Edith stepped forward and joined the fight without fear, while the rest of the people could only step aside and watch quietly.

"Uncle Deik, don't we need to help?"A young man was a little moved when he saw Edith fighting. He raised and put down the long sword in his hand. He wanted to help but seemed very hesitant.

"help? What help? Is it a disservice?"Diek glanced at him angrily, and then found a stone pier to sit down. After all, he was really too tired.

Hey, he is really old.

"Didn't he see that the Lord Knight could kill one of them with one blow?"

"With all your three-legged cat skills, you better not cause trouble."

"Well…………"The man's face turned red and he wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say. After all, this was the truth!

At this time, the west side of the village

"what is this?"

Jike, who had just taken over as the guard captain, and the new guard members who followed him looked at the ice fog that filled most of the village below from the square, explaining that they looked at each other in confusion. It was just the ice fog. There is nothing scary, but after the ice fog surrounded all the buildings on this side of the village and the Goblins who broke into them, the miserable and abnormal screams of the Goblins never stopped! I couldn’t see clearly what was inside. The ice mist and the constant screams were just these elements that scared these fledgling rookies half to death, and their legs could not stop shaking.

"Isn't this haunted?"

A few timid people have already begun to make random guesses, and even want to abandon the front here and retreat.

"How about we give up here?"

"this…………"Jike also hesitated a little.

"no! no!"

"I absolutely won't allow it!"

A middle-aged uncle with a slightly bald head and squinting eyes came out on one side and immediately stopped Jike's idea of ​​​​preparing to retreat.

He is Barbossa, the landowner who owns the largest land in Lulid Village, and most of his land is It's in the west and part of the south of the village, so he can't give up here easily!

"But Uncle Barbossa, it's impossible to defeat these guys with our ability alone!"Jike said as if begging for mercy.

"That's your business!"

"It is your bounden duty to protect the village!"Barbossa shouted directly, his face full of anger.


Jike gritted his teeth and fell silent. It was obvious that Barbossa would not give up the land no matter what. This was also in line with his bounden duty as a landowner. People died for wealth and birds died for food. But he didn't know that the moment had really come to threaten his destiny. Can he really still be so arrogant?

"Hello………Why does it feel like the screaming has stopped?"

When the two sides were in a stalemate, one of Barbossa's men suddenly said

"Really...and the ice fog is about to dissipate………"

"It seems like something is coming?"

"Hello! Go and deal with him quickly!"Barbossa hid behind Jike in a blink of an eye, with only one head showing, stretched out his hand and pointed ahead with a panicked expression and shouted.


Although Jike held a weapon in his hand, when he heard the approaching footsteps now, the sword in his hand did not seem to provide much sense of security.


He swallowed hard and grasped the sword in his hand again, hoping to dispel the fear in his heart.

"Oh, I didn’t expect it. I haven’t seen you for a while. Jike, you have become the captain of the guard.………"

Just when everyone's hearts were in their throats, Sven, who seemed to them to be strangely dressed and unarmed, walked out of the ice mist with a smile on his face.

"S-Sven?"Jike blinked hard. He was sure that he was not hallucinating.

He lowered the sword in his hand slightly and looked uncertainly at the person in front of him. After all, Sven's appearance was too sudden, and the scene now can be said to be weird. Oh!

It feels like everything is just a coincidence

"Why are you here?"Jike shook his head and then asked

"I just happened to come back."

Sven was a little worried that these people would be as afraid of her other side as Alice, so he chose to cover the entire battlefield with ice mist.

But it still looked a bit scary.

After all, the screams of those goblins The sound still left an indelible impression on the people present.

Swain walked towards everyone, but except for a few people who knew him, everyone else stepped back.

"The rest of the guys have been taken care of, I'm going to the village to have a look."

Sven didn't say a few words before he wanted to bypass everyone and enter the village.

"etc! Wait a minute, you boy!"But at this moment Barbossa suddenly jumped out and pointed at Sven, yelling in a weird way.

"Is it really okay to let this kid in?"

"Don't forget that he is a big sinner who was taken away by the integrity knights. Besides, who knows if the guys who suddenly appeared here are pretending to be those guys from the Dark Empire?"

"Otherwise, how could he be dressed like this today?"

"This looks abnormal!"

Barbossa doesn't want to take any risks at this moment, and all elements that may harm his own interests must be eliminated!

Especially the person who suddenly appeared here at this moment of crisis, who would never appear here, and who was also an Integrity Knight for violating the catalog before. The guy the adults took away looks even more suspicious!

"Well………"Jike was speechless for a moment.

Although Alice had explained the matter of the Great Sinner, and Sven was there to learn, some people believed it, and some people did not believe it. This could not force others to believe it, so there was no other way.

Although the rumors would be self-defeating after a while, this rumor does not seem to have faded away over time.

And Sven’s outfit is really unusual!

You are so hot in the winter that you are so eager to go out that you wrap yourself in a quilt and never get out of bed. Good guy, just wear shorts and shorts! ?

"Um?"Sven glanced at Barbossa and was stunned for a moment.

After the scene fell into a brief silence, Swain tilted his head, with a blank look on his face, not remembering who he was at all!

"Who are you? Say we know each other?"

"You see! He doesn't even know me!"When he discovered that Sven didn't recognize him, the most famous landowner in the village, he immediately looked proud. After all, he had seen through the disguise of the impostor in front of him!

How about it! I'm awesome!


"He is the landlord's Uncle Barbossa!"Jike explained again with a bitter look on his face. After all, Swain's way of making friends........

That's all based on interest!

If you can't arouse his interest, he may not be able to remember your name even if you meet him every day. On the contrary, even if you have just met once, as long as he is interested, he will never forget it!

"Don't know, not interested."Sven curled his lips and was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He stepped on his toes and somersaulted over them.

"Oh oh oh!!!"Barbossa and his men leaned up to look at Sven's figure, and he almost twisted his waist because he lowered his waist too hard.


Barbossa let out a strange scream, and then he covered his lower back with a painful look on his face. Seeing this, the people around him hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"ah! Stop him! Stop him!"Barbossa, who reacted again, quickly pulled Jike and pointed at Sven in the distance and kept shouting,

"I see! I see! Uncle Barbossa, please be quiet first!"Jike comforted him with a look of despair. In the end, he had no choice but to leave a few people here to defend, while the rest followed him towards the village square.


"Sir Knight, thank you very much for your help."The village chief, Cusfert, and the other people present, regardless of age or gender, treated them equally and saluted devoutly and thanked them.

"Don't take it to heart, this is our duty as integrity knights."

Edith, who had already dealt with the matter, smiled and shook her head. She didn't think there was anything wrong with the behavior of this group of people. She just had a natural expression on her face.

She touched the fog dance beside her and started to sit on the bench in the square. Waiting for Swain on the other side, he also shouldered the responsibility of protecting everyone present.

Sure enough, Swain soon appeared from the other side, accompanied by several very noisy people.

"I told you to stop immediately………!"

As soon as one of Barbossa's men stepped onto the platform, he noticed that the square was very quiet. After taking a closer look, he spotted Edith wearing an integrity knight armor.


He immediately screamed strangely, and knelt down to salute with a livid face. The people who followed him noticed the strangeness of their companions, and took a quick look. In the end, everyone including Jike and Barbossa had the same expression as the first person. The reaction was exactly the same: kneeling down and saluting with fear and fear.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you, dear knight!"

Everyone's heads were lowered. After all, this was considered a collision and a sign of rudeness. If someone were to blame.......

Just thinking about it gives these people palpitations!

Of course, this was the performance of people other than Swain. His footsteps never stopped from beginning to end, so they became the only footsteps present.

Therefore, he became the most conspicuous person present.


Everyone present was an acquaintance, and the eyes looking at Swain revealed surprise, but the even more surprising thing was yet to come.

"Ah, welcome back Swain~"

Edith stood up from the bench and walked towards Swain with slightly larger steps, with a proud look on her face.

"How about it? Am I faster than you?"Edith puffed up her chest with a look of pride and pride on her face, how about it? This is the true strength of the senior!

Now you know it!

Don't underestimate me in the future, but respect me~~!

Edith! She was still looking forward to Swain's compliments to her, but in response, Swain struck her head with an angry hand that was beyond everyone's expectations.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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