A long time passed after that, but for some reason Xiao Ai's face became blurry again.

I don’t think what I saw that day was an illusion, because it was so clear and real in my memory.

After that, Xiao Ai was no longer always flustered and at a loss because of some of my little actions, although she looked like she was blushing and holding on....

The dark shadow in front of me disappeared again. I touched the cold bracelet on my hand and looked around.

"Strange, where is Xiao Ai?"

I feel strange today. Normally when I come to the training ground, Xiao Ai will always sit aside and wait for me, but today's training has ended and I haven't seen Xiao Ai show up yet.

"Can ghosts oversleep?"I scratched my head.

By the way, can ghosts sleep? I haven't heard Xiao Ai say that. Okay, I'll ask when I see you later....

I left the training ground and came to the temple, but as soon as I came out, I noticed something was different today.

I looked back and forth suspiciously, but everything looked the same as before, and nothing seemed to have changed.

"Illusion?....Let’s go to the flower fields first."

I walked towards the mountain. Xiao Ai always goes there when he can't find me. I also went to water the water by the way......

"There's no one here either."While I was pouring water, I looked around.

"Where did it really go?"I tilted my head,

"I'll just wait here. Xiao Ai will definitely come back here eventually."I sat down against the horned rock.

Although I couldn't release the lightning from my body due to the imprisonment of various black rings on my body, I have never stopped practicing the control of lightning.......

"It's really weird today."I looked at the sun, which had mostly sunk into the clouds. It was already afternoon.

"Why hasn't Xiao Ai seen anyone today?"

I stood on the top of the cornerstone behind me and looked around, but I still didn't see anything else except the rocks that reflected the red light of the sunset and the sand that gradually dissipated the heat.

"Nothing will happen, right?...."I can't help but be a little worried

"Let's take a walk towards the temple...."I muttered to myself and started moving down the hill towards the temple.

I walked leaning on the edge of the cliff. After walking for a while, I might see the temple, but at this time I stopped.

Because I found that there was something wrong with the road today

"Is there this road from the side of this cliff?"I scratched my head

"Don’t have this impression? Could it be that grandpa just repaired it?"

This idea popped into my head that I don't even know how to evaluate.

"It’s better not to think about this nonsense, it feels like an evening bell will ring in my ears in the next second."

Although I have never heard Grandpa's bell yet, as the trial level progresses, the more the bell sounds like a dead wood, the more difficult the trial becomes.

I'd better go and see for myself.

I move forward quickly.

After I climbed over a huge boulder and turned an angle, I stopped again.

"That is....people?"My eyes widened.

There are actually other people in this place!?

I have been here for so long, and this is the first time I have seen a human figure. Although it is still far away, I have also undergone training to train my eyesight. Yes.

I quickly approached in the direction of the three figures with black dots.

"No, wait a minute, I think I’ve seen this outfit before somewhere."

As I got closer, I saw the black spots clearly. Judging from the back, they should be a man, a woman and another one?

"Is this a male or female?"I can determine the gender of two of them, but I am still not sure about the third one.

All three of them seem to be born and raised in the local area, and their skin is not a little bit darker than mine. My words should be considered Dark wheat color.

Like me, the man only wore a pair of trousers that looked like rag strips. He had rings similar to mine on his wrists, upper arms, and waist, but he was indeed copper-colored and had a good body shape. He looks very thin, and can be said to be skinny, but the little"skin" is all bulging muscles. The left hand is very long. Every time I swing it, I can clearly see that the hand is longer than the knee, but the other hand is One right hand was tightly wrapped in white cloth.

The girl looked a little thin and was wearing black clothes, but the clothes exposed almost all of her abdomen and back. There was a black ribbon hanging around her waist. Behind him, there was a man with broken purple hair, and he was walking with a limp. The dagger in his hand was full of blood, and blood was oozing slightly from all parts of his body. It seemed that he had the energy to go through a hard battle.

As for the third The individual covers his head with a large piece of black cloth, and almost no features of his upper body can be seen. Moreover, the clothes he wears seem to be suitable for both genders. His body exercises are like those of a male, but his gait and body movements are like that of a male. Female.

Among the three people, the girl was limping and walking in the front with wounds all over her body. The other two were behind. There were no wounds on her body. It would be better to say that there were no traces of battle at all.

"There are three strange people. If they go in this direction, they should be going to the spiritual temple."I stood on a dry tree trunk on the cliff and looked out.

I just fell behind these three people. When they arrived at the temple, I also wandered to the mountain diagonally behind them.

"Is this some kind of ritual?"

In the distance, the three people were kneeling a little distance away from each other in front of the temple. They seemed to be worshiping very devoutly. Then the girl walked alone to the middle of the two stone statues in the temple and began to kneel down alone.

"Sure enough, is there a reason why this place is called the Spiritual Temple? Is it possible that grandpa is still a respected figure?"

I turned around, and after thinking for a long time, I didn't remember that there was any mention of this place in the book - Azrael Temple.

Even though I have been studying for so long, I still haven't told me what Hassan is!

I He is just a ruthless student.

It doesn’t matter what you teach! I only care about learning! The rest is not my business!

The corner of my mouth twitched slightly and I laughed a few times.

It seemed that the three people in the distance stood up as if they had completed their task. , bowed respectfully and left the temple.

The three people who were about to go down the mountain turned around. Only then did I see clearly that except for the girl, the other two of the three were wearing skull masks, and the girl seemed to have just I picked up a mask from the door of the temple and am holding it in my hand

"That mask looks much worse than grandpa's, but I seem to have seen it somewhere."I closed my eyes and pinched my eyes and thought hard.

The masks of this group of people are very ordinary human masks, but there is no chin, the eyes are almost narrowed into a line, the entire mask is jade white, without any decoration.

"Ah, isn't that what the man who attacked me wore when I first came to the temple that night? ?"I patted my head and remembered

"In other words, the mask is not only worn by grandpa, but also by everyone here?"

What are the habits of people in this place?....

Is it scary to take this out in the middle of the night?

"He seems to be saying something else, so let’s follow him and take a look."

I slowly followed them from the cliff above them and began to eavesdrop on their conversation.


"Haha, no matter what, you have finally been recognized by the first generation of adults. From today on, you are also a member of the old man."The man touched his smooth head and said

"ah...Is it really okay for me to accept this?"The girl was a little uneasy

"say what? This is the result of your efforts."The person of unknown gender said in a neutral voice and patted the girl's back.

"Hooray, straighten your waist!"

"Yes, being able to obtain the mask is something that the first generation adults have acknowledged."The man also nodded in agreement.

"Now you are a member of the 'Old Man of the Mountain'. No matter what anyone says, you are now a member of Hassan!"

"ah...Um..."The girl stared at the mask in her hand and didn't know what she was thinking

"It seems that this is all that can be overheard, so what follows?..."I was thinking this behind an old dead tree diagonally above them, the next moment...

"What is Hassan?"I hooked my legs on the tree and hung my body upside down, only to suddenly appear in front of the three of them.

"Um!! ?"

"Varied! ?"


The man and the neutral figure jumped back instantly, and each took out a dagger to be on guard.

The girl did react a little slower, and seemed not very used to such a sudden attack. After I looked at her It took one glance to react, and she also jumped away and took out a dagger.

The girl's face looked very round, with purple eyes. When she looked at me at first, her eyes were a little blank, but now they are full of determination.

"Who are you? Why here?"The man asked at the beginning

"All three of them are daggers."I smiled.

If I was empty-handed with other weapons, I might have to consider it, but in the past few years, all the battles have been with daggers, so I basically have a complete grasp of how to use daggers.

"Who are you? Why here?"Seeing that I didn't answer, the man spoke.

But I still looked at the three people in front of me with a smile on my face, my hands hanging casually in the direction of gravity.

Seeing that I didn't answer, the gender of the three of them was unknown. The man pressed down, looking like he wanted to launch an attack.

"Curse wrist, what's there to say about following this kid? He appears suddenly on this spiritual peak and it seems that he is not a good person. Wait for him to be dealt with before interrogating him properly!"The man said something viciously and then rushed up with a dagger.

When he came to me, he used the knife to cut off the muscles in my arms, while I pulled myself up with my feet and abdomen at the same time. Instead, I grabbed the tree trunk with my hands, then turned around and kicked the person who came.

The blow missed, and the person jumped back quickly, and immediately retreated as soon as the blow missed!

I didn't chase him, but just followed the trend. Jumped off the branch and squatted on the ground

"Have a little fun."I touched my nose with the back of my hand, and my mouth covered by the back of my hand showed a cheerful smile.

(To be continued)

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