"Sven, you’re so slow. Why haven’t you come out today?"

Alice, who was standing in the courtyard, was sitting under the golden osmanthus tree, waiting for Sven.

Normally, they would take a shower after a short morning exercise and then have breakfast.

"Haha, this guy probably wants to stay in bed occasionally."Liya on the side pinched her waist and sneered.

"Probably not. Swain is still very strict with himself. He seems to have a plan for everything he does and when he does it."Alice shook her head slightly, choosing to believe Sven,

"Yes, that's right, you are right, that guy will make plans, that's why he didn't show up today."Liya said as she walked towards the exit of the courtyard.

She originally planned to go directly to have breakfast.

Otherwise, other people would not think about being able to have breakfast on time today.........

"Eh? What's the meaning?"Alice was stunned.

"Because today is the group of people called.......For swordsman training guys, it seems like it’s called Sabbath or something!"

Liya said, waving her hands and leaving Alice's sight.


"Ah, today is a day off........"Alice said belatedly

"Speaking of which, I seemed to have told Swain before that I would take him to town to buy winter clothes on my next day off........"

Although the integrity knights do not have fixed holidays at all......

"But it seems to be snowing outside today. He is wearing single clothes, and he feels like he will catch a cold soon after going out~" Alice was a little distressed.

"Oh, since you’ll catch a cold if you wear single clothes, why don’t you wear more layers?"Suddenly, a girl's cheerful voice came from Alice's ears.


Alice heard the sound and turned her head to look back. She saw a girl with bright gray hair and a ponytail. Her hair was tied with a black ribbon, and the two corners were raised high..

The red eyes were full of smiles at this time, and the whole person was in a state of extreme excitement. His cheeks were slightly red, and he was looking at Alice with interest.

His clothes were also very representative, wearing a silver-white coat. Integrity knight armor, the plate on the chest is the pale gold emblem of the Axiom Church with a black background.

"that.......you are?"Alice stood up quickly, took two steps back, stood a little further away and looked at the person in front of her.

Although Alice didn't know the person in front of her at all, she was still very familiar with the armor. After all, she also had one, but as the current The last integrity knight, the person in front of him should be his senior no matter what, so Alice asked with a slightly respectful expression.

"Ahaha~ It doesn’t have to be so rigid~" The girl in front of her smiled and waved her hands lightly, and said casually.

But seeing this scene, Alice felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and at the same time, an ominous premonition came to her heart.

I always feel like this person is similar to someone else in some way.

And it’s still a very bad way..........

Alice shed a little cold sweat, but still looked at the person in front of her with a kind smile.

"I'm Edith~"

"Edith Synthesis Tan, let’s call her an integrity knight~" Edith introduced herself jokingly.

But looking at her movements, Alice narrowed her eyes slightly, and then changed her smile to someone Personal images overlapped........

Isn’t this Swain! ?!

It’s over!

Now there seems to be another unruly guy!!

I feel like Lord Fanatio will spend this day in extreme anger and helplessness.

"Hope everyone is okay.......Alice whispered with a depressed look on her face.

"Um? What did you say again?"Edith leaned forward and moved closer to Alice.

"Now, what's your name?"

"When did you come here?"

"Can I get a little closer?"

Edith asked Alice politely, and at the same time, she leaned over before Alice could answer.

"No, that........You have come closer........"Alice said weakly


"It's really cute when you look at it up close.~"

"With this beautiful blond hair and blue eyes......ah~"

"Why is it so cute?~~~"

"That, that.........."Looking at Edith in front of her, Alice wanted to take two steps back and leave, but Edith didn't mind and leaned over again.


"If you look carefully, your eyelashes are also very long.~"


"The skin is also white~"

"..........What's going on with this guy!!"Alice had a troubled expression on her face. She didn't know how to respond to the person in front of her.

"ah!!!"After Edith sank into her own world for a short while, she suddenly reacted and immediately took a few steps back, with an expression on her face as if she had just woken up from a dream, as if she was vaguely asleep. Like a person who is suddenly awakened

"Oops, I'm sorry, I don't know why"

"You don't feel like a stranger to me at all."

Edith said with a very serious face, and her tone was a little low, as if she was really reflecting on her behavior just now.

"like.......Unlike Swain, he is a person who can reflect on himself."Alice blinked and judged in her mind.

"Why is this........"

"Is it really because you are too cute?~?"But the next moment, Edith showed the same playful smile she had seen before, and she smiled a little improperly.

"........Foreword withdrawn!! Sure enough, there is no difference between this person and Swain except for gender!!"Alice's face was full of panic. She suddenly felt that she had to leave this place quickly. With a slight creak, the door to Sven's room was opened.

She was pretending to sleep against Sven. Sakura noticed it immediately, followed by Wuming, who was already a little full from sleep.

".........Um?"Wuming heard the sound and slowly opened his eyes, and then found that he was lying on the ground.........

"Oh, why am I on the floor? Wuming asked cutely, and then sat up, with half of his head peeking out from the edge of the bed and looking at the other side of the bed.

At the same time, the stupid hair on his head was swaying back and forth as if he hadn't woken up.

But Liya didn't care at all. What about Wuming? Maybe he didn't even look at her, but kept staring at the sleeping Sven.

She walked straight towards Brother Sven?

What did this guy want to do?

Don't disturb this rare time! You venomous maid!

Sakura, who was pretending to be asleep, frowned slightly, feeling as if the other person was looking for trouble.

And Liya, who walked to the bedside, looked at Sven without mercy. His sleeping face seemed to be giggling, with a playful expression on his face. Then he grabbed Sven's pillow and the sheets under him with two hands, and then lifted them hard.

Swin, who was still sleeping, suddenly felt took off on its own.......

Being forced to turn on his phone, he couldn't open his eyes in mid-air. His body reflexively made dodge movements, squatted on the ground, and then raised his head.

"........"Sven stared at Liya in the distance, his eyes obviously asking her what she was doing.

".........whispering sound!"Liya looked at Swain for a few seconds, curled her lips, and looked a little unhappy, then turned around and started to make the bed.

"Just wait a minute!!"Sven stood up and walked to Liya's side.

"You guy barged in without saying a word, and then you threw me off the bed without saying anything, and you even smacked your tongue in the end! ? Still smacking your lips! ?!"

"What are you doing so early in the morning? ?"

"snort?"Liya turned around and said with a sarcastic expression.

"It's morning. As a maid, of course I'm here to make the bed!"

"And by the way, the owner also got an alarm clock service."

"Could it be that you can’t even see this?"

Liya looked condescending. You don't have to act like that. That way, I will wake you up personally and help you make the bed at the same time! Just sit aside and be grateful for your acceptance!"

"Hum, my perfect maid wakes you up so early in the morning. There is no better morning than this, right? Owner?"Liya's tone was very arrogant, and she bit the last two words carefully.

".........There is no worse morning than this. Sven's face fell, and his arms hung limply.

"That's it, you troublesome guy, go to the corner and stay there, don't hinder me from doing housework! Go ahead~" Liya said with some displeasure, while waving her hands and moving Sven's torso aside with disgust........

"this is youSaid owner should be treated like this?"The corner of Swain's mouth twitched.

You are just trying to drive away some pest! Is my status so low?

Even in name, I should have the authority to command, right?

But I looked aside. He had already gotten up and was looking at the two people here with two pairs of big eyes.

Sven was too lazy to waste his little mental energy by arguing with Liya early in the morning.

Looking really As Liya started to get busy, Swain thought that he should let her go for the time being, or that he should give her a few days to adapt.......... wrong! I feel like I can’t get used to this way of waking people up!

The three of them freshened up and changed their clothes. When they came out of the bathroom, the room had become very clean and tidy, and Liya was no longer around.

According to Swain's estimation, she should have gone to work.

So even if they go down now, they won't be able to eat.

Sakura excused herself and went down to help Sven prepare breakfast. Wuming also followed.

Then go find Alice yourself.

After all, he let her go without saying a word to her during today's morning exercise.

Arriving at Yunshang Courtyard,

"Yo, Xiaobai~~"

Swain stood under the trees in the circle around the courtyard and shouted to the large number of bird's nests above.........

Good guy!

How many new birdhouses have you built?

You can see one on almost every tree, and there may be two or three at most!

Swain scanned the sky and quickly spotted Xiaobai, who was still holding a branch in his mouth and carrying out infrastructure construction work.

Are you still making it?

There are so many but none of them suits you?

You just fell in love with the golden osmanthus tree where Alice's sword turned into!

There is no house at the end of the world, why should we only fall in love with a tree?

Go try something else, don't hang yourself from a tree!

Although you are almost turning from a house slave to a real estate agent.........


Xiaobai put down the branch in his mouth, glanced at Swain, and then continued to work.

"Hey~ have you seen Alice?"Sven asked while standing under the tree and waving to Xiaobai.

Then Xiaobai didn't even raise his head, stretched out his wings and pointed to the other side.

"there?"Sven looked in that direction and found that it was the road leading to the upper level.

It was a road that Alice would rarely use.

And more importantly, the door over there was still half-open. The one who worked so seriously Alice should be able to close the door casually, right?

With such curiosity, Sven followed.

But before leaving the courtyard, he saw two sets of footprints on the ground. One person was walking forward, and the other person was walking forward. It seems to be somewhat passively being pulled forward.




"Or was he drawn into some strange organization?"

I don't know why Swain suddenly thought of those warning reports he had seen in newspapers or news.

But let's not talk about anything else. To be able to come here to abduct people in the Central Cathedral, first of all, I am not afraid of you. To show respect for the spirit of death!

He then delivered a large execution package, a flying dragon carried it, and a knight came to the door!

With this very unreliable idea, Siwen followed the traces on the ground and chased after him.

However, after chasing for several floors, Siwen Wen Du felt that it was more like looking for something than abduction. After all, the doors of many facilities were open.

"What are you doing?"

Sven was confused all the way from the 80th floor to the door of the 94th floor.

There was a bathroom in front of him. Swain basically didn't use the big bathroom here, he always used the one in his own room, although he thought that was enough. It's too big.

Originally, today was supposed to be a day for women to use the bathhouse, and Swain would not go in. But now, no one should be using it at this time, so Swain pushed open the ajar door, and as soon as he took a step forward, he heard something inside. the sound coming


"How about it? Awesome!"

"The bath here is huge!"The voice of a girl I had never heard before came, and she seemed to be very excited.

Then Alice's surprised voice also sounded with some echoes:"Well, it's really big."


"This church is so big that it’s so big that it’s always hard to get anywhere."

"And I just haven’t been back for a while, so the route above has become a mess, and I almost don’t know the way."The girl said a little depressed.

After all, the road from the 74th floor to the 80th floor has basically changed.

"ah! However, this advantage of being broad in everything is highlighted in the bathtub!"

"How about this unusually joyful sense of openness!"

"Indeed, there is a feeling that cannot be experienced in the bathtub in the room."

"That is to say~ And the bathrooms and courtyards in this church are actually quite good."The girl was still chattering.

"Sure enough, it's because the highest priest is a woman, right?~"

"I feel like if it were a man, this place might not look like this."

"I don't know about this........."

At this time, Swain passed through a single room where clothes were stored and came to the large room where the two of them were. He happened to see Alice walking to the bathtub and reaching in to test the water temperature.

The other person was wearing an integrity knight's armor, and she was another female knight.

Could it be said that there are still a large proportion of female knights among the integrity knights?

""Hmm, the temperature is just right, so comfortable~" A very satisfied smile appeared on Alice's face.

"right.......Ah, now that we're here, do you want to take a shower together?"The other girl looked at Alice's back and suggested with a smile.

"No, I’d better stop talking now. I didn’t sweat this morning, and besides, I don’t have any clothes to change into........."Alice stood up, shook the water on her hand and refused.

"Well, that’s true. Let’s wash together next time, right?"The girl did not show an unhappy expression because she was rejected by Alice. Instead, she extended an invitation to Alice more enthusiastically.

"OK.......Oh no!"Alice answered without seeming to hear clearly, so she immediately changed her words when she noticed it halfway.

"How dare I be with my seniors?......."

Before Alice could finish speaking, the girl hugged her and rubbed her cheek.

"Ouch~What does it matter?~"

"Everyone is a girl."

Alice was startled by her. She pushed the girl gently with both hands, but her strength didn't seem to be as strong as hers.

"Please don't cling to me so much!!"

"What does it matter?~!"


Alice looked a little distressed at this very clingy girl, but she couldn't do anything.

"Okay, okay, that's it."

"As a friend who has just met, it would be a bit too enthusiastic to continue contacting him."

At this moment, Sven suddenly pulled Alice's arm from one side and pulled her to his side.

"who?"When the girl heard the sudden sound, she immediately became alert, her eyes sharply moved back, and her right hand rested on the hilt of the sword at her waist.

She looked at Sven carefully, although she relaxed a little after she came back. You are alert, but you are so close to me without noticing?

This person has some abilities

"I was just passing by and saw someone was troubled, so I came to help......Pure passerby!"Sven said with a somewhat lazy attitude.

"Swain?"Alice looked at the people around her, blinked, and then walked behind him with small steps. She breathed a sigh of relief, put her hands on her chest, and showed a reassuring smile. Great, she is finally saved........


The girl looked at Alice and Sven and understood that the two people knew each other, so most of the vigilance she had just appeared disappeared instantly. At least they were not suspicious people.

"Don’t you think the post just now was a little too close?"

"As two people who have just met, you are too.......Um, too enthusiastic?" Swain found a euphemism.

"Oh~What does it matter?~"

"All girls~"

"And as rare female integrity knights, wouldn’t it be nice to deepen our relationship with each other?"The girl looked at Swain's appearance, and then said with a smile

"Then at least follow the principle of step by step, right?" Swain retorted without giving in.

"There is no way, after all, there are really too few female integrity knights, it is not easy to have one now, and she is such a cute girl, you can't help but want to get close to her, right?"

As the girl said, she stood on the other side of Alice and hugged her arm, pulling her towards her.

"What does it have to do with us?"

"This is your problem, not ours."Sven pressed Alice's other arm and pulled it towards him.

"Even if Alice doesn't feel anything wrong now, as time goes by, she will still feel that she lacks playmates, right?"The strength of the girl's hand increased again, pulling Alice back again.

"Then don't bother you, I will always be with her!"Sven had a smile on his face, but the strength in his hands also began to increase.

"That's true, but after all, same-sex playmates are more important, right?"

"It was Alice herself who decided this. She didn't say anything. How could you decide for her without permission?"

Although both of them were smiling, there was no pause in the movements of their hands.

"Ah, wait a minute, you two, don't quarrel......"

Alice looked at the arm being pulled by the two people. Although she didn't feel pain yet, if she didn't ease the relationship between the two people quickly, it felt like the two of them were about to start a tug of war!

And the rope in the middle is still me!

"No, Alice and we didn't quarrel."Sven said with a smile.

"Yes, Alice-chan, we are just debating the matter."Girls have the same attitude.

"And who is this person who suddenly appeared just now?"

"He doesn't look like someone who lives in the Central Cathedral."

"Could it be an intruder?"

"I heard that guys from the Dark Empire invaded here some time ago?"The girl started the topic about Sven first, trying to figure out Sven's identity.

But as soon as she said this, she remembered a person that Bercouli had mentioned to her casually.

He was then The comment is that after becoming an integrity knight, he still tinkers with weird things all day long.

Could it be that he is the one he is talking about?

"I'm just an ordinary passerby who came here to study. I just saw someone making things difficult for others, so I came to help."Sven repeated in a very nonchalant tone.

"Ah, Sven, I'm not that embarrassed........"Alice looked at Sven and whispered softly

"Did you hear that, Alice-chan is not in trouble."The girl smiled

"That's just what she said because she was kind-hearted!"

Looking at Sven's performance, the girl suddenly felt like she had a sudden realization, so she said again:"Oh, this is not okay, you want to monopolize a cute girl like Alice."

"Don’t hide cute girls, bring them out and let everyone get to know them.~"

"Humph, let’s not talk about whether I am willing to bring it up. Whether we know each other or not is better to see Alice’s own wishes."

"But wouldn’t she have refused?"

"That's not OK!"

"no? From what standpoint did you say this?"A glimmer of light flashed in the girl's eyes.

"Alice is not from your family, right?"

"Then it’s hard to say!"Sven half-squinted his eyes, feeling like he was looking at her from a high position.



For this reason, I basically made it clear about this struggle!

Can't lose!

The two people looked at each other, their eyes were obviously smiling, but they didn't make anyone feel any smile. Instead, they looked like they were about to start a fight.

"that.........Shoulder........It hurts a little........Well........"

Alice, who was squeezed between the two people, looked in front of her face. The two people who were facing each other almost touched their foreheads with cold sweat on their faces. At the same time, they began to whisper weakly about the pain in their bodies.

Zilala— but the two people's eyes were full of fighting fire and thunder, and Alice didn't know what to say to ease the relationship between the two at this time.

This must be the first time we meet this person, right?

Why has the relationship become so bad?

And just when she was distressed, she heard Swain speak first:"When the matter has reached this point, it seems that I can't understand it with just words."

"Yes, you can't explain it clearly by just relying on your words. Let's try another method."The girl responded in the same stiff tone.

"Let’s use the most common method in the human world to solve it!"

Then under Alice's surprised gaze, the two of them released their hands holding her at the same time, and at the same time turned their heads and walked towards the door.

"Forehead.......W-what's going on?"

Alice, who stayed where she was, was speechless. The two of them were still arguing around her just now, but they let go and left at the same time in an instant?

"that......Where are you two going?"

Alice chased after her from behind in small steps, waving and shouting at the same time.

"Needless to say?"The two people stopped at the same time, looked back slightly at Alice, and then looked at each other and said in unison:

"Training ground!"

After saying that, the two people looked at each other again and continued to walk forward in unison.


Alice was stunned for a moment. Her outstretched hand looked a little messy in the air, and her whole person was a little sluggish.

"In fact, both of them......Very understanding?"

It took a while for Alice to react before she suppressed her words.


"Training ground! ?"

Alice's eyes widened slightly. She believed that the reason why the two of them went to the training ground at the same time was definitely not to find a spacious place to quarrel!

"Oops! If you don't stop them quickly..........."

"Swain is also serious, how could he possibly defeat the senior Integrity Knights!"

"We must stop them as soon as possible before they take action!!"

Alice thought of this and hurriedly followed her.

But she didn't catch up at all. After all, there was only one lift here, so she who was following behind could only watch the two people in front of her go down on the lift, while she I can only work in a hurry up there.

"I seemed to have seen the shadows of other people just now. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"Alice, who was tiptoeing anxiously on top, could only pray like this.


"Huh, you don't look like you know how to use a sword. Do you want me to give you a way?"Walking on the road, the girl said with a hint of ridicule. After all, she had heard that Sven was a pharmacist or a researcher, and she took it for granted that his combat ability was not high.

"You don't need to worry about that"

"You should worry about yourself not to lose too badly in a while!"Sven said in a neither humble nor condescending manner while glancing at her waist. With such a thin handle, it didn't look like a one-handed sword.

And the scabbard looked like that.....Too much sword?

Could it be that some integrity knights have already started using this?

"Oh~ It looks like there is something fun going on."

At the intersection, the two people met Fanatio and Bercouli, and they seemed to be about to go out.

"Hey, Fanatio.........."

The two of them saw Fanatio beside Bercouli from a distance. They paused at the same time and had an unpleasant expression on their faces, as if they were a little disgusted and a little unable to deal with it.

Fanatio, who saw this scene from a distance, was also a little unhappy.

"What expressions are you two making?"

"Do you really not want to see me?"

Facing Fanatio's inquiry, the two of them looked away at the same time, looking around randomly.

"The weather is nice today"

"Yes, the sky is clear and the clouds are clear, it is a good day."

In this way, Swin, who was looking at the ceiling, and the girl who was staring at the ground, reached a strange consensus in a strange place and in a strange way.


Behind Fanatio, Bercouli looked at the interaction between the three people in front and tried hard not to laugh out loud.

"Your Mightiness~~!"Fanatio turned around and said in a somewhat drawn-out tone.


Bercouli quickly managed his expression and pretended to be serious.

"Ouch! Even so, she is still the deputy knight commander! Be respectful when you speak!"

But the serious expression didn't last long. Bercouli changed back to the same playful expression as the three of them. He covered his mouth with his hand and whispered to Swen and the girl in a low voice:

"Even if it’s just pretending, that’s fine......"

But there are only four of them in the whole corridor, and their strength is not low. In this case, you can hear not even a pin drop, but it's about the same.

"Sir, even though you think you are whispering, I can still hear you......."

"Ah? Is that so?"Bercouli turned around and touched his head and said in a pretentious manner.

Anyone could see that he did this on purpose.

"This guy's acting skills are pretty bad....."Sven, who was standing behind Bercouli, couldn't help but complain.

"After all, he is the Knight Commander."The girl seemed to understand Swain's subtext and smiled in agreement.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, Fanatio is on the other side. Otherwise, we'd have to start preaching......"The girl looked depressed, as if she had endured many painful lectures.

"Is it......."Swain felt a little different.

"Although I have not experienced a specific set of preaching procedures, I feel like I have a headache just listening to the beginning."

Once upon a time, Fanatio also thought about teaching Sven what to do as a glorious integrity knight, but every time she finished her sentence, blinked her eyes, and then opened her eyes, Sven was gone......

Then she searched everywhere in the central church, but she couldn't find it!

Even if you ask others, there is no gain, it is like disappearing from the world!

It’s simply evil!

And Fanatio can't really go to Sven all day long. She is the deputy knight commander, and her whole day's work is not easy!

So later Fanatio gave up......

"Now I can only remember the beginning......"

"Me too~" The girl also felt the same way about what Swain said.

"Seems....."Swain nodded his chin and recalled with some difficulty:

"Integrity Knights should be....."

The two people held out a finger at the same time and said to each other, but they really only said the first few words and forgot the rest.

"I said it, you can hear it!"

Fanatio said helplessly again, but he didn't have the same courage as before. After all, he could still control the situation when Bercouli was alone before. Later, with the addition of Swain, the situation began to get out of control. Fortunately


Now that we have Alice, we should be able to return to the slightly chaotic level before, but now!

Alice is not here!

And now there is Edith!

This life is impossible!

Three guys who are outside the rules gather together Together, what do you think I can do alone? What else can I do?

So, Fanatio now feels that it is better not to interrupt when the opponent is in full swing.

"Oh, by the way, Edith, didn't you just come back from switching defenses with Scheeta in the End Mountain Range?"

"What are you going to do with the boy if you don't want to rest?"

"Going on a date?"

Bercouli saw that Fanatio had given up, so he turned around and looked at the two people who were snickering behind him, and asked funnyly.

The two people stopped suddenly and turned to look at Bercouli at the same time. He turned around and looked at the person opposite, and at the same time took half a step back, trying to keep a distance from the person opposite.

"No, of course not."x2

"So what are you doing?"

"Of course I went to the training ground!"x2

The two people turned their heads and looked ahead at the same time, walking straight towards the lift platform that had just been raised

"Training ground?"

"Go to practice?"

Bercouli touched his chin, and at the same time he and Fanatio also boarded the lift.

"of course not!"

"It's time to duel!"

The two people replied in one sentence each.


"Why? Fanatio was stunned. A duel between integrity knights?

Rather than guidance or training?

It shouldn't be?

Edith has just come back. She should have never met Swain before.

What is going to happen? The relationship between the two people deteriorated to the point of a duel in a short period of time?

"Why a duel?"

"Did the other party do something wrong?"

Bercouli's expression began to become serious and he stared at them. As the Knight Commander, it is also his job to maintain the relationship between the members of the Knights.

Therefore, he still handled this situation with a very serious attitude..

Fanatio felt a little relieved when he saw Bercouli, who was rarely serious, at least he was working seriously!

"yesIf there is any conflict, just discuss it together and see how to resolve it. It doesn’t have to go to this level, right? Fanatio also spoke to persuade him.

"Still have to duel or something?...."

If you have anything to say, just let us all figure it out together!

As long as we work together, we can overcome any difficulty.....

"In order to decide who is more suitable for Alice!

However, at this moment, when Fanatio heard the reason for the duel between Swin and Edith, the expression hidden under his helmet seemed to freeze.

No matter what the difficulty is, I will definitely be able to do it.....All can.....All......

It seems like this can’t be solved!

And what a strange reason this is!

If you were two men, there would be no problem, but.....Edith, why are you joining in the fun?

"Roar ~ duel~"

"It seems interesting. I'll go check it out too."Bercouli raised his eyebrows.

A duel between these two people, a duel between two people who are very similar in every sense of the word, is just the right thing for Edith to learn from.

"Oh, by the way, are we short of referees?"

"If you can, I will decide the outcome~"

Sure enough, after hearing this reason, Bercouli, who had been serious just now, suddenly showed his true colors and even said that he could act as a referee.....

"no problem!"

Of course, neither of them had any objections.

Looking at the three people mingling in front of him, Fanatio always felt a pain in his head.

When Alice finally arrived at the training ground on the seventy-seventh floor, I found that there were a lot of people gathered here.......

I don’t know where I got the news from, but many nuns who were originally in the living area on the 76th floor also rushed here.

Usually there are not many bystanders when everyone practices, but this time, with Bercouli's tacit approval, many students who prepared for Swain all came up.

This is what he expects to see. As long as these people can learn a little knowledge through this duel, they are originally from the church and are not worried about other problems. I believe this will be a benefit to them. What a trivial thing!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Please collect it" or"Please give me a monthly ticket".

Thank you for the monthly ticket! Thank you!

I don’t want to divide it into chapters......Well, that’s it, a 10,000-word chapter.

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