The girl looked like she was praying just now.

She was wearing clothes made of coarse cloth, without any weapons on her body, and she had a rustic look. The clothes had completely faded and her original appearance could not be seen clearly, but they were washed very clean, and her blond hair was neatly taken care of. With his hair combed behind his hair, he is obviously a farming person.

If you just look at this, there is nothing surprising. It may just be ordinary residents coming to worship.

But Swain didn't notice any sign of the girl approaching just now, as if she suddenly appeared here!

In addition, the surrounding architectural styles have also changed a lot.

".....The surrounding atmosphere has also changed. The humidity of the air seems to have increased, and the temperature is a bit high. It doesn't look like winter weather."

Sven tried to breathe out. He could exhale some white mist just now, but now he can't see anything. The originally spacious chapel around him now looks a bit small, and the number of benches has also been surprisingly reduced to only the left and right sides. The level of three rows.

This suddenly changed from the large church in the city that could accommodate dozens or hundreds of people to the feeling of a dozen or so people crowded together in a small wooden house in the countryside.

When Swain turned his head again to look at just now When I saw the statue of the goddess, I found that it had turned into a man hanging on a cross........

She became him!!!

".......No, who are you? ?!"

Sven jumped away from the sculpture, as if he was startled.

But this is also true. Anyone who looks up and sees a half-dead man statue will not have a good look on his face.......

"Even if I'm used to getting along with goddesses, you don't have to suddenly turn into a man for me, right?"

Sven whispered in a very speechless voice. Are you so unable to afford it?

This desire to win is too ugly, isn't it?

"goddess?"And the girl who had been half-kneeling on the ground looking at Swain from just now could only vaguely hear Swain say the word goddess.

"that......Are you a goddess?"

The girl who could only see Sven's back asked again.

"Aha?"Sven turned his attention to the girl again, and made his own doubtful voice.


"Ah? Male, male?"The girl's eyes widened and she looked at Swain in confusion.

"Why doesn't it look like it!!"Sven stared, walked towards the girl with his hands on his hips, and asked her sternly in a condescending manner.

"I am a man and I am really sorry for you!"

"No no no! Sorry, rude! The girl was stunned, and her whole body was a little messy, but she still hurriedly held her hands, lowered her head, and apologized very sincerely:"I'm extremely sorry, Lord, please forgive me!""

Where did this man who suddenly appeared in the church in the village come from?

He doesn't look like those travelers either........

Then the person who suddenly appeared in front of the main statue......

Could it be.......!!!

Thinking of this, the girl's body trembled slightly, which looked more like she was scared to the point of panic than sincerity.

"No.....It's okay if you don't need to apologize so solemnly......"Seeing the girl's fearful look, Swain felt a little embarrassed.

He also didn't like bullying such a helpless little girl.

To be honest, this is not a big deal. You are not afraid of being like this, right?

Or am I looking a little too fierce?

"Ahem, it doesn't matter, these are all small things, I'm not angry, so don't be so nervous."Sven coughed twice in embarrassment, and at the same time touched his face with some uncertainty.

Would you like his expression to be more relaxed?

"Yes, thank you for your magnanimity, Lord."

Although Swain said it was not a big problem, and the girl also smiled and expressed her understanding of Swain's forgiveness, she still lowered her head and looked pious.



After the conversation just ended, the scene fell into endless silence, and you could only hear the slight breathing of the person in front of you.

"that......Can you get up and say something?"Sven looked at the scene of silence on the other side of his silence, and decided to interrupt the silence of the church first.

And what about that just now?....Oh God?

Is it some strange ending?

No......I seem to have seen it in a book, it seems to be something related to religion.

Sven squatted in front of the girl, turning his head back and forth to see the girl's lowered face clearly, and asked her if she knew anything about what he was going through now.

"No, for a lowly person like me, it’s enough for my voice to reach your ears."While saying this, the girl's head lowered again.

"Are you being too humble?"

In this regard, Swain scratched his head and really didn't know what to say.

A few simple conversations made Swain understand that the person in front of him was probably a deadbeat.........

Once you know something for sure, you won’t change it so easily!

This is the kind of person who may not be able to turn back even if he hits the wall!


"So don’t apologize all the time!"

"Yes, right? Uh-huh! I see!"Just when the girl was thinking about continuing to apologize, she suddenly realized something was wrong and awkwardly expressed that she understood.


It's so brain-dead to the point of being rigid.

This is Swain's second impression of her

"If we want to have a conversation, wouldn't it be better to raise our heads and look at each other?"

Sven's response was to sit directly on the floor, with his arms on his legs to support his face, and he shook his head slightly and looked at her.

"this.......That's right too......."The girl hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her head.

Just in time to catch Sven's smiling eyes.

"Her pale blue eyes are quite beautiful."Sven secretly thought

"Just now.....excuse me."The girl calmed down and said seriously.

"It's okay, it's all little things."Sven doesn't care about this little thing at all.

"By the way, where is this?"

Sven looked around the church. A thick layer of black dust could be seen on the ceiling above, and there were very eye-catching spider webs in the corners.

But near the bottom, it was well-kept. , although all the facilities are very old, it can be seen that someone is doing regular maintenance.

If nothing else, the maintenance person is really the girl in front of me. After all, there are buckets and rags beside the door.

"And who are you?"

Sven finally turned his attention to the girl in front of him.

"yes........This is the church in our village. Everyone comes here to pray in the morning and also uses it during gatherings."The girl was stunned and replied at the same time.

But that's not what Swain wanted to ask. She wanted to know the geographical location here.

"Looks like someone is using it......."Swain nodded.

"But that's only limited to 'in use'."

If everyone really cherishes this place, if nothing else, at least the benches that are missing arms and legs would have been replaced with new ones, and the cleaning person would not be just a girl.

"Feel sorry........"Of course, the girl also heard the hidden sarcasm in Sven's words, and immediately apologized with a slightly red face.

"No, I told you not to apologize all the time!"Sven covered his face in distress.

Does this girl not understand people?

Or is she not good at communicating with people?

"Are you usually alone?"

"No, I usually stay with other people from the same village. The girl shook her head and replied with a smile:"We sometimes feed the horses together or go farming together.""

"Ah, occasionally we go to the river together."

It can be seen that the girl is still very happy when she mentions her friends. It doesn't seem like she has no friends.

"Really, then why are you alone in church now?"

"I just make a habit of coming here every day, cleaning the church, and praying afterward"

"It's the same today. After I went out for a walk with my friends, everyone went back to where I just came. After that, I'll go home and prepare........ah! It took a long time today and I forgot to go home and feed the horses!"

The girl said this, with a very unhappy and panic expression on her face.

"Goo........Ha"Sven smiled and couldn't help laughing, but he quickly held it back, after all, it was a bit impolite.

However, before he could say anything, he heard it coming from the other side.



The girl's face turned red and she immediately covered her belly tightly with both hands, not daring to raise her head.

"Ah.......Haaah!!!"Seeing this, Sven finally couldn't help laughing.

"Uh-huh......."Listening to Sven's laughter, the girl lowered her head, feeling like she was almost buried in the heart of the person in front of her.

"No.....Sorry, I was a little out of control."Sven wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and coughed twice.

"It looks like it's not just the horses that are hungry, right?"

"sorry......Because I didn’t eat anything for lunch today......"


It's a little dark inside the church now, and the golden sunset is about to set. It's already night, isn't it?

"What happened?"Sven thinks that other than natural disasters, this situation can only be caused by the rampant monsters, right?"

"Is there any disaster nearby?"

If it's not a big deal, it doesn't matter if you help me a little bit. Just wave the knife as if it's for exercise.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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