Having said this, the female pharaoh also showed a slight smile full of pride, as if she was declaring a reward for Sven.

And she seemed to be ignoring the people floating on the water around her.

Maybe she didn't regard these people as human beings from the beginning.

"This is not a battlefield, where does the honor come from?"

Sven here listened to the voice on the other side and at the same time looked up at the top. The water flowing in here was not clear, but very turbid.

There were also a lot of debris, stones, and debris in it. Wood, etc., and even fish?

In short, there is a mess of everything. It should be directly connected to the river and divert the river water.

"If that's the case, you should be able to get out through the water gate above when the water level rises."

Thinking of this, Sven felt relieved. He floated on the water and looked at the person opposite him who was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, with a peaceful smile on his face. He really seemed to be waiting for death quietly.

This person.......Just give up hope of life?

Rolling his eyes, Swain pondered for a moment, compared the information collected from the people of this country, and finally pushed aside the debris floating in front of him and swam towards the platform.

Come out of the water, step up the steps, take off the makeup on your face, and come to the throne

"......Although I don't know what your situation is, what I can tell you is that......"Swain was silent for a while, then turned to look at the people floating on the water and said

"Um?"The female pharaoh who heard the voice in front of her opened her eyes and looked at Sven who had taken off his disguise with doubts.

What else did he want to say at this time?

But it doesn't matter, just listen to the last words before his death. It doesn't matter

".......I am not here to kill these people out of revenge or employment."

The female pharaoh frowned slightly. It seemed that what he said was a little different from what she thought. At the same time, she was waiting for Swain's next words.

"After all, life and money cannot be equated."

"Besides, I'm not the kind of person who would do something like this just for wealth."Sven shook his head, then touched his head, looked away slightly, and said calmly:

"It would be better to say that today is the first time that I got to know these people."

"Aha?!"The man's eyes suddenly widened on the throne, and he leaned forward, looking at Sven in disbelief.

"Just saw it for the first time today?"

"Then why are you?"After saying this, the doubts in the female pharaoh's heart became even more intense.

Why would she do such a thing without any reason?

Do she think she is a priest?

But in fact, he is now being trained as a priest..

I can’t say that I hate evil as much as I hate my enemies, but as long as someone asks for help, it’s okay to give me a little help.

"Before coming here, I walked around the city a little."Sven ignored her performance;

"How should I put it? It is a very dynamic city. I believe the person in power should be a good king......."

"It's Pharaoh!!"

"O Pharaoh!!"When the female pharaoh heard Sven's name, she remembered stamping her feet and grabbing the armrests of the throne with all her strength, looking very anxious.

"Don't say anything about the people in power! Call me Pharaoh!!!"

"Only this one is absolutely not allowed to be called incorrectly!"

"If you call me wrong next time, I will throw you into the Nile and drown you!! Did you hear me?"The woman said fiercely, and at the same time she tapped the ground with the scepter in her hand.

"Don't wait until next time, we're being flooded now........"Swain looked at the water that was about to flood the platform and complained feebly.

"Well........"The female pharaoh was speechless for a moment, but thinking that the person opposite her was about to die with her, and that he would be the person who would accompany her to the underworld in the future, she didn't want to be angry with him. There was no point in it now anyway.

"Ahem, in short, the manager here should be a good person, but according to other rumors from most people, no matter how perfect a place is, there will inevitably be some stains."Sven said as he glanced at the guys below who were about to sink to the bottom.

"So I just planned to do it easily, so......."Swain smiled and shrugged.


"Just risk your life for this reason........Hahaha, what a strange person."The female pharaoh shook her head lightly and couldn't help but laugh happily.

She seemed to be venting something, but also seemed to be relieved.

"It's strange that you can still laugh so happily in this situation."Sven also shook his head in a funny way.

The two of them are evenly matched.

"Yes, hehe, I just didn’t expect that there would be a guy like you in the territory under my rule. If I had met you earlier, maybe you wouldn’t need to die here with me today."

The female pharaoh still had an emotional smile on her face, but now she felt a little lonely and apologetic.

"That's not necessarily the case. Wouldn't it be better to swim out from the water gate above?"Sven pointed up.

"You can swim, but forget it. I have reserved a distance of nearly 100 meters between the entrance of this sluice and the exit of the water surface in advance, so it is difficult to swim out."The female pharaoh looked up and shook her head gently.

"What you did was really ruthless. It seems like you really don’t want to go out?"Sven was helpless and smiled bitterly.

It's really rare for someone to be so cruel to him.

"So what if I go out?"The female pharaoh said in a somewhat lonely tone.

"Anyway, there is no one around me anymore......."

"........?"Hearing this, Swain, who had no understanding of the world at that time, completely misinterpreted her meaning.

"no one?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"When I came in just now, there were hundreds of guards on both sides of the road alone! ?"

"No, I'm not talking about that......."The female pharaoh smiled bitterly and said, this person is so interesting.

"Um? what is that?"Sven raised his eyebrows.

"You mean people in the city?"

"Isn't that more?"

"If you still dislike the lack of people, wouldn't it be better to go out and develop more?"

"You're not that or something.....Pharaoh?"

"Go out and do construction! Go to infrastructure! Isn't that much better than feeling sorry for yourself here?"

Infrastructure is the foundation of development!


"Said.....So is it."After the female pharaoh was depressed for a while, she shook her head with a wry smile.

She didn't expect to be comforted by such a kid assassin.......

Sure enough, as a pharaoh, I am still far from mature enough.

"Hey, I didn’t expect that I didn’t figure this out until the end.......It's really too late."The female pharaoh leaned on the throne with some strength.

"Hey, isn't it too late?"

"Life is precious, don't give up easily!"Sven looked at her with a hateful expression.

This is completely inconsistent with what he is learning now. It is a contradiction.

He is a quasi-assassin, and what he is learning is to cherish life.

"Now what's the use of this? Can’t get out again?"

"I haven’t tried it yet. How do you know it won’t work?"

"Rather than doing nothing, I would rather judge after doing it!"Sven smiled at the man and stretched out his hand.

"When the time comes, let’s decide whether to laugh heartily or continue to sit here with a sad face and regret!"

"Hum~! What kind of nonsense reasons are these?....."Saying this, the female pharaoh still smiled and gently put her hand on Sven's hand.

As he spoke, the water gate opened wider. Now more water flowed in, and the water surface surged again.

Boom - crash, crash - a powerful stream of water rushed in, covering the high platform in an instant, and dispersed the two of them.

Sven was very at ease here. In the somewhat turbid water, Sven quickly found another person, but she was paddling randomly in the water, but it was of no use, and she quickly sank..

No! ?

Seeing this, Sven kicked hard on the pillar on one side, and swam to her side like a swift sword rain, hugged her slim waist, and led her back to the water. puff——

"......Uh-huh!! cough......Ahem——!!"Feeling like she was back on the water again, she opened her mouth and breathed heavily

"Hey, are you okay?"Sven asked concernedly.

"Ahem....Ahem, um......."She tried hard to look like she was at ease, but the hand holding Sven's arm tightened again, and at the same time, the whole person was wrapped around him more like a snake than a koala.

"If you don’t know how to swim, tell me earlier!"Seeing that her condition had stabilized, Sven said weakly.

No wonder his tone was so helpless and painful when he said he was going to swim out just now.

"as pharaoh......You can’t even swim or anything, huh! Sure enough, I'm still too immature........"She lowered her head in embarrassment as she spoke.

But there is nothing we can do about it. In this arid place, only a few people can swim.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have thought of using a water prison to trap those people.

"No, I think the two seem to have nothing to do with each other, right?"

"In this case, I will take you out."Sven said as he looked at the water gate that was getting closer and closer due to the rising water level.

"That distance is too far for one person, so bring another one.......Forget it, as a pharaoh, you must have......."As if she had made a decision, she slowly let go of Swain's hand.

Rather than taking me with me, let him swim over alone, the chance of survival is greater!

"Why is there so much nonsense?"But Swain grabbed her hand with a displeased expression.

"As a pharaoh, you must have the awareness to hold your breath until it comes out!!"

"Get ready, let's go~!"Swain took a deep breath without giving her much time to mentally prepare.

"Uh-huh! Eh? Eh--! ? wait!"The man was very panicked, but he still took a sharp breath and was led by Sven to swim towards the water gate honestly.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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