"He appeared inexplicably in the small village to the west of here, and was regarded as some kind of Vector or something. Fortunately, his charm and hypnosis were still effective, otherwise I really don’t know what to do."

"What the hell kind of place is this?......"

"It feels like the Middle Ages, but besides those knights, what kind of monsters are there? magic?"

"What kind of fantasy world is this? ?!"

The silver-haired girl sat back in her seat with a fierce look on her face, crossing her legs and shaking constantly, showing her inner unrest.

Some time ago, the only church in her village also received a notice to select a pharmacist. She was already disappointed with the level of medicine in this world. She had no interest in it at first, but when her subordinates put the test questions in front of her, she discovered the problem.

"What's this! ? Modern medicine?"

"Blood type?"

"Blood transfusion? Operation?"

Among those test questions, in addition to the simplest medicine, there is also hematology.


Are you progressing faster?

How come you suddenly jumped from the era of Chinese herbal medicine to the current medical science ? Ah!

What about the development processes in the middle!?

She originally planned to relax in the small village for a while, but now she chose to leave the village with such a curious attitude.

At the same time, those in the village People have completely forgotten her existence, but they just don’t know why they have lost their memory for several months inexplicably.

"hateful......Is this some kind of fantasy world?"

The girl smacked her tongue and said very unhappily. At the same time, she opened her eyes and prepared to take a sip of the black tea in front of her.

There is no coffee that she likes in this place, and there is also no Russian tea that she likes. This makes her very uncomfortable, but now She couldn't pick and choose, at least the one she was drinking now tasted good.

But when she just reached out her hand, she realized that the cup of hot tea she had poured before was gone.

"Eh?"The girl was stunned. At the same time, a very elegant and noble female voice came from the opposite side of her.

"It's a pity, this is reality~"



"Hmm, not bad, it does taste like inferior tea."

The person in front of her had long pink hair, was wearing a luxurious aristocratic dress, and had a folding fan in her hand. At this time, she looked very happy. She drank two sips of tea and then put the cup on the table. On the side, start tasting the snacks on the side

"Well, this taste is not good, it’s too sweet, so it’s a negative review.~"

"Wow, this one still feels grainy, so it’s a bad review.~"

"The taste of this one is not very good either, so it’s a negative review.~"

"oh oh! This is not bad, the texture and taste are good, eh......Where are the bad reviews~"

Just when the girl was stunned, the person in front of her had already tasted all the meals in front of her very quickly.

And no matter what they were, whether they were really not delicious or just just It's simply not in her taste. Everything that passes through her mouth is a bad review.

"Who is this guy?"

The girl frowned, and her mood that had finally calmed down became agitated again.

Are all the people here such strange guys?

The one just now came to talk to me without being affected by my suggestion, but this one was more direct, He sat down across from her and completely ignored her, and started eating and drinking without any ceremony?

And he was full of bad reviews? If you don't like it, don't eat it!

Who do you think you are?

"Damn it, if there were all guys like this, the guy just now would be better, at least he seemed to be polite."

The girl squeezed out this sentence from her mouth as if she was gritting her teeth.

"Oh~ do you think that little fox is good too?"

"Although you are weak and have a bad personality, at least your eyes are okay."

As if he just noticed someone in front of him, he looked at her with a pretended surprised expression.


What qualifications do you have to say that I have a bad personality?

"Your home......!!!"

But before the girl could finish speaking, she suddenly found that she couldn't move her whole body!!

At the same time, a heart-stopping coercion came from all directions, making the girl feel that her whole body was heavy.

Except for the fact that her brain was still active and she could blink and breathe, she could not do anything else!!

"Oh, don't be so excited~"

Feeling her cheek being poked, the girl moved her eyes a little, only to realize that the person who was opposite her just now had actually appeared next to her!!

And it made her even more excited. Surprisingly, the person had two fluffy ears growing out of her pink hair, and there was a large mass of pink hair behind her, which looked like soft cotton. It was her tail!!

And The eyes are not as normal as seen before, but have vertical pupils!

Her mouth is grinning, and you can clearly see that her teeth are also extremely sharp and sharp. They are obviously characteristics that humans cannot have!

This is obvious It was Skaya who Sven had met in Northern Europe and smuggled into the human world with Sven!

But the girl who didn’t know her at all had only one thought at this time.

This guy is not human!!!

It’s like he was born from a girl As if he guessed her thoughts from the slightly narrowed pupils, the man lifted the girl's chin with a fan, narrowed his eyes and looked at her fiercely. Suddenly, the girl felt goosebumps all over her body. Like a newly hatched chick being stared at by a prehistoric python, he felt nothing but fear. He was powerless and resistance was fruitless.

Seeing the girl collapse , With a normal expression and a face that started to turn from red to purple, Skaya finally put away all her aura and sat back with a funny look on her face.


After the girl found that she could move, she coughed violently a few times, and then she covered her neck with her hands and breathed heavily. Her face almost turned the color of pig liver just now.

"Hmm.......Sure enough, it is far worse than the little fox."Skaya unfolded the folding fan to cover half of her delicate face, and said with a bitter look and some regret.

"you......."After the girl finally came to her senses, she looked up at Skaya, who was sitting next to her, and unconsciously moved to one side.

She did not choose to escape. After all, she knew that the other party was much stronger than herself. As long as she had the intention to escape, she would most likely be killed directly by the other party in the next moment!

And it’s the kind that’s not noticed by everyone in the store!!

"Don't be so nervous~" Skaya came back to her senses, and the folding fan in her hand gently hit her left hand and she put it away at the same time.

"Let me introduce myself. I am a businessman. Although the name of the Chamber of Commerce has not yet been determined, I am also an outstanding businessman.~"

"You can call me Lady Skaya~"

Skaya's squinting eyes, slightly opened mouth and smiling eyebrows make her look more like a fox.

Although judging from her appearance, she is really Fox is very likely

"business.....people?"Even though the girl is free now, she still can't help but touch her neck gently.

"I.....There is nothing now and no deal can be made."She thought for a moment and didn't want to conduct the so-called transaction with the person in front of her.

Because her intuition told her that the price of the exchange was definitely something she couldn't afford.


Don't say that. As for the reward, you have already paid the deposit~Skaya said in a very confused way.

"Have I paid a deposit?"

"That's right, when you were used as material by those magicians to experiment with vampire reincarnation."Skaya closed her eyes and leaned on the back of the sofa, as if reminiscing.

"you!!!!"When the girl heard this, her eyes widened immediately.

"That's right, among all the experimental subjects, you were the only one who succeeded, and the scene where you finally found a chance to kill everyone and escape made me happy for a long time~" Skaya looked happy.

"So you called that incident a deposit?"

"That's right!"......

Although I knew that the person in front of me had a very bad character, I didn't expect that there was actually someone with a worse character than myself.

He actually takes pleasure in the pain of others!

This kind of person is the worst existence! but......There's nothing we can do about it. After all, she's facing a strong person. No matter what she says or does, a weak person like me is powerless to resist.

"That means you brought me here! ?"

The girl seemed to suddenly notice something.

"Hmm......"Skaya showed a thoughtful expression

"Not really, I was just looking at youIt was very fun, so I picked up the injured and collapsed you and put it in my pocket!"

"put on.....in the pocket....."The girl tried her best to persuade herself not to worry about this

"It's just that something happened when I came here and I accidentally dropped you~ Hehe~" Skaya closed one eye, stuck out her little tongue, and said a little playfully

"I'm really sorry"

"So I will prepare a very luxurious apology for you.~!"

"Remember to thank me~"


Facing Skaya's smiling and friendly expression at this time, most people might unconsciously put down their defenses when they see it, but the girl doesn't know how to react at this time. What should be done here? Laughing? Or should I say expressionless? she does not know

"Don't be so nervous"

"I said, I won't do anything to you."Skaya said as she took out a purple-black crystal from her arms and handed it to the girl.

"Here, guest, the crystal you ordered has arrived.~"


The girl looked at the crystal and knew without much thought that it was definitely not a good thing.

She immediately wanted to refuse because she had never booked it before and did not want to book this thing, and she definitely couldn't afford the tail fee for this thing!

But even so, her reason told her that she could not refuse, otherwise there would be very serious consequences.

"This is........What?"She said with a trembling voice, and you could hear the wavering in her heart.

"strength."Skaya still had a predator-like smile on her face. The two simple words seemed to explain something, but it seemed as if she didn't say anything.

"It is a pure power, the power that can protect you and live a stable life in this world."

"It can activate the stronger part of your bloodline. No matter how weak it is, it can be forcibly activated. In this way, you can change~ After all, you should have understood how powerful the fully exploded bloodline is, right?"

Skaya smiled, and her words seemed to have some kind of magic power, constantly surrounding the girl's ears, like a devil's whisper, seducing her step by step.

And when the girl came back to her senses , When she was there, she found that she had already held the crystal!!


The girl's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at the crystal in her hand in disbelief. She immediately wanted to put it down, but faced with the sudden pressure from Skaya on the side, her slightly raised hand had to put it down.

Why does this happen to me?......

The girl wants to cry now

"Haha, that's right."When Skaya saw that the girl had become more honest, she immediately smiled again, unfolded her fan and said half-covering her face.

"After all, our store does not accept returns of goods."


"And since the customer has received the goods, please settle the subsequent bill~"

As she said that, Skaya took out a long bill from somewhere and then handed it to the girl.

Sure enough ,.....This hurdle cannot be overcome.

The girl looked at the so-called bill in her hand as if giving up. Even this kind of thing had been prepared in advance. No one would believe it if she said it was without premeditation.

The bill items cover manual fees, packaging fees, labor fees, express fees, on-time delivery deposit, loss insurance, damage insurance, insured value insurance, tea fees, high and low temperature subsidies, and tips......

There are at least a dozen items listed in a miscellaneous manner. It really makes your face cramp up when you look at it, and behind each item is written an astronomical number of Siya. In this place, Skaya does as the Romans do, and there is no need for money. 'Make a unit.

But the final total column says

"If it’s too troublesome to calculate something, just write down the price."

A total like this is too casual. I don't think any company would hire such an accountant."


The girl suppressed the anger in her heart that she felt that she had been tricked. The hand holding the bill trembled slightly, feeling that if she applied a little more force, the bill would be torn into pieces.

"How much is the tail gold?"

"Let me make it clear first, I don’t have the so-called Shia on me at all, nor do I have anything of value......."


"Guest, you really know how to joke!"Skaya was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she couldn't help laughing.

The sound was so loud that the whole restaurant could hear it, but everyone still ignored it, or they still didn't notice that there was someone so close to her. Such an inhuman danger exists

"I am real......"

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case. It's too early to rush to a conclusion now."After Skaya finished laughing, she returned to her previous elegant and noble look.

"Our company's service tenet is to put customers first. As long as the customer wants to buy something, we will always find a way to let her buy it."

"As for the payment?......"

Skaya began to look up and down at the girl next to her.

"Yeah, yeah, you still have quite a lot of valuable things on you."

"The flesh and blood on your body, your emotions, reason, intelligence, soul, all these things can be used as payment for goods.’~"

"I don't care about that.~"

"......"The girl was obviously frightened by what Skaya said now, and she sat there without saying a word.

Putting everything else aside, apart from her now somewhat strange body and some insignificant abilities she has acquired inexplicably, she is just an ordinary fifteen-year-old girl!

"Hmm......"Looking at her reaction, Skaya looked full of interest at first, but soon she lost her enthusiasm.

"Ahhh....."She made a somewhat bored sound

"Aren't there any more interesting reactions?"

"When the little fox heard these conditions back then, he would still roll his eyes and complain about me, and he would also chat with me with a fake smile."

"It was interesting then~"

"I still have it!"

Speaking, Skadi pulled out a stack of photos from her heavy heart, and then selected one and showed it in front of the girl.

This person actually said the word fake smile himself......

But the little fox?

Do you really mean the person just now?

Looking at the expression on the photo that looked helpless and speechless, the girl felt that her expression was no better than his.

His hands and feet are intact now. Could it be that he used other things to make a deal?

Now it seems that that is okay. If you lose something, you can at least gain the right to live, and.....

The girl looked at the crystal in her other hand

"Okay, I've had enough fun today, let's go back."Skaya stood up and put away the photos, as if ready to leave.

"Oh, by the way, about Wei Jin.....Oh, then just use the blood of the little fox."Skaya had a fox-specific cunning smile on her face.


"This should be a very simple thing for you, right?"

"After all, no one knows what will happen if you don’t take in blood regularly.~"

"......."The girl suddenly fell silent

"Oh, of course, our store can also find blood food specifically for you. If you need it, you can place an order at any time.~"

"Then, welcome to your next visit, Miss Bonzhi Wuzhi~" After saying that, Skaya closed one eye and winked at the girl, and at the same time, she turned into a ray of light and disappeared instantly.

After Skaya disappeared, Wuzhi came back to his senses and collapsed on the sofa, looking at the crystal and bill in his hand with a dull look. Then he covered his eyes with his arms and leaned his head on the back of the sofa. Go up and sigh feebly:

".......What is this?"

"And the little fox or something....."

Wu Zhi tilted his head slightly and looked at the street outside. Now the sun outside has gone down a lot, and the sunlight is not very dazzling anymore. The slightest coolness has risen from the earth again, making people notice the fact that it is winter again.

"In such a big place, I was asked to find a person and obtain his blood or something. Where on earth did that guy ask me to look for him?......"

"And is there anything magical about that inferior existence?"

Wuzhi recalled Sven's appearance and didn't find anything extraordinary about him. It was just that cheerful, sunny smile that made her feel a little irritated.


Wuzhi gritted her teeth. She wanted to run away now. It would be better to leave here and live in the forest without anyone than to say hello to that monster!

"Anyway, let’s look for it......."

"Anyway, the person didn't set a time."

Wuzhi was not in the mood to sit here and continue waiting. He put away the crystal and the bill, got up and opened the shop. It seemed that he really planned to start looking for Swain.

However, at this time, Swain.......


"Too bad!!"

Sven was currently running on top of the rooftops on the side of the block, running towards the central church with a look of complete ruin.

"I told you before not to use so much force!!!"

Sven, who was running here, and Sven who had started to shed ice chips over there, shouted loudly at the same time.

But unfortunately, Sven on the other side of the clone seemed to be unable to maintain the body's functions, and his voice could not come out. How many come

"I'm sorry, Brother Swain, I went a little too far~"

Sakura looked at the Swain clone sitting quietly on the sofa, and said with an apologetic smile on her side with her hands clasped together. I

'm sorry, I actively admit my mistake, but will it happen next time? change......Haha~

No need to ask, it’s self-evident just by looking at her look

"Forget it, it's already like this, there's no point in pursuing it any further."While saying this, half of the clone Sven's face had begun to maintain its human shape, as if it had faded and turned into a human face on one side and an ice sculpture on the other.

"Sorry, sorry."

Brother Swing is still like this, he is very tolerant of the people around him.~

"Putting that aside, the most important problem now is to find a way to hide it from the people around me. Otherwise, wouldn’t the ravage I suffered this day be in vain?"The clone Sven seemed to want to make a blank look, but now he can't do it anymore.

"Damn it, it would be nice if it was made from higher-end materials, like the materials used by Leonardo da Vinci to make his body and the doll, which are definitely hundreds of times better than the crude stuff like mine!"Sven thought a little depressed.

(To be continued)

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