".......cough......."Fanatio violently coughed up a large amount of blood in the pit. The throwing skill just now injured most of her internal organs. The dark red blood mixed with some internal organs overflowed from the corner of her mouth and finally flowed out. Outside the helmet, the look is extremely miserable.

"This guy......what is it........"

"Are they really human?......."

"No, this is the devil....."

"This fighting method is too much......"

Everyone looked at Sven, who still didn't frown even though Fanatio had become like this, and suddenly felt that he really meant it? Or is this person really a human being and not a cold-blooded animal?

"......."Velis, Silitis, Esalina and Orudini watched the changes on the field without blinking, with different lights flashing in everyone's eyes, and they all felt in their hearts. Make your own calculations.

Sven walked closer to Fanatio, looked at her who kept trying to get up, and then raised his right hand to look at it.

"Hmm........It seems that the deputy knight commander is better than the uncle Bercouli in some aspects."

"After all, his sword is not that sharp, and his reaction speed is not as fast as yours........No, or should I say that his big sword can't be swung as fast as your one-handed sword?"Sven's tone was calm, and it was hard to tell what state of mind he was in when he said this.

At this time, Swain's right hand was cut directly from the elbow to the bone, and the bones were broken. After all, the whole set of armor was the most defensive. The weakest point is the position of each joint.

The red blood can't stop flowing out. It is obviously a costume with the highest defense, but in the end it is still injured. This should be the so-called thickest armor, the most poisonous one. Fight!

Relying on the previous continuous healing spell, Fanatio finally staggered to her feet. Looking at Sven's blood that kept falling, she knew she had a chance to win!

Sven's unique skills currently include Two major categories.

One is a skill that can only be used once a day, such as this clone. This kind of skill can only be used once a day without interruption. Although one session lasts for a long time, once it is over, you want to use it again. You can only wait until the next day to use it.

There is also a time limit. You can only use it for a fixed time in a day, but there is no limit on the number of times. You can stop it countless times and use it again, as long as you do not use it today. Once all the time is used up, it can be used countless times, and regardless of whether it is used up or not, the available time on the next day will be restored directly!

The clone that can only be used once a day was carried over by her. Although from the perspective of the process, it is He was able to carry it through with Sven's mercy, but the fact is the fact!

There is also a skill to enlarge the weapon, which consumes a lot of money. Fanatio doesn't believe that Sven can still use it!

Therefore, on both sides of the opponent Now that I can no longer use my hands, I can only rely on my two legs and the eight light wings.

This is already a huge advantage! It's enough to make Fanatio feel that he can fight with all his strength.!

"Unexpectedly, at the expense of my internal organs being severely injured, he did not defend himself but fought back."Sven raised his right hand and shook it twice. Only a small part of the muscle on it was still connected, and it was almost completely broken. Just looking at it made people feel bone-piercing pain.

"Hmm, but it looks like a good deal, doesn’t it? Fanatio saw that his helmet had lost its defensive effect, so he simply took it off and threw it aside. As for the wounds on his lower back, most of them were blocked by the armor, and the wounds were not deep. The wounds here were Ren Yazhongyu saw Fanatio's true face for the first time. She turned out to be a very dashing-looking woman. Although she was now disgraced and bloody and passionate, it was obvious that she had been groomed before. Yes, at least you can still see traces of lipstick on your lips.

But that's obviously not the point now.

"Is it? I don't think so......."Swain looked at Fanatio, his expression did not change at all, but in Fanatio's eyes, this was the best!

"Do you want me to give you some time to recover? asked Swain

"Are you confident? Or do you think that at this distance, you can't use sword skills, and therefore can't rush forward, that you can be faster than my sword?"

"Your remaining sword skills, whether the one filled with petals or the giant one, are very expensive. Can you still use them now?"

Fanatio put the Heaven-Piercing Sword back into its scabbard. Now it can recover as much divine power as it can! Even if it's just a little bit, it's all a profit!

"Can't use sword skills? what are you saying?"

Sven asked in confusion. At the same time, he straightened his right hand to the side and activated the 'Guard' skill.

"Indeed, the two skills you mentioned and other skills are very expensive, and I can’t use them now......."

Then, in front of everyone, Swain's arm began to regenerate rapidly without using any compressed sacred power or sacred magic!!!

Bones began to reconnect, flesh and blood began to reorganize, grow and connect, and the skin healed quickly, returning to its original state in an instant!

Sven's whole body surged with energy, and a circle of energy spread, blowing Fanatio's hair from his forehead, revealing his surprised expression and eyes full of shock.

"But this doesn't mean that I have no other abilities at all!"

Sven moved his re-grown arm and clenched his fist, then slowly turned his head and looked at Fanatio expressionlessly, as if he really wasn't affected at all.

"I have said before, always have some backup, because you never know when you will need it!"

But his actions undoubtedly told everyone around him that what they saw was not an illusion, but a real arm.

"How can this be?"

"He actually completed the regeneration of his lost body without relying on any external objects?"Alice's face began to change. Could it be that this is what Bercouli wanted these people to learn?

This is considered.......Sword skills?

"Oops! It seems like this ability has not been told to anyone other than the Knight Commander!"Among the people, only Edith had a bad expression on her face.

"Then, let’s start the next round~"

Sven lowered his body and prepared to start the next round of attack, and this time he only chose pure physical skills!

After all, after using multiple abilities continuously, the magic power in Sven’s body has basically been Bottomed out, although the initial consumption of Saint's Burst is very low, the consumption will increase explosively as the usage time is extended! He still needs to save a little before recharging, or in other words, he can use another supplement s method

"........"Fanatio bit his lips tightly, traces of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and he straightened up with some difficulty. Due to the previous blood loss and poisoning, Fanatio was still a little dizzy now, but it has reached the current level. What to say here Even if you grit your teeth, keep going!!!

Not only because I am the deputy integrity knight commander, but also because I am a swordsman and I want to help someone.

I can't fall here, I want to be that person's help, at least.......You also want to let the person opposite know that you are no worse than a male swordsman!

Fanatio looked at Sven and slowly raised her right hand above her head. A large amount of sacred power was released from the Sky Penetrating Sword, making it very dazzling. Then she shouted loudly:

"This is what you said, don't say it is cunning and treacherous, it is also a kind of strategy! When fighting, you should always make more preparations and have enough backup options!!"

"Oops! Everyone, move around quickly! The range of this move is very large, if it is affected, you will be dead!"

Edith, who had seen Fanatio's killing move, quickly reminded her. The people standing on Sven's side dodged without being reminded, but those who fell to the ground in the distance definitely couldn't. He escaped on his own strength!

"Lady Edith! We must save those people!"Alice pulled Edith's clothes, but unfortunately, Edith didn't seem to have any means to defend herself against this wave of attacks.

"hateful......Didn't the deputy knight commander consider how many people her move would accidentally injure?"

Edith was so anxious that she could only clench her fists and keep complaining.

"........Those people are begging you."

Sven stopped using his guarding skills, and instead gave the remaining magic power to Liya, who was also looking bored in the distance and was about to give in.

"Tsk......."The magic power in Liya's body began to rise. She smacked her tongue and walked up to those people looking very unhappy.

Everyone who originally wanted to escape but couldn't stand up looked at Liya walking in front of them and had no idea what she was going to do.

"Damn it, you gave me another boring job........."

Although Liya complained, she turned around, turned her back to them, pulled out the magic sword and stuck it on the ground.

"Wind King's Barrier!"


The spiral wind wall was a little dark red, but also showed a transparent appearance, firmly guarding everyone at the rear.

"you........."Verlis looked at the obviously protective behavior and didn't quite understand it.

Isn't Sven planning to take away their destiny?

Why do they still need to order people to protect them?

Suddenly, many pairs of curious eyes looked over.

"Don't look at me with that look. It's very unpleasant. Although I will be scolded severely if you die, but if you dare to look at me with that look again, I will be missing arms or legs. I believe He probably won't pursue it too closely........"Liya did not look back, but directly threatened impatiently.

But it does seem to work, at least there are really fewer eyes.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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