Sven felt Sakura's movements, but still hoped that she wouldn't hug her too hard. After all, his stomach was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, and the body strength of the doll on that side was even weaker. It felt like he would use a little more force. If it is too small, the energy you rely on will be shattered, and then the doll will directly turn into ice slag on the ground......

"I hope Sakura can be merciful, otherwise, everything she did today will be in vain......"Sven prayed.

But it's a pity that Sakura doesn't care about this at this time.

"Ah~!! You won’t resist, Brother Swing when you were a kid!!"

"Uh-huh~! Although this is probably just fake, Brother Swing should still be able to feel me! marvelous!"

"Brother Sven, feel the love of Cupid.~~!"

At this time, Sakura buried her face completely in the hair of Sven's clone, holding it tightly with both hands, as if she completely regarded it as a doll.

Sakura's face was flushed, and she looked very satisfied.......

Sven touched himselfThe back of the head, this kind of empathy still needs some time to get used to,

"By the way, it’s probably just an illusion that my clothes are wet, right?"

Sven touched the back of his collar and pants with some uncertainty. Although he didn't find anything abnormal, there was always a sense of strangeness, so Swain directly changed his outfit and appearance, without being noticed by anyone. Discovered the situation and left himself to the room

"Which floor do you want to go to?"


"wrong.......The seventy-fifth floor."

Faced with Xiao Kong's inquiry, Sven almost said hello in the same way as before.

After all, her sense of presence is really low, and if she is not careful, she will be classified into a group of people who do not need to be alert......

No matter how skilled he was, Sven was never good at lying to his friends.

"yes....."Xiao Kong glanced at the nun Sven made up simply.

I always feel like something is not quite right. stare~~~

"sight........It feels so prickly....."

Swain always felt that Xiao Kong's gaze from behind was a little too strange and too direct.

There are not many floors in the first place, and you should be able to reach the destination lift platform quickly. At this time, Swain felt that it was a bit long......

When Swain walked down the elevator, he heard Xiao Kong behind him say weakly:"Please be careful when you go out."


Sven turned around and took a look in disbelief, but Xiaokong had already manipulated the platform to return to the upper level.

"should.....Wasn't it discovered?"

Sven smiled awkwardly, and touched his face uncertainly. He was dressed casually, so he probably didn't bump into anyone, right?

When he came out of the temple, he went back to the way he used to go out. At the same time, her hair color and eye color also changed to pure black.

"As usual! Go find something to eat first!"

Sven stretched out, feeling the chill in the air. He felt refreshed. He let out a breath of white air, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd.

However, just after coming out of the administrative area, there were still people on Noble Street. Not walking far, I saw the door of a mansion opened in front of me. From inside, a girl with brown waist-length hair, wearing a light pink and beige skirt, with straight, slender and delicate calves. Appeared in front

"Then I'm out."Sortilina said to a middle-aged woman inside the door.

"Well, be careful on the road when purchasing."

The person standing in the door does not look like she is much older than Sortiliena. In addition, she has a very similar face and a hearty smile that can be said to be carved from the same mold. I believe her sister's words. There should be quite a few people there, right?

"Yes, then I'm going out, mother."

Sortilina nodded and said goodbye to her mother, who was waving to her. However, the door had just closed, and when Sortilina was about to go shopping in the business district, she suddenly spotted Sven in the distance.

"Ah? Mr. Swain?"Sortilina was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved.

"Hey, Miss Lina, long time no see."Sven put his hands behind his head and walked slowly towards her while saying hello.

"Indeed, I haven't seen you for a long time, and even if I ask the bosses of the shops where you often go, I don't know."Sortilina joked

"Ahaha, after all, I went out a little far away before."Sven smiled, and at the same time looked at the person in front of him curiously. Did she go around asking about me while she was out?

Am I that easy to worry about?

"Far away?"Sortilina was stunned for a moment, and looked at Sven with her big purple eyes.

Is he going to practice?

This is the only reason Sortilina could think of for him to travel far away.

"I see, indeed, Sven-kun, you look much stronger than before, and you have also grown slightly taller."Sortilina said with a smile as she looked at Sven's stronger and more obvious body muscles than the last time they met.

But in Sven's view, even if the other party did not have any ill intentions, these words came from her mouth. What he said was somewhat sarcastic.

"Are you kidding me?"Sven shook his head helplessly, with some bitterness in his words.

After all, the two people standing together now, in general, Sortiliena is slightly taller......

"It feels a little hurt to be said like this by someone who is taller than me and has a slender figure."Sven said with a depressed look.

"No! That's not the case!"Sortilina retorted very seriously, but with a trace of blush on her face, she became a little nervous. She looked down slightly at her toes tapping the ground. After she finished speaking, she looked at it with a smile the next moment. Sven gently covered his mouth and said,"Besides, Zibeluku-kun, it's not good to make fun of a girl's height casually.~"

"Um? Isn't this because Miss Serurut brought up this topic first?"Sven retorted in the same strange tone.



As soon as the words fell, the two people looked at each other expressionlessly. After the scene was strangely quiet for a while, the two people couldn't help laughing at the same time.

"....Gu, haha.....What kind of strange way of speaking is this?"Sortilina covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Haha, wasn’t it Miss Lina who greeted you in a strange tone first?"

"I’ve never seen you address me as"jun" before?"Sven spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

"Sorry, I forgot that you never care about this."Sortilina said apologetically, holding her hands.

She accidentally mistook Sven for those other people just now, so she used some formal names.

The two looked at each other and smiled and walked forward at the same time. After all, now It seems that both of them are going out, and their destination is the business district.

"Where have you been recently?"

"I went to some other towns and saw a lot of things."


"Is there anything you can tell me?"Sortilina seemed very interested in Sven's trip.

"Hmm......."Swain thought for a moment, and she must not think that what the person in front of her told her was the same as what she told other people.

Then delete all the parts about combat and related things, and talk about other things, such as things you read in books.

"That’s true, so let me tell you about the interesting things I saw on the road."Sven nodded and began to preach with a smile.

"When I first went there, I took the water route."

After all, we swam there, so it must have been by water......

"Then I saw a huge fish that I had never seen before in the water. It was a beast that was much bigger than a boat. Its name was a whale. It usually only eats fish and shrimps and the like, and it is usually harmless......"


Sven began to talk, and Sortiliena was also full of interest, looking at Sven with gleaming eyes.

I don’t know if I am interested in the story or the storyteller.

On the road in the distance, the two people walked farther and farther apart, and they were talking and laughing along the way. It was obvious that the atmosphere was very good.

"Ah, I was worried that the child was careless and obsessed with swordsmanship and was not interested in these things, but now it seems that I am worrying too much."

The door of the mansion where Sortilina had just come out opened again, and the figure standing at the door appeared again. It was Sortilina's mother.

She had just opened the door and wanted to chase her out to find Sortilina. Lina is here because she is still holding a piece of white paper in her hand with a shopping list on it.

"Hmm......"Standing next to Sortilina's mother was a silent middle-aged man.

"What's wrong?"Sortilina's mother looked at the middle-aged man beside her and frowned, covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"Are you worried that your precious daughter will be married off?"

"Not at all!"As soon as Sortilina's mother finished speaking, the man quickly waved his hands and denied with a look of disgust.

It was as if he had touched on a topic that he absolutely did not want to mention.

"I was just wondering whose boy that was."

"after all......I really can't remember where that boy came from. I haven't seen him at the dances held by the superior nobles, or heard of any boy with such black eyes and black hair."Sortilina's father folded his hands, looking depressed, and he had a faint tendency to become irritable.

"He couldn't be a civilian somewhere! ?!"Sortilina's father suddenly noticed something and stared.

Although their family's title has been reduced due to some things, they are still high-ranking nobles, and if the daughter of the Serrut family who wants to inherit his position is looking for If you target a civilian, this will never be allowed!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Seeking collection""Asking for a monthly ticket"

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