"Lord Willis, don’t worry! We won't give up! The worst we can do is learn now!"

"Um! Teacher Swain should have mentioned part of it in the notes he gave us. We can try to explore it again!"Villis' subordinates said with great emotion when they saw that their idol would give priority to comforting himself and others in this situation.

".......teacher?"Vellis didn't expect that the people under his command would be changed by Swain without knowing it?

Judging from this respectful attitude, it seems that it comes from the heart and is not forced due to a simple status gap. That's how you call it

"in his notes.......Mentioned part of it......Then, just get the other parts."Villiers thought unconsciously in his heart.

"Lady Olutini, we did not get this part of the information from the teacher. If we start the experiment now, we have made a rough estimate. The time we need to spend is not in hours, it will probably take several days. Even more time will do......."A man wearing glasses reported to Olutini very seriously.


"It takes so long......."Olutini was lying on the table, as if she was discouraged, and her whole person's spirit was directly weakened.

"Uh-huh, are you going to be without parfait for several days?"Even now, she is still confused about the parfait for breakfast.

By the way, how addicted are you to this?

You will get fat!

You will really get fat!

The three people here are all thinking about different things, but two of them There are some overlaps in my personal thoughts.


"hateful! How to undo that guy's poison!"Esalina feels that she has reached the limit of her endurance.

"Such a troublesome thing.....That’s why I hate this approach!"

"How can we get the right antidote?.......I still prefer poisoning.......Yes, isn't there an easier way?"

Esalina raised her head, with a happy and ferocious smile on her face, and she also looked full of wild aura.

"If we can't do it, then we just don't do it"

"Isn’t it possible even if we don’t have to do it ourselves?"

"Just let that guy untie it!"

Yes, there is no need for Swain to tell you that you have to choose this path, so you must take this path. Why do you have to be restricted by the enemy?

"Um? Esalina, do you want it?"Olutini asked without moving her chin from the table she was leaning against, she just turned her head at an angle.

"That's right, just use force to make that guy hand over the antidote!"Esalina's fists smashed against each other.

"Since he knows how to poison, he will definitely know how to detoxify it!"

Why haven't you thought of such a simple question before?

This is obviously the method I have always used to solve problems. It is simple, quick and convenient!

Why did you forget it today?

"But Esalina, you seem to be unable to defeat him~" Olutini narrowed her eyes again and mumbled lazily.

"Long-winded! It was just carelessness before, and we are swordsmen. Without weapons or sword skills, of course we can't beat him, a cunning coward!"

"Is that really the case?"Olutini still looked worried.

"rest assured! I will totally prepare to go again this time!"

"I want that guy to have a taste of the power of my family’s heavy swordsmanship!"


Here, Esalina hurried towards the dormitory to get the equipment, but then she realized that Willis had already set off.

"You guy! Don't walk ahead of me!"

"For a big sinner like that guy, I must cut him into pieces with my own hands!"

Looking at Esalina chasing after her, Olutini lazily got up from the table.

"Is she really okay?......Hmm, I'm a little worried."

After thinking for a moment, she also chased after her.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Siritis began to worry. Her current state of mind was explained by the grass and trees.

"Always felt.......A little too smooth"

"After killing the opponent and taking away all or part of his destiny, is it really possible to get what you want so easily?"

".....No, he seemed to have asked us to prepare for something before. Did he expect that things would develop like this? Did he expect that we would take action against him?"

"Is it so easy to see through our thoughts?"

Cylitis began to reorganize her thoughts, but she felt her right eye was a little hot, which was equivalent to directly disobeying her superior's decision. Her head began to tingle, her thinking seemed a little slow, and she could only feel her physical condition. There was something wrong. She couldn't tell exactly where it was...........

"call.....Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!......call......."

Under the shade of the tree, Sven was lying on the hammock with a comfortable look on his face. One leg was hanging out and dangling wantonly. The corners of his mouth were open, as if he was drooling, and he immediately smacked his lips twice.


When Esalina saw Sven like this, the veins on her forehead suddenly popped up, and she became angry.

She is now wearing a gold-colored female armor with turquoise gems. The design is a little bold, and there are even a few places for defense, which gives her the best conditions to wield the sword vigorously.

She holds a two-handed sword that is also golden, but with fiery red gems. Her overall appearance perfectly complements her temperament. She is fiery, impulsive and somewhat unscrupulous.

"I'll let you sleep!!!"

Esalina lowered her body, stepped heavily on the ground with her left foot, and using this as her center of gravity, she rotated her body and drove the golden sword to chop down the tree above Sven's head.

"Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa——!!" boom!!

Crunch -

She deliberately did not cut off all of it, but left a little, and then she heard the crackling sound of the wood of the trunk.

"Aha? what happened?"

Sven opened his eyes sleepily, and then saw the tree above his head slowly falling towards him.


With a strange cry, the tree fell to the ground.

After the smoke dissipated, Sven sat on the broken tree trunk with a look of fear on his face. He patted the tree under him and said with some regret:

"Eh......I quite like this place. It's very comfortable here when I take a nap, but now it turns into a disposable alarm clock........."

"take the antidote.......Hand it over."The cold voice attracted Sven's attention.

Turning his head, Sven happened to see an icy blue one-handed sword like crystal pointing at his throat. Just one more inch forward would be enough to kill him. She killed herself.

Wellis's armor was very simple, or noble. Her whole body was pure white, spotless, without any variegation, unusually pure, and the white gauze skirt at the waist made her even more beautiful. A spotless and noble atmosphere

"take the antidote......Hand it over."Werless saw Swain staring at him without any reaction, thinking that he didn't hear clearly what he just said, so he repeated it again.

"You'd better be honest and obedient. After all, I hate pain. I believe you don't like it either, right?"

Olutini is wearing a blue armor, which is relatively simple, but she is holding a silver spear that is taller than her.

Can you really handle this thing?

Swain looked at these few Personally, there are those who are popular and those who are negative. The most popular one gave himself a kick at the beginning.

".......Hehe, hehe."But he was very satisfied with the choices these people made.

"How can you still laugh when you are about to die?"Esalina resisted the urge to rush forward and cut off Sven's head with a knife, and stared at him.

"Death is imminent?"Sven was so funny that his shoulders were shaking.

"Haha, that's ridiculous, your sword, no, have any of you here experienced the feeling of killing someone with your own hands?"

"How is that possible? ?"Esalina immediately retorted

"I think so. Since you have never killed anyone, why do you think you can kill me?"

"We don't need to take action. We just need to hand over you who violated the catalog to the integrity knight-sama."Olutini looked dumbfounded as she explained.

"Oh, that's a good idea, but the prerequisite for handing it over to the Lord Knight seems to be that you have to subdue me first."Sven heard this and nodded solemnly, as if he agreed with their thoughts.

"Tsk, aren’t you in our hands now?"Esalina put her hands on her hips, puffed out her chest, and looked at Sven with disdain. It

's already in their hands. How can you still jump?

But Willis, who thought he had subdued Sven, just blinked. In a blink of an eye, Sven, whom the sword pointed at, suddenly disappeared.

"uh-huh? When did you have the illusion that I was caught by you?"

Sven's confused voice came from Verlis's right ear. She was so close that she could even feel the heat of her breath, and a strong sense of crisis instantly surrounded her, so much so that she reflexively swung her sword to one side..

Swish - the sword light flashed, and Olutini beside her was almost affected, so she lost her balance slightly and fell to the ground.

"Uh-oh~! Be careful!"

"I almost lost all my hair!!"Olutini covered her head with tears in her eyes while accusing Verlis.

"........Feel sorry."Verlis apologized honestly, but now I think about it, I'm still a little scared. I almost violated the [Taboo Index]!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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