"Yeah?"Sven is obviously still a little worried.

"Then do you remember who I am?"

"And who are you?"

"Brother Swing! No need to confirm that!"Sakura covered her mouth and chuckled, obviously amused by Sven's fuss.

I can change this kind of change at any time. It's just appearance anyway, so it's definitely no problem!

"call......"Sven finally felt relieved when he saw that Sakura knew him clearly.

"Just be fine......"


Seeing Sven lying on the sofa with a sigh of relief, Sakura couldn't help but asked with a smile:

"By the way, Brother Swing"

"Um?"Sven opened one of his eyes slightly and glanced sideways at Sakura.

Regardless of the change in Sakura's name for him, in short, everything is fine now.

"What does that do?"

Sakura pointed to the ice sculpture on the sofa opposite.

It seems that you can still feel a trace of magic fluctuation from it. Otherwise, this thing should have started melting indoors, but now there is no change at all, even The sofa below was still dry.

So Sakura thought that this thing must be something related to magic.

"that......It's used as an excuse!"


Sakura tilted her head and looked at Swain in confusion.

But Swain smiled and showed her what he had just brought back from outside.

It turned out to be several pieces of fabric and needlework!?


"Brother Sven, you actually still have this skill?"

Sakura sat with her face held up and watched Sven sewing clothes very skillfully?

But Sven was holding a needle and thread.....

I have to say, this scene is a bit strange.

"I don’t even know!"

"Hum hum, there are still many things you don’t know!"Sven raised his neck with some complacency.


Sakura looked surprised.

Sorry~Brother Swing.

Actually, I know quite a lot.~

"alright.....That's fine for now."

Sven quickly sewed a simple set of small summer clothes, and then put it on the doll opposite.

Then, Swain supported the doll and stood on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated on the ice sculpture. body

"Shadow clone, instant."

Sven tried projecting the appearance of a clone summoned by Tsukuyomi onto the ice sculpture, trying to see if he could try another way to reproduce the body he used in Northern Europe. The ice sculpture was emitting It glows with light blue light, and Sven's clone is obviously much larger than this body, but the difference between the two is only in proportion, so as long as the clone can be compressed, it is okay to overlap the two. Not impossible.



However, this process was more difficult than Swain thought, but the progress was a little faster, and a hole was broken in the ice sculpture.

"hateful.....Wouldn't even a doll carved from the hardest ice I could make withstand the projection?"

"Sure enough, is Skadi still needed to carry out this work?"

Sven depressedly recalled last night. It wasn't long before he was kicked out, and then he went back like this?

I'm afraid he wasn't kicked out directly this time!


"You can't always rely on others, but you have to work hard on your own sometimes!"

Sven calmed down and continued to work while repairing the ice sculpture.

But in fact, he rarely relied on others for help, and he rarely relied on anyone.

Seeing Siwen who was concentrating on his work. Wen and Sakura also didn't understand the intention of doing this.

It seems that they have never seen Sven use this trick in the future, and it seems that everyone around him hates this behavior.

So as long as Brother Sven does sculpture or something later, he will definitely will be stopped..... why?

I originally thought it was some taboo move, but it turned out to be something created under such circumstances to deceive people?

Is there anything taboo about this thing?

While Sakura was thinking incomprehensibly, Sven finally completed his homework.

A bright blue light flashed, and the ice sculpture originally shaped like a little boy suddenly became exactly the same as Sven, but this time It’s a smaller version.....

A smaller version in every sense, not just power....

Including abilities and magic power, they have been shrunk to a certain extent!

If it were an ordinary clone, in addition to having very little destiny as a clone, some values ​​such as attack power should be the same as the main body.

However, Sven seemed to be unable to reproduce a puppet of that level, so he had to retreat. And find the second, the second, the second, the second.....

It feels like it's already the lowest level.

After all, the abilities of this body are no different from those of ordinary children!

They have no magic ability and no fighting ability. Even the commonly used Lian Yue, or Fei Yue and Cang Yue, which are only half the weight, can't be lifted intentionally.

Wouldn’t this be completely useless?

It seems so, but not necessarily.

The clone summoned by Tsukuyomi's skill is just a magic body or an elemental body. It is just a manifestation of energy. It looks like a human on the outside but is completely different on the inside.

It's just that from the moment this kind of clone is summoned, the magic power injected into it in advance is being consumed crazily, and it is almost impossible to replenish it midway, so when the magic power is consumed, the clone will disappear.

The time of existence is limited, which is the shortcoming of pure clones.

But after having the support!

For example, after this body is made of ice sculpture, this problem is solved!

As long as the body is still there!

You can keep fighting!

"But isn’t this body incapable of fighting?"

"Since he has no fighting ability, what's the use of having him?"Sakura came over and poked the trumpet clone's face. She looked a little uninterested and asked.


This looks very cute!!

But in fact, she has already started to get high inside......

At the same time, she also wanted to know through this question what Swain planned to do with this newly developed ability, so that everyone would hate Swain for doing the same thing in the future.

"Forehead......" yes! I created a clone that could continue to fight, but it turned out that the clone's combat power couldn't even be considered as fighting against the five scum.......

Isn’t this just trash!!

After hearing this, Swain was stunned for a few seconds before finally squeezing out a sentence from his mouth with an embarrassed look on his face.

"There is always a way to use it!"

"I believe that everything in this world always has its correct use and value!"

"Yeah?"Sakura tapped the side of her cheek and recalled an animal written in an animal encyclopedia she had read when she was a child.

"So, Brother Swing, can you explain what the sea spider is used for?"

"ocean......"Half of Sven's face was twitching.

Of course Sven, who had read many books, also knew about the existence of such a creature.

This thing is a weird thing.

It has lived on the earth for hundreds of millions of years, but it has no desire to evolve and has always been in a salty state.

So much so that except for the mouth, all the rest of the body is bones and bones. It usually eats garbage and the like on the seabed. It has no desire or need to hunt, so that even other creatures are not willing to eat it. It was delivered to my door, so I pretended not to have seen it......

It is simply a wonder of the animal world! , but even such a strange thing has survived from the Cambrian period to the present, but it is probably burned out now.

At the same time, it also proves that as long as you are a complete waste, no one can take advantage of you....

Well, it’s not even worth recycling.

And now you ask me this?

I suspect you are making things difficult for me!

"Swinger, what's it worth?"Sakura looked at Sven funnyly.

"How can you, a damn girl, read that kind of book?.......etc!"

Sven looked at Sakura with a smile and said, and at the same time, he realized when he looked at her current body shape. When did she read those books at this time?

"When did you read those books?"Sven asked suspiciously

"Eh......ah!!"Sakura was stunned for a moment, realizing that she had gotten a little carried away, and now something was revealed again.

It's over, if this speed continues......

It feels like it won’t be long before even the bottom is exposed!

"Ahh~! yes! How do I know this!"Sakura turned her back in a panic, crossed her arms and stretched, and said in surprise:"It feels like there are suddenly many more memories in my mind!"

Why does this tone of voice sound strange?......

Sven looked at Sakura's back speechlessly. He couldn't see her expression at this time, so Sven couldn't see her mentality either.


Suddenly, Sakura turned around with a smile, and suddenly lay on her side on the sofa. She leaned on Swain's shoulder as usual and said,"Brother Swain, let's see if you can really move first. talk later!"

Sven nodded, now it's more important here!

After all, based on previous experience, it won't be long before two people come over to wake you up in a very cordial way........

So Swain soon began to control the body and start acting.

"Basic control is normal, field of view....There is a certain deviation from left to right, the range of joint movement is normal, and the sound.....It seems a little bit different, but it’s not a big problem"

"There are some accuracy issues in controlling fine movements, and distance control is not very good....."

"Athletic ability.....Fortunately, it is still at the level of normal peers!"

"Facial control is a bit difficult.....If I had known earlier, I would have made a smile."

To put it simply, it is a defective product full of loopholes........

"Gu! It would be nice if you gave me more time to adjust!"Sven said with some reluctance.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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