Under the smoke of a bunch of weird and psychedelic colors such as purple and green, there is a plant monster with a light brown body that looks like half a gourd. It is covered with green vines, and its metallic luster shows its The level of tenacity and stubbornness is anything but ordinary.

On the left and right sides are two large sections of slightly dry but still strong branches, as if they have replaced arms. The tip of the tree, which was originally a fragile treetop, now shines with a light as sharp as a blade.

Above the head are several huge banana leaf-like branches with golden and light red lines. In the center of the head is a huge red bud that has not bloomed. There is a faint smoke floating out from the gap. The refreshing floral fragrance makes people feel calm and peaceful, as if it is tempting people around to taste it, and it may make you get closer without realizing it.

But what awaits you is definitely not the sweet fruit in the sweet buds, but the huge gourd hidden under the fat body, flowing with unknown mucus and full of fangs!

And Bonzhi Mist Branch is now tied with vines to the middle and upper part of the body, similar to the forehead. Most of the body is completely wrapped by the vines. The lower body sinks into the jelly-like body of the monster, and the hands are also tightened. The life-rich vines were unscrupulously absorbing the magic power of the magic crystals on her chest.

In other words, the crystals were deliberately infusing magic power into the monster through the vines, deliberately making it stronger.

Tick-tock-tick-tick-tick- tick-tick-tick-tick

-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick- tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick, mucus dripped from the mouthparts covered with sharp teeth and fell to the ground, emitting green smoke with a fishy smell.

"Golden Red Grass, Golden Red Grass has grown over a long period of time. It has broken away from the ordinary herb category. It is a combination of Warcraft and plants. It can absorb nutrients through the roots but the efficiency is reduced. In order to maintain the evolution of action It has a mouth full of sharp teeth for more efficient hunting."

"Omnivorous, it eats almost anything. It usually hides deep underground. It relies on tree roots to paralyze enemies and then uses vines to capture prey. It will only move to other places when there are no prey targets in the surrounding area."

"The vitality is very tenacious and has the ability to heal itself. As long as the roots are still there, the body will always grow back."

"Ancient species, starvation period, not eating for a long time"

"This guy turns out to be a variant of golden grass! ?"

Sven blinked in disbelief, reconfirmed the data information on the Stacia window in front of him, and then looked at the behemoth in front of him again.

In Swain's impression, this thing was not very tall, and it would be enough to hold it to death. It’s only as high as the calf, but now this one......

Strictly speaking, they are not dissimilar, at least the leaves are quite similar in appearance and texture.

Thinking of this, the fighting spirit in Sven's eyes just now almost disappeared, but now his eyes are filled with brilliant and twinkling light.

"Such a big tree~~! If he were captured, wouldn't the future materials be guaranteed?!"

Sven's eyes at this time were not like looking at a powerful enemy, but like looking at prey.

This is not an existence that needs to be defeated, it is an existence that needs to be packed!!

"Hey hey......."

The nectar can be used to calm the mind, the leaves can be ground to stop bleeding, the vines are very tough and are a good material for making ropes, and the most important thing is the roots it has hidden underground that have not yet been revealed!!

That thing is the main material for anesthesia and hemostasis!

The ones Bercouri tried at that time were all golden grass roots that had not grown long, but now this one......It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ancestral golden grass, and Swain feels that it will grow back even after collecting its broken branches and leaves.

As for the dead tree arm that seems to be of no use,........Just use it as firewood!

Don’t you need firewood to boil medicine?

In short, this thing is full of treasures!

"Okay, it’s decided. If you say so, I’ll take the whole tree away! Just plant it on the 74th floor, and you can also serve as a guard to watch the door!"

"Hopefully your buds will have seeds in them, I’ll be happier that way!"Sven had a very excited smile on his face, but in this way, the golden red grass opposite him, who only had a rudimentary intelligence and maybe had a brain the size of a walnut kernel, couldn't figure out why this tiny food opposite him was so happy. ?

It’s trapped by me now. Don’t you know that it will be eaten next?

And from now on, I don’t know why I have a very annoying feeling all over my body........Could it be that the dead old wolf on the other side of the mountain is coming again?.......

Forget it, I've eaten enough of those gray-haired guys, and I'm tired of the taste. The remaining one is still so toothy, I'd better move to another place after eating the guy in front of me.

But having said that, the rock on the chest of the guy I’m grabbing now is really delicious.~~

"Roar oh oh——!!!"

It seemed that he was very excited about tasting the 'delicious' golden red grass. The ground shook, and strong tree roots protruded from the ground, with countless slender spikes on them. Sven recognized it now. Yes, it’s the root of golden grass!

This length can easily pierce the soles of ordinary people's shoes, and then penetrate through the instep. While piercing through each other, it will also fix you to the ground, just like nails on your feet, and it will also secrete toxins. , paralyzing the nerves, and was eventually swept away by the vines and sent into its mouth.

Both parties here are very excited, because they are greedy for each other's body in every sense, well, physically.

However, on the other side of the mountain, a drowsy giant wolf in the cave heard this hateful sound again, so it woke up suddenly!!

"Hooray......."It opened its eyes alertly, its blue eyes constantly scanning outside the cave entrance.

Could it be that the grass is here again?

That hateful guy sneak attacked his offspring when they were successfully hunting, killing most of the young and middle-aged wolves in the wolf pack on the spot. Those who escaped were also ambushed one after another in the following days, and were all wiped out.

The giant wolf in front of me has become so thin that only skin and bones are left, but judging from the remaining muscles, it must have been one of the top bosses in the area in its prime, but that is all in the past..

His own tribe is declining from generation to generation. Now, those reborn members have almost become ordinary level monsters, but their relationship with him is no longer there.

Its destiny is about to be exhausted, that is, it will end its life. , As for the matters of children and grandchildren, that is their own problem. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and if they can't get involved, they don't care.

And now, the old wolf that is already in its twilight years and can be said to be mostly buried in the ground has reached the point where it has to stand up, because now there are only the last three of its own group, including myself..........

If this continues, the tribe will be completely cut off!

This is absolutely not okay!

At least........Not while it's alive.

And no matter what, we must take revenge!

Because it is a wolf!

It turned sideways and turned to look at the two furry little balls, one black and one white, huddled together in the weeds near the inside of the cave. Obviously, they were two newly born cubs, and their The mother went looking for food two days ago and never came back.

This also means that the last time the two little guys ate was two days ago. If this continues, premature death is inevitable.

Now it looks like they are asleep, but in fact they are just too hungry and have no energy left.

Hey, if I were older I could eat meat, but it’s a pity........

Forget it, let's find a way to save the two of them first. At worst, leave this area and go somewhere else first. As for revenge, it's not too late to come back.

But it knows very well that its destiny will not last long, and it is even impossible to survive until these two little guys can stand on their own feet. It is estimated that it will be less than a month.

And if you really have to leave this territory that you have never left since birth, it will be a pain for it.

It is also very likely that he will never have the chance to avenge his tribe in this life.

It gently nudged the two little guys with its nose, and then the two little guys, one black and one white, opened their eyes and wanted to stand up, but unfortunately they were too weak and couldn't stand up at all.

So the giant wolf gently picked up the two of them in his mouth, and then limped out of the cave with an old-fashioned pace, leaving only a large pile of hay stained with black blood. Under the moonlight, one can see that one of its forelimbs has an injury deep into the bone, and it has suppurated.

It was obviously recovering from injuries at this time. When it was fighting against the golden-grained red grass, its strength continued to plummet. It really couldn't compete with the plant that was still at its peak and could heal itself.

It crossed the mountain road that was so familiar that it could be walked with eyes closed and came to the ridgeline. It wanted to take a last look at the territory that once belonged to it, and at the same time, it also wanted to see where it would be better to migrate.

But as soon as it climbed to the ridgeline, it saw the ostentatious golden red grass at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

In this area, only the guy who invaded a few months ago could mobilize so many trees. Roots and vines.

But what surprised the wolf even more was that the thing that was so troublesome to it was now being chased and chopped by something so small that it was not as tall as the leg bones of its forelimbs! ?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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