their vocation, such as craftsmen collecting wood, traveling merchants, or swordsmen traveling long distances to practice, and nuns traveling long distances to preach.

Therefore, at the location of the city gate, there are very few pedestrians, only some in groups of twos and threes, and most of them are from nearby villages. There are many merchants dragging various goods into the city to sell.

Walking towards the city gate, it seems to be morning now, and there are still about two or three hours until noon.

"It seems that I came back just in time, just in time for lunch!"

Sven put his hand in front of his eyes and turned slightly to look at the sun in the sky. It was the end of summer when he left before, but now looking at the surrounding environment, he felt that it was already mid-autumn or late autumn.

It was time to harvest the crops. , the fruits are ripe, and all the animals in the mountains should be fat!

Now is the time to cook!

"I see!"

"Brother Swain, I will help you cook when you get home!"Sakura instantly thought she understood Sven's intention, so she said

"It’s not like I’m urging you to cook."Sven smiled bitterly and touched her head.

"And I guess when I go back, it won’t be your turn to cook."

After recalling it for a moment, my room, or the four or five floors above and below it, didn't have a kitchen. In my daily life, the nuns took care of me, so who would it be for Sakura to take action?

"Huh, why don't you go faster!"

When Swin and Sakura were dawdling behind, Liya who was walking in front suddenly became a little unhappy, her brows seemed to be slightly wrinkled, and she said in a very unhappy tone.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"The city gate is not far away, and we can't run away! Arriving soon!"Sven picked up Sakura and walked up slowly.

Upon hearing this, Liya was not happy.

"With an attitude like yours, you will lose the war!"


"We are just on our way. Where is the war now?"Sven looked around and rubbed his head.

In the human world, let alone war, there are very few pure battles. After all, they are restricted by the [Taboo Index]. Even fighting is tied up, but war?

Talk about war. In other words, the most recent one was the Dark Empire invasion war that occurred more than ten years ago or earlier. Although it seems now that the possibility of the two sides fighting again seems quite high as long as there is a suitable opportunity.

"You guy!"

"Haven't you heard of it?"

"You can't fight a war when you're hungry!"

"The war begins before the head-to-head confrontation!"

"The soldiers and horses have not yet used the food and grass to go ahead!"

"That is to say!"

"Eating is equal to war!"

Liya said with a righteous look. Those who didn't know thought she was preparing to fight a big battle and was now mobilizing before the war......

"........No, do you still teach this in Britain?"Sven opened his jaw in surprise and complained weakly.

Good guy!

Britain learned a lot back then!

You all know this!

"alright! Let's pick up the pace!"

"Soldiers are expensive and fast!"

With that said, Liya quickened her pace again, and Swain had no choice but to keep up quickly.

"No, what on earth did you learn back then?!"

After approaching the city gate, the guards guarding the gate from afar saw Liya, who was leading the way. She gave off a look that no strangers should enter. Coupled with the palpitating feeling wafting from her body, everyone suddenly felt sweaty. She stood up and felt that it was even more difficult to get close, and even some timid people began to have their calves tremble.

Didn't you see where she passed, the long queues of passers-by who were preparing to enter the city all moved out of the way? ?

Oh! I realized it!

This is the aura of the legendary king!

Looking at the long black dress, the somewhat pale skin, and the ominous mask with dark red lines on his face, although I haven’t looked at it now It's up to you to bring weapons.......

But, you, who can say that you are not invaded by the Dark Empire, I guess no one will believe it!!

As a result, Liya was so frightened that the guards on the opposite side quickly prepared for defense and whistled loudly as a warning. call out——

"Enemy, enemy attack!!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted, and a large number of guards instantly gathered near the city gate. It has only been about two months since the last Dark Empire attack, and now such a complete stranger appears again, and he is not at all. He looks like a craftsman or a tradesman, but he looks like someone from a high position or a top swordsman. It is inevitable that these people who are still a little nervous will behave like this.


Liya stood not far from the city gate. The guards in front of her seemed to be in a square formation, but it was obvious that their training was extremely poor and could not be compared with the knights of Camelot. So Liya didn't know what to do for a moment. When I realized it, they were forming an array......

"Is this a unique welcome ceremony here?"She turned her head and asked Sven, who was slowly following behind with a serious face.

After all, how is it now? Let's not talk about it. At least he was a king before. Similar cards........It's definitely not this kind of card, and I must have seen a lot of it, so I'm not panicking at all, but I'm pretty confident!

"No.......Obviously not, and I believe there won't be any place where this kind of welcome ceremony will be held with shields and swords raised, obviously in a defensive formation............."

Sven's eyes were half-closed. Although there was a smile on his lips, his eyes were not smiling at all. Instead, they revealed a gradual feeling of powerlessness.

"Defensive stance?"Liya turned around and looked at the people on the opposite side.

The formation was loose, the expressions were wavering, the hands holding weapons and shields were shaking, and there were even a few young people whose teeth were chattering. Not to mention the excitement of the entire team. With morale up, it would be nice to be able to stay together and stay here......

"That's it?"Liya turned her head and looked at Sven, then looked at the person opposite, and said softly.

"....."Swain is speechless

"That's it?"

"....."He turned his eyes to the side, and even he didn't want to look at it anymore. It was really embarrassing.

Are you the only ones still thinking about protecting the Holy City?

"At once......."

"alright! Say no more!"

"I know this too!!"

"Otherwise Bercouli and I wouldn’t have had to act so hard last time!"

Sven shouted directly in the face of Liya's ruthless ridicule. Although it was except for the last sentence, otherwise everyone knew the truth of what happened before. It is estimated that Bercouli would come to him directly with a knife.

As for being unable to fight If it can be beaten, then I don’t know.

Liya said nothing more, but crossed her arms and turned her head away, as if I don’t care, you go up and solve it.

Swain stared at the side of her face, feeling powerless Feeling excited, he shook his head and lowered his head slightly, and his eyes moved downwards.

"Forehead......"His eyes happened to fall on a spot on Liya's body, but Swain was slightly stunned when he saw the scenery in front of him.

And Liya also felt Sven's meaningful gaze. She turned her head and found that he had been staring in front of her.

Did she think she had gotten something on her while climbing?

So I looked down and saw the toes of my shoes at a glance!

She wore black stockings and black high-heeled shoes. Not to mention that there was something on them, not even much dust was seen during the whole journey.

After being stunned for a second or two, she suddenly woke up. Her dark golden eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Swain, but because of the mask, Swain didn't notice the murderous look in her eyes at all.

"Eh....."Shaking his head slightly and looking very emotional, Sven walked past Liya and walked forward.

"you guy.......!"

Seeing this, Liya wanted to say something, but Sven had already walked away and looked down at herself again.


In the end, she put down her hands and stood there with one hand holding her waist, and decided that she would never do that position again......


"Who are you!!"

Before Sven could get closer, in the middle of the formation on the opposite side, a middle-aged man who looked like he was suddenly shouting loudly.

After all, Sven was not wearing a helmet and was wearing black armor covered with weird two-color patterns. The whole person looks more intimidating than the woman in the black skirt over there!

"Why are you holding the little girl?"

".......oh! Could it be from a village outside the city? ?"

"This is a hostage! ?!"

"Is it to make us surrender?"

"Or do you want to make any request?"

"hateful! Do we have to accept the other party's request directly?"

"........No! Can't!"

"We are the guards protecting the town!"

"We will never give in to the evil forces!!!"

Sven just took a few steps, and the leading captain on the opposite side seemed to have figured out a lot of plots.

From the beginning, the two were ordered to sneak into the human world, to the end of the mountain range, over many dangerous obstacles, and again How did he come to the village outside the Holy City, how did he fight with the guards guarding the village, and finally came here with a captured little girl as a hostage?.....

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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