Northern Centoria

After struggling, Swain discovered that the mask was actually just a simple way of controlling the magic power to attach it to the face. As long as you understand the mechanism, it is really very simple.......

So Siwen went through a simple change of clothes on the road, made up into the black eyes and black hair that he usually wears when going out, and came to the streets that he had not seen for a long time.

There is still some snow on the flower beds on the roadside and on the street corners. It is not very cold yet, and the traces of a light snow will soon be submerged in this bustling street.

The group of people walked on the road, with Alice following Sven on his left. Although he was very curious about everything around him, he didn't understand anything, so he suppressed his inner excitement and followed Sven.

"Is this also thanks to the common sense learned in heaven?" Alice guessed.

But the more important reason why Alice did not leave Swain's side was Edith who was walking on the other side of Swain and talking to him.......

Although he seemed to be communicating with Sven on swordsmanship and skills, the other party's eyes always glanced towards him from time to time, and the smile hidden in it was not hidden at all.

"I feel like if I leave Swain even a little bit, Lady Edith will rush over to me......"

So with this thought in mind, Alice didn't dare to leave Sven's side at all!

"......So it is very difficult to control multiple clones from the beginning."Sven was now seriously teaching Edith the techniques for using clones.

"But when I see you controlling it, isn’t it easy to control so much? Edith said pointedly.

"It was just a deterrent. After all, the moment you saw the four people, your eyes widened and you felt like you were stupid."

As he said this, Swain pretended to imitate Edith's expression at that time.

"Really! Stop imitating! Edith laughed and slapped Sven on the arm.

"I feel a little shy here!"

"Oh, then don’t always stare at Alice next time."Sven also took this opportunity to set out his own conditions.

"Hey hey~ Are you exposed?"Edith stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Hehe, I didn’t even see what you were hiding, so how could you expose it? Sven laughed and snorted, then lowered his head and said,"If you don't believe me, ask Sakura?""


Edith lowered her head and looked at Sakura walking between the two people.


At this time, Sakura was holding Sven's hand, holding Xiaobai with a lazy face in her arms, but the expression on his to say.

Summed up in two words! complex!

"hateful.......I forgot that I am shorter now, even if I walk between two people, I can't separate them!"

Since just now, the two people have been talking above Sakura's head, seemingly completely ignoring her existence.......

No, the one who was completely ignored was the guy who walked in front of everyone and kept eating without saying a word.

But what does that guy have to do with me?


"Always felt........."

At this time, Alice seemed to have discovered something different.

After Alice glanced at Edith, she moved a little closer to Sakura, leaned down slightly, and asked doubtfully:"I always feel that Sakura seems to have grown a lot taller."

"Eh! ?"

Hearing this, Sakura and Sven's hearts tightened at the same time.


"Is it still too fast to control the speed of growth?"

"Could it be that the missing ten years are slowly catching up?"

Sven and Sakura looked at each other and thought at the same time, indeed, this growth rate is a bit abnormal.

Before, Sakura's head did not reach Sven's shoulders, but now her forehead is almost over..........

"Brother Swain said, the child is still growing."Sakura smiled and said haha

"Really?"Alice and Edith both had doubts.

"Even if they are children, Lineel and Fisel don't grow up so fast, do they?"

"Forehead........"Sakura looked at the two people leaning over to stare at her. The gray-haired one was okay, but the other one was......I'm not good at dealing with it.......

"actually.......Don't look at Sakura like this! In fact, she is already a child of fourteen or fifteen years old!!"


At the same time, three confused people looked at Swain.

Just when Sakura attracted the attention of the two people, Sven had already thought of a complete excuse, and immediately started to tell the story of Sakura's bizarre life experience that he didn't even know with tears streaming down his face.........

When I was a child, I was invaded by the Dark Empire, and when I was older, I was invaded by monsters. Then there were natural and man-made disasters. Even later, people began to sigh and lament that it was really not easy for this child to still be alive!


The three people behind were a little stunned after hearing this, but Liya who was walking in front was not having an easy time either. She knew part of Sakura's origins, and now she could only hold back her laughter.........

Why didn't I realize before that this guy has a talent for telling stories?

".......So, she has been alone since she was a child and has always been malnourished, which is why she looks so thin. Now that her life is better, of course she has started to grow!"

Sven talked for a while and finally explained why Sakura suddenly grew taller..........

Sure enough, in order to tell one lie, you need countless lies to make up for it.........

But it was obvious that Swain's level of deception was very high. After that, the two people questioned Swain for a long time, but they couldn't find any flaw in his words. This excuse was perfect!

So they really accepted Sven's words and looked at Sakura with unusual sympathy.

But it was obvious that the previous way of getting along with children was no longer suitable. After all, Sakura was only one or two years older than herself and others.

"Don't worry, Sakura, as knights, we will work hard to prevent this from happening again!"Alice's sense of responsibility as a knight made her say this

"Yes, yes, sister, I will work hard too!"Edith also seemed to be infected by Alice. She touched Sakura's head and said equally seriously.


Sakura was confused by this and then confused again. Looking at Sven who seemed to have finally passed a level, she helplessly shouted in her heart,

Brother Sven!

Although it seems like you have solved the problem perfectly, it’s just that you don’t have the problem anymore!

But how do you plan to let me cover you later?!!

I didn’t remember anything you just said from the middle on!!!

But obviously Sven couldn't hear this.

"alright......Finally got over it."

Sven wiped his forehead with no sweat at all as if he was relieved.

"Okay, now let's go to Uncle Sadore's place and have a look."

Sven planned to follow his own habit and go to Sadore's shop first and then go shopping.

But as soon as he took a step forward, before his feet even touched the ground, his shoulders were held down by Alice and Edith respectively.

"Wait~! Swain! The purpose of our coming out today is not to see weapons!"

"Yes~ If you want to spend a rare day off with a cute girl, it would be better to go to some more atmospheric shops~"

The two people said this to each other.


But Swain looked reluctant to do so.

"If I wear such thick clothes, I feel a little uncomfortable now........"

Unknowingly, Sven also disliked the heat just like Skadi did.

"Don't mumble and say something strange, just leave now!"

Then, the two people lifted Swain up one on the left and the other on the right, and dragged him towards the shop on the side.

"etc! Are you just not listening to my opinions? ?"

"Hum hum~~"

"Hello!!! You two, don't pretend you didn't hear it!!"

Liya looked at the farce in front of her and followed without saying a word, but Sakura seemed a little eager to try.

"Forget it, brother Swain has already thought of the excuse for me, so I don’t need to worry about anything in the future. I have already gained his trust in the first stage, so there is no need to maintain this figure. I’d better hurry up and get back to my original appearance. Bar"

"Otherwise nothing will start!".........

"Hmm......How about this one?"Alice asked Edith while holding an overly gorgeous coat. It showed the so-called aristocratic style and demeanor everywhere, and the decorations were so many that it even looked a bit cumbersome. Are these things of any use? Apart from that, Does it really seem to be of no use other than making noises when walking?

"Forehead......I think the one just now looks better."Edith narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a somewhat confused expression. It seemed as if she didn't know much about this type of clothing.

"Yeah......"Alice asked to no avail, so she looked at the clothes in her hands and put them on the long table aside.

"Let's wait and see after Sven changes into it.~"

"makes sense~"

"Then, let’s go there and choose......."

Just when Edith proposed to go to the clothes rack opposite to choose, the curtain of the fitting room on one side was suddenly opened with a bang, and Swain, who had already started to cover his sweat, walked out with a look of despair on his face. shouted:

"That's enough!"

"How many attempts have been made!"

"If you just buy it, why don’t you buy it after trying it? ?"

Sven has thought about this problem more than once.

This behavior is too inefficient!

"Because if you don’t try them all, how will you know which one looks good?"

The person who answered this question was Sakura. She seemed to be very interested in choosing new clothes, so she joined Alice and others, and is now helping Sven choose some small accessories for clothes.

(Unfinished) to be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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