"Oh, welcome home. Edith looked at Sven and said with a gentle smile.


"Ahhhh! wrong!"Edith realized that she had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly shook her head and hands, with a panicked look on her face. She didn't know whether her red face was due to heat or other reasons.

"Are you really sleepy?....."Sven sat a little away from the fire, looked at Edith and said amusedly

"Really, now that you’re here, why don’t you wake me up!"Edith didn't dare to look at Sven, so she got up from the bed, used crystal elements to create a small mirror, then quickly turned her back and put away her makeup.

"Well.....My hair is messed up from sleeping......"Edith looked at her raised hair and thought of her unseemly appearance being seen by Swain. She immediately began to tidy it up in a panic. It was obviously something she was used to every day, but it might be because she was being watched all the time. So I didn’t finish it for half a day

"Sorry, sorry, it’s just that your sleeping appearance is a bit too cute and I can’t bear to wake you up."Sven saw that it seemed difficult for her to hold the mirror with one hand, so he took the initiative to step forward and help her hold the mirror for comparison.

"Eh! ?"

"Stop, stop talking nonsense!"

"You're still right........"Edith pretended to be calm and combed her hair several times faster, but she still couldn't comb it well, and she couldn't hear the rest of her words clearly.

"By the way, did you go out just now?"Edith coughed twice and changed the topic.

"I just went out to take a look, and I did find something, like the footprints of some large creature. The general shape looks like a human, but the human footprints are definitely not that big. It seems that they should have entered the End Mountain Range from the cave. internal."Sven recalled the results of the investigation just now.

"Cave? What about quantity?"When she mentioned work, Edith's expression became serious.

"Some of the tracks are scattered and it’s hard to tell when they were left. For the newer tracks, I can see only two of them for the larger ones. For the smaller ones, there are almost a dozen."

"Anyway, let’s go take a look."Edith finally tidied up her outfit, tied her ribbon, stood up and said to Swain.

"Um.....But before that, do you put on the armor first?"Sven pointed to the armor lying aside.

"Speaking of which! Why is my armor lying aside? ?"

"I just saw that you were not sleeping very well, and you felt a little uncomfortable."

"So you take it off for me! ?"Edith opened her eyes wide

"Well, what's the problem?"Sven didn't know why Edith had such a big reaction.

"Of course there is! And the problem is huge!"Edith covered her head and looked at the way Sven tilted his head. It seemed that he really didn't understand what it meant!

Doesn't this guy have common sense called shame?

"Why does this person always appear unexpectedly in strange places?......"Edith bit her nails and no longer knew how to describe Swain.

Did this guy really get a complete education?......Well, from what the Knight Commander said, this doesn’t really seem to exist!

After all, he is self-taught!!

Two people and one dragon came out of the igloo. The sky here was familiar to everyone present, and there was nothing surprising.

"Wu Wu, go to the sky and wait."

"No, let's just go back to the human world. We push forward from this side, and it goes to the other side to watch and don't let the creatures here escape there. Swain shook his head and redistributed the work.

"There are two of us here, so there shouldn’t be any need for Wuwu to take action, so it’s better to be on guard over there."

"That’s right, so do it."Edith felt that what Swain said made sense, so she nodded in agreement.

Watching Wu Wu leave, Edith followed Swain to the place where the footprints were found, and followed all the way to the so-called cave.

"Oh, what an exaggerated collapse.~!"Edith raised her head and looked at the mountain above, as if someone had dug a big hole in the middle.

"This is a natural collapse.....No, was it due to an attack?"Edith understood what was going on after a brief observation.

"The upper stone pillar was broken by the flames of Deusalbad's uncle's flying dragon, and then fell down, destroying the platform."Sven walked in front, towards the entrance of the cave that was dug in the middle of the mountainside, and at the same time stretched out his hand backwards.

"How did you know?"Edith put her hand on Swain's hand and asked curiously.

"Because I was on that platform at that time, and then I was hit by those stone pillars in the Dark Empire."Sven looked back at Edith, pointed to the pile of rubble on one side and replied lightly.

"Eh?"Edith was stunned.

"After that, he was discovered by those guys from the bald Senate and was taken back to the Central Church."

"I see. Then I found out later that you were actually an integrity knight, right?"

"That's right"

"You are quite capable of running, and you are quite courageous enough to even come to this place. Edith patted Sven on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"No, it’s just that my older sister and younger sister are here and I’m here to take them home."

"They just wanted to find the legendary weapons hidden in the caves and give them to me, and I caught up with them later and fought a bunch of monsters here."

"Oh~~! You have an older sister and a younger sister!"

"Hey, don't you look cute? Introduce me to you~" Edith didn't hear the second half at all, her attention was completely attracted by the first half.

"You are not a man, how come you are more perverted than the doctor I know? ?"Sven scratched the hair on the back of his head and couldn't figure it out. Could it be that

Edith, you chose the wrong gender when you were born?

Or was it because you were born with this personality that God confiscated your crime tool?

"Don't say that~"

"Cute girls are everyone’s precious possessions~" Edith poked Sven’s stomach with her elbow with a wicked smile.

"So you are also everyone’s valuable property?"Sven glanced at her angrily.

"Well......."Edith was speechless again and was stunned.

"Forehead......Forget it, just treat it as a person's valuable property."Sven felt that this was a bit rude to girls, so he withdrew his preface.

"Uh-huh......."But Edith didn't know where she was thinking, and her face began to turn red.

This guy! Even though he knows little about this aspect, why is his attack power so high?!

Is this a natural trap?

The two of them chatted for a while. Because they had Swain as a guide, the two of them moved forward very quickly.


Sven, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, moved his nose slightly, and reached out to stop Edith behind him.

"What's wrong?"Edith lowered her body and her right hand was already on the hilt of the Dark Sword.

"There is a smell of blood in the front, which is a bit bland......In short, it's better to be careful, pay attention to the shadow position, and be careful of ambush"

"I see. Edith nodded and drew out her weapon a little to be on guard.

After passing through this tunnel, Swain came to the huge ice cave that had left an impression on her. As soon as she entered, the smell of blood became strong. Get up

"What an amazing blood stain......"Edith looked at the blood all over the floor and sighed.

"The color is slightly bluer than that of humans. These are not left by humans."

"Well, it should be left by creatures from the Dark Empire, but......What hurt them?"Edith knelt down and looked around at the traces left behind.

"Maybe I know."Sven looked to one side and walked forward.

Behind a field of icicles, he and Edith saw the body of a black-armored water spider with many stab wounds on its body, and the most obvious thing was its huge body. There is also a broken sword on his abdomen

"this sword.......be mine?"Sven recognized the broken sword. It was the one he had used before. So this one was the one that escaped from his hand before? He didn't expect that after it finally escaped from his hand, it still couldn't escape. The fate of being beheaded.

Looking around, someone dug up a huge dragon-shaped skeleton. Judging from the footprints, they should be human.


After doing some research, Swain began to restore the scene in his mind.

"How about it? What’s the catch?"Edith came to Swain and asked

"There should be three parties at the scene. At first, there was a person looking for something here, but he was attacked by creatures from the Dark Empire. After the two sides started fighting, this big guy rushed in. After that, there was a three-party melee, but it seemed that it was the Water Spider and the Dark Empire. Biological losses for both sides"

"And this guy must have been hit with an old wound in the abdomen, causing a fatal blow."

"There is still a large pool of human blood over there. It has been a long time. The amount of bleeding is quite alarming. It is fatal. It is not sure whether he is still alive now........"Swain quickly restored the scene

"oh~!"Edith admired Sven's observation ability. After all, it would have been impossible for her to restore it so completely.

"There is another situation. There are new footprints at the exit over there, not human ones."

"Well, that should be my goal for this trip. Edith nodded and chased after Swain at the same time.

The two ran very fast, cleaning up the monsters in the cave along the way, but they did not catch up with the target until they came out of the cave.

Swain looked back and glanced at this The cave, and then placed a considerable number of gems along the entrance of the cave, directly sealing the area around the cave entrance with ice for nearly ten meters!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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