
I touched my stomach. Yes, I was hungry again. To be more precise, it was impossible for me to replenish all my consumption today by relying on that fish....

Judging from the moon above, it's not too late yet, so let's explore the surroundings a little.

I took a look at the temple and walked towards the wilderness.....

I wandered around on this rugged mountain top for a long time

"What the hell is this place!"

I finally found a spring in the shadow of a cornerstone, but it was very small, as if the spring would stop flowing at the next moment.

This was the only source I found in this area after almost an hour of searching. , of course there will be other creatures nearby

"You don’t need to look to know that there are highly venomous snakes and various poisonous insects....Edible...This snake and these few seem to be non-venomous here...."

I sat by the fire and looked at the top of the temple.

"Why build such a strange building here? Does it make any sense?"

After satisfying the needs of my stomach for a while, I noted this place and returned to the temple.

I stood in front of the temple.

"It seems there is no restriction this time."

The first time I broke into this place seemed to have left a deep impression on me.

When I came to the door, the stone door opened automatically, and I walked straight in.

The old man was still sitting there, and when I left exactly the same

"This concentration is so powerful that it can’t be used even for a day."

I walked through the hall to the side corridor, and then returned to the room with nothing that could be called a home.

I lay on the cold stone floor, looked next to me, thinking about everything that happened today, and felt that my mentality might have changed. A lot of changes.

Originally, today's start was not good, and then I experienced such a test.

I rubbed my head, it is already very late, and I don't know what it will be like tomorrow....."Go to sleep."

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, with one hand on my pillow and the other on my stomach......

Not long after I lay down, I snored slightly and fell into a deep sleep.


I also felt very tired in my sleep. I seemed to have dreamed of many things that happened today, including the mazes I traveled through, the traps I encountered, and the dangers I encountered....

I'm back in the maze again, I just passed through a pit trap

"After this I remember a spear coming out of the ground..."

I'm going to jump out of the way as soon as I get through here.

But that was not the case. I jumped forward, but the position of the trap changed.

I looked at the trap slowly getting bigger and clearer before my eyes,

"Get out of the way! Why can't I move?"

I shouted in my heart like this, but why can't I move!

"Move! Move!"

The next moment, the alarm bell in my heart rang loudly, and my intuition activated.

In just a moment, my consciousness returned to my body, and I dodged to one side.

After rolling around, I opened my eyes and looked at the room in front of me, which had no abnormalities.

"dream? But that feeling was so real."

I half-knelt on the ground and was on guard.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened. Only the blue flame of the skull lamp was still swaying in the room. Only then did I relax, and my head drooped weakly. Then I saw it. I didn’t notice it because of the darkness of the room, but there was a strand of long black hair on the ground where I was just sleeping.


I picked it up, looked at it carefully, and touched my hair

"The feel is basically the same, this should be mine, and this section..."The more I looked at it, the more shocked I became.

The section of the hair was very neat, and it looked like it had been neatly chopped off with a very clean knife, which meant that there was indeed someone in the room just now, and if the knife had been moved a little bit, I will die...

My just relaxed vigilance was raised again, but it was as fruitless as before. As time went by, I felt tired again. If I don't get a good rest tonight, tomorrow will be miserable.

"I can't spend it anymore..."

Now my eyelids have started to fight. I feel like as long as I close my eyes, I will fall asleep immediately.

"It's probably almost two or three o'clock now..."This is the time when people are most sleepy

"Take a little rest..."

I leaned against the corner farthest from the door and rested carefully.

Soon, the sound of gentle breathing came again.

But I felt like I didn't rest long before I was woken up again by a sense of crisis.

But this time I moved a little slower, and a shallow bloody gash was drawn on my shoulder.

But there is still nothing in the room

"It's better not to let me rest..."

The second time I saw the empty room, I understood what the purpose of this wonderful thing was.

I stood up and came to the door, but the door was blocked by an invisible wall.

"It seems I can only survive tonight here....ah~~"I sat back in the corner, rubbed my sore and swollen eyes and howled.......

In the early morning,

I walked out of the room staring at two big black eyes. After that, an attack would come every once in a while, and there was no pattern at all.

Maybe the second attack would come just after the attack and before I could roll over. , or maybe I have slept for a long time before coming back, so I am very tired now


I yawned listlessly and came to the hall. The old man had already finished the work on the bone chair.

"Why do I feel like he just sat here all day and night?"

I shook my dizzy head, glanced at the old man with a complicated mood, and then came to the light door.

" tired...Can I rest in between?"

When I was thinking wildly, the light door emitted a bright light.


The next moment I was sucked in... call~~~

I lay down again on a platform similar to yesterday.

I felt like a salted fish that had lost its dream, lying on the ground with hands open and looking at the blue sky.

But the place to climb today has changed a lot.

"Yesterday we climbed a cliff full of sand, but today it turned into a cliff full of ice!"

Now behind me is an oversized iceberg. Under the sunlight, it emits blue light and is as crystal clear as a sapphire.

"I'd better lie down for a while..."I just glanced at the iceberg that was higher than the cliff yesterday and then lay down again

"....its not right!"

I suddenly remembered something, so I quickly ran to the foot of the iceberg and climbed up.

Sure enough, the ice platform below collapsed within a few seconds.

"It turns out that this place will collapse and is waiting for me here...."

This is too cruel!

This is simply playing to death!.....

Everything is different today. Yesterday could be said to be a hot, crazy and flaming purgatory, but then it was a biting cold hell.

Everything is reversed, and the difficulty is much more difficult than yesterday.

The number of traps has increased, the distance has increased, the clues have become more hidden, and the number and quality of monsters are also very different.

When I came to the top of the mountain again where I could rest yesterday, I was lying on my stomach....

I looked at the still barren top of the mountain, which was still full of gravel and boulders.

"It seems this place is real, not an illusion...."

I found a flat boulder facing the shade, and after making sure there were no snakes, insects, rats or ants, I lay down.

"Finally able to rest..."



The sound of the strong wind blowing from time to time on the top of the mountain was intertwined with the sound of my breathing......

I opened my eyes again because I felt a chill around me.

Then I saw the little ghost floating next to me.

"Um...Aha."I sat up and yawned,"Good morning."

After a little rest, I feel a little better.

"Sorry, we can't chat today. I've already wasted a lot of time. If I don't hurry up, I won't be able to go back tonight."

I waved my hand apologetically and moved on.


Although you are still speechless, you should understand it after looking at this, right?....

After another afternoon of hard work, I came to this huge study room, and the little ghost also came here in advance and took a new book and handed it to me.

"This is...human body?"

This is a yellow book explaining the structure of the human body.

"Do you want to learn this today?"I looked at the table and there was nothing on it now.

I moved my eyes back to the book

"Vulnerable parts of the human body: face, brain, throat...."

This is an explanation of how to fight against people, and the emphasis is basically on the method of killing with one blow.

I read the explanations in the book and compared them with myself, and the little ghost was still by my side.....

"Let’s see what the hell happens tonight?"

I returned to my residence in the evening and took the time to start resting. But to my surprise, nothing happened tonight.

That was just what I wanted. I could have a good rest.

This is how I lived a miserable hellish life every two days. Then it started....


I neatly dealt with the monster in front of me, and then I approached the light gate in front of everyone as if I had just done something trivial. When I reached the top of the mountain where I rested in the middle, I started looking for Xiao Ling.

It has been almost three years since I came here. Now, I have changed from my initial appearance to a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager.

Perhaps because of living in such a harsh environment for a long time, my originally fair skin has now turned into a slightly darker wheat color. color

"So, where is Xiaoling?"

I hummed a little tune and searched for it on the top of the mountain.

"Ah, found it."

Soon I found the little spirit standing in a daze in front of a wild flower on the top of the mountain.

I walked quickly towards it, and then patted it slightly hard on the shoulder.

"Hey, what are you watching today?"I greeted it with a smile on my face.

Under the original situation, the little spirit usually had no reaction. The best case scenario would be to turn its head and look at me.

But today,


Xiao Ling, who was patted by me, ran to the side instantly and then stared at me?


I was stunned by the sudden change in front of me, and the hand that was originally patting Xiaoling froze in the air.

(To be continued)

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