Ding dong——

"So, that concludes today's lesson."Accompanied by the heavy bell ringing, Swain announced the end of get out of class.

"Eh?"Xiao Xiao was stunned. The pen he had just learned how to use suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked at Swain in confusion.

"Hey, what? Hey, you should go home!"Sven gently hit her forehead with a knife, and pointed to the dusk outside the window.

When I looked down at Swain's hand, it was already dark outside, and the cold winter air was hidden in the night and attacking the building. Come, although dusk here has passed, Sven is not in a hurry, because according to Shi Wen, it is still late summer there, and it is still early to get dark.

Shi Wen looked a little dazed when he was pulled away in a daze. He was dumbfounded and gave people the feeling of being helpless.

When the people related to Swain followed him and left, a group of people sighed loudly in the classroom.

"Uh~~Phew, it’s finally over"

"This course is more difficult than I thought. I can only easily distinguish some plants, so why should I learn this?......"

"Ah, me too......"

"And don’t you think this thing is useless?"


"Is it so troublesome to use?"

"You see, these materials have to be processed in advance and mixed in various ways according to certain proportions. With this skill, wouldn't it be faster to chant the detoxification formula?"

"That's right.....Don't know what it means at all"

"Compared to this, I still prefer that assassination school?"

"Speaking of which, do we have this genre here?"

"Who knows, anyway, once you hear it, it’s something that can’t be put on the table. Even if we really want to learn it, we can just watch it for fun."

"This is also what is said......"

Similar conversations occurred one after another in the classroom, as if everyone agreed. However, among the people present, only those with church influence left quietly as usual.

They are different from this group of people, they know what to say and what not to say. Since Sven has not announced his family status yet, and because of the previous instructions of the knight commander, everyone chose to remain silent.

"......…Something is wrong."

In the group to which Willis belongs, there is a girl with long silver-white hair in the middle and back row, holding her hands, with a look of unknown meaning in her scarlet eyes.

"Although the guy's hair looked different from before, his face didn't change much. It was obvious that this guy was that little fox."

She was thinking about where to find that little fox before, but she found it right after class!?

So her mission can be completed quickly?

She just needs to sneak into this lazy guy's room tonight. If you go in and take his blood, wouldn't you be able to get rid of the coercion of the pink-furred fox that day?

Bonzhi Wuzhi thought this while looking down at the pink-purple crystal in her hand.

Her At this moment, my ears kept thinking back to what I heard that pink-furred fox say that day.

"this is power"

"The power that allows you to live here safely."

Bangzhi Wuzhi looked at the crystal and became more and more fascinated, and his eyes became dull.




Just when she was about to fall completely into it, she heard a loud noise, and she came back to her senses in an instant.

Looking up, it turned out that it was Esalina and Silitis who were not dealing with each other again.


Bonzhi Wuzhi thought of what happened just now, and it seemed that she was almost lost in her momentary absence.

"No, no!"

"You don’t need to think about it to know that this thing is dangerous!!"

"Sure enough, the pink-furred fox couldn’t accept what he gave me!"She hurriedly took the things in her hands to one side and turned her head in the opposite direction so that she would not focus her eyes on it.

At this time, there was no one around her, and they were all following the leader of her side. After leaving here, I don’t know when I was the only one left in this place.

It was clear that the feeling of contemplation just now was only for a moment, but the reality has already passed by.


Bonzhi Wuzhi stood up and raised his right hand holding the spar high.

"This kind of thing!!!"

Then she slammed the crystal in her hand to the ground with great force.

Dang-dang-dang - the crystal fell on the marble floor, but there was no damage. Instead, it bounced several times and fell to the bottom of the seat, where it got stuck. She didn't look carefully at where she was stuck, but turned around without hesitation and left angrily.

However, not long after, still during the prescribed break, a figure returned to the classroom, When I arrived at this location, the lights were not turned on in the room. The dark figure just stood there in a daze, doing nothing, but he was constantly fighting in his heart.

It is possible to lose yourself, but you can definitely The power of self-preservation, and the body of a frail girl who has not changed, has no characteristics, is weak, and it is not too much to say that she is powerless. Now that even self-preservation is a serious problem, what should I choose?

And before thinking about this question, do you really have the right to choose?

Finally.......She picked up the crystal again


On the other side, when I returned to my hometown again, I looked around blankly through the moonlight. I saw this old church that I had seen for more than ten years. It was obvious that I had only missed it for a day. Why do I feel so missed here?

The events of the previous day and night were like a dream, but looking at the new clothes on my body and the so-called 'apologies' in my hands, I told Xiao Xiao that this was all true.

Creaking - the old and disrepaired wooden door was gently pushed open with a strange friction sound.

When I heard the sound, I slowly turned around. The next moment, a comfortable smile appeared on my face.

"Ah, good evening, Mr. Father."

"Um?"The old priest held a rusty lantern and slowly raised his head. While illuminating the dark shadow in front of him, he squinted and looked at it carefully. He asked tentatively, after all, the light of the kerosene lamp in his hand was still the same. too dark

"Little Joan of Arc?"


The old priest's aging voice was answered by the spirited voice of a very energetic girl.

"Are you okay?"

The old priest sped up and walked toward the dark shadow in front of him in disbelief. It wasn't until he illuminated the hour with the faint light in his hand that he felt completely relieved. Just be okay, be okay.

The old priest kept thinking in his heart. thanking god for blessing

"By the way, where have you been this day?"

"Do you know that your parents are anxious and even worried that you will be caught by those robbers and bandits? Oh, my God"

"I'm so sorry, Father."When I heard this, I looked very ashamed. I had a very happy and satisfied day, but I suffered a lot from my parents.

"Forget it, as long as you're safe and sound."The old priest shook his head, feeling that as long as he could come back safely, these were all trivial matters.

"You'd better go home quickly, and it looks like you have a lot to explain."

The old priest looked up and down at the clothes he was wearing at this time. It didn't take a lot of eyesight. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this outfit was worth a lot of money. It would never be possible to rely on the tailors in the village to make it. Besides, There is no fabric for this kind of clothes in the village or even in the surrounding villages!

It looks like the material is of the highest quality!

Ah! That’s right!

When I was young, I thought that today was almost over. In that case, I would be I haven’t been home for two days!

This is not okay!

"Sorry, Father, I'll go home first!"

After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, he ran towards the door at a trot, but after just two small steps, he quickly turned around and came back, picking up the large handbag on the ground.

"Well, I really have to be rude this time!"

"Um........ah!"The old priest stood at the door of the church, looking at the black shadow moving towards the village from the path, and then reminded loudly:"Don't run too fast on the road! Be carefull!"

"I see~!"

When I returned home, just as the old priest said, my parents were very worried about me, and my mother hugged me with tears in my eyes. However, I almost subconsciously avoided it. After all, she followed her yesterday. Edith 'practiced' dodging for a day.

But if you really dodged it, that would be a big problem!

"I'm very sorry for causing you two to worry."When I was young, I hugged my mother with my backhand and said comfortingly.

"It's not a big deal. Speaking of which, where did you go yesterday? And what about your clothes and these things?"The father was still rational when he was young. He knew that nothing happened to his daughter, so he began to ask questions.

"Actually it's like this........"

When I was young, I let go of my mother and sat on a small wooden chair on the side. Not only did I tell my parents about yesterday’s manager, but also my previous acquaintance with Swain.

".......That's it, I just came back at this time today."Xiao Xiao quickly finished telling everything, and also took out all the apologies prepared by Swain as evidence.

Looking at the overly expensive artifacts, the two of them fell into silence at the same time.

It took a long time for Xiao Xiao's father to speak slowly. Said:"It's unbelievable, oh my god......"

As a child, my mother didn't care about these things. She was only worried about her daughter. Could she be deceived by something? , such as devil, devil or something.

After all, although most people in this era believe in gods, the demons that appear most frequently in the world are demons, and they are demons called human hearts!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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