Sven looked up and could only see a small bright spot above, and it was a little blurry, almost invisible. He didn't even know whether it was the bright light above or just a glowing crystal. ,

Sven gathered a ball of lightning in his right hand to slightly illuminate the surroundings, and looked back and forth.

"Could it be tens of thousands of meters underground?"

This place does not seem to be a naturally formed place. There are some vague traces of artificial construction around it, and there even seems to be an unknown building in the distance. It was not discovered before because it was covered by years of snow, but now the surrounding snow It has melted several layers, so some of the top is exposed, but it is still hard to tell what it is. I can only vaguely distinguish it as a huge building, like a storage room.

"Could it be that here.......Is it the real treasure house?"

Sven suddenly came up with this idea for some reason.

He planned to go up and take a look.

But just when he took a step, he turned into a snowflake again.


"Oh~! congratulations~!"

The next moment, the scene around Swain changed, and he returned directly to the terrace of the castle at the top of the abyss. At the same time, several people congratulated him.


"Brother, you played really well.~!"Herod patted Sven on the shoulder boldly.

"As expected of you, you were really ruthless in what you did. When you jumped, we were still thinking about what to do."Sruder said with a smile. At that time, she even wanted to fly down to respond.

"I have already said that Sven is very good at calculating and would not be so foolhardy."Otlinde believed that Swain was the kind of rational person who would act after thinking, so she felt that he must have thought of a way out.

"What's better?......."Sven first glanced at Skadi, and then looked at the chattering people speechlessly.

"Didn't you see the miserable state I was in?"

"If it weren't for the special characteristics of this body now, I really don't know how I would be able to compete with her troublesome power."

"It is useless to say that now, there is no if here."Skati held up her chin and looked at Sven funnyly.

"The one standing here now is you, and the one who disappeared is her, then the winner is you. This is an unshakable fact no matter what."

Indeed, if Swain hadn't been like this and could give up this body at any time and switch to other bodies prepared by Skadi,

Swain wouldn't have been able to take action in the previous situation. Skadi would have taken action. He directly stepped forward to deal with her.

After all, nothing could happen to Swain in front of him.

"So, Sven, did you gain anything?"Of course Shidunai saw how Swain repaired the body.

But she believed that the ability Swain gained was definitely not like what she saw, where he could play with snowflakes and shape the missing body.

"Can you use that black mist ability?"

"No, I only gained the ability to repair, that is, the ability to create. As for the black, withering ability, I did not gain it. It seemed that the power was incomplete."Sven scratched his head in distress.

"incomplete?" repeated Sruder.

"Yes, I don’t know if it’s because the opponent’s condition is incomplete or because of other reasons."

"Could it be that there is actually another gem like that?"

"This should no longer exist."Hilud looked at the two people, nodded his chin and recalled

"At that time, we walked around the place where you appeared for several times and searched carefully for a long time. We were very sure that nothing was left behind."

Otlinde looked at Slud's appearance and nodded, patting her chest as a guarantee:"Yes, I can guarantee this."

"Hmm......."Swain folded his hands and pursed his lips, his expression a little complicated.

"But to be honest, do you really dare to put things of unknown origin into the treasure house?"

"Aren't you afraid something might go wrong?"

Skaty listened to Sven's somewhat probing words and just smiled and shook her head:"Haha, in my territory, it is absolutely impossible to stir up anything!"

The words reveal endless domineering power.

"Yes, yes, I knew you would say that. Although I think so."Sven looked at her helplessly. It was obvious that Skadi did not intend to explain what Sven saw down there.

"But that ability is really powerful"

"As long as you have enough energy, you can repair and regenerate indefinitely, which always feels like a bit of cheating."Hirud sighed.

"Is this the case for me too?"

"It's still early for me to say that. At least I don't have her wanton adaptability. I can directly absorb the ether in the air and use it. I still need to use the magic circuit."Sven said with a helpless smile, but now that the magic circuit has been strengthened twice, the absorption rate should have increased a lot.

Moreover, the opponent once called himself the Herrscher. Although he looks similar to a human being, he It can be determined that it is another race.

In fact, after the actual fight, you can find that she is similar to humans, but there are also differences.

At least humans cannot mobilize the surrounding forces that do not belong to them and use them at will.

"Is it."Slud nodded, but still stepped forward and said to Swain.

"Although not as good as the original version, it is still powerful."

Altlinde also had the same opinion on this:"Yes, as long as you accumulate a little bit like this, one day you will reach amazing heights."

"Yeah, brother, I will definitely become stronger!"Hilud also put away his joking expression and said seriously.

Sven looked around at the three people who spoke earnestly and said very funny:"Why do I always feel like I am comforted by you?"

"I'm not that greedy. I won't be greedy to that extent."

"But what I still didn’t expect was that I originally thought that with my current strength, I should be able to suppress the opponent relatively easily, but in the end it was still so difficult."

"Uh-huh."Skaty looked at Sven's body.

"It does look much stronger than before. Skadi poked Sven's arm, then turned her gaze away, took out a folding fan and put it in front of her mouth.

After folding the fan, she continued with a red face:"But your power It seems that there are still shackles, but now it cannot fully exert its power."

"Is that so?"Sven looked at his hands, a little curious.

"To completely liberate it, it seems that you need to complete twelve conditions, but I don’t know what those twelve are."

"twelve! ?"Sven's face immediately fell down, with an expression of disgust.

Skadi stared at Sven again, the fluorescence in her eyes gradually diminished, and said again with certainty:"Yes, there are marks on your body. twelve"

"Twelve tasks with unknown conditions, how to do this?"Sven puffed up his face and felt a little depressed.

Is this also the reason why the power fed back by the black mud was weak at the beginning? It was because he did not complete the twelve conditions.?

Can you gain full power only by unlocking them all?

Swain began to think about possible options and rubbed his right thumb out of habit.


But after just touching it twice, I found something wrong. It didn't feel right!

Sven quickly rubbed it twice more, as if he wasn't sure, and then looked blankly at his white and slender fingers and shook them. The fist made a crackling sound, it was very strong, and the skin was quite white.

But this was wrong!!!

"Where is my thumb ring?——!?!"

Swain was stunned for a moment, looking at the people around him who were also confused, and then he reacted and shouted.

It’s over, it’s over! It doesn’t matter if the thumb ring is gone, but the people inside can’t!!

It must have fallen off when I lost my right hand when I was attacked by the power of withering!

Speaking of which, I did hear a crisp falling sound in the middle. It turned out that it fell at that time!

"Oops! Oops!! Oops!!!"

Sven was lying on the edge of the abyss, looking at the dark bottomless pit below. He probably couldn't even dream of finding a thumb ring from below.

This is another version of finding a needle in a haystack, finding a thumb ring in a snowy haystack!

"Do you remember when it fell?"Slud and others also came over and looked down.

It would be a miracle to see something like this!

"It should have been dropped when it was still in the treasure house, but now........It is probably buried at the bottom."Sven now had a new urge to burst into tears, and then write a tragic word on the snow.........

"How to find this!"

Sven was frustrated and bent forward on the snow, with no plan in his mind. If you were a metal type, you could still find it with your abilities, but for jade, your abilities were of no use at all!

Buzz -

However, just when Swain was distressed, a purple halo slowly floated up from below and floated in front of Swain.


Sven blinked his eyes continuously, looking in disbelief at the ring in front of him that was wrapped in purple light and turned into red and black. He stretched out his hands to hold it in a somewhat dull manner.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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